» Romance » Jail Bird., Em. Z. [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

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he'd never replace Kent, but...Kent wasn't here right now, and Logan knew how I felt about Victor. Logan understood so much more about what was going on than Kent ever could.

He loved Victor just as much, if not more, as I did. He knew my pain because he was feeling it too. It made it easy to turn in the armless chair, and bury my face in his chest, curling my legs into myself. He wrapped an arm around me, rubbing my shoulder gently as he buried his face in my hair.

We sat like that, for maybe thirty minutes, and I was dozing off, as someone cleared their throat. We sluggishly pulled away from each other, both almost asleep.

I looked up to find Valley, looking between us. "I have my men downstairs, and waiting at the elevator. Who is this?" She asked.

"This is Logan Price, Victor's brother. Logan, this is Valley Sails, chief of police." I introduced, yawning tiredly.

Logan gave a polite smile, taking her outstretched hand for him to shake. "Jane, I'm going to get something from the vending machine, you want anything?" He asked.

For the first time, I didn't feel like eating anything. Not even those mini chocolate chip cookies. I shook my head, making Logan sigh heavily.

"You haven't eaten anything all day, Jane. You have to eat sometime." He said.

I looked away at Victor. "I'm not hungry right now." I said softly.

"I'll get you something in case you change your mind." He muttered.

I gave him a small smile and shook my head. "You shouldn't worry about me, Logan. I'm okay." I said.

He gave me a dubious look, but left the room. I sighed softly. dabbing Victor's forehead again.

"We caught the woman that the witnesses pointed out. She was waiting for a bus to the airport. I questioned her, but she wouldn't talk. Said her boss didn't like squealers." She said, her voice almost bitter.

I nodded. "My father has questioned hundreds of his employees. All of them don't talk, and all of them are dead within the week." I muttered, reaching over to stroke Victor's face as it creased in pain, making him relax.

"Your father questions Ike's employees?" She asked.

"Yeah. He tries to take care of Ike himself, since the police have no luck. He's gotten a few close calls in the past but...Ike is too powerful." I muttered.

She was silent, and I took the sweaty paper towel and threw it in the trash, getting up and wetting a new one. Valley watched as I went back over, lying the cool cloth on his forehead, pressing down on it gently.

"You care a lot for Mr. Price and his brother, don't you?" She asked after a moment.

I looked down at Victor's pale face, laying my hand on his cheek. "They're like family." I said.

She nodded once. "I can understand that."

We sat in silence a little longer, before Valley spoke again. "I'm going to go and instruct one of my men to be at this door at all times. I hope he gets well soon, Ms. Harison." She nodded, and left the room.

I gripped his hand, rubbing it in mine to warm it. His peaceful face looked almost boyish, as he slept. He also looked ragged. I sighed, lying my head down, eye-level with his hand, watching as I rubbed it with my thumb. I drifted off to sleep, listening to his soft breath. 


"-She looks ragged." I awoke to Victor, his voice sounding stronger than before.

"You're one to talk." I muttered, lifting my head to rub my eyes.

He chuckled, but winced as his shoulder shifted.

"How are you feeling?" I asked in concern, running a hand through my hair as I felt his forehead.

He was sitting up now, and he patiently waited for me to check him for fever. "I'm feeling fine, Jane. No need to fuss." He chuckled as I straightened his blanket.

I bit my lip. I wanted to cry at his feet and beg him to forgive me. This was all my fault. If I hadn't left, then he wouldn't be here. 

"Hey, I don't want to see that look, Jane. It wasn't your fault, do you hear me?" 

"It is my fault." I insisted in a whisper.

Logan sighed heavily beside me. "You see what I mean?"

I looked up at him with a confused expression. "What? What are you talking about?"

"For the first time since I've met her, she refused to eat. She's apologized more than she has since I met her, and for as long as I've been here, she's been crying." 

As if my cheeks couldn't get any redder, my stomach growled.

"She won't eat?" Victor asked.

"Nope." Logan confirmed.

Victor gave me a dissaproving look. "You're not starving yourself because of me." It sounded like an order.

I crossed my arms. "And who says I'm hungry in the first place?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

Why, oh why did my stomach have to growl again?

Victor pointed to the tray of food that Logan had brought in. "Eat."

Wrong move. The thing about me was, I didn't like taking orders. I had this really rebellious and stubborn side that didn't let me take orders from anyone, even if it was good for me.


He glowered at me, and I glared right back. We gazed at each other, both of us waiting for the other to crack. Unfortunately we were both too hardheaded to give in.

Logan groaned, and intervened. "Jane," I tore my eyes away from Victor's, looking at Logan with a raised eyebrow. "Will you please eat?" He pleaded.

I thought for a minute. If I gave into Logan, then Victor will have won. On the other hand, Victor would be angry that Logan got me to say yes, but he didn't. Then again, I liked pissing both of them off so...

"" I said, an innocent smile curving my lips upward.

Logan groaned. "Vic, if you would have just asked her nicely, she wouldn't have said no." He complained.

Victor ignored Logan, taking my hand in his. I looked into his eyes in surprise as his expression turned tender, loving. His eyes, which were angry and cold, were now molten gold.

"Jane. Will you please, please eat? I'm only worried about you." He pleaded, his puppy dog eyes staring deep into mine.

Shit. How could I say no to that?

I sighed heavily. "Fine, give me the stupid food. Guilt tripper." I muttered, looking away with a sour expression.

In the corner of my eye, I saw him smile hugely. Logan handed me the tray of food, and I picked out the bag of chocolate chip mini cookies with an eager smile.

"Jane," Victor complained, "Real food."

I pointed at him with a cookie. "You asked me to eat. Don't push it." I warned.

He sighed heavily, but didn't complain further. Smart man.

I enjoyed my cookies, watching as the doctor came in and checked Victor out, asking questions. Victor patiently answered his questions, and while he was preocupied, I took the time to study him.

He didn't look as pale as last night. His skin had returned some of it's tan complexion. He looked tired, but strangely alert at the same time. His strong jaw was slightly clenched as the doctor helped a nurse change the dressing on his wound. I bit my lip in guilt, as I squeazed his hand that still held mine.

I pressed a kiss to his knuckles, making him look at me. His eyes met mine, and he smiled slightly, the smile was marred by pain. I felt immensely guilty for what I did, and he knew that. He gave a sigh as the doctors left. 

"Logan, why don't you go get us some water?" Victor suggested.

Logan nodded without a word, and got up, leaving the room. Victor opened his good arm. "Come here."

I complied, carefully climbing in next to him and snuggling into his side. He pressed a kiss to my forehead. 

"Jane, I want you to stop blaming yourself." He said softly.

"How can I do that, Victor? If I hadn't left, this never would have happened!" I said, slightly exhasperated.

"Jane, it would have happened eventually. I'm just glad it wasn't you she shot. I could care less about being shot. I didn't die. I'm fine. I'll heal up with nothing but a scar and a memory. If you had been shot, I would be out for blood." He rumbled, tightening his arm around me.

I sighed, resting my cheek on his chest. "So you're not mad at me?" I asked.

He lifted my chin, looking at me with a dry expression. "Babe, I could be completely boiling with rage, and it wouldn't change the fact that I'm shot. Plus, it's not possible to be angry with you." He muttered.

I let out a chuckle. "I am very lovable." I joked with a teasing smile.

He laughed with me. "You are in my book."

I cuddled closer to him, lying my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.

"Hey...Jane." He said hesitantly.

"Yeah." I said quietly, sighing in content.

"Do you...remember when I asked you not to leave me?" He asked.

I nodded, rubbing his arm.

"I didn't just mean...then. I meant always. I don't want to go through that kind of...stress and hurt again. Will you stay with me?" He asked softly, reaching up to tuck my hair behind my ear.

I opened my eyes, looking into his. They were hesitant, and I could have sworn I saw his cheeks turn pink.

"What are you saying, Victor?" I asked.

"I'm saying...will you officially be my girlfriend?" He asked, ducking his head as if he was embarrassed.

I lifted his chin. "No, I didn't come back and make out with you to be your girlfriend." I said sarcastically.

His eyebrows creased and I laughed. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I gently smacked his arm, burying my face in his neck. "And I promise, I'm not leaving again." I said, softer this time.

He let out a breath I didn't know he was holding. "Thank you."

"Well you did tell me you loved me. I thought that automatically made me your girlfriend." I said.

He chuckled. "I guess you're right."

"I'm always right." I sighed.

This made a loud laugh shake the bed. I smiled, enjoying the sound of it. He didn't laugh like that often. "You know...there's a TV right there, and I bet there is a football game on today." I suggested.

"Ooh!" He poked me in the side, making me gasp and jerk away.

"You are so mean!" I cried, playfully swatting his arm.

He tried not to move too much as he laughed, but it felt good to see him happy. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, settling back in next to him. We serfed until we found a football station, and we watched for a while.

"Boy, it sure is taking Logan a long time to get water." I rolled my eyes.

Victor chuckled. "Yeah. Must be getting it straight from the mountain spring." He nudged me.

I burst out laughing.

Cookie Privileges.


Standing hands on hips, I watched, biting my lip, as the doctor checked Victors charts. Victor was calm and collected, but I was a wreck. I wanted to bite my nails, a nervous habit I chucked out the window ages ago. What if he had an infection and he couldn't go home? What if, on the way home, he got a fever, or got really sick? What would I do?

"Well Victor-"

"He's okay, right?" I asked, inturrupting

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