» Romance » Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗

Book online «Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗». Author Mia Lafreve Pedretti

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won’t cheat on her while you're in Europe and I'll be satisfied.” She stated and claimed seriously.

I felt the tension even through the phone. She certainly knew how the boy’s mind worked, so I couldn’t deny the part of the sexual impulses, but I could at least promise her that I wouldn’t have cheated on Yumi.  “I promise, I won't it.” I said back serious as well.

“That’s all I wanted to hear.” She replied. “Keep your promise and I'll never bother you in future. But break it and you'll have to be prepared to be hospitalized. And I’m dead serious Yong-ha.” She muttered fearlessly. “And I don't give a damn on what the people might think of me. I never cared about them when I was younger and I never will if that time comes.” She added to make herself clear.

“O..kay.” I stuttered a little intimidated. “I'll keep that in mind.” I said though, because I really believed she would have done what she just said.

“Okay.” She exclaimed talking back with a normal tone of voice again. “Then see you at the date, I mean party.”

“It’s better say party to everyone.” I said normally too.

“Yeah, you're right.” She agreed.

Looking forward I saw the entrance of the studio. We were almost there. “Sorry Yang Soo Ki, but we're almost arrived to the studio. I have to hang up.” I said.

“Ah. Okay then I leave you.” She replied. “Bye Oppa!” She greeted me enthusiastically. Is she bipolar? I couldn't help but think. I better never get her mad at me.

“Bye!” I greeted her back anyway.

“Greet Choi Seunghyun Oppa for me too.”

“Okay. Bye now!” I said my lastest words and then I hanged up. After that I gave the phone back to Yumi. She looked at me with an interrogative point on her face, I leaned on and whispered in her ear. “I'll tell you everything later babe.” And she nodded.




06. Hope


As soon as I saw them, I could tell without a minimum doubt, that they were lovers. Their attitudes was intimidating and cool, YG style. They didn't whisper things in each others ears like couples use to do, neither they touched each other continuously. But it was enough the continuous glances they exchanged, to say everything. They insisted saying they were just simple friends, but I knew that it was all an act, to not upset Ji Yong's fans, and sasaeng fans. The latest, were the crazy and dangerous ones. I could understand why those youngsters had decided to act that way. And when I glanced at Defcon, I knew that he was thinking the same thing.

When they finally reached us, they greeted us and shook hands with us. “Annyeong Haseyo!” They said together. All serious.

I couldn't resist and I started to joke around to lighten up the mood. I targeted first Choi Seung Hyun and Ji Yong. “Hey! T.O.P ma bro!” I exclaimed walking towards him. “How you're doing?” I scanned his stage name like a rapper.

“Everything's fine Hyun.” He replied chuckling.

“You..” I pointed my eyes on Ji Yong then. “You came back because you missed me Eh?!” I asked acting arrogantly, and I jockling punched him on the chest.

“Of course.” He replied acting cute. “I thought of you every single night hyun.” He added. Sometimes he was so overly cringy.

“Aih Kojimal!” I replied unconvinced. “Jinjia?” I asked, with an aegyo tone of voice.

“당연하죠 Dangyonhajyo!”(of course) He nodded. “I'm not lying! I swear!” He used the same cheesy tone of voice I used. He couldn’t be more evident that he was joking around.

“Jinjia?!” I acted even cheesier. “OMO! I can't believe it!” I exclaimed excited like an ajumma.  Everyone laughed at that scene. Yumi included.

“Ya! Kumane Aish!” Defcon yelled at us while smiling. “Stop it already! You're so disturbing!” He complained. “Do it when we're recording, not now!”

I acted like if I was really offended by his comments, even if I kept grinning inside. Yumi laughed harder that she had to cover up her mouth. She was truly adorable when she laughed. I decided to approach her. I purposely gave her an intimidating look when I faced her. She stopped to chuckle instantly. “Then, you're the one." I muttered on purpose. Everybody stayed in a curious silence.

She looked confused and a little worried too. “..The one?” She repeated frowning.

“Yeah” I said. I put my hands on my hips, just like Beyonce on stage. “You're the one that know everything about mangas  right?!” I asked surprising everyone, Yumi included, acting all cute and fuzzy once again. I got even closer to her. I pulled out of my pocket, my favourite manga, One Piece, showed to her. She looked lost at first, but she nodded anyway. “Can you tell me when this manga is out in the newsagents?” I asked politely.

I felt her relaxing and sigh in relief. “Well..You can't find it there.” She begun a little uncertain. “Well, you can actually, but I think that you better order and buy it in a comixbook store Oppa. The employees knows everything about the releases of the mangas. And plus you can ask the owner of the store, to keep it apart for you, when they’re release.” She explained confidently. Just like a real passionate would have done.

“Ah..” I nodded impressed. “Then I shouldn't go to the newsagent anymore?” I asked.

“No.” She answered sure of herself.

“Waah!” I was really impressed. “You're really a true fan! Daebak Ida!”

She blushed. “Well, I just like to read them.” She said lowering her head.

“Omo! Don't feel embarrassed.” I replied. “I like to read them too.” I tried to make her comfortable.

“D-de.” She said back shyly.

I went back to Ji Yong and I put my arm around his shoulders. “Uuh.. I now understand, why you're always around her.” I said with a low voice. “She's so cute when she blush.” I said out loud and the girl heard me and she blushed again. I felt him stiffen, probably figuring out that they couldn’t hide a thing from me.

But he took a deep breath and surprised me replying: “I like more be around you sunbaenim.” And he hugged me tightly.

“Waah!” I squealed excited. I was also very impressed by the way he distracted people around by leading the attention on us. He was a pro in distracting people and keeping secrets, that I didn't have to worry about them. The fact that he announced on his social profile, that he would have gone to Europe for a few months, was surely the right move.

“GD, Not Here!” I acted embarrassed. “There're people here. They might get jealous!” I joked acting like a shy girl. People around us laughed disbelived. Someone behind us cleared out his throat. It was our PD-nim. An ordinary old man, with a tiring job. He smiled to the guest stars as soon as he faced them.

“Annyeong Haseyo G-Dragon-shi, T.O.P-shi.” He greeted them and they greeted him back, bowing and shaking hands with him. Then he greeted Yumi too. “Annyeong Haseyo Yumi-shi.”

“Anyeong Haseyo!” She greeted him back a little intimidated.

“Here.” He handed them a couple of papers. “Those are the scripts.” They took them and bowed again. “We thought that it would be better to interview you, Yumi-shi, at the beginning, and then introduce you guys after she had finished.” He explained and they nodded understanding.

"Then after had talked about your friendship, Sunhwa-shi of Secret will join too.” He revealed. “She'll appear almost at the end of the show, just to greet you G-Dragon-shi and make some gags along.” He added. That girl was too into Ji Yong, to let this chance to meet him, escape from her hands. I couldn't help but shake my head.

“Sunhwa?!” Ji Yong asked surprised.

The PD nodded. “De. She's a great fan of yours, that's why we invited her too.” He said. “You don't mind it right?” He asked him.

“No, I don't mind at all.” Ji Yong replied. “But I didn’t see her. Is she not here yet?” He asked and looking around.

“No. She’s not here yet.” The PD answered. “She had a CF to do, but she will be here within 30 minutes before the show ends.” He stated.

“Ah Okay.” The boy nodded.

“That’s all.” The PD said satisfied. “Let me know if something on the scripts is unpleasant to you, so we can fix it now that we're here.” He talked to all of them.

“De!” They all replied nodding along.

“And G-Dragon-shi?” He approached him.

“De?” Ji Yong looked at him curiously.

“Thank you for coming again.” He thanked him and shook hands again with him. “I know that you're currently very busy with your album.” He said guilty.

Ji Yong waved his hand. “Don't even mention it!” He said. “I'm glad to be here.” The boy replied smiling.

“Thank you anyway for being here.” The PD insisted.

“You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure.” The boy just replied.

Then the old man talked to Choi Seunghyun and Yumi. “Thank you too TOP and Yumi-shi for being here.” He thanked them shaking their hands as well. “I'm very glad that your president let you come to our show.”

“We're glad as well to be here PD-nim.” Choi Seunghyun said smiling.

And so did the girl next to him. “Yes, I'm glad too PD-nim.” She said shaking his hand too. She looked more relaxed and less intimidated of him.





And suddenly, just like earlier in the elevator, my phone rang again. The melody, or should I say rap, was the same, but this time Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae's the "rappers".






Omg. Those two idiots ended the 'rap' with laughs. It wasn’t enough one time, the song kept repeating itself unfortunately for me. Everyone laughed, included the the serious PD-nim. I sighed heavily. "This isn't happening.." I muttered shaking my head.

“Don't you answer?” Choi Seunghyun asked me through laughs.

I glared at him. I turned my head to look at the PD. “Jae Som hamnida PD-nim. Jungmal jae som hamnida.” I apologized myself and went in a quiet corner to answer to the phone. I answered and talked first. “There's better be a damn good reason, for you two idiots, to call me in the middle of a meeting with the PD.” I threatened them. Words couldn’t describe the shame a felt when that phone of mine rang.

“..Hem.” I heard someone mumbled. I recognized the younger’s voice immediately. I heard the other younger's voice too in the background. She was whispering something to her pal. Something like “What do we do now? She sound really pissed off.. Ah Otoke!” That made me go even more nuts.

“ALLORA?”(So) I shouted to the phone, catching glances of some people in the corridors.

“Jungmal Mianhaeyo eoni!” They apologized together. “We just wanted to wish you good luck..”

Ah. I felt instantly so bad. I took a deep breath to calm myself. “..Thank you sweeties.” I thanked them first. “You caught me in the wrong moment, you should have just sent me a text.” I complained though.

“We’re sorry.” They whispered back still frightened. “We’re just gonna text you the next

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