» Romance » A test of Love, Navaura Campbell [best book series to read .txt] 📗

Book online «A test of Love, Navaura Campbell [best book series to read .txt] 📗». Author Navaura Campbell

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entered her office upon reply, greeting her with a kiss. Denise smiled up at him.
"Ready to go?" He inquired.
She glanced into warm brown eyes. "Yeah, just let me get my wallet."
He shook his head, putting a brown hand over hers, "Let me get it."
"No, I have the money, I can take care of things myself." She stated, going for her desk drawer.
Derrick stopped her. "Why don't you let me do it?"
Denise sighed, Derrick and she had been friends for almost a year now, and he was pressing for her to go out with him. He did it so subtlety, that she, for the most part was never annoyed. Glancing into sincere brown eyes, she felt sympathy for the look of admiration in them. She hated that she couldn't return his feelings. He was such a nice guy it was unbelievable. She'd told him no, because she'd never wanted him to think there was anything between them but friendship.
Quickly, he backed up this thought, by patting her hand and saying, "I understand we're only friends. I can handle that, Denise. It'll just be lunch between friends, no expectations."
Denise exhaled a long thoughtful breath. "Alright, Derrick. Let's go to Lunch."

As they pulled into the Pomatoc Cafe, Denise opened her door and stepped out of his 2000 Mini Cooper. She closed the door behind her as he came and met her around the front entrance of the restaurant. Derreck grabbed the door for her as she entered the building. "Thank-you," She responded politely.
Derrick smiled, "You're welcome."
As they entered the lobby area, a greeter extended them a welcome, "Table for two I presume?"
Denise nodded, "Yes, please." They followed the waitress as she took them to a section of the restaurant. When they were seated, Denise looked up at him with a cordial smile. "How are things going with you at work?"
He smiled, "Pretty good. Intelligent Corp is thinking about hiring me on permanently." He stated. Denise nodded, "That's nice. Have you thought any more as to whether you wanted to go for post graduate status?"
Derrick sighed and glanced down at his menu. "Yeah, I think I'll be doing my program online, that way it'll make things easier."
Another smile, and then, "That's good. I hear that's the thing now, going to school online."
Denise watched as he shrugged. "Yeah, it beats being in a classroom any day."
Her eyes went to his hair, dark curly brown hair, a deep mahogany brown complexion, a lightly trimmed mustache and no beard. She remembered that he had deep set brown almost opal colored eyes, and nice eyebrows that at times were drawn to a uni brow. She thought him to be really handsome. He was slightly thin, with a graceful build that was perfect for his five foot eleven inch frame. Sighing, she glanced back down at her menu.

"I didn't know you guys were here." The tone of Quinton's voice brought Denise's head up from her choices. She looked up into bright hazel eyes, "Hey, what are you doing here?" She greeted him.

He laughed, "Well, Jordan and I decided to drop in for lunch. Fancy meeting you here." He stated, his eyes suspicious looking. Quinton had long since let go of weight lifting, but still managed to hold onto a nice stack of muscle. He stared at her with broad shoulders and a slim waist line. His hair become longer, which he'd dreaded a couple of years ago. The long locs hung right at his shoulders, giving him the attractiveness of a straight man. He walked straighter than he'd had in high school and he'd long since given up the boy persona for the man. He looked every inch of man, with his voice, his dress and his attitude. Because of the way parents had responded to his flamboyant mannerisms of the feminine sex, he'd learned to tone it down drastically, not mix his life style with his business.
Denise nodded, "Yeah, I know, right? We just came here, because it's one of our favorite places."
Quinton nodded, "favorite places huh?" He nodded knowingly.
Denise laughed, "It's not like that."
"She won't give me the time of day," Derrick stated, standing up. He shook hands with Quinton.
"Hey, Derrick." Quinton greeted, returning his hand shake. Derek smiled, "Have you gotten your table yet?" Derrick inquired.
Quinton shook his head no. "I'm waiting for Jordan to come out of the bathroom."
"Oh, is he a new prospect?" Derrick asked with a suggestive tone.
Quinton's eyes flew to Denise's just to take in her reaction. The gleam in her eyes spoke of her anger toward this remark, although she laughed it off uncomfortably.
"I'm not gay." A deep toned voice came through, sending red flags to Denise's mind. Derrick watched as the guy named Jordan came forward. He glanced up into dark emerald eyes, unwavering. Derrick pushed aside the chills of discomfort and extended his hand, "I apologize about that."
He stared at the young man dressed in a pair of blue jean shorts, tennis shoes and a yellow and white striped polo shirt. When their hands made contact, the handshake was brief. Clearing his throat, Derrick glanced over at Quinton, "Would you two like to join us?"
Quinton raised a brow, sensing the hostility between the two men. He said, "No, that's ok, we'll go..."
"Hey, I say go for it, he asked." Jordan stated, his eyes on Denise. Quinton glanced over at him. "Jordan, if they want to be alone..."
"No, it's cool let him, I'd like to hear how you met." Derrick stated, making room for both Quinton and Jordan. He went and sat next to Denise, who scooted closer into the booth.
Derrick’s gaze flickered over Jordan again, just staring distastefully. Jordan's eyes went to his, meeting his gaze with a blank stare. When Quinton cleared his throat, he glanced down at the menu on his side of the table, "So, what's recommendable here?"
Denise was sitting there thinking this was a dream. It couldn't be happening. No way.
When no one said anything, Quinton cleared his throat. Derrick glanced at him. "Scalloped shrimp and mashed potatoes."
Jordan's gaze went to Denise's, checking out her reaction. He couldn't seem to get past the poutiness of her lips.
"So, Jordan, how long have you and Quinton been friends?" This question caused Jordan's gaze to transfer to Derrick’s.
"Since high school."
Derrick nodded, "Did you work for him too?"
Jordan shook his head no. "No, I went to school in South Hampton."
Derrick’s eyes went to Denise's and he asked, "Did you know him too?"
Denise's gaze went to Jordan's and she just stared.
"Yeah, we knew each other." Jordan stated, his tone soft. Denise turned back to face Derrick. She couldn't believe this was happening. Why here, now?
"Ok." Derrick raised an eyebrow at her and then turned back to Jordan. Jordan gave a tight smile, "We dated back in high school."
Denise's eyes went wide with shock and she turned her attention back to Jordan. That was none of Derrick’s business.
"Oh, really? For how long?" Derrick’s arm went around the booth behind her. Jordan's eyes went cold. "Four years."
Derrick raised both brows shocked and glanced over at Denise. "You never told me you had a boyfriend in high school."
Denise shrugged, "I wasn't aware that I had to tell you." She stated, her tone a bit nipped.
Quinton began shaking his head, knowing this was going to be disaster.
Derrick sighed, ignoring the irritation in her voice, "Well, it would've been a nice thing to explain, since you obviously don't have an iota of attraction to me." His tone was so smooth and deceptively soft, that because everyone at the table felt the tension building, they could hear the pain.
"I never said I didn't have an attraction to you." She hissed, her gaze turning to his. "I just want to be friends with you. Is that a crime?"
Jordan's gaze went to Derrick’s, hating him for even being here. He had no idea how close to Denise's heart he was. The further at arm's length he was kept, the closer to her heart he was. He waited for Quinton to finish picking his order, because he didn't want to look as if they were together. This sent chills down his spine.
"Geez, I feel great." Derrick replied sarcastically. Jordan glanced at the suit and tie, curly hair, long thick eye lashes and couldn't stand him even more. He could tell that he was just Denise's type. She'd always go for the brother in the suit before any other man. This caused him to glance down at himself and feel embarrassed. He was dressed in attire associated with people who were lazy, didn't work or anything. This caused a waft of disgusts to float through the air. Getting up, he said, "Excuse me, Quin."
Quinton stood up and moved out of his way. They watched as he left the restaurant, not really saying anything. Denise felt a tug in her heart to go help him. She stared after the door he'd gone through. Quinton glanced at her, and then stood up, he went after Jordan. Derrick sighed, "Ok...interesting." Denise, not able to hold back that feeling to go to him any longer, stood up too. "Excuse me."
Derrick glanced up into her face, "You're joking right?"
Denise exhaled, "Move, please."
Derrick stood up, shaking his head, "What ever, Denise."
"He's still my friend, Derrick. I care about him."
Derrick sighed and watched in frustration as she made her way toward the exit of the restaurant. Flustered, Derrick glanced down at his watch. He hoped this wouldn't take all day.

"Since when did you start smoking?" Denise inquired as she watched Jordan light up a cigarette and put it to his mouth. They were standing away from the brick structure, shaded by some trees that were covering the restaurant, giving it a nice cool feeling.
"I only do it when I get stressed out." He stated, starring up at the sun.
Quinton was standing in front of the building, watching him, not saying anything. He hoped Denise was sharper than she'd been in high school. Intellectually, she was awesome, but when it came to emotional availability, she had serious problems.
Denise swallowed softly, "What's wrong?"
Jordan focused his attention on her. "Nothing."
Denise smiled, "You always say that."
Quinton raised a brow. Was that a twinkle in her eye? He stared over at Jordan, who'd inhaled another puff of cigarette and was staring at her with a bemused expression. Judging by his demeanor, he could tell the smile Denise had thrown his way was a turn on for him. He'd switched his weight from one foot to another and was starring at her mouth. This caused another brow. He wondered how long it'd been since Jordan had had sex?
"I mean it to. I just needed some fresh air." Another exhale, calming effects the cigarette had. Denise shrugged, "Ok." For a few minutes, the both of them stood there starring at one another, communicating with their eyes, not with words.
Quinton narrowed his brows. "I always hated when you guys did that." He stated.
Denise's gaze broke from Jordan's and she turned her face to his, "Do what?"
"Talk with your eyes. I can't ever get a word out of what's being said."
Denise raised a brow. "Talk with our eyes?"
Quinton laughed, "Yeah, you always seem to be having a conversation without saying much. That gets annoying after a while."
Jordan inhaled sharply, flickered the cigarette on the ground and cleared his throat, "Maybe you shouldn't be so nosey then." He stated. His gaze immediately flickered to Denise's. A smile captured her face as she read the expression in them. Jordan stared, his eyes glazed. Subconsciously, Denise's hands went up to her arms and
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