» Romance » Jail Bird., Em. Z. [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Jail Bird., Em. Z. [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗». Author Em. Z.

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crashed against the shoreline, horns honked way in the distance. Even the wind could be heard with all the silence in the air. Logan stared at me with utter seriousness, while my mouth hung open.

"Why...did you just do that?" I forced out, my voice strangled.

He let out a silent laugh, though no humor showed in his features. "Because I'm in love with you, Jane."

My entire being was frozen, as I stared at Logan in utter horror, and earnest confusion. He couldn't love me! That wasn't right! Not when I didn't love him back! Victor wasn't hard to accept because I loved him! I don't love Logan!

"I have to go!" I pushed away from him, but he caught my arms.

"No, wait, Jane. Don't do this. Let me explain myself!" He begged.

I shook my head. "Logan, you just told me you love me! How could you...say something like that when you know I love your brother?" I exclaimed.

"Maybe because it's the truth! Maybe because every time I saw you with Victor I felt like punching something! You deserve to know my feelings, just as I have the right to tell you!" He yelled back.

I jerked out of his hold, tears building in my eyes. "Well just because you have the right doesn't mean it's the right thing to do! Victor and I-"

"Don't tell me the right thing to do, Jane! I know you love Victor! I'm reminded of it every single day when you two are in the same room! I fell in love with you, I'm so sorry!" His voice was dripping with sarcasm as he said the last words.

I was exasperated, and confused. When did he figure this out? When did he realize that he was in love with me?

"I-I'm sorry but...I have to go." My voice shook as I spun on my heel and started down the street.

"Jane!" He growled, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me roughly back into him.

"No!" I protested, but I was too late.

His lips pressed against mine, as he kissed me once again. I struggled against him, but he only deepened the kiss. His lips were soft, and despite his rough hold on my arms, the kiss was sweet, and slow. My mind struggled against my body, which was demanding I let myself react. This was wrong! I couldn't...I couldn't respond to this warm...soft...tantalizing kiss.

I had no idea what my body was doing anymore. I felt my arms wrap around his neck, unable to stop them. Triumphant, he splayed his hand across my back, using the other hand to tangle in my hair.

I was powerless, as a warm feeling pooled in my stomach. Not love, no I could never love Logan the way I loved Victor, but it was close to love. It scared me that I cared so much for him.

Logan ran his tongue along my bottom lip, pulling me deeper into his trap, as my body responded, opening for him. My mind, muddled from his touch, desperately struggled for control again. His tongue met mine, just as the door opened, and Victor's voice broke through the trap Logan had me in like wire cutters. With all the strength I had, I broke away from Logan, so glad that we were hidden in darkness as I wiped my mouth.

"Jane? Logan?" He called.

Logan, gasping for breath as he stared at me, expressionless, replied, "Yeah, we're over here!"

I suddenly felt very hurt, and guilty as I realized what I'd done. I'd betrayed Victor's trust. And I knew I couldn't lie to him. Logan's eyebrows raised slightly at my expression, as Victor ran to where we were.

"There you are. What are you two doing over here?" He asked.

I turned my eyes from Logan, to meet Victors, and they filled with tears, as I bit my trembling, swollen lip.

"Victor...Logan kissed me and...I kissed him back." My words were only a whisper, but Victor heard them loud and clear, as his relieved expression turned first to confusion, and then to anger.

"What?" His voice cut through the air like the crack of a whip.

I pressed my lips into a thin line to keep the sob from escaping, as my heart broke. "I'm so sorry." I whispered.

I then pushed past both men before they could see my tears fall, running back to the house. I pushed through the front door, ignoring my family as I ran upstairs. I ran into my room, slamming the door closed, and letting the sobs go. I curled up on the floor in the corner of the room, leaning my forehead on the wall as I let the sobs escape. 

Well that was it. Victor was going to hate me. He was going to leave me. I was never going to be able to talk to Logan again. I suddenly felt furious at Logan. How could he do that? When he knew how much it would hurt me in the process? How could he be so selfish? He loves me, yeah okay, I'm also in a relationship with his brother!

Not anymore.

The thought was like twisting the knife that was lodged in my heart. I couldn't imagine what Victor was feeling right now.

I cried for probably an hour, before I fell asleep, there, sitting on the uncomfortable floor against the cold wall. Not that I didn't deserve any worse.

I vaguely remembered someone knocking on the door, but I was so exhausted, that I didn't even open my eyes.


I awoke tangled in my sheets, breathing in the clean, fresh smell. I rolled over, stretching my arms high above my head, as I pointed my toes. I let out a sigh as my joints cracked, and then I froze, realizing that I was in bed. And it wasn't my bed I was in.

I sat up, looking around the familiar room. I jumped as I noticed Victor sitting on the end, staring across the room at the wall.

"Jesus." I muttered, putting a hand to my heart as it restarted.

How drunk did I get last night? My head hurt like a mofo, and my eyes burned as the light hit them.

Victor didn't look back at me, he only stared at the wall ahead. "What happened last night? Man I haven't been that wasted since three years ago when I got arrested for dancing in nothing but a bra and underwear on top of my car," I muttered.

Victor ignored that part, turning to me. "You don't remember anything?" He asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to remember. "I remember...telling a joke. Logan came to get my head hurts." The memory abruptly halted as my head throbbed.

Victor handed me a glass of water and two advil. "Drink the whole thing." He ordered.

I downed the pills, chugging the entire glass of water down. I laid back down, resting my arm over my eyes to ease the pain. I felt him move, and the bed dipped beside me, as he laid down. He pulled me into his chest. I removed my arm from my eyes, turning to face him.

"I probably smell like beer." I muttered.

"You smell like hard alcahol." He rolled his eyes.

I buried my face in his chest. "So why are you cuddling me if I smell so bad?" I asked.

"Because, smell or not, I've missed having you in my arms. I'm sorry for getting your cookies taken away." He apologized.

I got a flash of memory.

I have cookies.

For me?

I opened my eyes. "Cookies."

He raised his eyebrows. "He lured me into the car with cookies." I recalled.

Victor seemed troubled. "I see."

"I remember that I was telling a joke to a group of guys when he-"

"A group of men? Drunk men?" Victor asked, tightening his arm around me.

I rolled my eyes, but winced as it hurt my head. "Even drunk, I can take care of myself, Victor. Anyway, I was telling a joke, and I didn't want to leave, so Logan told me he had cookies in his car. Naturally, I couldn't just turn down the offer of cookies. We drove home and...I was getting out of the car...but I stumbled. Man I was wasted." I paused to roll my eyes again, but continued, "Logan caught me and then...," 

I pushed away from Victor, horror washing over me. "Oh God."

I sat up, running a hand through my messy hair. Victor sat up with me. "H-he kissed me. I-I ran away from him but he caught me and...we argued and...he kissed me again, only that time I...oh God." My voice shook.


"Oh God, I kissed him! I-I kissed him! I'm such a slut! I'm such a...a...whore!" 

"Jane!" Victor caught me as I tried to get out of bed, sliding in front of me. "You told me as soon as it happened, didn't you? You cried yourself to sleep in the corner of your room because of that. Didn't you?" He caught my face as I tried to look away, making me look into those golden eyes.

My lip trembled. "Y-yes."

"Jane," He let out a laugh, pulling me into his chest. "I'm not angry at you. Just the fact that you told me right away, makes me trust you even more. Just the fact that you felt so much guilt for doing it, lets me know that you love me. As for being a slut and a whore, it was a kiss, that he instigated. I don't like the idea, nor do I appreciate it, but it's not your fault that you have feelings for him." He said.

I sniffled. "B-but...I don't have feelings for him. I care about him, but...I-I don' least I think I don't...I-I-"

"Jane, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you love me, and that you're choosing to stay true to me." Victor said, brushing the hair from my face.

I let out a tired sigh. "Why can't you just yell at me and tell me I'm stupid?" I asked.

"Would that make you feel better?" He asked.

"Yes." I lied.

He chuckled, kissing my forehead. "But it certainly won't make me feel better. Actually it'll make me feel like the biggest jackass to ever walk the earth." 

"I don't deserve you." I informed him as I snuggled into his chest.

"Jane, you have no idea how much more you deserve than all of this, me included." He sighed.

I shook my head. "I don't believe that."

"Well that makes you all the more deserving." 

I grumbled something unintelligable,snuggling deeper into his chest. "You didn't kill him did you?" 

A loud laugh came from him, shaking the bed beneath us. "No, I didn't kill him. But he does have a nice shiner." He said, his voice almost thoughtful.

I pulled back, laughing despite the guilt I felt. "Victor!" I scolded.

"What? He kissed you!" He laughed as I hit him on the arm.

"Well I already slapped him!" I defended.

I yelped as he caught me around the waist, pulling me down onto the bed and shifting so he hovered over me. My giggles died down, as I stared into his intense golden eyes. I reached up, brushing his hair from his face.

"I love you."

His eyes drifted closed, as if those three words sent him into total bliss. "I love you too, Jane, so much." He whispered, leaning down to press his lips to mine.

Butterflies took flight in my stomach, and I ran my hands up his chest, and around to the back of his neck, playing with the hair there.

He pressed himself close to me, and I wound my fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss. 

We pulled abruptly apart when a bang issued on the door. "Jane Lane Harison if you're not out of his room in two minutes I'm going in there!" Mom yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "Twenty two years old and my mother still rules my life." I muttered thoughtfully.

Victor groaned, placing another kiss on my lips. "I can have her arrested for breaking into my home." He suggested, moving down to place soft kisses along my neck.

I laughed breathlessly. "But she didn't break in."

"They don't have to know that." He whispered.

I rolled my eyes, pushing him off me. "No thanks, Robo-Cop. I have to get up anyway."

He plopped on

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