» Romance » Deafening Silence, _dream_ [brene brown rising strong .txt] 📗

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People say that love is beautiful. Grand. Instantaneous.
Their wrong. Love is harsh, ugly and destructive.
Some people fight tooth and nail for the right to love or be loved; only to have it thrown back into their faces.
Some people realize that the other person isn't worth fighting for.
Others follow their supposed lover blindly thinking that if they do the love will be unconditional and eternal.
Only to be betrayed and left behind while the other lives his or her life carelessly.

But sometimes....sometimes it’s worth fighting for them. Fighting till the end. This love is the only real love that will ever exist. And it will be pure and true.

Deafening Silence - chapter 1

Hunter's pov

It was a Saturday. A normal Saturday that started like any-other. Getting waken up by the arseholes I call my best friends, get dressed, then going to the dining room for breakfast. The same things that I did every morning- everyday- but it was when I went into the dining room that my life changed. For better or worse I didn't know, and frankly didn't care. I didn't even notice when I first walked in or when she walked out- it was later that I would realize that today was the actual beginning of my life. And it all started with a rainy Saturday morning.

Present Day....

"Hunter!! Get your lazy god damn ass out of bed or we're gonna miss breakfast!!", that ladies and gentlemen was how I woke up this morning; to my soon to be departed best friend Chris Andrews shouting in my ear.

"Uuuggghh." I groaned as I buried my head into my plush soft pillow. Tucking one arm underneath the pillow, the other grabbing the second pillow and using it to cover my other ear while I grumbled, "Leave me alone you arsehole. I'll get up when I'm ready to."

Chris huffed and replied," 'When you’re ready' isn't good enough." He grabbed my left foot and tried in vain to drag me out of bed.

"Come on," he groaned releasing my foot which I curled back underneath into the warmth of my sheets. "Billy and I are starving cuz you won't get your ass outta bed!" He whined - annoyed with the fact that unlike some people I didn't like to wake up before Jesus on a Saturday. A Saturday for god sake!

"You have five minutes to get up and dressed before I come back in here with Billy and drag your ass out!" Chris called as he exited our room, slamming the door as he left.

Groaning I threw my pillows and blanket to the side I got up and stretched my feet over the side of my bed- before running a hand through my hair. Sighing I stretched my back- as I got up and of the bed and headed to my closet. Grabbing a black T- shirt and low rider jeans; throwing them on before quickly running my hand through my ebony hair.

Glancing at my reflection in the mirror before three rapid knocks on the door made me jump.

"Dammit, Hunter! Hurry up in there before I go back in there-"

I cut Billy off by causally strolling through the bedroom door- after throwing on my favorite leather jacket, " And do what exactly Bill", I questioned him with a raised eyebrow; smirking down at him I lifted my hand and ruffled his hair causing him to huff, "You’re not exactly the intimidating type." I chuckled as he grumbled under his breath as he fixed his hair. Don't get me wrong, Billy can be a scary guy when he wants to be but to Chris and me - his best friends- he wasn't that all frightening. With his lanky figure and bright neon blue eyes- but that little shits fast- and can pack quite a punch.

Speaking of Chris and his fists- he just hit me pretty, freaking hard on my shoulder. “Asshole" I muttered under my breath, while my other friend Chris just laughed at us. Chris was taller than Billy but still shorter than I am, with dark brown hair and eyes to match. Chris I have to say is actually one of the smartest people I know. He can hack any computer system, phone line, you name it. And last there’s me- the tallest and apparently the scariest in our little group- with my ebony hair and bright blue green eyes. Billy, Chris, and I are best friends- practically brothers, since we have grown up in the same house for practically all our lives. Even when different families adopted one of us- we never lost touch. Ever. Adoption has really never worked for any of us- and since we are turning 18 next year; this is basically our home stretch. Just a little bit longer until we are home free and I plan on never looking back. That is except maybe Sara. Yeah Sara I'll never be able to forget. Sara James is the woman in charge around here. The girl looks after, us like we are her real family. But everyone here just calls her 'Big Momma' or just Sara.

"So, what classes do you have this semester?” Billy questioned as we walked down the hall towards the stairs.

"Umm... I think I have academic chemistry, tech, English, and gym." Chris stated whilst jogging down the stairs- in a rush to get to the table before al the younger kids eat all the good food.

"Of course you do smart ass," I retorted with a smirk," I think you'd claw your brains out if you didn't have Tech."

Billy and I chuckled when he replied with," Damn straight I would."

As we entered the kitchen we were greeted with the smells of pancakes, bacon, and syrup- and the sound of at least a dozen kids running around and talking. It was always noise to say the least; but it kind of had an at home feel to it - but i guess after living here for a few years would make you feel that way about the place.

Chris, Billy, and I sat down at our usual seats- with our backs facing the wall and across from the table there was the stove, cabinet, and as well as a small window showing- what usually is a bright green grass with kids playing and laughing on it. But not today. Today it was raining so all the kids that where usually outside were inside making the place seem a little more crammed then usual- even though there were only about a dozen kids under the age of 13 and 3 more above the age of 14 besides Chris, Billy, and I.

Whilst we were eating and talking about school that was approaching faster than we thought- Sara entered the crowded room. Sara James was on the good side of her forties- with pretty dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Good morning everyone!" she called in her usual contagious cheery tone- to which everyone to with the same happy tone. Well besides me. I grumbled a hello before she started to talk again looking more excited than normal.

"I have a surprise for all of you today," she squealed loudly causing my ears to bleed. Grinning like a mad woman she continued, " I have someone I would like you to meet." she reached beside her and whispered to the person of whom she was grabbing.

She gently pulled the and that was clad in a long sleeve shirt to reveille a girl -that looked to be the same age as Billy, Chris and I. She had long ebony hair that almost reached her hips, sun kissed skin, and the oddest colour of eyes. They were a dark midnight shade of violet, mixed with tints of black, grey, and white. She had on a long sleeve black shirt with black skinnies and a pair of thin rimmed glasses. She wasn't short but not really tall- about 5'8-5'9. The shirt she was wearing was kind of baggie- so you couldn't real tell what kind of body she had.

"This," Sara said excitedly gesturing to the girl standing next to her," is Calla- everyone say hi!!"

The room erupted with 'hellos and 'HI’s- awhile the girl- Calla- kept her eyes on the floor. She didn't say anything just kept looking down. The way she was standing made it look like she was almost curled into herself- almost as if she was protecting herself from something.

But what?

Deafening Silence - chapter 2

Hunter’s pov

After breakfast everyone headed either gone upstairs to their rooms or into the living room, to watch TV. Billy, Chris, and I decided to go down to the basement to play some pool- since our jobs were more of a night time scene- we usually either stayed home or went out on the town during the day. Unless it was during the school year- then we would sometimes go to school. We reached the bottom of the stairs in silence- not bothering to start a conversation until he broke the balls.

“Don’t you think it’s weird how Sara just let her go back upstairs after breakfast?” Billy questioned after he braked.

“Yea”, Chris agreed as he lined up his shot. Squinting he said, “She always makes them meet us first; remember –“crack! The ball sounded loudly as it hit against the others- sending them in frenzy as they scattered across the table.

There was a pause when I stepped up to the table and leaned against it- watching the balls roll around in a mix of colors.

I continued to watch as Chris added, “She doesn’t like them to feel left out. She wants them to feel ‘at home’ here.” He put air quotes around the words ‘at home’.

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