» Romance » Jail Bird., Em. Z. [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

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alive and well." I gush out, hoping to destract Kent.

No such luck.

Oh please don't yell at me in front of our mother, oh please don't yell at me in front of our mother. I chant in my head, wincing.

"You've seen him naked...outside of the hospital?" He yelled.

Victor, who still has his head buried in my neck, is shaking with laughter, as I open and close my mouth over and over. 

"Well we didn't do anything!" I sputter, as if that would justify it.

Victor laughs harder, and I don't feel guilty enough to hold back pinching him. 

"Jane Lane Harison!" Mom scolds, and my face is beet red, as I bury it in Victor's chest in embarrassment.

"I'm twenty two years old!" I complain, my voice muffled.

"That's no excuse!" Mom yells.

I look up at Victor with a dissaproving gaze. This was all his fault. He just smiles down at me all innocent. I'll show him innocent when I knee him in the-

"That's it, I'm taking away your cookies and your chocolate milk." Mom snapped.

I gasped, and Victor stopped laughing, growing serious. He knew my love for cookies. I stood up, my mouth dropping open as I yelled, "What?"

"You heard me, young lady!" She yelled.

The room became deadly silent, as they waited for my reaction. If I didn't feel so bad for getting Victor shot, I would have killed him myself. Instead, I gave him a scathing look, before storming out of the room.



It had been a week, and I still had not spoken to Kent, Mom, or even Victor. Logan was the only one I would speak to, because he did nothing wrong. I lost my cookies, and my milk! I was cookie and milk-less! I was going to die! 

Mom wouldn't even let me buy some. I'm twenty two for God's sake and I can't even buy my own damn cookies! 

I groaned as I watched TV in my room. I was so done with this. If I couldn't have cookies, I was going to have beer. A lot of beer. I hadn't gotten drunk in a while. I grabbed my jacket, brushing out my hair. I changed into a black sundress that was still sexy and form-fitting, along with black flats. I threw my jacket on over it, and skipped down the stairs. I didn't bother answering questions as I opened the door, I just slammed it behind me. They didn't need to know my every move.

I was a grown damn woman, and I was going to get drunk like one. I raced down the street before Victor could chase me out, retracing my steps to a pub I saw by the Bay. It took about ten minutes to get there, but when I did, I smiled brightly. Tonight was going to be awesome.

I showed my ID, stepped into the bar, and I realized it wasn't just a bar, it was a club. People danced and grinded together, while others made out or just talked at the round tables. I raised my eyebrows as I looked up at the different colored lights. I could tell I was going to be dancing by the end of the night.

Grinning at the thought, I rolled my eyes as I made my way to the bar, plopping down on a tall stool.

"Give me beer." I said.

The bartender gave me a weird look, "Specifications?"

"Dude, I just want beer." I snapped.

He held up his hands, and handed me a beer. I smiled in thanks as he popped the cap, taking a swig.

Someone slid into the seat beside me, as I was slipping off my jacket. "Hello, beautiful." The man purred.

I looked him up and down. Unnatractive. His greasy brown hair was in desperate need of a brush...or a blowtorch to get potential spiders out of it. His hooded eyes had this uncomfortable creeper look to them, and I knew that he'd been dared to come over here.

"No." I said bluntly, taking another swig of my beer.

Immediately, he left, his ego bruised. 

I swiveled in my seat, smiling like a child at the butterflies it gave my stomach at doing so. I leaned my elbows on the counter, beer in hand. I examined the large room, and noticed a game of pool going on in the corner of the room.

I grinned and jumped off of my chair, noticing that they weren't doing so well.

"Excuse me." I said in my best seductive voice, touching the buff man's arm.

They had just been starting up a new game, gathering all the balls together. The man looked up, and his eyes widened as he straightened. "Yes?"

I gave him an innocent smile. "I was wondering...I've never played pool before, and I'd really like to." I said, keeping my lips in a pout.

He stuttered for a moment, before finally handing me a que stick. I blew him a thankful kiss, and recalled the skills my Dad taught me.

I leaned over the table, acting confused. "Am I doing this right?" I asked.

The buff man leaned against the wall, his eyes roaming my body. "Perfect. Hey, how about we make a bet? However many balls you get in the hole, I'll pay you ten bucks."

I looked up with innocent eyes. "I-I'll try." I said softly.

I grinned as I hit the white ball, sending it flying into the others. They went into their assigned holes, every single one. I whiped my hands together, shooting the man a wink. "How many tens is that?" I asked innocently.

I leaned on the pool table as he pushed himself off the wall in outrage. "You played me!" He said furiously.

I cocked my head to the side. "You said a ten for every ball, did you not?"

He spluttered in outrage, grabbing my arm in a tight grasp. "Now you listen here you bit-"

"Ah, ah, ah, I don't like language." I said, smiling sweetly as I grabbed his wrist and twisted.

He grunted as he let go of me. Obediantly, he pulled out his wallet, and gave me eighty.

"Thank you." I said, my smile turning into a grin.

I laughed as I walked back to my seat, taking a huge, and last, swig of my beer. I stuck my cookie money into my wallet, setting the empty beer bottle on the table, and ordering another.

I had just taken a swig of my new beer, when someone slid into the seat next to mine. I glanced over to see a rather handsome man. He had dirty blonde hair, and dark brown eyes. He was also well built, but he couldn't compare to he-who-shall-not-be-named. That jerk got my cookies taken from me. And my milk! Ugh.

"Hello." He said, his voice polite, but with an edge of something.

I gave him a look. "Yeah, hi."

He chuckled as he gestured for the bartender to give him a drink. "I saw that little stunt you pulled with Willis. He's not very happy with you." He said.

"Who? Oh, the dude with his brain so far down in his ass that he can't see he's being played?"

He almost spit out his drink, as he busted out laughing. I took a swig of my beer, glancing at Willis, who was still sitting there, glaring at me. I gave a cheeky smile and waved.

"Yeah, that guy. Says he's going to kick your ass when you leave." He said.

I snorted. "He can try." I muttered dubiously.

"Listen, Willis is dangerous when he's drunk. You don't know who you're messing with." He warned, suddenly serious.

I rolled my eyes. "Listen, whoever you are, thanks for the warning, but I can take care of myself." I said.

"My name's Dan." He introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure." I said sarcastically, taking a long drink of my beer. It was gonna take a lot of these to get me drunk.

"Hey, bartender dude, whatever your name is. I'm just going to call you Fred. Fred, get me a shot of tequila." I ordered.

WIthout questioning his new name, he gave me a shot. I downed it in a few seconds, sighing and sitting back in my chair. That's what I needed.


"So I said to him, no, that's your father not my mother!" I yelled.

The group roared with laughter, and I downed another shot. Dan had his arm around my shoulder. How it ended up that way, I had no idea. He did it sometime after...ten shots.

"Tell the one about the Baker!" Someone shouted.

I drunkenly nodded. "Sooo there was this Baker who walked into a funeral home-"

I was cut off when someone grabbed my arm and hauled me out of my seat. I looked up to find Logan.

"Logie!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him like a teddy-bear.

"Jesus, Jane, how much did you drink?" He asked.

I thought for a long moment. "Uuumm...t-two...beers." I held up four fingers.

He glanced behind me at the shot glass, and his expression hardened. "How many shots?"

That I had to think about longer. I shrugged. "I loossst count affter fifteen." I slurred, reaching up to poke his nose.

He rolled his eyes. "Okay, party's over. Do you know how worried Victor is?" He asked.

"Ssscrew Victor. Hhhee made me lossse my Coookie Privileges." I pouted.

He sighed heavily. "Let's go."

I shook my head. "Nnnno. I'm telling a joke." I pulled away from him, but he pulled me back, a smile pulling at his lips.

"I think the joke can wait. Come on, I've got cookies!" He sang.

I gasped. "For me?"

He grasped my face in both of his hands to hold me still. "Just for you." He promised.

My drunk mind was controlling me, as I jumped on him and gave him a big hug. "You are so awesome!"

I grabbed my jacket, stumbling as I said bye to the others and let Logan lead me out to the car. When he got me settled, he got into the driver seat and took the cookies out from his glove compartment, handing them to me. 

"You got drunk over cookies." He rolled his eyes.

"No. I got drunk over boredom." I muttered through my food.

He laughed, pulling out of the parking lot. We got home in half the time it took me to get here, and he got out, opening the door for me, and letting me stumble out. He caught me as I almost fell, and I was a giggling mess. His face was nothing but intense, and I realized, slowly, the position we were in. I was face to face with him, our noses touching. my hands gripping his biceps to keep him steady. His arms were around my waist, holding me there.

And then he did the unthinkable. He kissed me.

Family Problems.



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