» Romance » Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗

Book online «Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗». Author Mia Lafreve Pedretti

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said and he brushed away my tears along. “The doctors told me to tell you to not move too much. Your body isn't ready yet.” He added worried again. He sat down and held my hand with both his hands and he kissed them.

“It hurts so bad..” I let out though.

He caressed my hands again. “Lo sò tesoro..”(I know Sweetheart) He replied sorrowfully. “But you have to endure it. Remember that you're alive. The pain will eventually go away someday, but your death can't be cured.” He kissed my hand again. “You should be thankful for that..We both should be thankful.”


“You're.. right.” I concorded. He was right, pain apart, this was a good thing. I'm alive, I feel pain, but better than eel nothing all. My heart was beating, that certainly meant something. I smirked. In your face death! “I'm alive, you're alive, mom and dad are alive too..Oh, about that, where are they? Are they ok?”  I asked remembering them. “Allora?”


“Well..” Jung Hyun mumbled only.

I didn’t pay too much attention and I kept talking. “The last thing I remember.. Is the two of them..bleeding really badly. But they were still breathing, just like you and me. So they must have been recovered too.” They weren't in the room with us, I supposed they were in a different one. I hoped they were in a better shape than me. I didn't want them to suffer like me.

I looked at my brother, waiting for an answer. But he had an odd look on his face. “Yes, you're right. I saw them too in the car.” He finally spoke. “They were still breathing..” He concorded with me. But his tensed and nervous face wasn’t encouraging at all.

“Exactly.” I replied. “So, where are they? They're fine right?” I asked innocently, even if I had bad feeling. “I want to see them.” I pressured him.

He patted my hand to calm me down a little. “Maria..” He begun, using my italian name. The bad feeling pushed even more. He took a deep breath before speaking again. “Mamma e Papà..” His voice trembled though. “They were in worse shape than us..” He said, but I didn’t want to hear the end of that sentence.

"...B-but they're doing fine right?" My voice trembled too. "Tell me they're doing fine!"

He squeezed more tightly my hand. Then he took a deep breath. "I'm..sorry, terribly sorry, but.. they didn't make it." He finally confessed with tears flowing down his face.

"Cosa?..No no nononono.." I closed my ears with my hands, like I used to do when I was little. It did hurt, but that pain, was merely nothing compared to the one inside my chest. "Non può essere vero!" It can't be true.. I repeated to myself. I don't want this! I wanted run back and help them. I din't want to live in this void world without them. The tranquility and peacefullness of the coma didn't seemed to terrible now.

"Tesoro.."(honey) He tried to calm me. He grabbed both of my hands and held me in his arms. "Hush..Hush..Everything's gonna be fine. I promise you." He whispered sweetly to comfort me. As if simple words could comfort me.

"No.. Everything is ruined." Damn you death! "How can we carry on now.." I mean, the people whom were litteraly the definition of home were gone. Dead. Those words seemed wrong, unnatural. How could destiny could be so unfair and cruel to us. My brother's chest was solid, like Dad's, and warm like Mom's. That saddened me even more. My head started to spin, I felt dizzy..and near to faint.

"I ..I don't think I can make it without them oppa.." I stated. "I want to die too." I felt lifeless.. I didn't have  a shred of desire to fight back the death. No one could beat him anyway.

"No!" He shook energetically his head. "I'm not gonna let you die. I don't want to be the only one alive. I don't want to be alone, I couldn't bear it." He held me more tightly, as to keep me there with him.

"I don't want to leave you alone, but.. how can we survive to this?" I asked him. Our future was already uncertain without them, without their heat. I can't even..

"We will survive. I'm sure of it." He moved backwards to look at me. "I mean, you out of coma. Coma for God sake! You have to admit that somebody from heaven certainly loves you." He insisted.

"Mom and dad?" I murmured.

"..Maybe. No, I know they love you. As much as I love you."

"They love you too Ale." I reminded him.

"Yes, I know." He whispered and tears filled his eyes again. Seeing him crying made me cry too. He held me again in his arms. "They love us both. You know, I think I saw them smiling at us, while we were trapped in the car.." He revealed.

"I think a saw them too oppa .." My voice lowered untill you could hear nothing but my breath. The dizziness took over my sight and I knew I was near to faint. So I took advantage and spoke before falling into the dark world. "Oppa..Please don't leave me.."

"I won't leave you if you promise me that you'll fight to stay alive." He replied looking at me.


"Then I promise, I won't leave you."

"Thank you." I said with my eyes already closed. "I think I'll sleep now.." I whispered.

"I'll be here when you wake up, again." Were the last words I heard, before falling into a deep sleep.

I slept well, even though the tears didn't stop falling on my cheeks. I dreamt of my parents, smiling and telling me that they loved me. I wanted to follow them,  I couldn't follow them, even thought I promised I wouldn't give in, that incredibly bright and warm light around them was way too inviting. I really, really wanted indeed to give in and run to them, but if God gave me another chance, I couldn't possibly reject it. So I carried on with that thing called life. I spent six months in hospital, before healing fully from the wounds. When we got out of the hospital, I went to live instead with our uncles. My brother went to live with his girlfriend instead. People around me had the word PITY written on their foreheads all time. It didn't bother me at first, but when my friends started to treat me with gloves, I bursted out and left them. I mean, I knew I had a rough time, but there was a limit to everything.



That's why I can recognize the Pity's look when I see it. And Ji Yong didn't have it. If he ever had that kind of look, I would have noticed it for sure. That girl knew how to hit, and she hit in the right spot. I had to admit that she succeeded, I was hurt. But not for the reason she thought I was. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction to see me taken back by her comment, so I smiled and acted as if I didn't hear her.

One of the journalist probably heard her too and asked me. "What you respond to those who hates you Yumi-shi?" A real question, above the annoying ones the others journalist kept asking us.

I didn't want to leave the impression that I was weak to that girl, so I took advantage of the situation and answered before getting into the car. "I say, they waste their free time, I don't. I had a good time with Uncles doni&Coni, and their hate towards me won't ruin my good mood. Have a nice day." Plain and simple. Even The journalist nodded in agreement with me.

"Thanks for the answer Yumi-shi." He thanked me.

I smiled and nodded back at him. Then I got in the car. I sat next to Ji Yong, despite his manager's advice to not sit next to each other in front of Ji Yong's fans. But even if I acted fierce and strong on the outside, I still felt extremely lonely inside. And the only person that could comfort and make me feel loved was him. So while Choi Seung Hyun took seat in the front, I sat in the back with my boyfriend. I waited that we were far enough from the crowd's eyes to let myself go.

I sighed loudly and cuddled myself into Ji Yong's arms. He warmly welcomed my need of snuggle. "You've been really brave." He whispered on top of my head. Choi Seung Hyun, their manager and mine, agreed with him.

"I knew you were strong enough to answer back to that girl." Choi Seung Hyun added raising his thumb at me.

"So you heard her too?" I was surprised, I thought she spoke only to me.

"We all heard her." Ji Yong answered at his place. I glanced at him, but he didn't look back. His jaw was very tensed and the lips were tightened as well. His mind was melting in bad thoughts. I knew that.

"I know they won't go easy on you from now on, but at least you showed them what you're made of Yumi." His manager told me while driving. He glanced at me through the wing-mirror and smiled at me. I smiled back to him, but then I looked back at Ji Yong.

He still looked very upset, probably because he couldn't do something to defend me. But I didn't need help and I had to tell him. I grabbed his chin so we could face each other. "Hey, it's ok. I'm fine, a little sad, but still fine." I said. "That girl just reminded me of the car accident, and also of my parents." I narrowed my eyes. "It's ..still a open scar, that's why I'm a little sad. But I swear I'm fine." I let go of his chin and embraced him again.

"I'm sorry." He said like it was his fault.

I looked up at him again. "Don't be. They passed away, what can you do." I cracked a smile, even if the tears were pushing behind my eyes. "It's difficult to move on, that's all." His arms instantly wrapped even tighter around me. He kissed my forehead too.

"I'm sorry." He repeated.

"And plus, I know that you don't pity me. I would have noticed it right away, if you have had that kind of look on your face." I added.

"I love you, because you are you, not because you had that car accident." He said firmly staring at me. "Don't ever doubts that."

"I won't." I replied smiling. "And I love you too mr." Those three words didn't scare me then. Right then, I really meant it.

He smiled back and kissed me on my forehead again, but I wanted more. I needed more. I freed my right arm and lifted it up to his face. "Kiss me." I said pulling his face towards mine. He smirked. He leaned in and pressed his lips on mine. It hasn't been a snogging session like that morning. I needed to be comforted and feel loved, and he has been gentle, sweet and passionate. Nothing more. He didn't try anything on me, but just kissed me. And it was fair enough for me. When we pulled away, he looked at me in the eyes with a serious yet warm gaze.

"I love you. Things will be a little difficult, sure..but that doesn't change the fact that I do love you. And I'll make this work." He promised.

I loved hearing those words more than I could admit. "I'll make this work too." I promised as well.

He nodded happily and gave me a quick peck. Then he hug me again. Very tightly I'd say, but it didn't bother me. I rather loved it. "Yes, we're definetly gonna make this work somehow." He mumbled above my head. I didn't need to look up to see his expression. I knew it was the same as mine. Meant, determinate.

I was determinate as much as him to make our relationship work. No

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