» Romance » All Signs Point to You Part Two, Navaura Campbell [best novels for students .txt] 📗

Book online «All Signs Point to You Part Two, Navaura Campbell [best novels for students .txt] 📗». Author Navaura Campbell

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to stop seeing you Denise. I just don't know what to say to you anymore. All I can think about is my mother and whether or not she's going to make it. I still love you and want to be with you, but my mother comes first."

Although Denise knew this was right. It was how it was supposed to be, she felt as if she'd been punched in the chest. She hated herself for the feelings of jealousy she'd been having. "Ok." Her voice was small, tone weak.

Jordan sighed and grabbed her face. Pulling it up to his, he looked into her eyes. "Denise, baby, I'm not saying that you're not important, just that I want to make sure my mom's ok first. I mean, she's done with chemotherapy, but the doctors can't do anymore. All we can do is hope for a remission."

Denise swallowed. "I thought if she was done with chemo, it meant she was in remission already?"

Jordan sighed, holding her tightly. "No. She needs to recuperate from the chemo. It's made her sick."

Jordan watched as her brows furrowed in confusion. He smiled, thinking it cute. "Sometimes, when a patient's given too much of a drug, instead of working for them, it makes them sick. That's what's happening in her case. She's been doped up so much, that her own body isn't functioning properly."

Denise nodded, understanding. "Oh."

He sighed and smiled, "You're still beautiful."

She laughed softly, "Thank you."

He caressed her chin, her mouth, her eyes, her nose. He couldn't believe the way his pulse still raced when ever touching her.

"I love you, Jordan. I'm sorry if my coming here seems a little selfish."

Jordan smiled, looking her in the eyes, "No. A whole month is a long time for us to not go out or anything."

He glanced at his watch. It was seven fifteen. "Do you want to go out to grab something to eat, or a movie, something?"

Denise inhaled, "I don't want you to do this because you feel guilty."

He shook his head no. "I want to talk to you, see how you've been doing." He ran his hands down her back, "I didn't know how much I've missed you till holding you. I could use some positive company right now. Dwelling on what's happening right now with mom isn't doing me any good."

Denise sighed, "Yeah, that's true."

He laughed,"So, let's say we go out, have dinner and maybe play some pool or something?"

Denise smiled, "Ok."

Denise flipped her braids over her shoulders, sighing at the weight she still hadn't gotten used to. Jordan glanced up at her, "Your hair looks really nice."

Denise smiled, "Thanks." They sat at a small restaurant somewhere in Richmond, both holding menus in their hands. Jordan ran an eye over his menu, looking for what sounded good to his ears. He stopped on a pork chop and gravy rice meal that came with a bowl of vegetables. He ordered that with a large iced coke.

Denise ordered a Chicken plate with green beans and mashed potatoes along side a sprite. When the waitress came and took their menus along with their orders, they settled into mundane conversation. Jordan glanced over at her, just studying her. "So...what's been going on in your life lately?" He inquired.

Denise smiled, "Nothing, except I applied to NYU last week and I'm anxious to see what the results will be."

Jordan gave a small smile. She was going to NYU? Since when? "That's great." He spoke in an attempt to be positive. Denise cleared her throat, and with a bright smile, said, "Yeah. I've always wanted to go there.” Jordan nodded. "Oh. That's great." The look on her face was beaming with pride. Denise sighed and said, "So, that's what's been going on with me. What about you?"

Jordan stared at her for a minute, not saying anything. And then, finding his voice, he smiled and said, "Well, I quit playing ball for this season."

Denise's mouth dropped open. "What?"

Jordan smiled, "Don't worry De-De, I secured my scholarship at the end of Junior year. Come next fall, I'll be headed to Hampton University."

"Oh, really?" Denise smiled, "That's good."

He shrugged, "Yeah."

Just then their waitress showed up with their food.

After dinner, Jordan led them to a golf course on the outskirts of South Hampton. When they arrived to the golf course, Denise, feeling more comfortable, grabbed his arm and wrapped it in hers. "Let's go have us some fun."

Jordan pulled her hand up and kissed the tender skin, leaving flutters in her stomach. Together they walked into the building and walked up to the young teenager who was on duty. The young guy was staring at a book open in front of him.

"What time does the course close?" He inquired. The teenager sighed without looking up. "Eleven o'clock."

"Can we get two tickets for the golf course out back?"

The guy, turned a page in his book, reached into his pocket, pulled out two tickets and said, "These are on me." He pushed them across the counter.

Jordan narrowed his eyes at him, "It would be great if you'd look up at us. How do you know we're not coming to rob you?"

The boy sighed, his voice monotone. "Cause, robbers don't ask for nothin' politely." The swag in his voice could have been death in itself. He may as well have been speaking to the dead. Jordan glanced at the book the young teen was reading. It was a J.K. Rolling book.

"If I see one more of those damn books, I'm going to go crazy," he stated, taking the tickets in his hands. He lead Denise out to the golf course.

"It's a Harry Potter Epidemic." Denise stated, smiling at Jordan. He glanced down at her, "Oh really?"

"Yep. He's into his third book release now." When they got to the door, Jordan grabbed a bag of golf clubs and pulled them onto his back. Each took a seat on one of the golfing carts and made their way out to the lit up field.

"I take you've read it?" Jordan teased.

Denise smiled, "I never said that."

Jordan laughed, "So you have?" He stopped the cart and got out. Denise followed suit. "No, not the third one. I'm half way through it."

Jordan laughed. "Ah, ha."

”“What ever." Denise whispered, standing beside him. Gazing out at the vast course, Denise sighed, "Why is this course open so late? Back home, the courses close around nine o'clock."

Jordan smiled, "Maybe because the crawlers, like you and I like to come out and play at night."

Denise grabbed a golf club out of the bag he held. Opening the bag, she dug into a side pocket for the golf balls. After taking one out, she turned to Jordan, her face lit up with a grin. "My first swing."

"Do you even know how to golf?”

Denise sighed and put the ball on the put. Standing back a little, making sure her knees were bent, she glanced out at the field for the first hole. Seeing that it wasn't too far up, she swung.

After golfing, Jordan took her to a small coffee shop for desert. Denise smiled all the way there and once they were in the shop.

"You really are going out of your way, aren't you?" She stated, taking a sip on her hot chocolate.

Jordan gave a playful grin. "I thought you'd enjoy some desert once the golfing game was over. Plus, it's pretty cold out there. I don't think you'd want to stay out there till it closes. I know I don't."

Denise sighed wistfully, content. "Thank-you."

Jordan watched the glow that animated her face. He felt good at having done this. His mind had been crossing back and forth between the night of his birthday and his mother, and he'd felt guilty for having been with her, when he should have been with his mother in the hospital as Lasaire had. He just wanted to see her happy. He hated being the one to make her cry. Grasping her hand in his from across the table, he studied the long delicate fingers. He ran his fingers down hers. The shiver she gave was visibly noticeable. He stared into her eyes, awed at the warmth in them. He had to say for a fact that this Denise, whom he'd been seeing since the first break up, wasn't the same as the Denise prior. This was a bit perplexing.

Denise felt uncomfortable under his scrutiny. She began to fidget and move in her seat. When he raised a brow at this, he sighed, "I'm impressed with you De-De."

Denise cleared her throat and took another sip of hot chocolate. "Are you?"

Jordan nodded. " Yes, I am really impressed with you, Denise."

Jordan opened her car door for her, when he dropped her off at home. She got out of the car and waited for him to shut the door. When he did, she said, "Come in and say hi to everyone."

Jordan laughed, glancing at his watch. "It's eleven o'clock at night, Denise, no one's going to be up."

Denise grabbed his hand, "Vicki will be, besides, I want you to come in, please."

Jordan glanced down into her eyes and smiled. Placing a kiss on her forehead, he obliged. Denise held his hand tightly. Together, they walked up to the door. She unlocked it and they entered the foyer.

"Denise, baby, is that you?"

"Yes, mama." She pulled him inside. Jordan closed the door and locked it behind him. Pulling him into the living-room, Denise sighed, "Look who I brought with me?"

Her mother glanced up from her position on the couch. A smile covering her face, Mrs. Richards, stood up and greeted Jordan. ”“Hey, Jordan." He wrapped Mrs. Richards in a hug, towering over her, about six inches. "Hi, Mrs. Richards."

She released her hold on him. "I'll make this quick and brief. Twelve o'clock, you're out that door, got it?"

Jordan nodded vigorously, "Yes, ma'am."

"Alright, now, how's you're mama Doing?"

Jordan sighed, trying to sound up beat. "She's doing good."

Mrs. Richards nodded. "That's good sweety. How are you doing in school and everything?"

"I'm doing well." He answered, glancing around the house. Mrs. Richards sighed and said, "Well, I'm off to bed. I have to work in the morning. Remember what I said Denise, "Midnight. No later."

Denise nodded, "Ok, mama."

With that, Mrs. Richards left them alone. Denise sat down on the couch. Jordan sat beside her. "What do we do for the next hour?" His eyebrows shot up at the grin that enveloped her face. "Kiss me, Jordan."

"But your parents and sister are upstairs."

Denise sighed and pulled her body over his. Sitting on his lap, she ran her fingers up his shirt, feeling the muscles there. He closed his eyes and let out an anxious chuckle. "Each year you get more and more evil." She leaned in and kissed his mouth. "Do I?"

He grabbed her around the neck and pulled her into him for the kiss. Immediately his tongue pushed it's way into her mouth. She kissed him with just as much passion as he kissed her. He pulled his mouth away from hers and whispered. "An hour Denise."

She went to his shirt and pulled it up. Her mouth attacked his nipples underneath the shirt. When she finished tending to both of them, she trailed kisses down his chest, stomach and navel area. He closed his eyes when she reached his stomach, causing a straining in his pants. He whispered, "Denise, it's been a month girl." She took a nip out of his stomach in response to his words. He exhaled sharply. "We're on the couch, in your house." Her fingers trailed down to the hair that disappeared underneath his pants. When her hands grabbed him and gave a gentle squeeze, his eyes fluttered close again and he moaned, feeling his own stiffness. "Denise Renee Calloway. You are one bad girl." His mind was working in over drive trying to tell her to stop, but her hands felt so good. When his pants unzipped and he felt a tug on his jeans, he was disappointed with himself

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