» Romance » Is It True?, R.E. Cooper [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

Book online «Is It True?, R.E. Cooper [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author R.E. Cooper

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This college has multiple of everything. The first floor has a lot of glass everywhere. There are a bunch of plants and lights etc. It's what you'd ecpect  the outside of a hotel in Hawaii to look like. I was sitting in the food court on the first floor with my pack. We're a small pack of 7. Sam and Rhiley were mates. Janessa and Nick were mates. Nicole and Dustin were mates. Then there was me. The alpha, without a mate. It was strange, because in a way I was the forever 7th wheel, if there's even such a thing. 

Dustin and Nicole were making out, and Nicole kept giggling, they were the cute ones for sure. Janessa, Rhiley, and Nick were in the middle of a conversation. Sam would jump in every once in a while telling jokes. I was watching and laughing, occasionally checking my phone. I was laughing at something Sam said when I smelt something. I had an overwhelming smell of pine needles, rain, and vanilla. I looked to the front entrance of the building and saw a beautiful red head walk in. She had on skinny jeans and a tight fitting shirt and sneakers, pulling along two suit cases. I just stared in amazement at this beautiful woman she walked up to the woman and grabbed a pile of papers and a key, which I assumed led to a dorm. 

I turned back to the group and saw Sam staring at me. "What's up Alpha Miles?" He always did catch when something was off. "I think I may have just seen my mate..?" It came out more as a question. Everyone in our pack stopped talking and looked at me, even Dustin and Nicole were looking. "I just saw her come in with two suit cases, grab some stuff and go to the elevators." I could see their excitment visibly, everyones been waiting for me to find my mate, and I think I finally have.

"What does she look like?" Janessa asked me. "She was average height, red hair, blue eyes, frekcles, and pale skin."

"What was she wearing?" I looked at Rhiley and responded, "uhm, skinny jeans, and tighter shirt, and sneakers and her hair was let out and slightly curled."

"What did she smell like?" Nicole had asked. Why were the girls asking me so many questions. "Uhm like pineneedles, vanilla, and the rain." As soon as I finished I could smell her faintly. I looked to the elevators and she was walking out with her phone and wallet. "Guys that's her there!" I whisper shouted. They all looked. We watched her as she lightly jogged out of the building. I wonder where she was going?

Nick looked to Dustin, "what do you think?" Dustin said, "well she didn't have a tan. So she's not from Florida. So I also assume she was somewhere with little sunlight." Nicole looked to me and said, "you said she smelt like the rain?" I nodded. "Then she's probably closer to Washington area." Rhiley spoke up now. "Well if she also smelt like pine needles then she's near lots of forest. So maybe Nevada or Idaho?" I nodded along with them. Janessa's eyes lit up. "Oh and vanilla on a red head. I bet she's in Utah. Remember there was a pack down there that had a lot of gingers!" She was right. Sam was the only one who hadn't said anything yet. "What do you think Sam?" "Hmm, well I think somewhere near Idaho is pretty close. But she has this sort of loner look to her. Maybe she's from a smaller pack? If that's the case the I would most likely guess Oregon." "Hmm, interesting." 

We kept talking for about 5 mintues before I smelt her again. I could tell the othes sensed her as well because we were all staring at her. This time was a little different though. I felt myself get red with anger. She was carying a little kid with her this time. He was on her back and she was smiling, while he laughed at something she said. He looked like he was 3, and was identical to her. The lady at the front desk got up to go to the bathroom. Then my mate quickly snuck past into the elivators with the kid.

Why would she need to sneak him in if he was only visiting? He looked identical to her as well, where they related? He looked young, so he would have his parents with him if she was his sister. So does that mean he's her son? She looked a little young to have a kid, but it was very possible. How did it happen? Did she fall in love? Was it just a boyfriend? A one night stand? What if she was raped? I can't believe my mate already had a kid, and without me! I was getting angrier by the second. I turned around fuming and the others seemed to sense my anger. The yasked me what was wrong and I rattled on and on about my suspisions. They all seemed to consider each possiblity seriously. Providing theories and possible answers. 

Sam stood up and went to the front desk/check in when the woman came back. When he returned t the table he had a piece of paper. "Here's what I got from the woman. She said she would write down everything I was aloud to know on here." He unfolded it and read it out loud to us. "Name, Elizabeth Shontay. Family, unknown. Dorm room 103 floor 7. Uh it says she got in on a full paid scholorship, so even though it's a doubles room she has no roomate, so that means extra space and two beds. Uhm she wouldn't tell me any of the classsess she's taking, but she is a first year. Judging by that I'd say she's 19, which would mean she had that kid around 16." I growled and everyone jumped, but sam read on. "It also says here that she moved from... Oregon! I was right! Alright uhm Dustin now that you have her full name and where she came from can you find out anything else?" 

Everyone in the pack had there own little "talents". Sam was very good with words, he could solve pussles and figure out when people are lying and that sorta thing. Dustin is super tech involved and can hack into anything anywhere. 

(Authors Note: You'll find out what Nick, Rhiley, Janessa, Nicole, and Miles little "talents" are later. Also Elizabeth and her family didn't get little talents but they did get something, which will be mentioned later on. Hope you like it so far!) 

Dustin pulled out his computer and started typing. About Five minutes later he smiled. "Alright so she just got off a 3 hour flight 30 minutes ago. She landed at the nearby airport. She flew in from Tennessee. Lets see. I have her address, uhm. Oh that's weird. She flew in from Tennessee but lives in Oregon. She may have taken a bus since they don't keep records. But I'm not sure. Okay so she doesn't have any social media, but she has a boyfriend who does. He's apparantly kinda a famous model tenn dude there. He posts stuff everyday and most of it has photos with her in it. She got multiple offers from many different modeling agencies but she turned them all down. Oh thats strange." "What?" We all asked him at once.

"Well her boyfriend Justin stopped posting a few days ago, the same day Elizabeth left on the bus. Uhm oh his last post was of Elizabeth in a black dress and it read, 'Heppy Birthday Baby together forever!' And there's a big number 18 underneath, huh. So she's very young to have a kid." He showed us the photo and my jaw dropped when I saw her. She was beautiful and sexy in that dress, and I'm ont just saying that because she's my mate. 

"Let's she, she lives in a three bedroom house, her mother is blonde and is a model from XXQ Models. Her father was a very succeful doctor. Oh! She has a little 4 year old brother named Noel. Oh ok, so the kid is her brother. Uhm they lived in Oregon from 4 years, but before that they moved around a lot. Wow, they've lived in 45 different places since Elizabeth was born. Most of them were due to her mothers modeling. Uhm in every school she's been in she's always been the top student in her class and she graduated as valid victorian. But I don't see anything on her leaving." 

"Thats strange, why was she here with her brother but no parents? Why did she leave on her birthday? Why did she sneake her brother in here? Why did that Jason dude stop posting on her birthday? Did something happen?" I wondered out loud. We all spent the next 5 minutes speculating while Dustin tried to find out more on the topic. We all stopped talking immediatley when Dustin whispered, "holyshit." "What!?!" We all shouted. Earning some glares from the other couple dozen people here.

"Okay, so I couldn't find anything anywhere. Until I hacked the police record and cases files. So apparently the day she left some crazy shit went down. I dont know if she left before or after this happened, but I think it might have been after. Here are the photos." He turned around the laptop as we ll stared in horror at what we saw. The pictures were blurry but we could ruffly get and idea of what was going on. "Oh wait there's a video of a walk through with much clearer footage and it has audio." 

Dustin turned on the video and we watched.


A police officer walked up to the front steps, the door was broken. Near it on the grass was a pair of black heels and a bunch of random. The officer filming started to speak with the video. "Alright so the door is broken so there's definetly a forced entry. Theres a pair of womens heels and some stuff you would put in your car. An officer just reported a red convertable that was crashed into a pule just down the street, the liscnese belongs to Elizabeth Shontay." The camera went into the house and the man tried to flip the switch but it stayed dark. "It seems the power went out." He turned on a very bright flashlight and went to the kitchen. There was a cloud of black stuff on the ceiling above the oven, which was off and open. "On the counter is what looks like a very burnt cake." The camera went in a bunch of other rooms. A pantry, study, library, and game room, but they were all fine.

Then the camera walked into the living room and we all gasped at the same time as the cop. "There's a dead body in here on the couch. The tv is all static and the remote looks broken. The man on the couch is covered in blood and his stomach if open. Well there goes all his organs and intestins." I shivered at the sight. "Last room down here is the bathroom." He went in and there was a dead man. There was a razor in the sink with hair and blood. The mans throat was slit and his forehead was bruised and bloody, half of his face was shaved. "It seems that whatever happend here was personal." A different cop behind the one with the camera said.

They moved out and started walking up the stairs. They checked a bunch of rooms and then got to the master bedroom. He bushed open the door and there was a woman hanging from the ceiling fan. "I can't tell if thats

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