» Romance » Is It True?, R.E. Cooper [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

Book online «Is It True?, R.E. Cooper [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author R.E. Cooper

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My name is Elizabeth, and I'm pissed. I used to have everything. Two loving parents, and my baby brother. My best friend, who was also my boyfriend, and a lot of money. But most of all, I was loved and happy. Oh, did I mention I'm a werewolf to? My parents and I always moved to a different place. I've been to 8 different countries, 29 states in those countries, 40 towns in those states, and 45 different houses in those towns. When I was 14 my mom had my baby brother Noel, and we decided to settle down for a while.

Now living in Oregon things seemed to go alright. Until my life got fucked up and I lost everything. Here's what happened=

It was my 18th birthday and I was driving home on the last day of school. Then I got a call. I reached over to pick up my phone when I saw a man in a dark cloak with his hood up cross the street, holding a phone to his ear. I swore and swerved out of the way. Luckily I missed him, but I didn't miss the huge pole I drove into, whis then fell on top of my car. "Well fuck!" I got out of the car and grabbed all of my stuff. My house was only down the street so it wasn't far to walk. 

I was wearing my dark blue ish black dress and matching choker, and my red hair was let loose and curled. I put on a little eye liner, but I never had to wear makeup before, natural beauty. I checked my reflection in my mirror before leaving my car. Once I ot to my house I noticed the door was open and the handle was broken. Quickly I put my stuff in the grass and took off my heels. I grabbed my phone, and headed inside. 

It was already getting dark out and the lights were off, along with the blinds closed. I tried to turn on the light switch but the power was off. I sighed, "why did they have to chose fucking Oregon? Mom, Dad! Where are you guys?" I walked over to the kitchen and saw smoke. I ran over and turnd off the oven, then I opened the door and pulled out a burnt cake. Where was everybody. I turned aroung and headed to the living room. I still couldn't see so I turned on the flashlight on my phone. Then I dropt it immediatley and screamed. 

On the couch was Jason, covered in blood, and his stomach was cut open with all of his organs and intestinse spilling out. A few days ago I decided I would try and spend a week completely without my wolf. I blocked out what she said and turned off my senses. Suddenly I was greatful I had done that, otherwise, I don't think I could stand the smell. In fact I could barley stand it now without my wolf. I started to cry as I bent down and picked up my phone. I kept walking, scared of what else I would find. I went into the bathroom and saw my dad. He must have been shaving.

His razor was in the sink covered in his facial hair and blood. His neck was slit open and his forhead was bloodied and bruised. I let out a quiet sob as I made my way up the stairs. I went to my parents room and saw two dresses layed out on the bed. Mom was hanging from the ceiling fan. One of her heels was still on her feet, the other was broken on the floor. Her hands were red and her face was purple. I started shake violently. I walked to my brother Noels room but stopped. I sat on the floor in front of his door and wept. 

I couldn't bare to see Noel dead. He was my little brother, and I loved him more than anything in the entire world. He was all that mattered to me. I would die a hundred times just to know that he would have a good life. After fighting with myself I got up and opened his door. I walked in and saw blood all over the bed. I kept walking and saw his shoes, then his ankle, then his legs. There was blood all over his legs and I couldn't bear to see his face. 

I ran into my room and started to pack all of my nessecities. I got accepted into a very pretigious school across the country. I got in with a scholorship, so I didn't have to pay a dime. But if my grades got below a 3.5 gpa average then I would have to start paying them. I was looking for my suit case and rememberd it was under my bed. I got out of my closet and that's when I saw it. Above my bed on the wall was a message written in blood. I read it out loud. "Elizabeth, lucky for you you weren't home. Unluckily for you family, I was. I intend to find you, and when I do, you won't be as lucky as your family." I gasped and started to cry. 

Who was this person and why would they do this? If they knew where I lived then they must know more to. Where would I go? I ddin't know who this person was. They could be a student, or a cop for all I know. No where was safe. Except for my college. No body knew I applied there, accept for the people in this house, not even my school. My mom was the only one who knew I got accepted. She had set everything up for me. I would be living on campuss, but I would have to make my own food, which meant I would have to get a job. The school didn't start for a month or two but people were allowed to show up early. 

I grabbed my suit case and packed only the essentials. Clothes, shoes, money, etc. I changed out of my dress and pulled on a pair of skinny jeans, and a tank top. I pulled my curled hair up into a pony tail and slipped on my sneakers. Once I had everything I left the room. I decided now would be the best time to turn on my wolf, so I did. I was greeted with my senses and and ove rbearing smell. The blood. 

How dare you block me out! my wolf said to me.


What's that smell? Wait where is everyone?

Then I told her everything that hapened, and she howled in pain with me. I walked passed my brothers room, but stopped when I thought I heard something. Did you hear that? Yes. I left my suit case and tip toed toward the door. Then I heard it, a light breath was being taken in and out. Noel! I ran in and saw Noels face, that I tried so hard not to see before. I bent down and grimaced at the smell of all his blood. "Noel? Are you okay?" Of course not! How could he be okay? Yeah yeah I get it, dumb question. I bent closer and heard his shallow breaths. "Noel!" I picked him up and brought him to my seperate bathroom. 

I put him on the counters and opened the cabinets. Pulling out a few wash cloths and some first aid equipmet. I poored liquid pain numbing into his mouth and rubbed his neck, forcing him to swallow. I filled up the tub with luke warm water. Once it was full I took Noel's shirt and pants off leaving on his boxers. I picked him up and set him in the bath. He was still asleep, but he didn't make any sudden moevements or noises. Good the pain numbing worked then. I nodded to what my wolf said and gently rubbed his skin. I got all the blood off, careful of his injuries. Thankfully he's a wolf like my parents and I, so he should heal much faster than the normal person. 

After he was all rinsed off, I pulled him out and set him back on the counter. I dried him off and ran into his room. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt. I addressed his wounds and bandaged him up. Then I put on his clothes, careful of the bandages. Once he was all set I pulled out some sleepy time liquid and made him drink that as well. Hopefull he should be able to sleep withut any pain for a while. I grabbed a blanket from my room and wrapped it around him. I brought him out to the hall and set him on a chair, away from the smell and sight of blood.

I ran into his room and pulled out his suit case as well. I packed his stuff up and put it next to mine in the hall way. Then I grabbed a backpack from my room. In it I put a blanket, jacket, pillow, two water bottles, my wallet, my phone, and a picture of our family. There was still some room left so I went to my emergency stash in my room and grabbed four sandwhiches, a bag of cheezits, two apples, and a bag of carrots. I quickly pulled on the backpack and brought the two suit cases downstairs and out onto the front lawn. Then I ran back to Noel, I picked him up and carried him outside. Then I called a taxi, telling him our address. Where could we go? I can't go to the police or a hopstial, what if the man who did this is there. He might expect me to go there. Even though it's not allowed I'm going to have to sneak my brother into my dorm room. Thankfully because of the scholorship I get a room for two, but no room mate. 

The taxi arrived and I threw the suit cases in the back. Then I gently sat Noel in the back with the backpack and buckled him up. Then I sat in the front next to the male driver and pulled on my seat belt. "Where to?" "The bus station please." "Alrighty." 30 minutes later of awkward silence and some Drake, we stopped and the bus station. "Thanks." I gave him a 100 and told him to keep the change. I got out and garbbed the suit cases. I pulled on my backback and then held Noel with one arm to my front. He was pretty small for a four year old so I could hold him no problem. 

The taxi drove off and I walked into the building. Somehow I managed to get through the door with my backpack, Noel, and two suit cases without a problem. There were about 30 people including the people at the desk. I thought about setting Noel down so I could pull on a jacket, so I wan't wearing just a tanktop which showed off my large breasts and slim waist, but thought better of it. I waited in line with our stuff. When it was our turn I walked up and gave and award winning smile. "Hey, I'd look two tickets one way leaving Oregon." "Alright, and where are you off to?" "Tennessee." "That's a 35 hour bus ride, 40 counting the stops. You sure?" "Yep." "Alright that'll be 200 for you and 50 for the little one." She smiled and I pulled out $250 in cash and handed it to her. She handed me the tickets and I went over to a seat while I wated for them to call our bus.

A few minutes later and a man walked in. He immediatley looked right at me and Noel and held his breath. I watched him closely as he went

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