» Romance » Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗». Author Regreece

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"Oh lord, you're all half way drunk already!" Fay observed.
"I think the word is jolly," Sal corrected her.
"Yep, jolly drunk!" fay joked.
They all fell about laughing.

Sal suddenly got that overly excited look on her face and sat bolt upright on her chair. "I know, let's play truth or dare."
"Oh no, please," Fay said, putting her head in her hands.
Ruth looked impressed with Sal's suggestion. "Great idea. I'll start with Fay."
Fay looked wryly across the table. "How did I know that was coming Ruth?"
Ruth ignored Fay and continued. "Right, I'll give you an easy one to start with. What's your most embarrassing experience?"
Fay thought for a bit. "Well I have a few to choose from but here's one that springs to mind. I was walking into town one day and Georgos from 'Shots Bar' used to go past that way a lot before he moved house, so he would often stop to give me a lift. Now he has a black BMW, you must have seen it because there aren't many like it in Agios Nikolaos. Anyway, on this particular day the black BMW went past just as I was coming to the corner of a road and it went to turn but then stopped. I got in assuming that he was offering me a lift only..."
"What, what?" they chorused.
Fay cringed. "Err, it wasn't Georgos. It was a complete stranger!" They all broke into hysterical laughter. "He gave me a very strange look so I just smiled and got out!"
"He probably thought his luck was in!" Ann said, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes.
Fay briefly covered her head with her hands but when she looked at them again she was recovered and ready to get her own back.
"Okay, your turn now Ruth." Fay gave her a wicked look. "If you had to kiss anyone in the bar, who would it be?"
Ruth glared at her. "Thanks Fay. Well if I had to, hell I'd go for Adam."
"Me too," Sal said enthusiastically.
"Me three," Pat added.
Fay wasn't pleased with their responses. "Okay, okay, but I don't think that Ruth is telling the truth anyway, are you Ruth?" Ruth glared again. "Okay, maybe you were," Fay said, backing down at the look on Ruth's face.
Pat turned to Sal. "Your turn now then." She was ready with a question. "What was the worst thing you did at school?"
Sal didn't take long to answer. "Err... got thrown out of an exam."
Pat's eyes widened. "Why?"
"They told me I was causing a distraction."
"Come on then, what did you do?" Ruth asked, not at all surprised.
"I threw a paper aeroplane with a note in it at a boy I fancied." Sal looked pleased with herself.
"What did the note say?" Ann laughed.
Sal shrugged. "Can't really remember, something like 'meet me after school'."
"Ooooh!" They all pretended to look shocked but Sal had better questions up her sleave.
"Okay, your turn Pat. Who in town have you fantasized about sleeping with?"
"Sal! I can't answer that," Pat exclaimed.
"So you have then!" Ruth deduced.
"You have to answer it or do the dare," Sal warned.
Pat was defiant. "Okay, I'll do the dare."
Sal thought and glanced around her for inspiration. She giggled. "Right, see that bowl of oranges on the table in the taverna behind you?"
They all turned to look.
"Yes," Pat said suspiciously.
"You have to pick up some oranges and go up to that couple at that table over there and juggle, singing Robbie Williams, 'Let Me Entertain You.'"
Everyone but Pat laughed loudly.
"You're kidding."
Ruth smiled. "No. Good one Sal."
"I can't believe I'm going to do this," Pat said rising from her chair.
"Oh my god, she is as well," Sal giggled.

Pat picked up three oranges and went to stand in front of the couple who looked up at her in surprise. Then she started to juggle and sing, but she dropped the oranges and one landed on the table, rolling into the man's dinner. She apologized, picked up the oranges, put them back and ran, with the couple staring after her in bewilderment.
"Whose idea was it to play this game?" Pat asked, taking her seat again and turning her back to the taverna next to them.
"Sal's. Well done Pat, need to improve your juggling skills though!" Ruth teased.
"Ha, ha, anyway now it's Ann's go," Pat reminded them.
"Oh no, be nice to me please!"
Pat found it difficult to be nasty to Ann so she gave her a fairly easy question to answer. "What's the worst lie you have ever told?"
Ann thought for a while. "I told someone that I didn't love them, but I did and they left me." She gave them a crestfallen look.
"Ahh, that's really sad!" Sal said.
Pat turned to Fay. "Yes, there's a lesson to be learnt there."
"I've never done that!" Fay said defensively.
"You know what I mean, anyway your turn again," Ann said.
"I'll ask Fay's question," Ruth exclaimed suddenly, throwing Fay a challenging look.

Oh hell, she was going to give her a bad one for revenge.

"Has Adam tried to kiss you? And I want you to give details," Ruth stressed.
Fay's eyes widened. "No way! That's not fair!"
"Yes it is, I had to juggle oranges remember!" Pat added.
"No, I'm going to have to do the dare," Fay stated decisively.
"Any ideas?" Ruth asked the group.
"I have," Sal said with excitement.
"Go on then what?" Fay was reluctant.
"You have to sit under the table drinking your wine until someone else has to do a dare."
Fay rolled her eyes. "Thank you for that Sal."
"Go on then," Sal urged.
Fay tutted and picked up her glass, ducking under the table and sitting cross-legged on the floor.
"I feel completely ridiculous," she shouted out.
"Good," Ruth chuckled.

They continued to play but the next two people answered their questions.
"Any chance of me getting up anytime soon?" Fay shouted.
"Not yet," Ruth shouted back.
They all laughed and bent their heads to see Fay muttering to herself.
"Right whose turn now?" Pat asked.
"Oh my god!" Sal's attention was no longer on the people around the table
"What?" the girls asked.
Sal pointed across the road to Adam who was fast approaching. Ruth waved and gestured to him. As he got nearer she put her finger to her lips to indicate for him to be quiet.
He looked bemused and whispered, "What's wrong?"
Ruth pointed under the table and mouthed, "Fay."

Oblivious to what was happening above the table, Fay chose that time to shout out again. "I've run out of wine here now, can someone pass me some more?"
Adam stifled a laugh and poured another glass, crouching down. "Here, but I think you should probably slow down."
Her head shot up. "Adam!"
"Hi sweetheart, you having fun down there?"
Chapter 23

"Err..." Fay grimaced at the sight of Adam. "They made me do it! Can I come out now," she called.
"Okay, we'll let you off," Sal replied.

Adam grinned at Fay and held out his hand, helping her up. They took a seat and she frowned at him.
"Where did you come from anyway?"
"Err, Fay you've got a message on your phone," Sal said, passing it to her by way of an explanation.
She looked quizzical and read the message.

Ooh, very keen all of a sudden! I'll be down right away.

She looked up from her phone with a shocked expression before glaring at the girls.
Adam watched and then broke the silence. "So what are you lot up to then?"
"We're playing truth or dare," Sal supplied.
Adam looked interested. "I see, so what question did Fay fail to answer?"
Fay's eyes widened and she kicked Sal under the table as she went to answer him.
"Would you do us a favour and order another carafe of wine Adam? Just put it on our tab," Fay said, handing him the empty carafe and making an attempt at changing the conversation.

She didn't want him to know. He would find out later.

He smiled, took the carafe and made for the café.

As soon as he was out of sight Fay dived on the mobile phone he had left on the table and searched through his messages. The girls looked sheepish. She found one sent by her phone and opened it.

I'm at Thea; it's by the beach near the marina. Would love it if you joined me. I'll be waiting for you. Fay.

She put the phone back on the table and growled at them. "You're all dead!"
Ruth suddenly reached out for the phone again then and went back into the messages. "I wonder what other messages he's got."
"Ruth! You can't do that, put it down before he comes back!" Fay said in a panic. She went to grab the phone but Ruth held it out of her reach.
"Oh my, there's one here from Jen the little hussie," she exclaimed.
"No way, read it out quick," Ann urged.
"You're not going to believe this, it says 'sorry about earlier. For what it's worth you were fantastic last night. Why don't you forget Fay and come around here so we can properly make up.'"
Fay put her hand over her face, saying in a muffled voice, "Please put the phone down," she took her hand away and added, "and if anyone embarrasses me I'm going to be really, really angry, got it?"

Adam came back to the table soon afterwards and put the carafe down, taking a seat next to Fay.
Fay contemplated what to say to him. "You'll have to excuse the girls, they have had rather a lot of wine and they've started playing silly games, you know stealing each others phones and sending strange messages."

He should get the message from that.

Adam looked at her wryly. "Fay, it's okay, I knew the message wasn't sent by you."
Her reply was instinctive. "Too right it wasn't!" She paused then with a frown. "How did you know anyway?"
"Well A you wouldn't have invited me out in the first place and B, if you did, you sure as hell wouldn't have been that enthusiastic about it!"
"Hey, I can be enthusiastic

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