» Romance » Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗

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we received so much love from just this mini album, we want to do more.” I explained.

They nodded. “That guy must have influenced her.” Doni whispered to Defcon. I knew who they were talking about, but I acted like I knew nothing.

“Yeah. I think so too.” Defcon whispered back to him. They shared a lot of comments between them.

I acted like nothing was going on and I keep smiling. “Stop it, she’s looking at us!” Doni said hurriedly to his pal. “You were really good though.” He complimented me to distract me. "You have definetly a rock soul."

“Jungmal kamsamida.” I thanked him bowing at him.

“And you played really well the guitar too.” Defcon added.

“Kamsamida.” I said and bowed along.

“Okay. Now let's move on to the next segment.” Doni stated. Then the PD shouted ‘Cut’ to the camera’s crew and they stopped recording. A couple of girls, part of the staff, came towards us with a pair of chairs. They put one on the right side, where the two MCs were supposed to sit and they put the other one behind me. I handed back my guitar to one of them, who handed it to my manager. Then they bring an easel and put it in the center, and laid on it my detailed profile. We sat on the chairs and they gave me a blanket to cover my bare legs. The PD then told us to get ready and he shouted the order to record again to the cameramen. And 3. 2. 1.

“Here we are with the FIRST PROFILE!” They both announced shouting.

“You’re profile is very detailed Yumi.” Doni said to me. “It’s the most detailed among all profiles.” He added. I nodded in agreement, because the profile was indeed full of my personal information. From the fact that I liked to put the vinegar on every meat, to my favourite type of underwear.

“ Usually, rookie artists would show us their schedule.” Defcon said.

“Really?!” I was surprised. “I have nothing on my schedule, but being on Weekly Idol.” I confessed. Since the promotion of our mini album was at his end.

“But Sweet Stones made many hot issues since their debut.” Doni revealed. “I can understand why you don’t have anything more on your schedule now, but I think this is just a break before the real work.” He said. “Let's look together.” He invited us. “Maria Martselli.” He exclaimed. I didn't correct his pronunciation to not look impolite. “You're half italian?!” He asked me.

“De.” I nodded. “I was born and raised in Italy.” I said.

“Then you must know italian. Can you teach us some italian sentence?” He asked me excited. “I'd really like to brag with my friends.” He confessed.

“Ah De.” I replied excited too. “One of the the most common expression used in Italy is : Ciao come stai?” I said.

“And what's that mean?” They both asked me.

“It means : Hi, how are you?” I answered.

“Ah.” They mumbled out loud. “I already love it. Let me try it.. Shiao kome stai?” His pronunciation was so bad that everyone laughed.

I couldn't resist anymore and I corrected him. “It's C-i-a-o uncle.” I said, scanning slowly the letters.

“Ahh.” He nodded. “Ciao..Ciao come stai?” He improved in no time. Even if he sounded like a southern italian. The south and the North had very different accent. Just like the difference between the korean in Seoul and the one in Busan.

“Waah! 잘한다 Jal han dah!.”(You're good) I was really impressed. “Your pronunciation improved really quickly uncle Doni.” I added and applauded too.

“Jincia?” He asked and I nodded. “Kamsamida.” He replied smiling widely. He looked at his pal arrogantly. “See. Now I'm italian. No one can beat me.” He declared.

무슨 말이에야 Mu seun mariya?! You’ve just learnt one sentence.”(What are you talking about?) Defcon exclaimed. “It doesn't mean you’re italian!” He objected chuckling.

“I'll brag anyway.” The fat man replied. “And how you answer when they ask you that Yumi-ha?” He asked me.

“Well, you answer : Bene!” I answered.

“And what’s that mean?”

“It mean : I'm fine.”

“Ahh.” He nodded and he tried it right away."Bene..Bene!” He repeated happily. He laughed, full of himself. “See.” He snapped at his pal in a funny way. “Now I know two sentences. I'm Italian. Don't you see?!”

“Yeah, almond-eyed you're surely italian.” Defcon replied sarcastically. That made everyone laugh.

“I could hide my eyes with a sunglasses and nobody would recognize me.” He tried to convinve us and himself too.

“I don't think that would be enough, Mr Kimchi and Bap.” Defcon replied patting his belly. We laughed even harder.

“Let's move on the experiences.” Doni quickly said. “Wah! You know other languages than italian?” He asked me amazed.

“De.” I nodded. “I also know english, french, spanish and japanese.” I said. “I learnt them all by myself, when I was still in Italy. I actually graduated from a Language's High school. I couldn’t go to college for financial's issues, so I learnt japanese and english at home.” I added.

“Wah.. Daebak!.” Defcon exclaimed.

“And can you introduce yourself in all those languages?” His pal asked me.

“De.” I answered sure of myself.

“Let's hear then.” He claimed excited. “Introduce yourself in..English!”

“Ok.” I lightened my throat. And Then I looked at the cameras. “Hi everybody, my name is Yumi, nice to meet you!”

“Now, French!”

“Bonjour à tout le monde, je m'appelle Yumi. Enchanté de vous rencontrer!”


"Hola a todos. Me llamo Yumi. Mucho Enchantada!"

“And Japanese!”

“Ohayo Gozaimasu. Watashi wa Yumi desu. Ajimemashite.”

"And last Italian!"

"Ciao a tutti, mi chiamo Yumi, piacere di essere qui."

They stood up from their chairs, applauding and complimenting me to no end. “Daebak! I've never heard so much incomprehensible words in my life.”  Doni exclaimed. “You were cool though!”

“Really Amazing!” His pal nodded in agree. “It’s so satisfying to certify that you really know those languages. It has been too disappointing when we asked the same thing to Jung Joon Young and got scammed.” He added.

“Kamsamida.” I thanked them bowing my head multiple times.

Then they sat down again. “I see that you also can cook? Is it true?” Doni asked me pointing at my profile. “Usually pretty girls don’t know how to cook.”

“I can cook though.” I said back thinking about the food I cooked for them. A female employee, signalized me then to come pick up the pizzette I prepared. I looked back at the hosts. “Actually, I cooked something for you today.” I said to them.

“For us?” They exclaimed surprised.

“De.” I replied. I stood up and I got to get the light pink box with the food in it. The girl followed me though with a small table and placed it in front of Doni and Coni. Then she run away.

I laid the box on the table. “What is this?” Doni asked excited. “Ah..I’m really anticipating this!”

“Me too.” His pal added. “Can we open it?” He asked me. I nodded. They hurriedly opened the box and when they saw the dish, their face shinned of joy.

“You really made these?” Doni asked me and I nodded. “I think I saw them before, but I don’t remember them now. How are they called Yumi-ha?” He asked.

“It’s an italian dish.” I answered. “They're call pizzette.” I added.

“Pizzette?” He repeated.

“Yes. They're like the small version of the real pizza.” I explained.

“Aah.” They exclaimed when they finally got it. “I ate pizza once.” He said excited. So he grabbed a piece and tasted it. Defcon did the same. 
맛있어요 masisseoyo! They're really good!”(it's delicious) He exclaimed lifting his thumb up.

“Really!” His pal said too.

“Kamsamida! I’m glad you like them.” I bowed.

“Ah wait wait wait!” Defcon suddenly exclaimed.

“What?” His pal asked confused. Actually I was confused too.

“We can’t eat them like this. There’s must be some music in the background.” He said, we both looked at him like he was a little crazy. “How about..You Yumi, sing something in italian while we eat?” He looked at me all exited.

“Eh?” I mumbled dumbfounded.

“Wuagureee? Why must she sing?” His pal asked him. "Just eat and that's it!"

“It'll seems like we're really in Italy.” He replied smiling. “Eh what do you think Yumi-ha? Can you sing something in italian? Please!” Seeing that it would be impolite of me to refuse, I accepted.

“Ok.” I lightened up my throat and sang a classic italian song called: Oh Sole mio

*Che bella cosa na jurnata 'e sole,
n'aria serena doppo na tempesta!
Pe' ll'aria fresca pare gia' na festa
Che bella cosa na jurnata 'e sole.

Ma n'atu sole
cchiu' bello, oi ne'.
'O sole mio
sta 'nfronte a te!
'O sole, 'o sole mio
sta 'nfronte a te,
sta 'nfronte a te!*

While I was singing, they both looked like they were in heaven and they even closed their eyes to feel, I don't know maybe the scent of Italy. I ended with the applauses of everyone. But Doni was still daydreaming. “Ahh I feel it. I feel the scent of Italia!” He mumbled and kept eating the pizzette. There was only one left.

“Ya!” His pal nudged him lightly. “Wake up! The trip in Italy is over.”

The fat uncle opened his eyes against his will and whimpered like a baby as soon as he came back to reality. “Ah! Wae! I don't want to be here!” He whimpered in a sad yet funny way. We all laughed at him. The girl of earlier came back again and took the empty plate and grabbed the little table too. Then she run away again. Without making herself see too much by the cameras.

“Now.” He begun when he was back to himself again. “The time has arrived.” He announced in a serious yet funny way.

“There’s no turning back again.” His pal blurred out in the same way.

“Yeah.” Doni added. He looked at me in a odd way that I couldn't understand though. “Yumi-ha?!”

“De.” I sighed nervously, knowing already what it was about to ask me.

“Here..” He said and he tapped insistently on the last information on my profile. “It says that you are coupled up with NONE other, than my sasaeng fan GD!” He exclaimed sulkily. “Can you please explain this?” He asked glaring at me amusingly. I could see that he was holding back a laugh. It was all an act.

“That's a misunderstanding.” I said back. “We're not a couple.” I said firmly. Even if I knew that he was just fooling around, I wanted the share the half truth. Well, Ji Yong and I were actually a couple, but we couldn’t show ourselves in public, so technically we weren't a real couple. I know that it sounds lame! But that was the only way for me to lie without feeling guilty. “People saw us on tv spending some time together and they immediately thought that we are together, but we aren't a couple. We're just good friends. As I'm just friend with Choi Seunghyun-Oppa too.” I said serious and then I waited for their reactions. "but this reactions are creating some awkwards moment between the sunbeas and I, so I'd really like to solve this misunderstanding and get back to a normal state."

“Ah.” Defcon nodded satisfied. “It's fine for me. Let's move on.” He stated.

But his pal didn't think so. “NO!” He exclaimed standing up. “It's not enough for me. I want to hear GD's version too.” He claimed.

“Then what are going to do about it?” His pal asked him.

“I'll call him.” He answered arrogantly.

“But if he never once returned your calls.” His pal replied.

“This time he'll return my call.” Doni said back. And so he started to shout out loud Ji Yong’s stage name. “GD!” He shouted, but no one answer back.

“Try again.” Defcon suggested. “And call out also TOP.” He added.

Doni nodded. “Ok. I'll try again.” This time he shouted louder. “GD!TOP!”





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