» Romance » Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗». Author Regreece

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he gave her soft smile and put his mouth to her ear whispering, "Sometime soon eh Fay." Then he took her in his arms again and carried her back onto the shore.

She felt bereft suddenly and looked up at him with a mixture of frustration and bewilderment.
"Come on," he said, taking her hand, "we'd better get you home before you freeze in those wet clothes."

They walked across the stretch of sand together and climbed up onto the concrete platform that lead back to the café.
"Right girls, I'm getting this one home. Do any of you need a lift?"
"I'd better get back to the bar soon." Ruth glanced at her watch.
"I'll come with you Ruth, you two joining us?" Sal asked, looking over at Pat and Ann hopefully.
"Come on then." Pat stood up and linked arms with Sal, glancing back at Ann.
"I've got to go home I'm afraid, Dimitris is babysitting Amy and there's only so long he can cope with her! I would appreciate that lift though Adam."
Fay looked up then suddenly. "The bill, we haven't paid!"
"Don't panic, we paid it when you were swimming. Settle it with us later Fay. You look shattered, get some rest." Ruth advised as she rose to leave.

They parted ways and Adam stood in between Ann and Fay, putting his arms around their shoulders. "My two favourite workers, what would I do without you two, eh?" he smiled, kissing them on their cheeks in turn. He bent his head then to whisper into Ann's ear, "Of course this one over here," his eyes gestured towards Fay, "is doing funny little things to my heart, although I don't think she realizes it."
Ann smiled and squeezed his hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
Chapter 25

Fay stood shivering with cold as she waited for Adam to let her into his car. Her head was aching, she felt drowsy from the alcohol and all she wanted at that moment was to be tucked up in a nice warm, comfortable bed.

"Here, this should warm you up," he said, placing a soft, fleece type blanket around her shoulders. She clung onto it gratefully and climbed into the front of his car, sliding down in the leather seat and tucking the blanket around her.

Later that night

Fay had fallen into a deep sleep and the events that followed had disappeared alarmingly from her memory, leaving her at a loss to explain why she had woken up in Adam's bed.

Oh hell, what was she wearing?

With trepidation she lifted up the sheets and glanced down.

His shirt! This was getting worse by the minute...and no bra!!

She swung out of the bed then in panic and her feet hit the unfamiliarity of the cold, white tiled floor. Swinging her head around, she frantically scanned the room for her clothes but saw no evidence of them. Uncertain of what to do next she dived back onto the bed and sat there with the sheets pulled up over her.

She wouldn't have slept with him; surely to god she wouldn't have, would she?

She held the sheets away from her face slightly then and looked at them with anguish, taunted by his scent. Her face filled with heat at the thought of being naked in front of him, even worse in the drunken, impetuous state she was in that day!

What did she do now? Where on earth was he? He could be out there.

She glanced nervously at the bedroom door.

This was ridiculous; she had to do something. What time was it anyway?

She picked up his watch, the watch that he'd left at Jen's place!

Eleven thirty. What time did they leave? Six, seven? She'd been asleep all that time? Well she couldn't stay there; she had to get home.

She took a deep breath, gingerly got out of the bed again and made for the door.

Just pray he was not there; if he wasn't there she would just find her clothes and go.

She wasn't that lucky. She opened the bedroom door and saw him sitting on the sofa with his back to her. He had his feet up on the glass coffee table and was reading a paperback book. He turned suddenly when the door screeched a little and she jumped nervously.
"Hello sweetheart, sleep well?" he enquired, putting his arm over the back of the sofa and smiling at her.

"Err, yes." She ran a hand through her tousled hair.

How was she supposed to answer that?

"Seemed to have slept a long time actually." She tested the water.
"Yes, you were exhausted after all the fun and games," he grinned.

Fun and games, what was that supposed to mean?

"Well I guess I should be getting back now so..." She put an arm around her own waist and fiddled with one of the buttons on his shirt.

Clothes Adam?

He watched as the arm around her waist pulled the fabric closer to her body and his eyes followed the movement of her hand by her chest. She gave an exasperated sigh.
"Well I can't go like this, can I?" She gestured to the shirt.
"Why do you want to go now anyway?" he frowned.
"I need to get back," she said with uncertainty, wondering why she was there in the first place.
He put his book down and turned further around on the sofa to face her.
"You were okay with staying earlier." His voice had a hint of annoyance in it.

Oh god, she didn't want to hear that!

"Well now I've come to my senses so if I could please have my clothes back I'll get out of your way." She put her hands on her hips as she felt herself becoming irritated with him.
His eyes shot to the opening of the shirt and noticing this didn't improve her mood.
"Adam, can I just have my bloody clothes back!"
He narrowed his eyes at her. "I'm not sure that they are dry yet," he challenged.
"That's okay," she said with a sarcastic smile, "I'll take them anyway."
"How will you get back? I can't drive you now, I've had some whiskey," he said, throwing obstacles in her way.
"No problem, I'll get a taxi."
"I doubt if you will get one to come out here at this time of night." He turned around then, picked up his book and continued to read.

She had suddenly had enough; she stormed around the sofa and stood in front of him with her arms crossed.
"Where the hell are my clothes?"
His eyes moved up from his book and roved over her body, making her incensed with anger. She searched around the lounge and noticed a balcony door.

A washing line, he must have one on his balcony.

His eyes casually moved back to his book and, as she was about to move, he answered her. "They're in the laundry room, next to the kitchen."
"Thank you," she mocked, storming across the lounge to the kitchen.

She found the clothes, strode back through the lounge and into his bedroom, slamming the door behind her. He watched her go with a frown.

What had brought all that on? Bloody women!

She quickly took his shirt off and changed into her damp clothes but to her consternation she still hadn't found her bra.

Oh to hell with it, she just wanted to get home!

When she went back into the lounge he was on the telephone but he took the receiver away from his ear as she walked into the room. "There doesn't seem to be any answer from the taxi rank in town, as I suspected." He put the phone down and shrugged.

He was so bloody smug!

"Fine, I'll walk!" she shouted, doing an about turn and storming out of the front door.

She had no clue where her bag was so she had no money and no phone, but all she knew was that she was getting home if it killed her. The spare key would be under the mat and she would find her bag tomorrow. Everything would seem better tomorrow. She put her arms around herself, more for comfort than to keep herself warm as she was so angry and upset that she couldn't feel the cold.

She could hear Adam calling behind her but she couldn't bear to talk to him anymore at that point so she ignored him and continued walking. Then his voice got louder and she could hear his rapid footsteps so she sped up. The footsteps got faster so she began to run.
"Fay what the bloody hell do you think you are doing!" He ran after her. "Fay!" He growled when he finally reached her, grabbing her by the arm and swinging her around.
"Let go of me! I told you, I'm going home!" she yelled, struggling to get away from him.
"Are you out of your mind? You're half dressed in wet clothes and you want to walk miles across Agios Nicholas at this time of night!" He held firmly onto her arm.
"Look, I don't know what happened earlier but I sure as hell am not staying with you tonight!"
"Hold on a minute," he said with puzzlement, "what do you mean, 'what happened earlier?'"
She went silent then, searching his eyes for answers.
He sighed. "What exactly has that overactive mind of yours been coming up with?"
She looked to the floor.
"Fay?" He lifted her face up to his and she looked at him indignantly.
"I don't know, you tell me." She bit her lip nervously and he laughed.
"Well I'd love to say that we got up to all sorts but you were asleep for most of the time..." he rolled his eyes, "and even I'm not that much of a bastard to take advantage of you! Is that what you really thought?" His voice became more serious then.
"I didn't know what to think, I woke up in your bed for god sake!"
"Surely to god you know me better than that." His eyes scanned her face as she fell silent. "Look you can't go home like this, I won't let you," he said, turning her back towards his apartment, "as we had agreed earlier, I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight."
She looked sideways at him dubiously, "We agreed that?"
"Yes we

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