» Romance » Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗». Author Regreece

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did." He ushered her up the steps and back to his front door.
"Yes but Adam you're my boss, it's not exactly the done thing."
She looked doubtfully at him and he laughed. "It's not the same out here," he walked her back into the lounge, closing the door behind them, "besides, we're friends."
She looked surprised. "We are?"
"Yes, we are," he said with a smile.

She stood in the middle of his lounge, suddenly feeling the coldness of her damp clothes penetrating her body.
"I'll find you something to wear, you look freezing in those clothes," he observed, disappearing into his bedroom and coming back with a grey sweatshirt which he handed to her.
She eyed it with a frown. "Haven't you got any jogging bottoms or something that I can wear too?"
He laughed. "Fay, I've seen you in less than this," her eyes widened, "They would be too big on you anyway, just put this on."

She took the sweatshirt and moved into the bedroom to change, looking back at him and wondering how much less than the sweatshirt he had seen her in. She was actually quite glad when she did finally change; her clothes had stuck to her body and chilled her skin underneath. She slipped on the sweatshirt and inspected her reflection in the wardrobe doors. Luckily the top was big enough to cover her modesty but it still exposed a lot of leg underneath and it felt so odd wearing his clothes. She hesitantly walked back into the lounge and took a seat on the opposite end of the beige, corner sofa from where he had sat.

"I'm making you a hot mug of coffee," he shouted from the kitchen, "it should make you feel better."

Why was he going to so much trouble? And was he willing to spend the night on the sofa for her, why?

"Here," he offered, passing her the mug.
"Thanks," she smiled. She warmed her hands on the outside of the mug as she held it and took a sip of the piping hot coffee. "Hey, what's in this," she frowned as she noticed another taste in the liquid. He looked sheepish, sitting down on the sofa and switching on the plasma television with the remote control to cause a diversion.
"It's just a bit of brandy, it will warm you up and help you sleep."
She looked at him suspiciously. "Adam."
"Hmm." He kept his eyes on the television.
"So nothing at all happened between us this evening then?" She pulled her legs up underneath her and waited anxiously for confirmation.
He turned to look at her, smiling slowly.

Oh no, perhaps she shouldn't have asked.

"No, you told me in no uncertain terms that I was sleeping on the sofa and you were taking my room," he grinned.
Her mouth fell open in shock. "I did? That was very assuming of me."
His grin widened. "Yes, I rather like assuming Fay though."
She laughed.
He smiled and turned his attention back to the television. "I've got to meet up with Tom early tomorrow morning but you can lie in. Treat the place like your own, and I'll be back afterwards to give you a lift to your apartment. Then we can go and check out those trips we talked about."

He seemed to have everything planned. She was not sure she liked that. They had spent so much time together too and she only met him four days ago! It felt like forever!

"Okay," she shrugged casually, "but look if you have to be up early we should go to bed now."
He swung his head to her. "Wow, you changed your mind quickly! Come on then, let's go!"
She closed her eyes briefly. "Very funny, you know what I mean."
He grinned. "You got me all excited then."
"Hmm, I can see."
His eyes widened.
"I mean I can tell," she corrected and then blushed, "or whatever, stop it." She sunk down in her seat and hid behind her coffee mug.
He laughed. "I love it when you get all hot and flustered," he said cheekily. He had a picture in his head then of reaching over, putting her coffee mug down, lifting off his sweatshirt and carrying her into his bedroom.

He bet she'd blush a lot more if he did that!

"Come on then, we had better get some sleep," he said finally, getting up and holding out his hand to her. She frowned but he was standing in her way so she took his hand and he pulled her up, catching her around the waist.
"Ha! Gotcha."
"Adam," she said with a warning.
He linked his hands behind her back to stop her from escaping and his eyes moved slowly up her body, until they met her face and focused on her lips.
"You said you were going to be a gentleman." She looked at him warily and he gave a wicked laugh.
"Oh no, I never said I was a gentleman." His eyes remained on her lips.
"Adam!" She felt her face begin to heat up again.
He grinned. "It's okay, I'm just imagining it for now."
"For now?"
He continued to grin but failed to answer her.

She was so damn sexy when she blushed, especially when he got close to her and he knew that she was aroused.

She suddenly reached behind her, unlinking his hands and heading for his bedroom. He followed and she stopped at the door, turning to him with a frown.
"Okay, I'm going," he laughed but added, "now don't be having fantasies about me in my bed will you Fay."
She tutted and he turned, but he glanced back at her before she shut the door.
"Of course if you do, and you want me to fulfill a sudden womanly need, you know where I am."
She growled and slammed the door behind her.
Chapter 26

Two days later

Fay ran out into the corridor behind the bar and pushed open the back door, cautiously scanning the car park and eventually tearing out of the exit. She bolted around the building to the busy Street at the front of the bar. Before she got to the corner however she felt a hand on her arm again so she screamed as loud as she could and struggled so desperately that she lost her balance and fell to her knees as the hand let her go.

"Fay, what is it? What the hell are you doing?" she lifted her head to see Tom looking down at her.
"Tom! Tom! Did you see him? The man who had a knife," she squealed as he pulled her up off the floor.
"What man? Fay are you okay?" he said with concern.
Tears streamed down her face and she shook violently with shock. "He was trying to take me..." she put her hands over her face and the rest of her words were muffled.
Tom put his arms around her and tried to calm her down. "Shall we get the police? Come on, let's go back into the bar and sort this out."
She looked terrified at the thought of going back into the building and she broke away from him, running down the busy street. She couldn't think properly or take in what had happened to her but at that moment all she wanted was the safety of her home. He made after her.
"Look, I'll get you home if that's where you want to go but I'm not letting you walk alone," he said, catching up with her and slowing her down.
She continued walking with terror in her tear stained face.

Two days earlier

Fay was lying on the beach, looking up into the clear blue sky. Tim was lying next to her. She felt his hand on her arm and she turned to look at him.

Why was he wearing no clothes?

"Tim, put some clothes on!"
"Why? I've just been for a swim silly, I've got to dry off."
"Well I can't wait for you, I've got to go."
"Didn't you get my text message?"
"What text message?"
"About our date tonight."
"No, I'm not going on a date with you Tim."
"Oh yes you are madam or I'll throw you in the sea."
"Tim someone's coming, get some clothes on quick!"
"Are you blushing Fay? You're so sexy when you blush!"
Tim rolled over and appeared above her, silhouetted against the sun.
"I want to kiss you right now, right here."
He bent his head closer, putting his hands in her hair as his face came into focus.
"Oh my god! It's not Tim!" she said aloud.

Someone was stroking her hair.
"Come on, wake up sleepyhead," a voice coaxed.
She groaned and turned her head toward the voice. She felt fingers stroke her cheek, neck and hair; she was tingling and warm.
"What are you dreaming about?"
She rolled over onto her stomach, hugging the pillow and burying her face into it. She heard laughter.
"Come on, open those eyes."
A hand stroked her hair away from her face. Her eyelids felt so heavy.
"If you don't open them soon I'm going to kiss you," the voice warned.
She buried her head deeper into the pillow.
"Or I might get into bed with you," it warned again.
She turned away from the noise.
"I'll get you naked." The voice got louder.
"And kiss you all over." The voice was right by her ear.

She jumped, opened her eyes and swung her head around suddenly, coming nose to nose with Adam.
"Morning sweetheart, you finally awake?" he said with a grin.
"Adam!" she exclaimed, struggling to sit up in the bed.
He was lying next to her dressed in jeans and a shirt, leaning on his elbow and looking at her intently.
"Yes it's me, were you expecting someone else?" he asked, looking up at her dazed expression.
"What?" she felt disorientated.
"Who was it anyway?" He sat up next to her and leant his back against the headboard.
"What do you mean 'who was it'?" she frowned.
"You said, 'oh my god, it's not Tim,' so who was it then?" His eyes scrutinized her flustered face.
"Err... nobody, it was just a dream." She ran a hand through her hair and rested her head back against the wall.
"Yes but who was in the dream?" he pushed.
"Adam," she turned

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