» Romance » Complicated, K.B.M. :P [english novels for students TXT] 📗

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shill she should have the right to know!” I shouted. He replied mildly, “ I know I’m just waiting for the right time.” After the conversation he dropped me off at my small apartment and then away he went to his beautiful daughter. I adjust my pants at the thought because she has that effect on me.

  Mark’s P.O.V.

It’s Friday night. I should be hanging out or partying. Instead I’m thinking about that girl I saw. She was so beautiful and her blood smelled wonderful. My fangs tingle and show slightly at the thought. Who was she? Why was she hanging around that old worn down wolf? Could she be his daughter? That seemed very unlikely her blood didn’t reek of that wolf smell. Still, I never felt so attracted to a girl before, but what got me most were her eyes… they were just so blue. I could’ve been lost forever in them. I’m not saying she is hot because she definitely is… with those curves and those breasts. MMM… Oh God. I  undo my pants revealing my now rock hard cock. I better take care of this…. grabbing my cock in one hand to relieve myself, but that doesn’t work….ugh...time to take a cold shower. I get up grab a pair of boxers and into the bathroom I go.

Chapter 5




  Jessie’s P.O.V.

Dad didn’t get home till late. I wonder what was so important that I couldn’t know about? ANyways he got home about midnight and he probably expected me to be asleep… wrong. I had to clean my room and unpack everything. I barely laid down to go to sleep when my dad drove up. So instead of letting him know I was up I pretended to be sleeping. Then, I actually fell to sleep not realizing how tired I actually was.

I woke up the next morning feeling energized so I change into myy running shorts and sports bra cover with a tank. I leave a not so dad knows where I’m at, then I leave. I start out by sprinting and slow down to a steady jog, when all of the sudden I see Erik driving towards my dad’s cattle pasture. He gets out of his truck and while he wasn’t looking I quietly sneek up behind him and shout, “Boo!” He jumped slightly and growled. Growled? Why? When he saw me he relaxed and laughed. He has an amazing laugh it’s so rich. “Hey Jessie, that’s quite a talent you go there No one is ever able to sneak up on me.” We both laugh. “Yeah I might be a wolf. Rawr!” He froze. Did I say something that upset him? “Did I say something to offend you?” I ask. “No, you didn’t. Don’t worry.” He smiled that carefree smile.I bite my lip softly and blush remembering the time about yesterday when he was shirtless. “What are you thinking about?” He asked snapping me out of it. “Oh, nothing” I say.

     Erik’s P.O.V.

Oh. My. God. She was biting her lip and blushing. What is she thinking about. I adjust my pants and try to hide my hardening cock. “What are you thinking about?” I ask wondering what’s going on in her cute little head. “Oh, nothing.” She said. Oh hell not it’s nothing. It must be something. “Are you sure?” I move closer to her till our bodies are only inches apart. She gulps. “No, I’m not sure,”she says, “but can you help me figure it out?” Oh. My. God. She is flirting back. I press her up against my truck making it so our lips are so close they could touch. I lower mine onto hers and she kisses me back. What am I doing. This is the alpha’s daughter. I could get in massive trouble, the worst possible punishment is death. I pull away quickly and saying, “I’m sorry.” before I hopped into my truck, adjusting my pants, and driving off.

     Jessie’s P.O.V

One minute we we’re kissing the next he was gone. I wonder if it was something I done? No. He said sorry he must’ve thought he did something wrong. I continue walking back to my house still tasting his lips on mine. I put my finger to my lips which were still slightly swollen.

I went into the house a half hour later finding dad was sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee with eggs and a side of bacon. He looks up and says, “There  is some more on the stove, help yourself.” As I begin to pile food on my plate I ask, “ Papa. What was so important yesterday that you couldn’t tell me?” He looks up at me and says, “ Because you don’t need to be involved yet.” Confused, we continued eating in silence.

     Mark’s P.O.V.

I was dreaming about that girl. SHe was so perfect, wearing a revealing red dress. Then I woke up.... with y cock aching. I begin to pleasure myself. Relieving myself. I go take a quick shower and go for a ride, wondering if I”ll run into that tasty girl I love.

     Erik’s P.O.V.

Why did I do that? I can’t believe I actually kissed the daughter of the alpha. Can I be anymore stupid. I just hope she won’t say anything to her father… or I’m going to be the next meal for the pack.

I meet up with Austin at the par. He is not the best looking guy in town, but he is still able to attract female attention with his 6’1”, small build, brown curly hair and don’t forget his adorable brown puppy dog eyes and dimples chicks go crazy for. “Have you heard. the alpha has a daughter and she lives with him, I hear she is a real babe.” He says. “She sure is,” I say without realizing it. “Wait , dude are you saying you met her?” I mumbled. “Spit it out tell me everything!” Austin demands. “Well first off she is really hot she has light auburn hair, sky blue eyes, and amazing curves, and really great breasts!” He looks at me in awe. “Is that all?” he asks. “No, but I dissed her but, you can’t say anything to the pack.” His mouth drops open, then he closes it taking the oath of the wolf. “But dude how was the kiss?” I smile and smirk slightly, “It was amazing.” Then we get up and head off into the forest transforming into our wolf forms.

Chapter 6




Jessie’s P.O.V.

It’s monday morning So I get up, grab my black skinny jeans, a tank top, and matching bra and underwear. I go into the bather and take a shower for ten minutes. I get out and get dressed. I blow dry my hair and put on some mascara and lipgloss because I already have an almost perfect complexion. I grab my red hoodie and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen where dad was. Sitting at the table.

Hey, flower.” he said

“Hi, papa.” I gave him a smile

He held up a pair of key and said, “ I got a gift for you, here,” he tosses the keys and I barely catch them, “go look in the driveway.” Confused and excited I go outside and see the cutest vintage VW (or a bug). It was a baby blue. I ran back inside and gave dad the biggest hug ever. “Thankyou,” I love you, papa.” He smiled and said, “And I you, my little flower.” As I went outside to my cute little bug I believe I actually saw my dad cry.

I park my little bug and start walking to the into the school. Man, this is awkward I keep getting stares. I put my hoodie on trying to attract less attention then what i was actually getting. I look at my schedule to see what I have.

1st hour

Room 102       College Algebra     Prof. Williams

Room 304       U.S. History & Government   Prof. Ward

3rd hour

Room 206       Chemistry         Prof. Pope

4th hour

Room 303       Drama 101 Performing Arts     Prof. Nolan

5th hour

Room 110       Lit. 101         Prof. Burton

6th hour

Room 203         Economics         Prof. Cockett

I look around going threw groups of giggling freshmen girls and cocky football players and many other groups that go on in high school. I finally find my class. I walk in only seeing a few students  because the bell hasn’t rung yet. I take a seat in the back just as the bell rang. Small groups of students flocks into the room

“Ahem.” I look up seeing a girl with curly hair the color of red fire, dark blue eyes, she has almost the same curves as me but hers don’t show off much as mine. SHe was wearing a mini skirt with a very low cut black shirt (Slut! It shouts). “You know you are sitting in my seat.” She snarls. Great, I already dislike her. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know we had assigned seats.” I said making myself sound confused. “We don’t. That’s just where I always sit.” She game me a evil smirk. God I hated her more than before.”Well, I guess you will have to find a new favorite seat.” I said with a smirk. She flashed me a “I will destroy social life here” with that she stormed off. Then I said under my breath “Bitch.”

First hour went by fast, and so did second. I walked into chemistry seeing Erik. I smiled at him and he smiled back pointing to the chair next to him. I sit down next to him and whisper, “hey” and he replies with a, “Yeh long time no see.” I’m glad I know someone. On the other side of me was a girl with wavy brown hair that fell slightly past her shoulders. She had big brown eyes that almost give of a puppy dog look, she also had a great tan. “hey,” I said to her, “names Jessie what’s yours?” She gave me a small smile saying “Ambry.”

“Hey Ambry looks like we’ll get to know each other alot better.” I smiled and then she said, “Yeah I think your right. It seems you already met Erik.” I was a little confused so I asked, “Oh, how do you know Erik?” With a smile that spread across her face she said, “Oh he is my boyfriend.” Then it hit me. Erik kissed me when he was dating someone else. “Nice.” I said quietly staring down at my book the entire class period feeling Erik’s and Ambry’s stares burning into the side of my head. I put my hoodie

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