Deafening Silence, _dream_ [brene brown rising strong .txt] 📗

- Author: _dream_
Book online «Deafening Silence, _dream_ [brene brown rising strong .txt] 📗». Author _dream_
He didn't break eye contact until Sara started talking again- almost making me jump in surprise.
"Boys!" She snapped scolding. “Leave the poor girl alone- before I tan you're hides!"
I would have laughed at the expressions on the two boys faces - but if I had been in their place I probably would have been just as scared. I settled with a light snicker behind my hand. The ebony haired boy that been chuckling lightly at his friends- stopped when he heard me laugh.
His gaze was fixated on me until
Sara said, “Hunter! Introduce yourself, Chris, and Billy."
Gaze still on me, the boy with the black hair righted himself from the wall and approached me- hand out stretched - and quirked the ends of his lips up in an almost smile that didn't reach his unreadable eyes and said," I'm Hunter."
Hunter's pov
"I'm Hunter."
Those where the first words that came out of my mouth, whilst I peered at deep pools of Violet. Calla stared at my hand and glanced at me from underneath her thick lashes, and nibbled on her bottom lip.
Tossing her hip length ink hair over her shoulder she gingerly grabbed my hand. I assumed she was just going to shake it. I could not have been more wrong.
Using my hand, she pulled herself into the encirclement of my arms- taking me by surprise, she placed a chastity kiss on both of my cheeks and murmured, "Blessings".
When she took a step back there was no noise between us but the silent hum of electricity. Her lips turned up at the corners slyly- whilst my lips parted in surprise.
The silence was soon ended by a low whistle from Chris.
"Hot damn," he muttered before grinning and opening his arms up wide. "Me next!" He chirped.
Snapping my head towards him, I snorted, "As if she would touch you with a ten foot pole, Chris."
Sara snapped her fingers in my direction- causing me to switch my attention from Calla's rolling eyes- to her. 'Get on with it', she mouthed, then covered her mouth with her hand- trying not to laugh as she assessed the situation in front of her.
Giving a dramatic sigh, I stepped towards Calla and said, "Lily, this is Chris-" I pointed at my smirking best friend-" and Billy." Billy- being one of the nicest people you could meet- gave her a friendly wave and a kind smile.
I turned towards Calla to tell her she is gonna ride with us today- only to find she was staring at me.
Furrowing my eyebrows, I asked her, “What?"
She opened her mouth then shut it, then opened it again- making her kinda look like a fish.
"S'wrong Lily? Cat got your tongue?" I chuckled.
She gaped at me then composed herself enough to blush lightly and drag her eyes down to the floor- as if she suddenly found her shoes fascinating - and muttered-
"My name isn't Lily."
I paused.
I didn't really notice that I had called her Lily.
I shrugged," I like Lily-" I paused and reached over a grabbed a wayward strand of wet black hair that fell on her face, and tucked it behind her ear - before shoving my hand back in my pocket before I continued." It suits you."
She raised her gaze to look into my eyes- and just like every time she did -it felt like she could see my soul.
I shiver and Sara interrupted our moment by clapping her hands.
"Alright!" She chirped, “Time for y'all to get going. Go on scoot!"
She shoved us all out the door - but not before having Chris, Billy and I kissing her cheeks and a hug- as she handed all of us our bags with our lunches tucked away inside.
As Chris and Billy sauntered over to the car arguing about only god knows what- I trailed behind them, laughing under my breath as they continued to act like an old married couple. Just out of the corner of my eye I saw Calla walking towards the bus stop. Remembering what Sara had talk to me and the boys about this morning, I jogged in her direction.
"Lily!" I called, "wait up!"
Luckily she heard me and stopped walking.
When I caught up to her, I said, "Come on." I jerked my head in the direction of the car. “You’re gonna ride with us this morning." And every other morning, I added in my head with a chuckle.
I looked down a saw Lily looking at me with the most dumbstruck expression on her face. She shot me a look that just screamed 'why?’.
Just as I was about to answer her- I heard a car horn and Chris call, “Come on you two! We’re gonna be late!"
Cursing under my breath, I looked at her and gingerly placing my hand gently on the small of her back- only to have her cringe away from me.
Retracting my hand I bent down to her level and said, “Look neither of us have time for me to explain this right now- but I promise I will tell you about it in the car."
She hesitated and peeked at me from the corner of her eye. Finally she nodded and started walking over to the car. I sighed and shook my head as I followed her towards the car. How am I going to explain this, I thought running a hand through my hair.
Deafening Silence - Chapter 5
Calla's pov
I don't know what possessed me into agreeing to go to school with Hunter. My thoughts as I slipped into the car that his friends were waiting, impatiently in- weren't really so much as thoughts than prays that they were not going to kidnap me.
Sliding over so I'm able to touch the window on the right side, Hunter gets in after me.
"Calm down asshole- we're not gonna be late." He muttered under his breath.
Chris shot him a disgruntled look, and I held back a giggle.
I turned to Hunter and gave him a pointed look.
"Ok I know I promised an explanation, and you'll get one- but you might think I'm lying."
I raised my eyebrow, but motioned for him to continue.
"Okay," he took a deep breath and started, “so Sara came up to us this morning and asked us a favor-" he paused and glanced at me. I nodded my head at him and he kept going."- she asked us to look after you."
I was speechless- Speechless and pissed.
"I can take care of myself." I snapped quietly, glaring at him.
He raised his hands in sigh of surrender, "Hey! Don't snap at me! She’s the one that told us, to look after you."
I huffed and turned to look out the window, "I can take care of myself." I repeated quietly.
Watching the scenery fly pass us, I fished my headphones, and iPod out of my pockets and put it on shuffle- ignoring everyone else in the car- silently singing along to Low Life.
I Know the feeling....
Hunter's pov
She tuned us out and listened to her iPod. When we got to school I was hoping that she would ask us to show her to the office or to her classes- but instead she jumped out of the car before it even came to a complete stop.
Jerking to a stop, Chris stepped out of the car and tried calling her back over.
Billy and I slipped out of the car and I sighed, "Don't bother,-" I watched her weave through the crowd, with her head down, and iPod cranked-” - She says she can look after herself."
Billy looked at me incredulously, "And you believed her! She smaller than a toothpick- for Christ sakes she’s gonna get trampled in there!!"
I shrugged and started to walk towards the front doors," It was her choice to turn down our offer- And She'll be fine."
Chris sighed and followed me, "Sara's gonna kill us." He said glumly.
“I know." I breathed Stepping through the large wooden gates to hell.
Calla's pov
With music blasting in my ears, I ducked and weaved my way through the crowded hallways- Finally reaching my destination of the main office.
Inside the small office was a petit old lady wearing her glasses on a chain and her long white hair in a messy bun. Gliding across the floor to her desk, I popped one of my headphones out of my ear and turned the volume down. The woman looked up at me when I cleared my throat.
She smiled at me and I smiled hesitantly back," You must be Calla," she said. I nodded, and she dug through the pile of papers on her desk whilst furrowing her brow, muttering, “I know I put your schedule somewhere over here."
As she searched for my schedule, the door to the
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