» Romance » In Love and Outdone, Milli-May Skys [korean novels in english txt] 📗

Book online «In Love and Outdone, Milli-May Skys [korean novels in english txt] 📗». Author Milli-May Skys

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sed.I nodded.That little girl is his world.He sed.What happened to her mother...I asked.Well her mother and Sage were in love.Well at least Sage was.They have been to gether for about a year and a half when her mother got pregnant.He was happy but she wasnt.Her parents found out and made her break up with him.He was heart broken.She told him she wanted an abortion.He sed no.They got into an agurment over it.Sage wanted to have that child.He thought abortion was wrong.So he went to the court house and got papers saying she couldnt get an abortion.He sed.And what happened after that?I asked.She was pissed.Oh how she was pissed.He laughed.I smiled.So she had to have the child.And if she didnt want it she had to give it to Sage and if she did want it they had to fight for her.He sed.So im guessing she gave her to him?I asked.Yup.She did.He sed.How do you know all this?I asked.Cause i was Sages best friend in high school.I was there for him.I saw him cry.I saw him get angry.I saw him happy when that baby was born.Ive seen it all.The way his eyes lite up when he held her the first time.He sed.It must of been horrible to go through that.I sed.Yeah it wasnt a pretty sight.He laughed.I smiled.Do you know her name?I asked.Sure i do.Her name is Addison.He sed.But we call her Addy.He sed.Thats a cute name.I sed.Yeah it is.He whispered.Later on that day i drove everyone home and went to my own home.How was your...My mom began before she saw my hair.What did you do to your hair.She asked with her eyes wide.Blake did it.Do you like it?I laughed.She rolled her eyes and nodded.Wheres Isac?I asked.Up stairs.She sed.I walked up stairs to his room.Isac?I called.Oh its you...What do you want...He sed not looking at me.What do you mean what do i want.I came to see you.I sed trying to hold him.Let go of me!!!He yelled.I jumped back.Isac whats wrong?I asked concerned.You!!!Thats whats wrong!!!You left me here with her!!!He yelled.You promised....You wouldnt replace me...He sed with hurt in his voice.Im sorry Isac.I will try better.Okay...I sed holding out my arms.He looked at me and hugged me.I hugged him back.Do you want to come with me to go get me check from work.I will buy you a toy.I sed.He nodded and grabbed his shoes.I swung by and picked up Alex to go with us.Stay in here i will be right back.I sed.Alex nodded.I walked in and heard shouting.Veronicas office door was shut.Who is that?I asked.Its Sage.Makaylyn sed.Me Makaylyn and caity were quiet so we can hear what was going on.Well she can stay her while you work.I will watch her.Veronica sed.No!!!Sage yelled.Look Sage you have to let her see people sometime!!!She yelled.What are you going to do when she starts school?!?!She asked.She doesnt need school!!Shes got me!!!He yelled.Sage please dont do this...Just bring her in.Its fine.She sed.I cant.He sed then walked out of her office.He passed by me without even looking at me.Makaylyn pushed me to go after him.So i did.Sage!!!I called after him.He ignored me.I caught up to him and turned him around.Abby not now.He sed.He started walking again and i pulled him back again.He just staired at me as his eyes got watery.Its okay.I whispered and pulled him into a hug.He hugged me back as tears came down his cheeks.Im sorry.I was going to let you meet her but it wasnt the right time.He sed.Its okay.I understand.I sed rubbing his back. After that day we were always together.When i say together i mean together.We were a couple.He let me see Addy all the time now.He got his job back and left Addy with my mom.So my mom watched Addy and Isac.It was a week before christmas.Yes its been a whole year that we've been together.Hot topic was closed for a week because none of us wanted to stay away from our families.I went to Sages house to pick him and Addy up.She was 3 now and me and Sage were 19 now.We went back to my house and dropped off Addy.My mom forgot to buy paper cups so we went to go buy some.Hey actually i have some at my house.Sage sed.I nodded and pulled into his drive way.We both got out and went inside.I watched him as he looked for the paper cups.He pulled them out.Here they are.He sed.I walked over to grab them from him but he took them away.Hey.I laughed.I want a kiss.He smerked.I smiled and kissed him.I grabbed the cups and put them on the counter and then looked back at him.I smerked.What?He smerked.I kissed him hard.He licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance.I let him.As our tonuges wrestled he picked me up and put me on the counter.I ran my fingers through his black hair.I unbottened his botten up flannel and took it off.He bite my neck as i dug my finger tips into his back.I bite my lip as he sucked on my neck.Now?He whispered.Now.I sed.You sure?He asked looking at me.Yeah.Im ready.I sed kissing his neck.He picked me up and brought me to his bed.He took off my shirt.Are you scared?He breathed.I shook my head.After all our clothes were off he pulled out a condom.Before i do this...Are you positive you want to do this?He asked.I nodded.He put the condom on went into me slowly.I bite my lip everytime it hurt.You want me to stop?He breathed.I shook my head afriad i would cry if i talked.He nodded and went deeper.I let out a sigh as he pulled out and back in.You okay?He asked.I nodded.It was sweet how he would ask if i was okay like every 2 minutes.After we were down he held me close.He kissed me hard.Are you sore?He asked.Alittle.I sed.He kissed my neck.Shit!!!We have to get those paper cups to my mom.I sed pushing him off.Oh right!He sed.We put our clothes back on and grabbed the paper cups.We drove back to my house.Heres the paper cups.I sed handing them to her.Cool i needed these like 4 hours ago.She sed with her eyebrows raised.Im sorry.I didnt realize we were gone for that long.I sed.Im going up to my room now bye.I sed.Abby?!?She called.I looked back.We are going to have a talk.She sed.I knew what she ment by that.She knew what we were doing.Moms always know.I nodded and grabbed Sages hand.I pulled him into my room.I closed my door and kissed him hard.Lets do it again.I whispered.Abby your moms here.He whisper yelled.I sighed...Okay lets go to my car.I laughed.Really?He laughed.I nodded.Fine.He sed before walking out of my room.No...I whisper yelled.He looked at me confused.I pointed to my window.He rolled his eyes and climbed out of it.As well as i did.We ran to my car holding hands.I drove to a dark alley.This is so getto.He laughed.I laughed as i unbottend his shirt.Wait Abby.He sed.I stopped and looked at him confused.I dont have a condom.He sed.I sighed.Well we can just rub with clothes on.He sed.I looked at him and pulled him on top of me.He bite my neck and rubbed against me.I moaned.We did that until i couldnt take it anymore.Fuck this.I sed unbuttoning his pants.Abby?He sed.What.....I whined.You really want to do this with no condom?He asked.I sighed.Im okay with the outcome if you are.He sed.I looked at him.You are?I asked.He nodded.I love you.And if we have a child so be it.He sed.I laughed.I love you too.And i want a child with you someday so why not have it now.I sed.He nodded.We took off all our clothes.Just to let you know its going to feel so much better with out a condom.He sed.I laughed.He got on top of me and went in.We started breathing hard.He kissed me hard.I moaned as he went deeper and faster.After we were down we got dressed and sat in the front seats.You know my moms going to kill you.I sed.Me!!!What about you?You were the one who made me do it.He sed.I laughed.I did not.You wanted to just as much as i did.I laughed.I did not.He smerked.Really so if i came over to you and kissed you and then kissed your neck you wouldnt want to have sex again.I sed with a smerk.He glance at me from the corner of his eye.No.He smerked.I scooted closer to him and kissed him.I then moved to his neck and found his soft spot.I bite it and he maoned.He got up and got on top of me.Come on lets do it one more time.He whined.I rest my case.I sed.He looked at what he was doing and gladed at me.Not funny.He sed.I was just proving a point.I laughed.We are going back to your house.He sed.Okay fine.I sed.He got off of me and we drove back to my house.My mom was waiting for us when we got there.Abby sit.She sed sternly.I let out a sigh and sat at the table with her.Im gunna got check on the kids.Sage sed.Oh no your not.Have a seat son.She smiled.He had a terrified look on his face then sat next to me.Okay I know you two are haveing sex.She announced.Mom...I whined.Dont mom me.Im not stupid.She sed.We both gulped.Im fine with you two doing that.Your nineteen.Id just wish you guys would have waited until you were married but oh well.Just dont do it when Addy is awake and dont do it in my house.She sed.Oh and use pretection.She added.We both looked at each other and nodded.Okay you can go now.She sed.We walked up to my room and went to bed.I woke up wrapped in Sages arms.I closed my eyes to go back to bed when i felt my stomach bubbling.I felt it comeing up my throut and i ran to the bathroom.Sage rubbed my back as i puked.I flushed the toilet.Are you okay?He asked.I need a pregnancy test.I whispered.His eyes got wide and he nodded.15 minutes later he came back with a pregnancy test.I took it and we waited for the results.He held my hand as we waited.There it was.I was pregnant.I started shaking.Abby look at me.He sed turning me to face him.Im dead.Im dead.Im dead.I mummbled.You are not dead okay.Look its fine.We will be fine.Okay..We know what would happen.He sed.I looked at him.Its going to be okay.He smiled.Then i suddently imagined our life with this new baby.A baby with Sage.Addy will be so happy to have a baby sister or brother.You know what...I want this baby.Abby?He asked.I want to have a girl.I sed with a smile.He laughed.Another girl??Why not a boy??He asked.I want a girl.I sed.He shook his head and laughed.I would name her Holly.I sed.And if its a boy?He asked.Travis.I sed.I like that.He sed.Sage how am i going to tell my mom?I asked.Uh.....That i dont know...He sed.Dont worry.We will tell her somehow.He sed pulling me into a hug.

It was christmas day and i was really stressed about this baby and how i was going to tell my mom.My mom called us all down to open our christmas presents.I was irritated by everything.Okay Whats wrong Abby?!?!Youve had a bad attitude all day!!My mom sed her voice raising.I dont have a bad attitude!!!I sed rudely.You better clean up your act.She sed.You know what mom i have a present for you!!I yelled.She looked at me witha glare.The reason why im being rude is because im pregnant!Merry fucking christmas!I yelled before going to my room.I heard someone yelling and then an apology.I sat by my window and looked up at the sky.Abby.She asked.I didnt turn around.Your pregnant?She asked with hurt in her voice.I turned around.I nodded.How did this happen?I dont understand...I told you to use pretection.She sed her voice softening.We did.I sed.So it broke?She asked.Yes.I lied.Well i will take you to the doctors to get an____I stopped her before she could say that word.Dont you dare say that word.I sed.She looked at with wide eyes.I want this child.I sed.Are you sure Abby?She asked.I nodded.She nodded and hugged me.Im sorry I yelled at you.I whispered.Its okay.I understand.She sed pulling away.Honey why didnt you tell me sooner.Its not good to be stressed while your pregnant.You can lose

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