» Romance » My dark prince, Olawunmi Akinlemibola [best books to read now .TXT] 📗

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and left. I was directed to all my classes and shown the room I would be staying with.My room was entirely white, the walls, the bed, the dresser. I was literally the only splash of colour in there. The day went by and everything seemed pretty normal, and even though I didn’t get a chance to talk to any of the students they all seemed like regular high school students. Later on that day and for the past 2 weeks it seems i can only dream up nightmares. The nightmares are so intense that she wakes up sweaty and screaming her hands bloody from scratching at them all night and her eyes read from a lack of sleep during this time she’s completely let herself go. Moving was dreadful and she could slowly feel herself losing her sanity as the days passed by. Regular daily activities like brushing her hair and teeth we’re slow agonizing moments even sitting down was dreadful. To put it simply she’s dying and no one seems to notice. She walks by all the teachers and students and she is treated like she’s invisible. After another long and agonizing day she was called into the office for an appointment with head master Walgrend. She dragged her limp body into the office to be met by a waiting Professor. His face twisted up into a crooked smile when she walked into his office. Seeing her appearance he had already thought he won she had already broken but he was going to play with her just a little bit more. “ How have you been this past couple of weeks Cecilia?” A question he knew the answer to. She didn’t respond with words but instead she nodded. The professor took this as a sign that Cecilia was willing to sign the contract. His happiness practically shot out of him in waves. “Excellent!, We’ll start right away!” He stated. Cecilia on the other hand hadn’t agreed to anything. “No we’re not, I’m not signing that contract and I never will” She stated in a calm bored tone. The fury in prof. Walgrend eyes were unmistakable he had a murderous intent. Cecilia saw this and didn’t do as much as flinch. It was okay If he was going to kill her because the torture she had been put through had prepared her for death. With one quick movement the professor had Cecilia by her throat and pinned against the wall.
******Ramons P.O.V********
I can’t believe that bitch just left me! If I ever find her and going to kill her myself that is if she isn’t already dead. Nobody has seen her since two weeks ago. According to all the teachers I asked she had transferred which is a load of bullshit. I even took time out of my day to go to her house and check if she was home and her step mother gave me the same bull, but I already knew she was full of shit. I can’t file a missing person report because no one besides me thinks she’s missing. On top of that I’m completely lonely and miserable without her. In the past few days my life has become hell! I'm not that kid that's invisible which is what I was when Cici was still here. In fact I would take that any day compared to what I am now. Everyday I'm swarmed with a bunch of ignorant females that claim they want a gay best friend. The males are the worst apparently I’m a good for nothing faggot and I should burn in hell. I swear if I get another one of those you need to find jesus quote again I’m going to explode! I turned up my radio, to block out the depressing rain that was making my mood worse than it already was. " IF you're a criminal then step on the floor steal it quick on the floor!" I was singing as loud as possible and not paying attention to the road. Big mistake. The car swerved ,crashed into a tree, and caught on fire. I kicked the door with as much force as possible several times and tried to get myself out but it was pointless. I could slowly feel myself losing consciousness and I knew I was going to die.

*******Cecilia's P.O.V**********
As Mr.Douchebag's ( A.K.A professor Walgrend) grip tightened I could feel myself leaving my body even though his grip tightened the pain lessened. I was almost dead and in what I swear was my last second in life he exploded. He full out spontaneously combusted. If I hadn't been so busy trying to get as mugs air into my lungs in as little time as possible I would have probably been scared shitless. people just don't up and explode. but then again people don't just get sent away to a weird ass school. I made my way out of the office as fast as possible and completely ignored the ruckus that was being made over I could care less what. Speed walking my way to my room a sudden wave of dizziness hit me. Something is wrong I can feel it but there's nothing I can do about it. It's too late. Without even realizing it, tears were pouring out of my eyes and I had no idea why I was crying in the first place. Completely ignoring the wave of dizziness and the tears I rushed inside my room and gathered my stuff in record time. I'm leaving this school and I'm leaving it now! Speed walking in the hallway again I notice that there are red flashing lights everywhere and the panicky is 100 times worse than it was the first time. Again I ignored it and rushed to the way I thought was the exit. I was almost through the door when something hit me on the head and I lost consciousness.

*****Ramon’s P.O.V*******
I don’t know if I’m dying or if I’m already dead but I can’t feel anything at all. All that surrounds me is darkness. All that I am is darkness. Then came a flicker of light and suddenly I was surrounded by color. My childhood was played right in front of me. Everything was blurry but one Image was clear, Rune’s face. I can honestly tell you that my childhood was the best and worst part of my life. Not because all I had to do most of the was eat sleep and poop but because of my friend. Yeah, that’s right friend, as in 1, I guess I was a loner since childhood. I was about 7 at the time and he was about 17 and no, he wasn’t a pedophile. Everyday I would go to the park and he would always push me on the swings and race with me. Though I was young I knew that spending a day without this man was absolutely impossible and I couldn’t even dream of him feeling the same way about me. He left me when I was about 12, 1 day I came to the park and he just wasn’t there. That was where the vision/memory ended. I remember trying to stay positive and thinking maybe he he got sick or something and he would surely be there tomorrow. Three months passed before I gave up looking for him and everyday after that became less and less worth living. Until finally I was done. A split personality was created in the process. There is me that is Ramon which is pretty awesome amazing and fantastical, then there is Roman. I kidd you not, when I say he is something to watch out for. He’s a demon. He walks around feeling absolutely nothing, not anger not pain not anything, It’s like he’s just a hollow body. He could go on a killing spree and not regret nor remorse anything he did but neither would he like or enjoy it,. He is the devil’s re-incarnate and he’s living inside of me but he doesn’t appear much. In fact he’s only came out once. About a year after Rune left and I felt like I had nothing to live for. I was cornered by 3 older boys about 16 each. They called me all types of names ranging from faggot to rainbow. That was when Roman came out I pulled out my knife and stabbed the closest one next to me. One of the other kids pulled out a gun and pointed it at me in that millisecond A girl screamed causing the kid with the gun to turn and shoot her out of fear. He and the other kid grabbed the one I stabbed and ran of. Too many thoughts were running through my head at that moment in time for me to come up with anything. I ended up just staring at her for an hour and like magic she woke up. She started to interrogate me and ask me to introduce myself like she didn’t just come back from the dead. And that is how I met Cecilia. Just when I thought I was going to stay “here” forever I suddenly had a falling sensation like the one you get when you’re right about to fall asleep and suddenly I was on a bed that wasn’t mine.......and In came Rune.

*******Cecilia P.O.V******
I woke up without opening my eyes. This is the second time I’ve been knocked out in the past two weeks and I don’t appreciate it. I knew there was another person here in the room with me even though they made absolutely no noise at all. Whoever the person was sat on the bed right beside my head. I could feel the person leaning forward towards me and eventually their lips crashed into mine. I opened my eyes and parted my lips to gasp which gave him an entry. I became so lost to the feel, the sensation, the electricity that shot through my body as his lips laid upon mine. Completely forgetting this was a stranger's lips I kissed back with as much If not more passion and with each second that passed the kiss became deeper, more intense, more demanding than it started of. I was sure I was going to lose my mind if this continued but I didn’t mind in fact losing my mind was a small price to continue this kiss. Everything started to disappear around me and I almost cried when the stranger broke of the kiss and everything went back to normal. The stranger gave me a smirk. No not one of those cute playful flirty smirks but the one you give people when you know you’ve already won when the game hasn’t begun. My mood shifted from uncomfortable to furious in a second. Whoever this person was kidnapped me and had the nerve to bend over and kiss me while he thought I was asleep. “Who the fuck are you and why the fuck am I here!?”. “ To put it simply you are in hell because you’re destined to be here.”
“That makes no sense at all do you mean you’re going to make my life a living hell”
“ No I mean you’re in hell”
“So I’m dead?”
“No...Well that’s a simple way to put it”
So lets go over what has happened in the last month. I went to a carnival and was attacked by an evil sorceress. My reality was twisted. A huge part of my memory is gone and I somehow ended up in a demonic voodoo school. And now I’m dead and in hell, That’s just awesome. Wait if I’m in hell shouldn’t I be burning and like you know... being forever in pain?But back to my first question.
“ So who are you again?”
“ Azazel.”
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