» Romance » All Signs Point to You Part Two, Navaura Campbell [best novels for students .txt] 📗

Book online «All Signs Point to You Part Two, Navaura Campbell [best novels for students .txt] 📗». Author Navaura Campbell

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four walked to Jordan's car. Together, they piled in, with Chuck and Amerie in the back seat and Denise along side Jordan in the front seat. "So, what exactly are we going to do at the mall?" Amerie inquired.

Denise sighed, "I thought it would be nice to go see a movie. It's a Friday, why not?"

"A movie?"

"Yes, a movie. You know, the kind where you go inside a dark theater and they play a movie?"

Amerie rolled her eyes, "Sounds like fun." Her tone held plenty of sarcasm.

Denise laughed, "Well, you asked, I answered."

Jordan sighed, and put his hand on her knee. Denise felt heat on the inside of her thighs. What was wrong with her?

Chuck cleared his throat. "So, what movie are we going to see?"

Denise sighed without looking back, "Why don't you pick one out Amerie?"

Amerie tried to figure out what was playing but couldn't concentrate with Chuck sitting next to her. She'd never really been that good around guys and it didn't look like to day would be any different. When Denise realized she was too scared to pick, she sighed and said, “How about you pick the movie Jordan?”

Once inside the movie theater, Denise and Jordan sat in one area of the theater, while Chuck and Amarie sat in another part of the theater. Chuck glanced over at Amerie and sighed. He really didn't want to sit next to her.

Jordan and Denise sat up in a dark corner of the theater, next to each other. Jordan glanced over at Denise, "Why do you think Chuck came along?"

Denise smiled, "Company for Amerie."

"Clearly he's not interested in her, Denise." Jordan whispered, glancing up at the screen.

Denise shrugged, "He could be, he did ask her about her home town. That shows an interest." She whispered, taking a sip of her Pepsi.

"All guys ask girls that, especially when they can't think of anything to say."

Denise laughed, "Is that why you asked me about my hometown and where I'm from?" She inquired just to distract him.

Jordan glanced at her. "Nope, I asked you just so I could keep you talking."

Denise laughed, "Why's that?"

He reached out and stroked her chin, "Because you have such a low husky voice with a thick accent."

Denise scraped her teeth against her bottom lip gently, "Is that correct?"

Jordan shivered at the seduction in her tone. "Yes." He wondered if she knew what happened to him when her voice became sensual, how much it fired him up.

She sighed, staring into his eyes. He was so damn gorgeous. The way his eyes seemed to glow with the gold flecks was enough to make her go crazy with the deep stirrings of love that built up in her.

"What?" He inquired, curious as to what she was thinking.

“I love you so much.” She whispered. Her tone began to get shaky and she felt a tear roll down her cheek. He reached out and wiped the tear from her eyes and whispered, “I love you too, Denise.”

“You know you mean the world to me, right?” She wanted him to know he meant so much to her, the desire for him to know that was overwhelming.

“I know. You mean the world to me.” He ran his hand over her hair and played with the ends of a few strands. He stared into her eyes until she called his name.

“What?” he asked a second time.

"Aren't you going to give me a kiss?" She whispered, her tone hushed.

He leaned in and planted a very gentle kiss on her lips. She grabbed his hand and held it to her. Grasping it tightly, she whispered, “ I need you." He sighed and just squeezed her hand tightly. For the first time since his mother was diagnosed with Leukemia he realized that something was bothering Denise and what ever it was, he needed to have a talk with her about it. Fortunately for her, the commercials began. Glancing up at the screen, she focused her attention there. He grabbed his cup of soda, took off the lid and took a swallow of the soda. The drink felt moist and cool on his throat.

After the movie ended, Denise and Jordan dropped Amerie off at home and then Chuck off at his house.








Chapter Forty Eight:



Jordan and Denise had both decided to go to his house and check on his mother and then he planned to sit down with her and talk, just so that he could find out what was really bothering her.

He drove past her house and to his own. He parked in the driveway and then got out of his side. She got out of the passenger side as well. He led the way to the kitchen entrance. He grabbed Denise's hand and held it as they went upstairs. When they crossed to his room, he paused and glanced at her. "I have to go check on mom, I'll be right back."

Denise held onto him tightly, "I want to go to."

Jordan sighed, "Ok." It had been a good two weeks since she'd stopped the chemotherapy treatments. He figured she'd be alright with her entering the room too. Denise felt herself a jumble of nerves as they made their way into his mother's room. The comforter she was covered in was an orange and red color. Ruffles were at the hem of the bed. Surprisingly enough, the room was tidy. Denise whispered, "I'm surprised her room's clean."

Jordan laughed, "I take care of her Denise. I'm the one who does everything for her."

"No nurse?"

Jordan whispered, "I am her nurse. She took care of me as a child and now it's my turn."

"Who's with you, Jordan? Is that Lasaire?" His mother's voice came out dry and raspy.

He cleared his throat. "No, Ma'am, it's Denise."

As they came upon her bed, Mrs. Williams smiled, "You're still dating her?"

He laughed softly, his tone tender as he answered, "Yes, ma'am."

"You're going to marry her." Mrs. Williams whispered.

Jordan swallowed the bottle of nerves that went through his back. "Mom, you can't say that."

Mrs. Williams laughed, the sound weak. Denise wiped a tear from her eye. She didn't sound that well at all.

"Yes, I can, when I know it's true."

Jordan leaned over and ran a hand over his mother's bald head. Her gray eyes stared at him shining with more life than she seemed to have physically. Her skin had changed it's tone from a healthy olive complexion, to a dry yellow. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "If you say so, mom."

Mrs. Williams breathed in and out slowly, with the support of a breathing machine. "Let me talk to her."

Jordan pulled Denise forward as he stepped aside. Denise stood in front of his mother nervously. Mrs. Williams glanced up at her. "Hi, Sugar." In her southern drawl, the words sounded so sweet, full of love.

"Hi, Mrs. Williams." Denise whispered.

Mrs. Williams inhaled as best she could, and then exhaled. "I want you to take care of Jordan for me."

Denise wiped another tear from her eye. "Yes ma'am."

Mrs. Williams smiled tenderly. "He's going to need someone here for him when I'm gone, Denise."

"Mom, you're getting better with each passing day." Jordan whispered, standing up over Denise. Denise closed her eyes in a brief moment of pain. She wasn't a doctor by far, but she could tell that Mrs. Williams was not getting any better.

"Jordan, baby, my time's almost done."

Jordan reached out and touched his mother's cheek, sunken in it was. "No, you're going to make it. Sure, it'll take you some time to get your strength back, but eventually it will come."

"Jordan, the good Lord's calling me home. As they say..." She paused to inhale another breath from the machine. After a good two minutes, she whispered, "It's almost that time for me to meet my maker."

Denise watched Jordan shake his head in denial. His tone soft, yet strong, adamant. "No, mama, you're going to make it. You can still gather strength as long as there's breath in your body."

Mrs. Williams looked back up at Denise, "Take care of him, Denise. Please." She inhaled deeply and then exhaled.

They stayed in that room for a good hour, before Jordan, satisfied at the bleeping of the heart monitor, grabbed her hand and led her out of the room. When they got back to his room, he closed the door. Denise sat down on his bed and watched as he went into his closet and pulled a basket of clothing out. Grabbing a hanger from one end of the closet, he hung up a t-shirt. It was then Denise looked around her. Everything in his room was spotless. His desk sparkled. The walls looked brand new. His dresser was shining, even the carpet had looked as if it had been scrubbed. Denise glanced over into his closet and saw that everything was in alphabetical order and color coded as well. She didn't remember seeing this. Standing up, she opened the door to his room and walked out into the hallway. A linen closet separated his room from the bathroom. Opening the closet, she looked inside. The shelves sparkled and everything was color coded. She closed it and then went into the bathroom. It too was in order. Nothing was out of place.

Stepping out of it, she backed into Jordan. He just stared down at her. She inhaled sharply, "You did all this baby?"

He looked her in the eyes without answering. She smiled, making an effort to lighten the situation. "You clean better than I do."

He laughed, "Do I?"

She nodded. He could see the pain in her eyes. Grabbing her around the shoulders, he pulled her into him. She held onto him tightly. He whispered, "Denise..."

", you did an awesome job, but..."

He whispered, "I have to do something."

Tears streamed down her cheeks. "I know."

"I can't sit here day after day and..."

She nodded into his chest. He grabbed her face up and held it in his hand. "You are so beautiful."

She let out a small laugh, and swallowed, "Thank-you."

He whispered, "You're welcome, Denise."

She exhaled sharply. He leaned in and kissed her mouth. She kissed him back. He grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it up. He touched her body and kissed her mouth. His mouth moved from hers to her neck, where he suckled the skin there. Denise moaned and then whispered, "Feels good." He suckled harder as he pulled her panties down. She closed her eyes and gasped in delight. It was making her body tingle. He released the skin there and kissed her mouth again. She grabbed his neck and pulled him closer to her. His pants were heard as they fell to the floor. He pushed her against the wall and immediately her legs went up to wrap around his waist. He pulled his mouth from hers as he pushed his member inside her. She stared him in the eyes, seeing his pain. She whispered, "I love you, Jordan. I'll be here for you." He pushed deeper into her and began to move in slow rhythmic movements. She exhaled sharply, grabbing onto his shoulders. As he moved in and out of her, she knew that this wasn't particularly about being horny. There was more to it than just sex. He needed comfort and for the time being, she provided that. She didn't know how she would be here for him the way his mother wanted her to. The way he wanted her to. She had never lost a parent, let alone two. She couldn't possibly understand what it was she could offer him at this moment.

Long after they'd settled the issue with him, Jordan was reminded of her expression when they were in the mall. “Denise?” He asked as they were laying in his bed. He had his arm wrapped around her, comfortably.

“Yes?” She inquired, all but forgetting about chuck.

“When we were at the movies, you said that you needed me.” His tone carried more of a question than a statement for what he'd just spoken.

Denise inhaled, “I do need you Jordan.”


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