» Romance » Erasing The Unwanted, Sydnie Short [cheapest way to read ebooks txt] 📗

Book online «Erasing The Unwanted, Sydnie Short [cheapest way to read ebooks txt] 📗». Author Sydnie Short

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out here alone?” He asked leaning over to search the area for anyone.

“Oh I’m waiting for my boyfriend.” I said even though I knew this would upset him.

“Then I’ll wait with you.” Even though the idea is sweet, he needed to get the picture.

“Okay” I obviously wasn’t going to put up a fight.


I’ve been waiting for Dakota for forty-five minuets. Apparently he isn’t coming.

“I think he isn’t coming. I’ll just walk home.” I said sadly as I took a step down of the stairs.

“Can I walk you home?”

“No, you live on the other side of town. I don’t want to cause any problems.” And I don’t want to walk home with you. I added in my head.

“Oh okay. Can I get a hug?” He’s lucky I like giving hugs. I walked up and stair to give him a hug.

When I was done, I stepped back, which was a mistake. I fell backwards on the staircase dragging Steven along with me. We tumbled and flopped downwards until we came to a halt leaving me on top. I sat up on his abdomen.

“Are you okay?” I asked rubbing my head where it hurt.

“Yeah, I’m peachy.” I sensed a piece of sarcasm in his tone while he did his okay sign. He slid his hands around my waist. I got a glimpse of the position we were in and I blushed. He lent upwards looking like he was going to kiss me. Right when I was about to pull back I saw an angry Dakota standing before us.

“What is going on here?” A heated voice asked. Dakota looked beyond furious. His face was boiling red some much it scared me.

“N-Nothing is going on.” I stuttered while getting off Steven. I could have done better with that answer.

“Really? So you call this nothing.” He pointed to Steven and me.

“Nothing happened!”

“Yeah I think I’m going to leave you two alone.” Steven said while he picked up his backpack and left. Coward. It was only Dakota and I now.

“I fell down the stairs and I landed on him after waiting for you for so long. “ I pleaded for him to believe me.

“Fine, I believe you” I sighed in relief. “But why are dressed like this?” He said pointing to my pre torn skinny jeans and flowery top. I took a breath in preparing to tell him the story.

“Okay the night we met. I went to a sleepover. The girls at the party decided to play truth or dare and my dare was to ask a stranger out. An-“He cut me off.

“So you were dared to go out with me? Was this whole relationship apart of the dare too? Do you even like me?” As I was about to answer his endless questions I got caught in my throat. “ You know I thought you were real different from the girls I dated.” He shook his head as he bit his bottom lip angrily.

“Yes I am different.”

“You know I would love to believe you but I” he paused looking at the ground.” I can’t trust anymore.”

“But I”

“No, where over!” He spat at me. He looked me over and shook his head gain. With that he walked away.



Most people would give up when someone breaks up with them. I decided to give Dakota a week to call me but so far zilch. Yesterday was the last day of my strike. I’m going to go to his house today but there is one problem, I don’t know where he lives. Now that I think about it I don’t know any necessary details about him.

Maybe if I ask someone about him I’ll get somewhere. A middle age woman walked into the store with two children. My mom always told me to ask someone who has kids because they’re most likely not be a pedophile. I took this as my chance to ask for help.

“Excuse me ma’am” She gave me half of her attention because she had to watch over her kids.

“Yes” She said in a soft peaceful voice.

“Do you know a Dakota Brooks?” I asked staring into her grey eyes.

“If your looking for the son of Dakota and Marley Brooks then yeah I do.” I didn’t really know who his parents where so I hoped it was them.

“Yeah” I said hopefully.

“There in Connecticut at their house.”

She gave me the directions to there house. She sure was nice to give a complete stranger direction. I just hope the hour drive to Connecticut is worth it.


Is this the place? If it is, it appears to be startling. The size of the house was average for my liking but had an out standing appearance. There was a garden in front, which grew “Forget me not flowers”. They had little garden gnomes in the front like an army. I had to stop my staring because I was on a mission.

I walked up the stairs ready to knock but I froze. What would I say? What do I do when he rejects me? Shaking those weary thoughts, I remember I had a back up plan. I wrote a letter for him explaining our situation and how I feel.

I heard giggling so I’m just assuming it was two teenagers having fun. Then the laughing increased and it was getting really annoying. I turned around to tell them to be quieter but only saw Dakota sucking face with a girl. It felt as if my heart was getting ripped out of my chest.

Tears sprung out my eyes. I don’t want to stand here and watch their make out section. So I stomped down the stairs running through them. I accidently dropped the letter but I am to upset to pick it up. It was for him anyway.


It’s been two weeks since I ran into Dakota. Well, I didn’t run into I saw him moving on. It took awhile for me to get over him and I’m trying so hard. I try not to let him affect my personality. I still hang out with friends and I attempt to be happy but I can’t.

The lunch bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts. I slowly got out of my seat and walked t the doors.

“Ginger Wait up!” A voice from behind hollered. Steven ran up to me panting like he ran a mile. I stood there awkwardly waiting for him to catch his run away breath.

“Yes Stevie?” I said sweetly holding my book at my waist. For the past two weeks Steven and I got along well. He managed not to ask me out the whole time. If I’m going to be completely honest I have a miniscule crush on him but there over powered by my feelings for Dakota. Ugh, Sometimes I wish I never met him.

“Meet who?” Steven asked curiously looking at one of the teachers who walked by.

“Oh nobody. Just rambling in my head.” I reassured him waving my hands in front of him.

“I guess,” he paused putting his thumbs in his front pockets. He looked a little nervous. “I was wandering if you would like to go to the movies with me. Its okay if you don’t want to. Seeing you makes me upset. Oh sorry, I’m probably scaring you away. I’m sorry I’m just nervous. I should go now.” He babbled of quickly. He turned around with no hesitation probably dying from humiliation. It was cute watching him talk nervously.

“I would love to.” I found myself saying. He stopped and swirled around, staring at me surprised. I giggled quietly with my hand covering my mouth.

“Did you just agree?” He looked really puzzled.

 “I think I did, but don’t make me regret my decision.” He smiled and ran over to me. He spun me around by lift me in the air. He might be what I need to get over Dakota.

“So you and me are going to the movies tonight at seven?” He asked as he put me down. I nodded my head in agreement.

“Okay bye” I said walking to my next class. I have a date with Steven Hall the schools player. I squealed in excitement. If Dakota is over with us then I’m over with us.


“You look stunning” Steven said with his eyes bulging out of their sockets. I blushed lightly.

“Um, thank you.” I gave him soft smile. That compliment was said to me many times. I had a pink flowery dress with black ankle boots and white sweater. Nothing new, nothing special.

“Lets go then” He grabbed my hand and led me to the car. However, there was something missing, the jolt of electricity that spreads up my arms every time Dakota touches me. 

An unsure heart

The next few weeks went by like a blur. Steven was defiantly the distraction I needed. I can now say that I’m over Dakota or so I hope. I have to say I’m a little upset. Not because of Dakota or Steven. It’s because of my parents. They’re getting a divorce. They always looked like they loved each other but I wouldn’t know because I barely see them together. The past nights they came home more frequently than they used to. Every night I saw hatred in each of their eyes. The love that was once in the hearts is now gone and filled with hate and repulse.

I finished the remaining of my homework and went towards the stairs to get a drink. I heard yelling from the top of the steps. My parents are arguing again. They come home only to argue over pointless things. I believe last week it was about the toilet seat being up. I spin on my heels heading back to my room. I sighed and closed my eyes. I liked it better when I rarely saw them, when the house was peaceful and so quiet.

My door slammed open and my dad was standing in my doorway furious.

“This is all your entire fault. We never wanted you. You were a complete mistake. You and your mother are hideous. Ugh, I hate you. You’re the reason why this family is falling apart. You’re so stupid. I wish you where never born. How does it feel to be the reason why?” He took a sip out of his bottle of beer and left the room. What he said broke me into pieces and the worst part is I let it tare me apart.

I shut my eyes tight ignoring my sadness. As I hold back tears and tear managed to escape. A small tear relieves a great sorrow. If I had any real friends I would talk to them right now but I don’t. I want to burden Steven with my problems but I can’t.

I scamper to my bathroom and shut the door forcefully, making sure it was locked. I immediately lunged over to the cabinets and draws rummaging around in them to find what I needed. There was a banging on the door and a ruffling of the door handle. Thank goodness I locked the door. I don’t want anyone to interrupt me for what I’m about to do. Finally it stopped and I listen to my bedroom door slam. I continued to scavenge through the cabinet when I found what I needed: A blade.

I pressed my back against the bathroom walls and leisurely slid down until my butt made contact with

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