» Romance » Complicated, K.B.M. :P [english novels for students TXT] 📗

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on hinding my now flushed cheeks.  Chapter 7




     Jessie’s P.O.V.

Third hour went so slow with the stare-downs of Erik and Ambry I couldn’t keep myself focused. As I walked I looked down the hall to the drama room. It was easy to find since it was next to my history class. As  I walked in my jaw dropped because standing right in front of me was the guy from the office. Yes, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. I looked away from him not because I wanted to, but because I was getting stares at from gawking little freshman. I took a seat in the back trying to make myself invisible when the teacher asked me to do something I was hoping to avoid and she said it in front of the class! “Class we have a new student with us,” she wiggled her finger telling me to come to her,” come introduce yourself and tell us who you are!” I stood up and walked to the front of the class. Taking a deep breath and removing my goodie so people could see my face I began.

     Mark’s P.O.V.

I was laughing at a joke someone made about the new girl, but then she removed her hood and started telling us about her. Holy Shit! It was the girl from Friday. “My name is Jessie Evans., I’m 17, I came from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I was living with my mom, but now I’m living with my father, Rob Evans.” As soon as she said that, there were gaps and whisperings like “I didn’t know he had a daughter.” and Why would anyone leave him, he is like perfect guy material.” I personally was staring. I didn’t realize my jaw dropped till I closed it. She didn’t smell like a wolf. Maybe she is a fluke. Maybe she got skipped and is a normal human. Just as I was thinking this she cut her finger. God she smells so good. Yup she definitely isn’t a wolf. Not that the werewolves aren’t bad it just we can’t carss mix. It could end up killing either one of us or the child.”Class we are going to be practicing on monologues. Pick a partner of the opposite sex?” Perfect. I can pick her and get to know her better. Then I look around, other guys wanted her as well. I’m not going to let that happen. “Okay, you may now pick your partners.” Professor Nolan said. I stood up walking back towards Jessie. When the other guys saw what I was doing they retreated back silently. Some we’re more resilient, but other then that it was easy. When she saw me coming she froze. What was she thinking in that mind of hers.

     Jessie’s P.O.V.

I walk back to my seat, feeling like I was ham surrounded by hungry hyenas because all the guys were drooling over me. i take a deep breath grabbing out a piece of paper. Shit! I cut myself. I grabbed a band-aid and put it on my cut. ”Class we are going to be practicing on monologues. Pick a partner of the opposite sex?” Great. This is just great. Some guy is going to be my partner and will try to get his hands all over me. Girls wouldn’t be any better either because they are all pissed at me because the guys are wanting me. “Okay, you may now pick your partners.” Curse you Professor Nolan. I look up seeing a the guy from the office. I freeze. Is he coming this way? Oh my God he is! What do I do!? I panicked in my head. Shit! I don’t even now his name this is just great. “Hey want to be partners?” he asked. I nodded. He grabbed a chair flipping it around so that the back of the chair is in front of him allowing him to lay his head on his now folded arms. I whisper to myself, “What did I get myself into now?”

     Mark’s P.O.V.

She mumbled something. “Excuse me? What was that you said?” She shoots up and her cheeks start to turn red. “Oh, nothing I was just talking to myself.” She gave me an uneasy smile. SO I decided to change the topic, “ You are the girl I bumped into at the office on Friday.” I winked at her. That just made her face go as read as a tomato. I chuckled. “What are you laughing at!” Man she was feisty. “Oh just you.” I chuckled again because she started to pout. I couldn’t help myself. She was just too cute, she had a pouting lip. Not only that but she was stunningly sexy and very brave. “Oh I’m sorry I upset you. Anyways  let me introduce myself. Name’s Mark Montgomery.” I gave my most friendly smile. I saw her shoulders relax. “I’m Jessie, which you already know…” Then she laughed. She had the most amazing laugh. It was like music to my ears. I smiled and laughed with her.

Chapter 8




     Erik’s P.O.V

It’s lunchtime I need to explain to Jess about Ambry. I don’t want her to have a grudge against me. That was when I saw him. He had his arm around her shoulder. Were they laughing. I growled. She is mine not his! Was he touching her ass!? He can’t hold her or touch her like that! She is mine not his! Oh my God. No that’s not possible. Is it? She can’t be…but she is… she is my mate, and right now I’m pissed. More than I ever have been before. I was going to blow up. How dare the vampire! He has no right. I growled again, my wolf was starting to take control. I walked up to them. “Hey Jessie,” and looked over to him, “and Mark.” Growling I tried to hide the new hate and anger against my nemesis. Mark Montgomery. The war is on. Things just got complicated...

Chapter 9




 Jessie’s P.O.V

I was walking with Mark. He laughs, “Jessie, lets be honest you can’t act at all.” I stared at him, “Oh, like you did any better.” Sticking my tounge out at him we both broke out laughing. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we enter the lunch room. He smiled at me. Then he patted my ass slightly to show where we we’re going to sit. Just as we we’re about to sit, Erik came up to us. “Hey Jessie,” He looked furious, “and Mark.” Did they know each other? It sure seemed like it. Erik looked like he was going to kill Mark. Oh my God The glow that was in my father’s eyes are now in Erik’s. What is going on with my life. All of the sudden I felt a pull to Erik, like I should protect him. What? Why would I have to do that? Am I in love with Erik? “Hey Erik,” Mark said, “mind if I take this lovely girl for a bite?” What does he mean ‘for a bite’? I pull away from Mark. “What do you mean, Mark?” Mark looked the same way Erik did that night at the stables. He smiled. “How about I show you.” With that he pulled me out of the cafeteria. I tried to scream, but he cover my mouth with his hands.

After he dragged me out of the school, he ran faster than I seen any human run. I tried to think of reasons why he had this speed. It was like he was immortal. Then that’s when the thought popped in my head Mark is a vampire. I tried to shake the thought from my head, but it kept coming back as though it was the only possible option. When I get out of my thoughts I notice Mark has stopped. I look around seeing a large lake. Mark put me down. I stood dumbfounded. Then that's when it happened. Mark’s two top canine teeth turned into fangs. That’s when I knew for a fact that Mark was a vampire. I started to cry which faded into a soft plea. I knew what he wanted from me. My blood. He stopped going for my neck to say a harsh “Shush!” Then he continued going for my neck again. Out of nowhere came a wolf. This was not the average wolf either. It was much larger and it’s eyes were not a normal wolf color. In fact they were hazel! Not only did they look like his. They were his! Even his fur matched his dirty blonde hair.

Mark starts to let go of me, but before I realize it he cuts my wrist and licks the blood. His eyes go red. Then without a warning he bites into my neck.I scream. That’s when the wolf sprinted forward jumping onto Mark’s back biting into his neck. That’s when I know for sure that is is him. Erik. The guy I kissed was a werewolf. Mark pushes Erik off his back. He picks Erik up with impeccable strength, then he throws him against a tree. Hard. Hearing a crack and Erik yelping, I did not know if it was the tree breaking or Erik. “Erik!” I scream not knowing what to do, I start crying. After  a minute Erik was still laying on the ground whimpering. That’s when it happened. I felt uncontrollable anger against vampires. How dar Mark hurt Erik. When Mark tried to drink more blood from me I yelled at him, “You think you can drink blood from me and hurt Erik,” I snarled, ”you are wrong.” Looking stunned then pissed Mark said, “You are lucky I have waited this long and you are lucky I haven't told my boss,” he smirked, “I just had

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