» Romance » My dark prince, Olawunmi Akinlemibola [best books to read now .TXT] 📗

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last period was awesome too Angela kept her mouth shut in fear of bad things happening to her. Everything was going great until i started feeling dizzy when walking to Ramon’s car. As fast as the feeling came was as fast as it was gone. We started the short drive home when suddenly another wave of nausea hit me.
“ Are you okay?” Asked Ramon. Even though he was standing right next to me it felt like he was miles away.
“ Yeah I just feel a little dizzy”. Just as we were about to drive onto my street I noticed a man directly in the middle of the road. “ WATCH OUT!!!!!” i screamed at Ramon as we were heading right for the guy. Ramon didn’t get the message fast enough and so we drove right into the man. But instead of hitting him we drove right through him, then he vanished. Okay now i was totally freaking out i mean a lot has happened in the past two days but this is seriously creeping me out. “ WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO WATCH OUT FOR!!!” screamed Ramon. Wait....he didn’t see him? “Um...nothing my bad i thought i saw a cat crossing the street.” I lied but what was i supposed to say? A man appeared and vanished into thin air? “ That was a horrible lie and never in your life scare me again.” Another sudden wave of nausea hit me and by the time we got home i could barely think without a headache. I kissed Ramon on the cheek and thanked him before running into the house. I quickly ran upstairs not wanting to deal with my step mother while i was in this conditions. I layed on my bed trying to go to sleep since apparently sleep cures headaches.

*******3rd Person P.O.V*****

As soon as her head hit the pillow an excruciating pain overcame her. She felt like smashing her skull with a rock repeatedly to stop the pain though it would not go away. It got worse by the minute and before she knew it she was yelling at the top of her lungs for it to stop. As the migraine was starting to ware off things in her room started to distort. Her once comfortable bed and pillow have turned into maggots and flies . The floor around her turned into gravel and she was suddenly in chains. Completely oblivious to the fact that she was hallucinating she started crying and begged for her captor to release her. Her step mother came in the room knowing that the process has begun. Instead of Cecilia seeing her step mother she saw and overgrown lizard with dangerously sharp teeth and sharp claws, by this time she was trembling with fear, something she rarely experienced. Her stepmother took this chance to call the police and explain the situation her and her “Daughter” are in. She had a sickly fake affectionate and concerned voice that only a master actress could pull off. The police wasted no time arriving at the scene and quickly picked up Cecilia, who was still trembling violently and has begun sweating like rivers, and put her in an ambulance. They rushed her to a hospital where a doctor was already waiting on their arrival. All the while her stepmother was doing a truly magnificent job at being the worried concerned mother. The doctor took about 4 hours to examine Cecilia who was still screaming and trembling with ideas that the doctor was also a monster. “ We’re sorry we couldn’t find a single thing wrong with your daughter . We suspect that maybe the cause of this is stress from bullying at school but when we called all the teachers say that there were no signs and a couple of the students says everyone pretty much leaves her alone. We have no leads and her body isn't suffering from sleep deprivation but we recommend seeing a psychiatrist.” “Thank you doctor I don’t know what to do anymore ohh god i love her so much I can’t help but feel like this is all my fault.”She said. The doctor gave her words of reassurance and with that she took Cecilia and left.

******Crystals (Step Mom) P.O.V*******

I pulled out my cell and dialed that sorcerer lady Aurora. “ Hello, I’ve already done what you asked of me now it’s your turn”. “ Ohh but your work Isn’t finished yet? You still have to enroll her in that school I told you about.” she told me. I cut off the phone and went ahead and called the school and told them all about “My Sweethearts” situation. At first the head of the school was very hesitant but as soon as i mentioned that aurora ( the sorcerer) had recommended the school to me she completely agreed and told me to send all of Cecilia’s registration information and to get her there as fast as possible. I can’t wait to get that bitch out of my life. The school which doubled as a mental institution is practically in the middle of nowhere in fact the school has absolutely no connection to the outside world.In fact I’ve never even heard of it and neither has any of my friends or Cecilia’s teachers, who are very good in bed by the way. I could say Cecilia ran away and no one would ever know where to find her. I would be the only one left to take her father's fortune. I knew something would come out of marrying that old good for nothing pervert. Now i can have all the riches i‘ve ever desired and they say looks can’t get you anywhere. By now the potion is probably wearing off so i think it’s time to get her to that school. It was actually a five hour drive but we got there in five minutes thanks to Aurora. The school was really not that big in fact it was probably only the size of our mansion which is pretty small for a school that doubles as a mental institution. I threw the bitch inside which was all i had to do .The staff was already taking care of everything so i took my leave.

**** Cecilia’s P.O.V ( 3 hours later)******
I woke up tied down to a hospital bed wearing that blue dress thing that they give to you. There was this horrible feeling i had deep inside my gut. Something was definitely wrong. The last thing i remember was falling asleep on my bed, I have no idea how i got here. Hmm...Where exactly is here? Completely forgetting that i was bound to a bed i tried to get up which caused the ropes to burn my skin. Well not literally but you know what i mean. Doing the reasonable thing , I decided to scream which was sure to get Someone’s attention. Now most people would think that I’m really stupid for doing that but honestly if these people wanted me dead I’d probably be dead by now so there wasn’t any immediate danger. A man with cocoa brown hair with specks of gray and black eyes. He had on glasses and a gray suit. He looked to be in his 50’s. He had on the most devilish smile i had ever seen and the whole room seemed to fill with his presence. He was very intimidating but i wasn’t going to let him know that. “ Cecilia you’re finally awake i see” Eww his voice is ugly. “ Yeah I guess, Now untie me”. I demanded. Surprisingly he did as I said. He sat down on a chair opposite of the bed so we were facing each other. “ Well what I’ll tell you shouldn’t really be much of a surprise you’ve probably known all along but never really acknowledged it.” He needs to stop beating around the bush and come out with it. “ You’re an Immortal simple as that.To control your powers you have to make a contract with me all people in this school are immortals. The school also doubles as a mental hospital because all those that don’t make the contract with me have no way of keeping their powers in control and become insane.” The immortal thing was kind of obvious. ( Author's note: Okay this part is REALLY cliche) Ever since i was little I’d been able to heal really quick and even though i had more accidents than normal i never broke a bone. The weirdest thing that ever happened was when i was shot at 13. The bullet knocked me out and by the time i was awake the bullet was out of me and the hole was already closed it left a scar, which eventually healed too. So of course I kind of knew but i didn’t come to that conclusion.I NEVER freaked out because ultimately when you’re done freaking out you’re problem is still right in front of you. The contract part sounded really fishy to me though. “ How does the contract work.” i asked. “ Well it’s simple when you sign the contract me and you will be bond I’ll know exactly where you are and vice versa. You will beable to take some of my powers whenever you want and I’ll be able to take yours when I want. The stronger immortal is always in control so i can block your powers or make it so you can’t take mine. I know doesn’t sound too good but we don't need immortals showing and using their powers on every human they see. The bond is also useful in a fight considering you would have someone to lend you power when you need it. You could also have a power overload if there is no one to extract that power. Most victims of overload go crazy but in the worst case scenario they die.” The contract sounded very reasonable but i wasn’t a very reasonable person i usually went with my gut feeling and my gut was telling me not to ever sign this contract.I still asked questions none the less. “So how do people sign the contract?” I asked. “ Well its a peice of paper stating exactly what I’ve said and you sign your signature in blood and then you take some of your blood and you make a line down my face while i do the same with my blood.” Okay this is some weird voodoo Sh!t. I’m definitely not signing now besides I’m too pretty to die or go mental so I’ll be fine.

****(Back to present) Cecilia’s P.O.V****
At least that’s what i Kept telling myself.
The new beginning

****(Back to present) 3rd person P.O.V****
At least that’s what she Kept telling herself. After refusing to sign the contract the with guy who she later knew as Professor Walgrend didn’t look the least bit surprised in fact he looked almost expectant of that answer. He said something like you’ll come around

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