» Romance » Erasing The Unwanted, Sydnie Short [cheapest way to read ebooks txt] 📗

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Erasing The Unwanted




What is normal? Is it what everyone’s doing or is it something average? Lately our society is trying to be “Different”. Since people are attempting to be different, it became the new “Normal”. So when someone doesn’t fit into there “Normal”, there labeled as an outsider but in reality there an outsider in an inside world. No body dares to be different. Frightened of what other might think. If the people who you hangout with, try to change you, leave. Be yourself and only yourself. It’s hard to do in such an inside world but try. You can’t change unless you dare to be different.

Ginger Ray’s the name. I live in this world where it’s hard to find someone who thinks like you. Living in this world isn’t easy for me. I never try to fit in. People just hung around me because of my looks. Not what’s inside even if it matters the most. No one will understand how it feels to be different because they’re all the same. Maintaining my personality isn’t the hard part in this life. The hard part is finding someone who sees past those looks and sees that personality. There are one hundred billion people in this world and I haven’t found one who understands, whose eyes are open. That was until my Dare.

Who says your life can’t change because of a simple dare?





The Dare

Chapter 1 

“I dare you to go tell your parents your gay” Ashley said to Danna.

“Um fine” Donna replied cockily. She picks up her phone and unlocks it. The girls peak their heads to see her password but she already finished typing. I stare intensely at her even she wasn’t looking at me. I wanted to know if she was really going to do it. When I heard the dialing noise I knew she was serious. Someone picked up and I’m assuming it was her parents. She put the call on speaker so we all could hear.

“Hello Donna is something wrong” A female voice from the phone said.

“ Yeah mom but there is something I need to tell you guys. Is dad there?” Danna asked her mom.

“Yeah hold on.” There was a silence. I looked around the room and everyone was trying hard not to laugh. “ Okay got him. Go on honey.” Danna’s mom said after a long silence.

“ When I say this don’t freak out.” she paused. “ I’m gay” Danna said believably.

This time the silence was longer but followed by a thump. “ What happened?” Danna asked with concern. Although I’m not sure if its real.

“ Your mother just fainted.” A deep husky voice replied. “ Sweaty are you really gay?”

“Nope I just said it for a dare.”

“Oh honey you scared us half to death. I’ll tell your mother when she wakes up.”

“Okay, bye dad”

“bye” he said calmly.

After the phone call, the whole room filled with laughter. The laughing calmed down and I knew it was my turn.

“ Ginger your up.” I got real scared. I hoped my dare wasn’t bad as Danna’s. “I dare you to dress like a total dork and ask a hot stranger to be your boyfriend. Then when he gives you a reply take off your geeky ware and show him your gorgeous self.” Donna told me. Now I’m wandering if she really is gay.

I have to say the dare wasn’t bad but I still was frightened of talking to a total stranger. The girls geeked me up. I actually have friends who are nerds though. I looked unappealing. My soft brown hair was out of my ponytail and covering my hazel eyes. I was wearing a jumper with a plaid shirt under it but really there was a sexy red dress underneath. Ashley found her dad’s old glasses and gave them to me to wear. They also gave me these hideous flats but I had some pretty heels in by purse.

I was ready to go outside now. We were going to the pizza place but I was going to go behind them so it would look like I wasn’t with them.

I walked into the Pizza Hut and rambled the store for a cute guy. I didn’t see one so I kept walking further in the store but then a huge guy bumped me in the shoulder causing me to fall. He didn’t even help me up he just said “ Move nerd” Then someone shouted after him.  “Hey you say sorry to this pretty girl” I was looking at my feet, too embarrassed to see who defended me. Wait what? Did he call me pretty? I look up to see the guy holding his hand out for me to grab. I reached for his hands. As soon as are hands touched a jolt of electricity ran up my arm. I was now up off the ground then I looked the dude up and down. I didn’t even mind that the guy didn’t apologize.

He had short black hair with brown highlights. He was a few inches taller than me so I had to look up at him. His deep blue eyes were staring down at me causing me to melt inside. I look over to the girls and they gave me thumbs.

“Hey” He said coolly. His voice was deep but warm just like a blanket.

“Uh um H h-I” I said softly but I was stuttering real badly.

“So what’s a pretty girl doing here alone?” The hot stranger asked me.

“Y -Y -You T-Thin-k I-m Pretty” I stammered.

“Of course you are.”

“Do want to be my boyfriend?” I asked quickly.



The date

Chapter 2

He gave me a puzzled look. I honestly expected him to say no. Most guys these days go by appearance. They don’t want you for who you really are. His reply was shocking. The girls in the corner were surprised as well.

“I’m gay” It was my turn to give him a puzzle look. “I’m just kidding. I would love to.” He agreed with a bright smile. The hot stranger just agreed to be my boyfriend. I don’t know whether to be happy or scared. I read about these things all the time. Stranger falls in love with girl. Then he ends up being a rapist of some sort.

“Um, I’m Ginger” I introduced myself shyly.

“I’m Dakota. Nice to meet you.” He winked at me. For some reason, I always thought winking was creepy. God, I hope he isn’t a pedophile.

“Don’t worry love, I’m not.” I didn’t even realize I said that out loud. “You’re doing it again.” Oh my ginger! I need to stop. “Oh my ginger? That’s a new one.” He chuckled silently. I blushed a deep shed of red.

I just realized that I was supposed to change because he gave me his reply already. I want to see if this guy really wants me for what’s inside. I’m not really worried about not completing my dare. Its not like there is a penalty. From the looks the girls were giving me, it looks like there okay with it.

“So,” Dakota scratched his head. I could tell he was a bit nervous. Honestly I am to. “Would you like to go for a walk with me. You might have to show me around. I’m not from here.” Awe he is so cute when he is nervous.

“Of course.” I agreed happily.

“Lets get going then.” He took my hand and led me to the door.


We took our time around Springfield. The wind gently blew past my bare arm causing me to shiver. Dakota’s body heat was the only warmth I had. I didn’t bother to bring my jacket because I thought I would be indoors. If I knew it was going to be this wintry, I would have. The wind blew again but this time it was harsher. Dakota noticed my shivers and lent me his jacket. I wanted to play my favorite game “One million questions” but I was a little too nervous to ask. His hand in mine and his jacket over my shoulders, brings a smile to my face. I don’t really talk to strabgers.

“What’s a strabger?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“It’s a word I created by accident. It means stranger.” He gave me an amused look.

“Ah I see.” He nodded his head as he put his thumbs in his front pockets. We walked along the sideways quietly, until I broke the unbearable silence.

“I want to play a game”

“What game?”

“Twenty answers.” It wasn’t what I was going for but I wanted to do something different.

“How do you play that?” he asked curiously.

“Okay, You answer something without a question about yourself.” He looked confused. “Here let me go first. Cockiness is a turn off for me.” I say honestly.

“I hate sweets like Donuts, honey buns, and twislers” Oh my toast! How can anybody hate the best foods?

“Are you shiz serious? Oh my gosh! Relationship over” I teased him playfully.

“Yes I am shiz serious, whatever that is.” He laughs calmly. Oh his laugh is heavenly.

“My dream is to become a famous chef.” I say casually. I had to stop thinking about his dislikes before I lose my mind.

“I want to become a doctor.”

“I have a question.” I turned look into his beautiful eyes.

“Ask away”

“Why did you say yes” I asked curiously.

“Say yes to what?” he asked like he didn’t know what I was talking about.

“You know what I mean.”

“Oh that. I agreed to had the balls to ask me out. Most girls expect me to ask them out and hurt me. I just saw something different in you.”

“I feel the same way.” I nodded.

“What do mean.”

“Oh, never mind.” Luckily, he let it go.


We walked back to the Pizza Hut finishing the game.

“And lastly I hate French fries but love potatoes” I said finishing my final answerless question.

“No comment” I really enjoyed talking to him. He was funny and sweet the whole time. I told him almost everything about me. He told me things about him to but they were surface things and that didn’t satisfy me. I supposed I should let it go, for now. We said are goodbyes and I walked in and went towards the girls in Dakota’s jacket. Best Day Ever!

The sun beamed over my face like a wave. I groaned and shot my eyes open. I sat up grabbing a bunch of my hair yawning. Taking in my

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