» Romance » Jail Bird., Em. Z. [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

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The doctor chuckled, settling his hands in his pocket. "Yes. He's fine. He'll need to keep from doing anything to hurt or strain his shoulder for at least a month, but other than that, he's well enough to go home."

I sighed in relief, a big smile pulling at my lips as I settled my eyes on Victor. He smiled, shaking his head. He knew how nervous I was. 

"She's convinced that I'm made of glass." Victor teased.

The doctor chuckled. "Well I'm sure-" He paused as a nurse entered the room.

"Excuse me, Doctor, but we have an emergency." She said.

He pursed his lips, nodding at the two of us. "Excuse me."

Victor and I watched him go, and I fiddled with my hands nervously.

Victor sighed, opening his arm. "Come here."

Without protest, I started for him, only to pause mid-step as someone knocked on the door. Victor groaned, and I looked at him in alarm, only to roll my eyes as I realized why. He had been looking at me with a withering, tortured look.

"Come in!" I called.

The door opened, revealing Kent and Logan. I sighed sadly. Mom was still refusing to see me. Kent...was working on it. He was still angry, but that was understandable. He knew I was doing it for stupid reasons. He yelled at me for it.

That night was terrible. Kent came walking into the room, grabbed my arm, and dragged me out, despite my protests. He finally told me what he thought of what I did, after a day of ignoring me. He told me I was stupid, and that Dad should have to clean up his own messes, and that he didn't care how much danger it put him in, he was going to keep me by his side like a five year old in a crouded street. In other words, he wasn't going to let go.

I had cried. Tears streamed down my cheeks while he scolded me, asked me if I was insane, and gave me the treatment I deserved. Before he finally pulled me into a tight hug.

I gave Kent a hopeful, questioning look, maybe she was getting coffee. He shook his head, and my face fell. My mother was never going to forgive me. I sank down in the seat by the window, crossing my arms as sadness weighed down my heart.

Logan sat beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and squeezing me into his side. No words were spoken as I curled my knees into my chest and cuddled closer to him.

Finally, after a moment of silence, Kent cleared his throat. "So, are you leaving today, or what? Because I'm tired of sleeping on a lumpy pullout bed." He complained, and I shot him a dissaproving look, making him glance at Victor as his face flushed. "Sorry dude."

Victor smiled, but it seemed a bit forced. "Yeah, don't worry about it." He said, his gaze moving to me. "I'm leaving today." He confirmed.

Logan let out a breath of relief, and I smiled softly at Victor as his eyes met mine again. Again, he forced a smile. My own smile faded to confusion, and I mouthed, "What's wrong?"

He just shook his head, glancing at his brother before looking away. Okay.

I stood up, making Logan drop his arm from around me. "I'll go get your stuff." I said.

"Okay, be careful." He cautioned, and I rolled my eyes.

"You worry too much. I'll be fine. I'm in a hospital full of sick and pregnant people, what's the worst that could happen?" I said.

Victor glared at me. "Don't say that. Something bad always happens when people say that." He said.

"Well since you said something bad will happen, it won't." I say, smirking.

"Now that you say something bad won't happen, something will happen." He argued.

"But now that you say something bad will happen, it most likely won't."


"Alright, shut up! Nothing bad will happen!" Logan inturrupted us, annoyed.

I threw a smirk in Victor's direction, blowing him a smartass kiss before skipping out the door. I went down the hall to the different numbered lockers that held his clothes that I packed, pulling out my key and sticking it in the correct number. The duffle I narrowly stuffed into it tumbled out onto the floor, dumping clothes everywhere. I cursed under my breath, gaining a dirty look from a pregnant woman doing her breathing routine and walking around. I gave a 'Sorry' as I grimaced in her direction, leaning down to pick up my clothes.

"Oh, let me help you with that." A voice says from above me.

"That's okay, I got it." I say, not looking up.

The man leans down anyway, picking up a T-shirt and handing it to me. His other hand grips the back of my neck, and I freeze. My eyes slowly move upward to the man in scrubs, widening as I realize that I'm looking straight into the eyes of Ike. I quickly cover my shock with an empty look.

"Posing as a doctor is a federal offence." I informed, going back to packing the duffle bag.

"Baby, the only law I care about is my own." He says in my ear, making me shiver in disgust, "And you've broken it." He whispers.

"Oh?" I ask with an amused smirk.

"Yeah. You been whoring around with that dick in there. I saw you in his bed, Sweetheart, and on the beach, when he touched your body. My body." He snarles the last part, making me clench my jaw. "I told you I was going to make you mine, and only mine. You broke my law, Babe, and now..." He paused to chuckle sadistically, "You're going to pay the price." He growled.

A chill runs up my spine, as I think of my mother, all alone at the motel. Please don't know she's there, please don't know she's there.

"Oh, and by the way, your mother's a screamer." And that's when I snapped.

Whirling on him, breaking his hold on my neck, I lunge at him, wanting to wrap my hands around his neck so bad that I can taste the bittersweet hate in the back of my throat.

But I'm pulled back, by two of his men, also desguised as Doctors. I watched him walk away, struggling fiercely against Thing#1 and Thing#2. As soon as Ike is out of sight, they let me go, dropping me to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I spring to my feet, sprinting down the hall to the nearest phone. I dial Mom's number, praying that she answers.

"Hello." She says, her voice bored.

"Mom, Mom are you okay, I mean are you safe?" I desperately ask.

"Jane, I'm fine. I'm watching a soap opera." She muttered.

I let out a long breath of relief, leaning against the wall and running my hand through my hair. "Mom, I need you to get to the hospital, now, alright? I'm having Logan go and pick you up. Pack your things." I order, resting a hand to my heart to slow it's rythem.

"Okay..." She mutters, her voice questioning.

Not saying anything else, I end the call, walking back over to where the duffle sat. I grabbed it, jogging back to Victor's room. I walked in, and I must look like a wreck, as everyone stares at me a second. "Logan, don't ask questions, just go pick up Mom and bring her straight here." I order, my voice firm.

He does as I say, getting up and leaving the room immediately. I sink down on the couch with shaking hands, running one of them through my hair.

"I told you something bad would happen." Victor says softly, opening his arm for me.

I immediately stand, walking over to him and making myself comfortable beside him. Kent doesn't say anything, he just turns his gaze on the TV. 

"Tell me what happened, Jane." Victor demands, his voice soft, but firm.

I explained the whole thing to him. And he was so tense when I finished, that the vein in his neck was throbbing. I rubbed his chest, trying to calm him down. "You're going to pop a blood vessel." I mutter, running my other hand through his hair.

Slowly, he relaxes under my touch, but I can still see the anger in his eyes. He's pissed at Ike. I was too. We all were.

"Jane, help me up." He grunted as he lifted up on his elbows.

I rushed to help him, putting his good arm over my shoulder and my arm around his waist. He swung his legs over the bed, one by one. The pain medication they gave him had side-affects. He was too weak to stand on his own until they wore off, and he'd just taken a dose not long ago. 

"Kent, can you go get us some food?" I ask.

He jumped to his feet, always willing to help. "Sure." He says, heading for the door.

As soon as he leaves, Victor shoots me a grateful look. "I'm going to need your help." He cautions.

"I know." I nod.

I sit him down on the couch, opening the duffel bag and pulling out the easiest thing to put on first - the shirt. I undo his gown, pushing it down so it covers his waist, and carefully helping him into it, being careful not to hurt his shoulder.

Next was the hard part, underwear and pants. "Logan didn't know what you needed, so he brought shorts and jeans. Your pick." I hold up the choices.

"Jeans." He decides easily, and I roll my eyes.

"Of course, I shouldn't have even asked." I say, a teasing smile on my lips.

I carefully slide his underwear on, and help him up so he can pull them completely on. I blush as his gown falls, and all he's wearing are boxers. 

"Hey, you've seen it before." He shrugs, smiling as my blush reddens even more.

"You're not helping." I snap.

He chuckles, helping me pull on his jeans. He looks down at his zipper and then back up at me. "Suddenly I feel so weak." He says, leaning back against the couch.

I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Pervert." I mutter, getting up.

"Where do you think you're going?" He askes, grabbing me with his good arm and pulling me back down beside him.

"Oh, so you're just strong enough to do that, but you can't zip your own pants?" I tease, knowing I had him.

To my dismay, he only smiles. "For you, I'll find the strength." He murmurs, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh?" I ask, smiling and pecking him on the lips.

"Yes. I'll always find the strength." He promises, his eyes staring deep into mine.

I sigh. "How about this, we find the strength together, like we did just now? We help each other." I suggest, running my fingers through his hair.

He chuckles, nuzzling my neck. "I like the sound of that."

"Okay, I didn't know what to get, so I got...everything." Kent says as he struggles through the door with three trays stacked up.

"Thanks, Kent." I say with a genuine smile.

He notices Victor's clothes, and his eyebrows raise in confusion. "Hey, how did you- oh gross!" He exclaims, dropping the trays on the table. "You saw him naked!" He pointed at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Kent, I saw every single inch of his muscular-" My sarcastic remark was cut off.

"I can't hear you, lalalalala!" He sings loudly, throwing his hands over his ears as he scrunches his eyes closed.

I smile evily, and Victor pokes me in the side, laughing as I yelp and jerk away from him. 

Kent shudders, still caught up in his realization. I huffed, rolling my eyes once again. "You moron, I didn't see him naked, He was covered." I say.

Victor grins as he buries his face in my neck. "Wouldn't be the first time, anyway." He muttered, making me smack him on the chest.

Kent goes pale, and looks at me. My cheeks flamed, and I wanted to punch Victor. Too bad I felt guilty for getting him shot. "what?"

"Okay, I'm here, what is the big deal?" Mom saves my life, entering the room.

"Mom! Look Kent, Mom's here. Mom it's so nice to see you

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