» Romance » Love is a Sacrifice, Samara Fitzgerald [english reading book .txt] 📗

Book online «Love is a Sacrifice, Samara Fitzgerald [english reading book .txt] 📗». Author Samara Fitzgerald

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with rythm, going in and out and all around. John then backed me against the wall and put my legs around his waist. I knew this was wrong but it felt so good.

We then stopped kissing and he looked me in my eyes. They were so filled with passion and I bet my eyes were too. He then start kissing me and he trailed it to my neck. Oh gosh, that felt so good. I want John so badly. I bit my lip, trying to keep myself from moaning. That is when my sense was coming in. What the hell am I doing. This is wrong. I can't be with this man. It would only cause more problems than before.
"John, John. put me down, I can't do this."
"You wasn't enjoying it?" He looked so confused. He just don't get it.
"I did it just..." I couldn't talk anymore. I had to get out of there before I cry in front of this man. So I just ran out of the staircase. That is when the tears start coming out. How could I have been so stupid, almost giving myself to the man. I don't even know anything about John.

As soon As I got back to the office, Vickie looked pissed.
"Where have you been? I sent you down there 30 minutes ago. Never mind, just get back to work." She then stormed to her office. I didn't realize I was gone for so long.

As I was working, flashes of what happened between me and John kept coming in my mind. I could still feel his warm and tender lips on mine. When we kissed, It felt like I was alive again. There was so much excitement in it too. I don't know what would have happened if we were to continue. Would we do it? I know one thing is for sure. I can't let that happen ever again because if I do, my heart might get broken. Besides, I don't want to pull anyone into my messy life.

"Iris!" Vickie was standing in front of her office door. She told me to come here. Oh gosh. I wish this woman can lose her voice because she is getting on my last nerves. I got up and went to see what that woman wanted.
Chapter 4

"I'm so tired." I said to myself as I entered the apartment. I am so stressed from having to hear Vickie's voice all day. I can't wait until I find another decent job so I can get away from Vickie. Vickie really need to get laid so that she can calm down and get off my back.

Also my mind was still on the hot, steamy moment John and I shared in the stairwell. I remember how he held me tightly, yet gently, against his hard body. I start feeling myself heat up and shudder as I remembered. What is wrong with me? I'm kissing a complete stranger. Things are just going out of control.

I need someone to talk to about my problems. Someone I can trust. I looked in Erin's room, hoping I can talk to her. Erin and I used to be able to talk about anything, until I married Bill and I had to isolate from my family. I know if I tell Erin my situation, she would probably be displeased that I'm making out with a stranger, but she would understand. Erin wasn't always a Christian. She still has some bad in her.

I was disappointed when I saw that Erin wasn't there. Shoot. I forgot that today was Wednesday so Erin got saved, she has been spending most of her of her time at church. Now, don't get me wrong. I go to church every Sunday. Erin, on the other hand, go to church every time it opens, when she has the time. Also Erin is on almost all of the committees at the church. Sometimes Erin does too much.

I decided to take a nice, hot shower to take away the stress and tension I have. While in the shower, I start feel my stress going away. That is when I heard my cell phone beeping. As soon as I got out of the shower, I saw I had a call from an unknown number. I wonder who that could be. Then the signal that shows I have a voicemail showed up. I didn't bother hearing it so I just deleted it. The person probably has the wrong number.

As I was getting ready for bed, I stopped because I just thought of something. What if that was Bill calling me? I felt a chill go down my spine. I felt myself tensing up again. No, it can't be. Before I left Bill, he knew me and Erin despise each other so how would he know that I'm with my sister? Also I changed my number and phone so Bill couldn't find me. Now my nightmare has come true, Bill found me. After two years, he finally found me. What if he got Erin right now? What if he hurt her? That is when I snapped out of it. I start convincing myself that it was just some one who had the wrong number who had called me. The more I convince myself, the more I started to calm down.

After I have relaxed, I got in bed and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. All I could think of was the call. What if it was Bill who call? My life would be falling apart then. I am so scared. After I was getting my life back in order, this happen. Now my past is coming back to haunt me. All I know is that I need to calm down. After a few minutes, I went straight to sleep. That is when my daily nightmare came.

Chapter 5

"Where am I? I start looking around. I remember this this place. This is the forest near my home. My old home, I mean, since I ran away from it and my marriage with Bill. What am I doing here though?
"Iris." That voice sounds so familiar. I turn toward where the voice came from. It is not as dark as it was the night I ran away, so I can see things better. When I turned, there he was. What John doing here? I reached out for him to make sure he was real. He put up his hand too and we held hands. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled at me. I love his smile. When he smiled, I felt myself get warm all over. John then held me close. It was like I belong there. John then said something but I couldn't hear him. When I looked up at him, chills started to run down my back. I then start to back away. This can't be. No, this just can't be. The person I was hugging was not John. At least not anymore. This dream has turned into a nightmare.

Standing in John's place was Bill. He had this evil grin on his face. His face was caked with dried blood, just like the night I ran away from him. Bill then start walking toward me, but I was still was still backing away. Bill kept coming closer and he started laughing. That is when I tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. Bill towered over me with a serious look on his face.
"I told you I would find you." He then pointed a gun at me.
this is the end. My life is now over.
"No!" I screamed but after that, he shot me. All I saw was pure darkness.

That is when I woke up. It was all just a dream. My heart was beating against my chest like a drum. My head was throbbing from a headache. I felt my chest where Bill had shot me. I didn’t feel anything so I knew I was just dreaming. Next thing I know, I looked beside me and jumped when I see that Erin is there looking at me concerned. I almost screamed but stopped myself when I saw that it was just Erin.

“Girl, are you okay. I could hear you all the way from my room screaming , ‘No…No…’ like someone was going to kill you.” I started to cry. I can’t do this anymore. I’m tired of all these horrible nightmares I have been having. I want to be able to live my life without me living it in fear. I can’t keep living this way.

Erin saw me crying and hugged me.
“What’s wrong, Iris? You know you can tell me anything.” I might as well tell her because I need to tell somebody.
“Well, first today was so horrible at work.” I told Erin everything that happened today at work. I told Erin about what happened between me and John and the kiss we shared. That is when Erin start to look confused.
“Wait, hold up. Who is John. I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”
“John is not my boyfriend. He is just a guy who work in the mailroom at my job.”
Erin still looked confused. Man. Sometimes Erin can be so slow sometimes. I then told Erin about the feelings I was feeling when out hands touched. Erin finally got it.
“So, you saying that you made out with a guy you barely know, a guy you only saw once last week, in a stairwell. That sound romantic and all, but I don’t see that as a reason why you were crying.”
“I know. I’m about to tell you the rest.” I told Erin about the phone call I got and how I think it might have been Bill. Then I told her about my dream. Erin sat there , then she burst out laughing. No she didn’t. I might be in trouble and she is laughing. I am mad as hell. What the hell. I never expected that response.
“I’m sorry Iris but don’t you think you are overreacting. I mean, that person who called you could have been somebody who had the wrong number. Also, that nightmare don’t mean anything. It is just a dream. You know dreams would sometimes not even happen. What you need to do is to get some sleep so I can sleep too.” Erin then left and was laughing while going to her room.
“You are so funny Iris.” I heard Erin say from her room. Erin sometimes get on my

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