» Romance » My dark prince, Olawunmi Akinlemibola [best books to read now .TXT] 📗

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about it. All 10.5 billion dollars he left is mine in two years.

Thinking that she was asleep i walked into the living room. Nothing could prepare me for what i was about to see, there stood the fortune teller. All the events of last came rushing back to me. She smirked and thoughts of running out the house crossed my mind, but i didn't. If she really wanted to kill me i would already be dead. Wait why aren’t i dead? “ What are you doing in my house” I said.
“ What are you talking about. We’ve lived together since your dad died five years ago.” I she playing dumb?
“ Stop playing dumb.” She chuckled. This stupid bitch chuckled.
“ When are you ever going to except me as your mom Cecilia?” Oh my gosh. Did she just call herself my stepmom. I understand now. She’s trying to fuck with my head. Before she could spit out anymore of her nonsense , i turned around and walked out the door. Only i wasn't outside, i was back in the living room. My annoyance easily overpowered my fear. “ What do you want from me!” I almost yelled , my annoyance clear in my voice.
“Everything” she said. Before i had the chance to say anything else a horn beeped from the parkway. Thats weird i thought. Lloyd isn’t supposed to pick me up today. I ran to out the door and i was actually outside.

I was glad to see Ramon in his purple cadillac waiting for me. The fortune teller came out the door and yelled bye honey. I swear she’s the creepiest thing in the world. I got in the front seat and gave Ramon a big hug. I told him the events of last night and what i woke up to this morning expecting him to be scared shitless. I didn’t realize how completely insane i sounded until i heard him laugh. “What's so funny!’ I yelled.
“ Nothing, it’s just why are you so mean to your Stepmother she’s pretty nice if you ask me.” I’m 100% sure that Ramon has met my real stepmom at least 1 million times before.
“ Did you just call that lady my stepmom?”

“Yes your stepmom I’ve met her at least a million times now.” Before i could pound him with a series of questions he got out of the car . I was too caught up in my thoughts to realize we were at school. I walked up the stairs and there was Angela waiting for me like always. I know this is kind of weird but i'm actually glad she hasn't changed. I spoke too soon. "Hi bestie!" she yelled. Oh god please save me now. There is no way that Everything could have changed in less than 24 hours. At least i still have Ramon. Angela jumped to my side and attached her arm to mine. Not wanting to be rude i played along with her. She dropped me off in first period and went ahead to her class. I went to go sit by Ramon like I always do but he got up and sat in another seat. An idiot jerk named tyler took his place and tried to hit on me the whole class period. I was seriously contemplating ripping my ears out. My whole school day was filled with fake bitches trying to act like my friends and stupid guys trying to hit on me and Ramon avoided me the whole time! What the fuck is going on! I literally stomped home like a kindergartener. I got home ready to chew off the fortune tellers head. I couldn't help but blame her for what was going on. To my surprise i found her talking to my stepmom. As soon as she noticed me she poofed. No she really turned into a puff of smoke.

*******Stepmothers P.O.V*******

That stupid bitch will finally be out of my life for good. I can’t believe I’ve had to take care of this ugly hoe for as long as i have and to top it all of her gorilla of a father left nothing for me. With her gone there’s nowhere left for the fortune to go.She’s finally getting what she deserves.
As she walked in i saw her Jaw dropped. The sorcerer quickly disappeared and left just the two of us alone. I think I’m going to make this hoe’s life a little worse before i send her off. “GET TO YOUR ROOM” i yell. I can’t bear to look at her any longer then I have to.

********Cecilia’s P.O.V********

“Get to your room” She yelled. Her irritatingly loud screaming snapped me right out of my thoughts. I walked up to my room and began to ponder about the events of today. So the fortune teller who I’m sure isnt really a fortune teller knows my stepmom. Most people would think that i’d freak out knowing supernatural things like sorcerers exist but I’ve kind of always believed in things like that anyways. I tried to think of anything but nothing quite stayed in my mind. There really wasn’t anything to think about. It was all actually quite simple My stepmom and a sorcerer are tried to get rid of me but not kill me for some unknown reason. My phone vibrated telling me i had a new text message. I stretched as far as i could to get it off the table. I was feeling way too lazy to get off the bed. It was her.

The text read come down to my bedroom in about 15 minutes. What the hell was this demon planning? Honestly whatever it was it couldn’t be good. It was never good. 15 minutes later.... I started to walk to her room. I had a really horrible feeling in my stomach but i ignored it and kept walking. When i got there i noticed the door was already slightly open. So instead of knocking i went right in. There stood Lloyd in bed with my Stepmom. I blinked twice thinking i was hallucinating. As soon as he got a glance of me he shot out of bed. He wasn’t even wearing any boxers. “ Baby this isn’t what it looks like” did he just use the lamest excuse in the book. Really? My stepmom just laughed. I joined her pretty soon. Honestly this situation is kind of funny. I mean who would have guessed ? the slutty Stepmom and the retarded boyfriend? Of course. “ So does this mean you forgive me” Lloyd said. “ Of course not” i said. He winced and looked like he was about to shit his pants.

I’ll admit i haven’t been a bad ass these couple of days but anyone that knew me knew not to mess with me. I could destroy your life in less than week if you fucked with me. A lot of people wonder why I haven’t fucked up Angela’s life then. Well the reason is simple. It’s fun. I mean life gets pretty boring when no one is brave enough to even try and step up to you. My looks aren't really anything to be scared of I mean I’m 5’1 for jeez sakes. It’s more of what's running through my head that people are afraid of. “ Don’t worry Lloyd I have better things to do than to mess with you” I chuckled with absolutely no humor and walked away. At least me and Ramon will have something to talk about tomorrow. Oh yeah Ramon isn’t really talking to me anymore. I decided to go back to my room and text him about why he’s been avoiding me.

*******Stepmothers P.O.V********

Damn this hoe is really tough to crack. Well i only did this for fun anyways. Everything will go as planned as soon as i give her the potion and i know just how to get her to drink it. This boy really needs some training because i can honestly say that was the worst sex I’ve ever had. He needs some major size improvement. “Leave” i said. The annoyance clearly present in my voice. The boy put on his clothes in a flash and was out of the door. I got up and took the potion i was given down stairs. I opened it and poured every last drop into the last cookie in the jar. The fat whore always takes one before she leaves for school. The next few days should be a treat.
******Cecilia’s P.O.V*******
“ Ramon, why did you avoid me all day” I said.
“Girllllllll I don’t even know, You don’t even understand something was really fucking with my head and that lady who was at your door I don’t know who the fuck that bitch is.” Thats what i thought. Before the conversation could go any further i decided to change the topic. “ Anyways I saw the nastiest thing in the world today and I broke up with Lloyd, tell you all about it tomorrow and YOU BETTER SIT NEXT TO ME!!!!”
“ Girl don’t worry, I got you and I’m picking you up tomorrow” With my mind at ease i went to sleep.

I put on a plain white tee along with some black skinny jeans. I could hear my stepmom’s screaming all the way from up here. I couldn’t help but think this is the way it’s supposed to be. I grabbed a gel pen a pencil and a notebook, which is all i ever take to any class, and ran downstairs. I heard the beeping of a car in the driveway so i hurried up and grabbed the last cookie in the jar and ran out the house. I told Ramon all about what My stepmom and Lloyd did and how Lloyd was scared shitless to see me walk in on them. Ramon even offered to beat him up for me but of course i denied. I mean i wouldn’t want my best friend breaking a nail now would I? When we got to school as always Angela was waiting for me. I walked up with Ramon right behind me. “Listen you hoe, i don't know what happened yesterday but me and you are NOT friends and don’t ever come that close to me ever again!” she said. “ Oh thank god, I swear i thought i was going to pass out from having to smell your body odor all day.” I replied. “ yeah yeah. Keep talking shit I guess thats why Lloyd fucked your mom.” why doesn’t it surprise me that she knows? “ I gave her a death glare which made her flinch. Instead of throwing an insult right back at her i chuckled and said you shouldn’t have said that. just loud enough for her to hear. The rest of my day was just perfect Angela avoided me the guys kept their horrible pick up lines to themselves and Ramon was glued to my side until we had to separate for last period. By the way
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