» Romance » In Love and Outdone, Milli-May Skys [korean novels in english txt] 📗

Book online «In Love and Outdone, Milli-May Skys [korean novels in english txt] 📗». Author Milli-May Skys

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Flash back-

Abigal Luis?A tall but skinny blonde girl asked looking around to see who would answer.I raised my hand getting a few glances from around the room.Oh hi Abigal!Your next.She sed motioning for me to follow her into the empoly only room.I grabbed my black purse and followed her into a black and red small room.Have a seat here and the manager will be here soon.She sed with a kind smile.She left and i was left here alone.I was so nervous...This was my last option on my job list.All the other jobs i interviewed for,highered someone else instead.I sat quietly with my hands folded.A door opened and i tensed up but shortly remember my mom saying dont tense up relax.I relaxed.A rainbow haired girl sat down on the other side of the desk.She was looking at my application.She had gages and snake bites.Her eyes were a deep blue.Hello Abigal.She smiled.Hi.I breathed.You nervous?She asked.A little.I sed.She laughed.Oh dont worry im not going to bite you.She laughed.I giggled.Okay im Veronica the manager of Hot Topic.She sed holding out her hand.I shook it.So why do you want this job???She asked.I mean i dont mean to be rude or anything but your not exactly the type of girl to be working at a place like this.She sed looking at my clothes.Shes right...I wasnt the type to work here but i needed to get a job.I know but i need this job and i will do anything to get this job.I sed confidently.She smiled.Okay you good at counting money?She asked.I quickly nodded.She nodded.Do you have any problems with helping any types of people?She asked.I shook my head.She nodded.Okay thats it!Were done.She sed.I was shocked.That fast???Fast right?She asked.I nodded.Nice meeting you.I will give you a call to let you know if you got it or not.She sed.Thank you.I sed getting up.Oh no thank you.She sed.I walked out and erned some confused looks.They were probably wondering what a person like me was doing here.Everyone else was all pierced out.I was the only normal looking one.I had on a red blousey shirt and dark blue skinny jeans.My blonde hair was curled.I didnt look cut out for this job at all.I drove home.Did you get it?My mom asked holding my baby brother.Not yet.She sed she will call me when she knows.I sed taking my baby brother from her.Oh well i have a feeling your gunna get it.She sed.Hi Isac.I sed rubbing my nose on my little brothers.He smiled.I dont know mom....I breathed.Im not exactly the type of person to work at Hot Topic....I sed.Oh honey yes you are.It doesnt matter what you look like.She sed moving my hair out of my face.I smiled.And if you dont get it who cares.She sed.I do!!!I sed sternly.Honey your a teenager!!Be a teenager.Ill be okay.Ill get another job.She sed.No mom you need help and i want to do this for our family.I sed.She nodded.Long story short my mom lost her job and now we are broke.We are about to lose our house.I know my mom doesnt want me to go out and look for a job and take away my teenage years.She wants me to go out with my friends and have fun not stress over getting a job.I put my little brother down and went to my room to call my bestfriend Alex.Hey did you get it!?!?!She asked excitedly.Uh i dont know yet.She sed she would call me and let me know soon.I sed.Oh well i think your going to get it!She sed.How do you know that?I questioned.I just know!She sed.Who wouldnt higher you?She asked.Uh all the other jobs i interviewed for.I sed.Oh thats right....Im sorry Abby.She sed.Its fine lets just hope i get this job.I sed.Ill keep my fingers crossed.She sed.I laughed okay.Well i got to go.Dinners ready.I sed.Okay bye Ab.Love you.She sed.Bye alex.Love ya too.I sed before hanging up.I ate dinner and went to bed.I woke up to my alarm clock going off.I turned it off and did my hair and make up.I got dressed and grabbed the packback.Today was friday and the last day of school.I was looking forward to sleeping in all the time.That is if i dont get that job.I kissed my mom goobye and kissed Isac goodbye.I hugged Alex and my other friend Lida when i was at school.School was boring as usual.I dropped Lida off and went to my house with Alex.Did they call?I asked with my hopes up.My mom shook her head sadly.I nodded.Maybe they will call tommorow?Alex sed.I nodded.My mom nodded too.Alex grabbed Isac and kissed him and tickled him.Isac laughed.Lets go to the mall and shop.Alex sed.You can but i cant.I have no money.I sed.Dont worry about it.I got you.She sed.I smiled and hugged her.Bye mom were going out!I called.Okay.She called back.We drove to the mall and went to forever 21 first.It was our favorite store.We bought some cute tanktops.Im hungry.Lets eat.She sed.I followed her.Then her phone started ringing.She gave it to me to hold on to it.I searched around in my purse for her phone as i walked.Then i felt something really hard hit me.I fell on my ass.Ouch...I whispered feeling embarrassed.What the hell!!!Watch where your going!!Alex yelled at a tall figure standing infront of me.Alex helped me up.Im really sorry.The voice sed.Are you okay?The voice asked.I looked up at the figures face.He had the most gourgeous blue eyes i had ever seen.He was wearing black skinny jeans with a black shirt that sed Motionless in white.He had black hair and a black beanie.His nose was pierce and he had snake bites and angel bites.I felt frozen.I dont know why but i found him attractive.I never found these types of guys cute.Ma'am?He asked.Shes fine!Just go!Alex sed motioning him to leave.I quickly nodded.Im fine.I sed.He rolled his eyes at Alex and nodded to me and left.God what a creep!Alex yelled.Are you okay hun?She asked.Yeah.I sed nodding.She nodded and pulled me along.When i got home i showed my mom what i got from the mall.So why so happy?She asked.No reason...Just happy.I sed.she stared at me.What?I smerked.You know what.Tell me.She sed.Well there was this boy.I sed.A boy!!My mom cheered.I laughed and tried to quiet her so she wouldnt wake Isac.What did he look like?How did you meet him?Was he nice?My mom questioned.Well he certainly wasnt a normal looking guy.I sed.He had black hair and blue eyes.He had his nose pierced,he had angel bites,and he had snake bites.I sed imaging him in my mind as i described him.Oh yeah your right...Hes not your type.She sed.Are you going to see him again?She asked.Probably not.I only talked to him for like a second.He bumbed into me.I sed.Awww thats cute.That he bumbed into to me?I asked.Yeah..That could be the story you guys tell your kids.She sed.Mom....I sed.She laughed.Okay goodnight.She sed.Night.I sed.I crawled into bed thinking about that guy from the mall.I drifted to sleep shortly after.I woke up to my mom jumping on my bed.What the hell?!?!I groaned.You got it!!!She chanted.I stared at her for a minute and then joined her.I was sooo happy that i got a job.I called Alex up and told her.She screamed of course.I start tomorrow.Im so excited.

I walked in at 8:00 am.Oh great your here!Veronica sed.I nodded.Okay heres your name tag.She sed handing me my name tag.I put it on.Okay first you need to know everyone that works here.She took me to the check out counter.Where the blonde girl was standing.The same blonde girl that lead me to the interviewing room.This is caity.She sed.Hey abby.She sed with a smile.Hi.I sed.Caity was a blonde but not a natural blonde.Her eyes were a light green.She had her nose pierced.Okay now this is Makaylyn.She sed bringing me to a girl with green and blue hair.Makaylyn nodded towards me.I nodded back.Her eyes were a pierceing green.Her ears were gaged and she had one snake bite.She had a couple tattoos on her arms.This is Blake.Hes gay.She sed.Blake gave me a hug.Hey hun.He sang.Hi.I laughed.Blake was really tall with black hair.His eyes were a light blue.He had gages and snake bites.Oh and last this is sage.She sed pointing to a tall guy with black hair.Sage come meet our new employe!Veronica called.He was putting boxes in the stock room.Hold on let me put this one box in here!He called back.After he was done he came out to meet me.He took off his red beanie and wipped his forhead.Then he looked up at me and a big smile spread across his face.I was shocked and happy to see him again.Hey.He sed.I blushed...Hi.I sed almost in a whisper.Okay now that you know everyone i would like you to make sure everything is organized in its place.She sed.I nodded.She unlocked the door and kids piled in.People these days are so lazy.They come in and just tare everything apart and dont put things back where they found them.I picked up two shirts that were on the ground and carried them to their spot.I still feel bad about yesterday.Someone sed behind me.I turned around only to bump into sages chest.We both laughed.Is this how we are going to meet everytime.He laughed.Maybe.I sed.So as i was saying im really sorry for bumping into you yesterday..He sed.Oh its fine.Im sorry for my friend.I sed.He laughed.God she really hates me uh?He asked.Uh just a little.I sed.Man i didnt even get with her and she already hates me.He joked.I laughed.Im sorry but i really have to get back to work.I sed and started to walk away.He pulled me back by my wrist.Can we hang out sometime?He asked.Uh i would say sure but i really dont know.I sed.Well if you go out with me sometime you will know me.He sed.I dont know.I sed.Come on...Please im not a ceral killer or anything.He begged.Fine.I laughed.How about tonight?He questioned.Tonight.I sed.After work.He asked.Okay now your asking to much.I sed.He laughed.Please.....He whined.He was pretty cute when he whines.I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded.Yes!!He yelled.I giggled.We fucked around and played the whole time like we new each other for years.I talked to all of them.Finally work was over.Sage and i walked out side.Sage started walking down the parking lot.Sage where you going?I questioned.I have a car.I sed.He blushed and walked over.I let him drive.We went to an in n out burger and ate.Well I had a wonderful night.I sed.Me too.He sed.I dropped him off at his house and drove home.Abby where were you?!?You had me so worried!My mom cried.She gave me a tight hug.Im sorry i didnt contact you.I was out with Sage.And it was a once and a life time thing.I sed.Wait Sage?Whose Sage?She asked.Oh its the guy from the mall.I sed.The guy from the mall!!She chanted.Mom....I sed pointing to Isac who was sleeping on the couch.She nodded.You went on a date with him?She asked.No i diid not go on a date with him....I sed.I went out with him to just get to know each other.I whispered.My mom smiled.Thats the first step in a forming relationship.She sed.I shook my head.So how did you meet him this time.And how do you know its the same guy?She asked.My boss introduced me to all the co workers and he was one of them.Oh and i know hes the same guy because he came up to me and apologized again.I sed.She nodded.Well when do i get to meet this kid named Sage?She questioned.Mom i just met him.I sed trying to keep my voice down.Oh right...Well im tired nighty night.She sed.Night.I sed before going up stairs.I woke up to my alarm clock again.I got ready and left for work.Only me,blake,and Sage were working tooday.I was folding clothes while talking to blake at the front desk.So he just come up here and says hey your a faggot are these cute.My mouth dropped.That was exactly my expprestion.So i was like mmm i dont know ask the faggot thats holding them.Then his face turned all red and he dropped them

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