» Romance » In Love and Outdone, Milli-May Skys [korean novels in english txt] 📗

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on the floor.I was so mad i jumped over the counter_________And then i grabbed you before you could get him.Sage sed.Yeah he did.Witch i dont know why you stopped me.He was a pain in the ass to all of us.Blake sed handing a girl her bag.I laughed.I stopped you because you could of lost your job.Sage laughed.That is true boo..But it would have been worth it.He sed.Thanks for comeing.He sed to a brown haired girl.Blake thats why i love you.You say whats on your mine and stand up for your self.Sage sed.Your damn straight i do.I aint going to let some mutha fucka call me a faggot.Uh uh fuck that shit.He sed.Thats right blake.You dont let anybody talk shit about you for who you are.I sed.He turned around and hugged me.Then hugged Sage.Awwwh you guys gone make me cry.He laughed.We both laughed.Sage left to help a customer.Bye come back soon.Blake sed.Darling have you ever dyed your hair before?He asked.No why?I questioned.Because i think you would look good with black and red hair.He sed running his hands through my hair.Really?I asked.Yeah i think it would bring out your blue eyes.He sed.I dont know....I sed.Oh come on darling.One of these nights we should have a sleep over party and i will dye your hair for you.He sed.Really.I asked.Hun i do my own hair.He sed.His hair was cut so perfectly.It was like a skaters hair.Okay sure..What the hell.I sed.Thats the spirit.He sed.Blake how old are you?I asked.Im nineteen why?He asked.Your nineteen??!!?I yelled.Yeah only nineteen.He sed.I thought you would be more like 17 18.I sed.Haaaaaa!!!Oh wow i wish.Im old now.He sed.No your not.Your only a year older then me.I sed.Your eighteen?He asked.I nodded.God ive been wanting to know your age.Sage is eighteen too and single.He sed.I blushed.Uh i dont think_____Is it my break time yet?Sage asked.Oh yes it is.Blake sed.Cool.He sed then walked out of the store.Close one.Blake sed.I nodded.I grabbed the folded clothes and put them back on the racks.20 minutes later Sage came back and it was my turn for a break.My mom came to bring me some food to eat.After i ate my break was up.I worked for about two more hours and work was up.Do you need a ride home?I asked Sage.Sure.He sed.We walked to my car.I drove him home and then went to my home.Isac came running out only in his underwear.My mom was chasing him.I started laughing and leaned down to scoop him up.My mom walked up to us and bent over.Whats going on?I asked.Isac.....Undress....Bathtub...My mom sed out of breath.Isac you wont take a bath?I asked him.Not for her.He sed pionting at my mom.Yes he is a little brat sometimes.Hes only 3 and he already has a attitude.Will you take a bath if i give you it?I asked.He nodded.My mom sighed with her mouth open.I laughed.I took him to the bathroom.I sat him in it with some toys.I was playing with Isac when He stopped play and looked up.Then he pionted to the door way.I turned around to see Sage standing there smiling.Oh shit.Hi.I sed with soap all over my hands.Hey.He sed.Mom!!!I called.Yes dear?She sed already standing behind Sage.I pionted to Isac.She nodded.I started to get up put Isac grabbed my hand.No!!!!He yelled.I want you to give me a bath...He cried.Isac if you let mommy give you a bath i will buy you a whole bunch of skittles.I sed.He smiled really big.His pierceing green eyes sparkled.He nodded.I kissed his forehead and left with Sage.Guess i kinda came in on the wrong time.He did you know where i lived?I asked curious.Oh i was walking down this rode and saw your car.So i decided to stop by and see if you lived here.Turns out you do.He sed.I laughed.By the way the lady that opened the door was very sweet and she already knew my name.He sed looking at me.What???I laughed.I always talk about my friends to her.I sed.He nodded.Oh and that lady is my mom.I sed.And Isac is your brother?He asked.I nodded.You guys are probably going to have some problems with him when he gets older.He laughed.Maybe but i will deal with it when it comes.I sed.So i was wondering if you would like to go out to eat.This isnt a date right?I asked.If you want it to be..He smerked.Then i dont want it to be.I sed.He nodded.We left to dennies.Then i saw Lida and Alex sitting at a table.I tried to hide from them.Mostly Alex...But they found me anyways.Dont try to hide from us Abby!Alex sed snatching the menu away from me.Awwwh are you two on a date.Lida asked.No.We both sed.Abby can i talk to you.Alex asked.I mouthed sorry to Sage and he nodded.I walked off with Alex.Is that who i think it is??!!She whisper yelled.I nodded.Abby!!!!She yelled.What its not like im dateing him.We are just friends and co workers.I sed.Oh so you work with him now.Lida sed raising her eyebrows up and down.I giggled a little bit.Dont laugh.That was not funny.Alex screamed.Lida smiled.The whole time Alex was talking shit to me Lida was makeing faces behind her.I was smiling the whole time.Uh we will talk about this tonight.We will be there.Alex sed walking off.I gave Lida a hug and went back to Sage.Sorry about my bitchy friend.I sed.He laughed.I dropped him off and went home.How was the date?Isac asked kinda rude.It wasnt a date and i had a good time.I sed.Yeah well it will be soon.He under his breath.Isac whats wrong?Who is this person who is talking right now.I asked.You know what im tired.Im going to bed.He sed.Isac?I sed.What!!!!!He yelled.Are you jealous?I asked.No!!!!He yelled.Come here.I sed.He shook his head.Come here buddy.I sed.He ran to me and hugged me tight.I took him to his room and layed down with him.Isac i would never forget you for a guy.I whispered.He nodded and we fell asleep.I woke up and called Alex.Hello.She sed.Hey what happened to you guys coming over last night.I sed.Oh Lida talked me out of it.She sed.Oh.I sed.Abby just please dont fall for him.She sed.Why is everyone thinking i like him.I yelled.Abby everyone can tell.She sed.Whatever....I sed under my breath.Just listen okay.She sed.Im listening.I sed.Guys like that hurt.She sed.Alex all guys hurt.That is true but this will kill.She sed.Dont say that...You dont even know him.I sed.Well i know you and your loving heart.She sed.Well i dont like him okay!!!Damn!!I sed.I can see your not going to listen.She sed.You know what Alex i have to go.Isacs crying.I sed and hung up.After that call i started advoiding all her calls.The only calls i would answer were Sages,Blakes,Veronicas,Lidas barely,Caitys,and Makaylyns.I didnt want to hear Alexs shit.I was tired of it.Now that there was no Alex in the picture Sage took her place.Ive been hanging out with him for four weeks everyday now.I never got tired of him.Tonight i was going out with him for some ice cream.So have you talked to her?Sage asked.Nope...And i dont plan on it.I sed.Oh..He sed.I walked with him to his front door.So was that a date yet?He asked witha smerk.Mmmmm nope.I sed with a smile.Well when can i be more than your friend??He asked.Cause i want to be more then your friend.He sed.I shrugged feeling my body get hot.Okay well how about now?He whispered stepping closer to me.He gently pressed his lips to mine.I was stunned at first then i kissed back.I put my hand on his neck.Then the door swung open.A small little girl was standing there.She had black hair with blue eyes.Daddy???She whined.Daddy???I thought to my self.Sage is a dad???I thought.I looked at Sages face witch was bright red.His smile suddently turned into a glare.You werent supposed to see her.He sed low.Sage...I sed.I think you should go please.He sed while picking her up.He shut the door and left me there alone.I got in my car and drove home crying.I walked in sobbing and ran up to my room.My mom shortly came in after.Honey whats wrong?What happened?She asked holding me.Sage...Kissed me...I sobbed.Thats why your crying?She asked.Honey thats normal for him to kiss you.She sed.No thats not why im crying.I sobbed.Then what is it?She asked.When we were kissing on his front porch the door opened.It was a little girl that looked exactly like him.She called him daddy.And then he told me i wasnt supposed to see her and told me to leave.I sobbed.Wait Sage has a daughter?She questioned.Well apparently.I sed wipping tears off my face.Oh honey dont take it to heart..Hes just maybe ashammed that he had a kid at a young age and maybe he doesnt want you to think differently of him.My mom sed.I wouldnt though.I sed.I know you wouldnt but he doesnt.She sed.I hugged my mom and told her i needed some time.She nodded and left.I called Alex...Hello?She asked.Hey its abby...I sniffed.Oh Abby hi!!How come you haveing been answering my calls?She asked.Ive been busy with work.I sed.Then i began to cry.Abby???Are you crying?She asked.No...I sed.Yes you are im coming over.She sed and the line went dead.Ive never hurt this bad before in my life...Not even when my dad left us.....A couple minutes later Alex came in with some chocolate.I smiled.Hun whats wrong.You were right...I should have listened to you...I cryed.She pulled me into a hug.What did he do??!!She asked.Ill kill em!She sed.No..I sed with a laugh.Then tell me the story.She sed.Okay so we were out getting ice cream and then went to his house.We were standing on his front porch when he kissed me.I sed.He kissed you!!She yelled.Alex listen.I sed.Okay im sorry.She sed.As we were kissing the front door sung open and small little girl that looked just like him was standing there.She called him daddy.I sed.He has a kid?She sed with her mouth open.I nodded and continued.He then sed i wasnt supposed to see her and told me to leave.I sed with one tear rolling down my cheek.Oh honey he just didnt want you thinking of him differently.She sed.Really thats what my mom sed.I sed.If its coming from your mom then its the truth.She sed.I laughed yeah.Alex had to go home and i had to go to work.I walked in and didnt see Sage...I almost forgot he doesnt work today.He had a day off today.Me and blake were working today.After work me and Blake picked up Makaylyn,Caity,Alex,and Lida.We were haveing a sleep over at Blakes house.I was texting and calling Sage all day....No answer.Still no answer hun?Blake asked.Nope.I sed sadly.Im sorry Ab....Hey lets dye your hair.He sed.Yeah that would get your mind off off things.Alex sed painting Makaylyns nails.Okay.I sed.Blake took me into the bathroom.He cut and dyed my hair.Then he blow dried it.There you go.He sed.It was cute.I like it.I sed.I love it.He sed.I went out to show the other girls.It was red on the bottom and black on the top.You look beautiful!!!Caity sed.Lida walked in.We all looked at her.Where have you been?Blake asked with a smerk.I was just getting some fresh air.She sed.We all laughed.Right....He sed pointing to her lips that were smudged.She looked in the mirror and blushed.Its okay girl..We all know what you were doing out there.Blake laughed.We all laughed including her.So when can we meet mister right?I asked.Yeah.Makaylyn sed.Um soon.I feel hes the right guy.Like hes the one.She blushed.Awwww.We all sed.Yeah oooooo i like your hair.She sed.Thanx.Blake did it.I sed.Oh blake you should work at a hair salon unstead of hot topic.She sed.Yeah thats what im aiming for.He sed.Blake poped in a movie.Alex and Caity were the first to fall asleep.Then Makaylyn and Lida shortly fell asleep after.Me and Blake werent tired so we decided to go out with hot chocolate and watch the sun rise.We sat on his swing set with a blanket and our hot chocolate.Hell come around.Blake sed.Who?I asked.Sage.He sed.I dont Blake....He doesnt answer any of my calls or text messages...I sed low.Hes just thinking hun.His daughter the one you saw is very special to him.He barely just told veronice about her like three weeks ago.Veronica and me are the only ones who have seen her before.Sure Makaylyn and caity know about her but they havent seen her before.Hes not sure yet about them.Blake
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