» Romance » Jail Bird., Em. Z. [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Jail Bird., Em. Z. [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗». Author Em. Z.

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"Jane, you have no idea how he looks at you. You should have seen his face just now. He looked like he was a dying fish."

I had to laugh with her, although it was weak and not very believable.

"Even if you two break up, which I highly doubt, I don't want you to just disappear, Jane. Even if I don't admit it, you've become dear to my heart. Mom's as well. You're an awesome girl, with a heart of gold. If Victor can't see what he's ultimately losing by being a pompous ass, than he's even more blind than I thought." Her eyes hardened at the last part, as she took my hand firmly in hers.

I sniffled, wiping my eyes once again with my free hand. "Thank you, Jean...that means a lot to me."

She winked, and stood up. "I have to go kick my brother's ass now."

I smiled slightly up at her, still a little surprised at the change.


I can't remember how many times I'd walked the beach. I knew my skin had gone darker than before, and I probably had some pretty bad tan lines. I stood at the end of the Bay, over the ocean. My mind was reeling with hurt. Even after all the times we'd fought, this seemed worse. Somehow, all those other times I'd left, I always knew I'd come back. This time...I didn't know if I could face him. Not after that look of anger, pity, and betrayal had been thrown at me. I could understand the betrayal - sort of - but the anger? The pity? First off, I hated pity. Second, he had no right to be angry with me. It wasn't something I could control. Something I could just turn off and on. It was practically a disease! 

I groaned, setting my face in my hands as I leaned on the railing. Then there was the issue with Ike. He was on the hunt, and it wouldn't be long until I'd have to move again, maybe even change my name. I didn't want to, but it seemed to be my only option.

I lifted my head as my phone rang, pulling it out of my back pocket, I didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" I asked in a guarded voice.

"Blood is thicker than water."

My breath hitched, not only because of what he said, but because the voice came from right behind me. A grin spread across my face and I spun around. "Daddy!" I squealed.

He caught me as I almost tackled him in a hug, burying my face in his chest. He chuckled, and I held him close. "I missed you so much." I mumbled.

Tears leaked out of my eyes and into his shirt, but they weren't sad. I'd missed his occasional visits.

"I missed you too, sweetheart."

I pulled back to look at him, smiling. "So what brings you to Florida?" I asked him.

He'd dyed his hair deep Burgundy, and he was wearing chocolate brown contacts.

"I just came to check up on you." He said.

"Let's go get some cotton candy!" I gushed, grabbing his hand and leading the way.

He laughed, following me down the dock. We jogged down the stairs, bouncing like two teenagers as we ordered our candy. We were always partners in crime when I was young. Before he was really a criminal and I really became sort of his partner in crime. We were best friends, running around town all day, fishing at five O clock in the morning to sunset. We told each other everything. 

We walked back up the stairs, enjoying our cotton candy. I told him all about Lissa - how she was robbed and I took care of her two children. We sat down on a bench as I explained. He was serious, his eyes studying mine intently as I spoke. I began to wonder why he was looking at me like that, and my voice faded into silence.

"Are you and Victor together?" Dad asked abruptly.

"Not anymore." I answered honestly.

He raised an eyebrow, as if not expecting the answer. "So you were together?"

"Yes. We had a fight a few days ago, but it wasn't really a done deal. Today we had a big fight, and now...we're over."

"What was it about?" He asked, turning so his forearm laid on top of the bench, and he was facing me.

I looked down at my hands. "I told him...about my...inability to have children." I shrugged.

"And he couldn't understand." Dad guessed.

Tears began pricking at my eyes. "That's the problem. He understood completely. He was betrayed that I didn't tell him before, and angry at me for some reason. I mean, you understand, right? It wasn't something I could just bring up mid-conversation." I said, looking up at him for his understanding.

Dad, being the one I always went to for these problems, nodded. "Of course I understand. It wasn't your fault in the first place. I have one question though, Jane." He looked at me seriously.

"Yeah?" I urged.

"Do you love him?"

I stared into Dad's eyes, knowing that behind those contacts, were the same bright blue eyes that I'd always known. "Yes. I love him so much, Dad. I'm just afraid that...well that he doesn't love me after all. That he was just using me." I expressed my fear, something that I hadn't even thought about until that conversation I'd overheard.

It just made so much sense! Get close to the girl, gain her trust, and she'll tell you everything. 

"Jane...I hate to encourage this relationship, because you are my daughter and it's my number one self-appointed duty to protect you. But...I don't think he's using you. His number one priority the night you were captured was to keep you safe. He hardly even cared that Ike got away, all he did was track you down as fast as possible. Plus, I saw the way he held you that night, and the way he looked at you. You were like his greatest prize, and most delicate china. That's how I felt about your mother when we first met. I saw her, and...I couldn't look away. I suspected you two had something going on the minute you heard his voice. You should have seen yourself. I don't even think you realized how awed and adoring you looked. Like he was your knight in shining armor." Dad sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair.

I was stunned, staring at Dad with wide eyes. Finally, I asked in disbelief, "Really? I had Love-Struck-Puppy-Face going on?" I questioned.

He laughed loudly. "You have no idea."

"Yeesh." I said in disgust.

He ruffled my hair, and then something occurred to him, and he became serious again. "There is something I'm concerned - and a little angry - about, though." He said.

"What's that?" I questioned, my stomach turning uneasily for some reason.

He rummaged through his bag, grabbing a large yellow envelope. "Somebody better be really good at photoshop, and was trying to mess with me, or else Victor is dead." he pulled out what looked like large photos, handing them to me.

My eyes widened in surprise, and mortification, as I realized what I was looking at. The sun was setting behind the ocean, and in high definition, was Victor and I. My wet hair was splayed across the sand, and my hands were in fists on his back. His lips were at my ear, a tiny smile playing on his lips as he whispered something, bracing on his forearms as his body hovered above me.

The next was of his lips on mine. Another of us kissing, and then some still shots of us falling on the ground. Some had been taken through the window, of Victor putting me in bed. This was the night after we'd gone swimming.

"Oh shit." I whispered.

"I'm guessing these are not photo shopped." Dad said.

I bit my lip, shaking my head.

"God dammit." He muttered under his breath.

Shit, shit, shit. If Kent saw these, Victor would be six feet under by now. He already knew I'd seen him naked.

God bless it.

"Can I just burn these?" I groaned.

"No. I'm going to use them as the reason I murdered him." He growled.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm twenty two, Dad. Legal adult, remember?" I pointed to myself.

He narrowed his eyes. "I can still ground you and take away your cookie privileges." He threatened.

I smiled. "Already been done."

"I hope you know I'm disappointed in you." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Dad, it's not like we had sex."

He raised his eyebrows and shoved the picture of Victor putting me in his bed as if it were incriminating evidence. I winced. "Okay, so it looks bad. But we didn't do anything like that. We just...slept together." I said.

He narrowed his eyes. "If you're lying to me-"

"The soul of a liar is black like poop." I recited.

He let out a bark of laughter at that, but soon quieted down, his face growing sober. "Jane...I don't want you hurt." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "It's a little late for that."

"I mean I don't want you to get your hopes up, only to have them torn down."

I stared at him, not understanding. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying...don't get close to Victor, Jane. Leave him, if you have to. If Ike got to him you'd never forgive yourself."



I stared at Dad, my confusion gone, and replaced with absolute understanding.

"I know. But Dad... Ike already knows how I feel about Victor. Do you really think that leaving him will help?" I question.

Dad nodded. "If you convince Ike that it was just an act to lure him out, he'd back off. But that means...Victor has to believe it." He said, seeming pained as the last part came out of his mouth.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I have to tell him that it was an act. That you faked it to get Ike out in the open. He has to believe it." Dad said.

I swallowed thickly. "I-I don't know if I can-"

"Do it for Victor, Jane. It's for his own safety, and yours." Dad stared straight at me, his eyes emotionless.

Something was wrong. I'd never seen him like this before. He was always calm, always collected, but never emotionless.

"Dad...what's wrong?" I asked.

That snapped him out of it, as he quickly got defensive. "Nothing's wrong! I'm just trying to protect you!" There was a meaning behind his words, one that only I could catch.

"Who got you that black convertible?" Code for what are you not telling me?

"Uncle Jacob." I raised my eyebrows, that was code for danger.

"Uncle Jacob? You mean my Uncle Jacob?" I pointed to myself and widened my eyes slightly to convey the real question.

He nodded, bringing his hand up pointedly to itch behind his ear. I noticed an almost invisible ear piece as he nonchalantly moved his ear forward.

I swallowed thickly.

"What ever happened to Grace?" Code for what the hell is that?

He gave me a look for language, but continued speaking, "She divorced him." My face paled.

Divorce, in simple terms, meant threatened.

The entire code meant I've been threatened.

"And you weren't planning on telling me this?" I asked, forcing an amused smile on my lips.

He rolled his eyes for affect. "I thought it would upset you. You seemed close to her."

"Dad, I'm a big girl. You can't protect me forever." I said.

At this, his eyes were hard. "Well I can protect you as

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