» Romance » PENALTY, Annika Sturm [best books to read for self improvement .TXT] 📗

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accommodation with each other over the phone and the web.

Alex had bought a large house in the countryside outside of Hamburg. Inspired by Tom's house in Austria, Alex now also had a pool and gym area built into it. He had Max's room set up as a priority hoping Emma would let him stay every once in a while and was feeling content imagining Tom in his new home whenever he would be able to visit.

Tom had opted for the complete opposite. He had bought a luxurious penthouse apartment in the middle of Dortmund overlooking the whole city. He was showing Alex the view on Skype and Alex gave his friend a sneak preview of the new kitchen he had bought only according to Tom's taste.

It felt things were finally on the up again and it would now only take another few weeks until the last international friendly matches before the World Cup were scheduled when the boys would finally be able to see each other again.

One Tuesday morning Alex was on his way to training. He had got used to the new route to his club and he was in a good mood. Despite the last few weeks of mayhem he had managed to focus on his career and his performance had actually improved. He had scored in every match and was almost surprised himself.

As he was lost in thought his mobile rang and Emma's number came up. 'Hi Em,' he said gently as he picked up, 'how are you?' 'Hey,' she whispered quietly, 'I'm fine…, fine', she sounded hesitant, 'you?' 'Yeah I'm alright. How is Max?' He gulped. 'Missing his daddy.' She said and Alex’s heart sank. 'Can I do anything? Do you need anything?' He asked quickly. 'I'm calling because I'm worried Alex.' She sounded anxious all of a sudden. 'Why?', Alex was alert straight away, 'are you alright? Is something wrong with Max?' He asked hectically. 'No, no, we're fine,' she took a deep breath, 'I spoke to Christine just now. She called me because she wanted me to team up with her.' Alex was confused. 'What? What the hell does that mean?' Emma was hesitant again. 'What do you think it means?' 'I honestly don't know what you’re talking about.' Alex was getting stressed. 'To sell our story Alex.'

'Oh,' Alex was breathing harder as it started to sink in, 'of course. The betrayed girlfriends. Dumped by gay footballer couple. Yes that is probably going to make you millions as an exclusive story.' He laughed bitterly. He had to pull into a car park and stop the car. 'Okay,' he turned cold and was full of suspicion, 'what do you want? More money? I'll give you anything,' he said hectically, 'anything. Please Em, don't do this.' 'Will you listen to me you imbecile,' she was getting angry, 'I'm warning you about this. I'm not part of this idea. I told her that she was going too far and that she was risking Tommy's and your professional lives,' Alex listened silently in shock, 'but I'm afraid she will sell the story anyway and get her dosh. I told her to leave you out of this.' 'Oh God, but what about Tommy?' He could hardly speak. 'I can't help him,' she said and sounded distant, 'she's got it all organised. You won't change her mind, believe me I've tried.' 'Perhaps Tommy can pay her off,' he mumbled, 'perhaps if they talked again, she won't...' 'Forget it Alex,' Emma interrupted him, 'she can't wait for the revenge and to see him suffer for what he has done to her. It's not just the money.' Alex was speechless. His heart was racing. 'How come you didn't join in?' He asked almost sarcastically. 'Because I have a child who will have to live with this for the rest of his life if I did.' She shouted at him. 'I'm sorry Em,' Alex said quickly, 'I didn't mean to...' 'Hurt me?', she interrupted him again. She laughed, 'yes you sound like a broken record!', Alex bit his lip, 'anyway,' she sighed, 'I felt like it was only fair that you know.' 'Thank you,' Alex whispered as the full horror started to sink in, 'thank you Em.' She hung up.

It had started to rain and the drops gently drummed onto the roof and against the windows of Alex’s car. All he could hear was this gentle sound as he just sat and stared in shock. He took deep breaths as he tried to calm down before he rang his friend.

'Hey,' Tom cheerfully picked up the phone, 'I was just about to call you to say hello,' he laughed, 'you alright? Bit late for training, hmm?' He giggled. Alex had closed his eyes listening to his friend's happy voice. He didn't say anything. 'Alex?', Tom asked unsure, 'what's going on?' 'Tommy.' Alex gulped. 'Alex, what happened?', Tom was full of concern straight away, 'are you alright?', Alex gasped for air, 'Jesus, just tell me. Don't do this again, now come on.' 'You have to speak to Christine.' Alex forced his words out and took a deep breath again. 'Christine?', Tom sounded confused, 'why the hell would I do that?' 'Because she is about to destroy your career Tommy,' Alex gasped for air again, 'she is selling her story to the press. She'll tell them Tommy,' Alex shook his head, 'she'll tell them everything.'

Tom didn't say anything at first. Alex could hear him breathing harder with stress. 'What,' Tom mumbled in shock, 'what did you just say?' 'Em just called me. Apparently Christine wanted to team up with her, get us both busted and them sorted for life,' Alex explained quickly now, 'Em called me to warn us. She didn't want anything to do with it,' Alex bit his lip, 'Tommy, you have to call her. No, you have to go and see her. You have to stop her. Pay her off, I don't know. Just something,' he felt desperate and helpless, 'Tommy?' 'Yes,' Tom said slowly and quietly, 'yes, I'm listening.' 'Do you think you can change her mind somehow?', Tom had gone quiet again, 'Tommy, say something please.' 'I, I...,' Tom stammered, 'I don't know,' he took a deep breath, 'my God. I never thought she'd be capable of this.' He whispered. 'Call her. Now,' Alex urged him, 'Tommy.' 'Yes, yes. I'll call her now.' 'Let me know once you have spoken to her. Will you?', there was silence again, 'will you?' Alex pushed him. 'Yes.' Tom sounded emotionless. Without saying it, both boys knew that yet another nightmare was about to begin.

Alex couldn't concentrate on his training all day and was glad when the session was over. He quickly checked his phone but hadn't had any calls from Tom. Back in his house he was feeling anxious and stressed. All he wanted to do was jump on the next plane to Dortmund. As he made himself dinner he was desperately considering his options. Waiting for his friend's call was the worst. In the end he just decided to call him instead.

'Come on, come on. Pick up,' he said hectically to himself rubbing his forehead as he heard the phone ring. Then finally he heard his voice,
'Tommy,' he almost shouted into the phone, 'what happened? Did you manage to speak to her?' There was a long pause. 'It's over Alex,' Tom sounded calm, almost too calm, 'I can't stop her. It's a done deal. That's it.' Alex stared quietly in shock. 'But, but...,' he was looking for words,' 'but why?' He asked with despair in his voice. 'Revenge. Some sort of penalty,' Tom said quietly, 'I've offered her everything. Half of my money, now and forever if needs be. But she wasn't interested. She wants to see me suffer,' he laughed, 'you were right all along. You thought she might go to the press. And I didn't want to believe it.'

'Where are you right now?' Alex gulped. 'At home.' 'You've been drinking.' 'Only a couple of beers.' Alex was worried and alarmed. Tom had more than that, he knew him, he could tell. 'Didn't you feel like talking to me?' He asked him carefully. Tom laughed sadly. 'I'm sitting in a dark flat Alex. I can't face talking to anyone. I'm about to lose everything,' he paused, 'I'm finished.' 'Tommy,' Alex said hectically, 'you are not finished. She will not win this. You are a true star, a genius footballer. People love you and they will continue to do that,' Alex paused, 'and besides, you will never lose me.' Tom laughed in despair again. The boys didn't speak for a moment.

'If you were just here,' Tom said more to himself and sighed, 'things would be a bit easier.' Alex listened to him in agony. 'Sod this God forsaken club.' He thought suddenly. 'I will be there.' Alex said assertively. 'What?' Tom mumbled absently. 'I'll take the first plane to Cologne tomorrow. I'll be there by midday.' 'What? You can't, you've got to go to training.' 'I don't care about training.' Alex gulped. 'Alex, you can't do that. The press will get suspicious of you being with me just as this bloody story is about to break!' 'Tommy, we're in this together. You need me right now and I want to be there for you,' Tom didn't say anything, 'you would do the same for me. I know you would.' 'Alex,' Tom sighed, 'this could be risky for you.' 'You don't understand. You're all I have,' Alex said and almost got emotional again, 'I've made up my mind anyway.' He said quickly. 'Really?' Tom asked with a sad smile. 'Yes. Really.' Alex whispered and gently kissed his friend goodnight over the phone.
Chapter 7

It was only just starting to get light when the plane took off from Hamburg airport heading towards Cologne. Alex sat in first class and watched the Elbe slowly disappear under the clouds. He was evidently recognised by his fans and was trying to give as many autographs as possible.

Once he had arrived, he called his agent and manager and explained that he could not come to training for the rest of the week as Tom would need his support and he had already flown to Cologne. They were outraged and his manager wasn't looking forward to explaining his absence from training to the press. Alex committed to being back in Hamburg for the match on Saturday. He was aware that he caused problems at his club with such erratic behaviour but he didn't care as long as Tom was going to be alright.

He decided to rent a car for the next few days. He chose the best and fastest model they had available and hit the motorway towards Dortmund. Tom had called in sick from training that morning in anticipation of the story breaking imminently. Alex headed straight to his new flat in the city centre. His

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