» Romance » Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗

Book online «Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗». Author Mia Lafreve Pedretti

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matter how many obstacles, pain, sufferences, we would have met on our way. Love is not always easy, it's most of the time painful if it's unrequired. But our love wasn't like that. I was 200% sure of it. Our love was passionate, but also sweet. Active and mutual. I loved him, he loved me, there wasn't nothing more to say. Things would have became bad if one of us, did have stopped to love one another. That's when I should have started to worry. Worry seriously.

Everything was irrilevant but him.



The car had already left, but I didn't. I stared at the people in front of me instead. Some were going on their way home, while some were still chatting about what just happened. They were teenage girls, mostly middle school students. They were all fussy and excited for the B*tch that just went away. tsk.

"Ooh Yumi was so beautiful!" A teenager with dark blond hair squealed to another girl with brown hair.  Probably her friend. They still had their school uniform and that meant that they ditched school. "I just couldn't stop myself from staring at her." The other girl nodded in agreement.

"Ooh did you see how TOP and G-Dragon-Oppa protected her from those annoying journalists?"

"Wah..They were like her bodyguards. So cool!" Her blond friend agreed with her. I was about to walk away, with my two pals, because they were getting on my nerves. But I stopped in my tracks, when a voice joined them, and said something that irritated me to hell.

"Did you perhaps think that she's with GD-oppa?" The new girl asked them. Short brown hair, big almond eyes and she had dimples too. She was the girl the bitch saw first and signed her blocknotes. She looked armless and innocent. I could have left without doing nothing to her, but because of the following phrase she said, I lost my temper. "Wouldn't it be awesome if they were a couple for real?" She asked all excited.

"Say what..?" I muttered. "YA! What did you f*cking just say?" I shouted at her little group.

My pals and I were ten meters far from them, but they heard me right away. We approached them. I could see the fear spread in their eyes and I liked it. There was no way I could let slide away what she had the courage to say. Dimples or not dimples she would have payed for that. "What did you say?" I repeated again when we reached them.

"..N-Nothing." She whispered, near to tears, even if I didn't do anything to her yet.

One of my pal, Jimin, got closer to her and rudely pushed her. "Are you taking us for dummies? Eh? I'm talking with you, you dwarf!"

My other pal, Sun Hye, joined too. "So?" She pushed her by pressing a finger on her forehead.

One of her friend, the blondie, tried to defend her. And barged between the two of thtem, blocking Sun Hye's way to touch her friend. "Leave Kim Pil Suk alone, she didn't say nothing bad." She had the guts to say.

"Nothing bad?" Sun Hye asked smirking evilly. "
애새끼 Aesaekki-ha 죽고싶어 Jukgo shipho?"(you brat want to die?) She spat in her face.

"I'm not scared of you." She bravely replied.

"Oh..Really?" I evilly smirked and got closer to her too. She looked older than her actual age, and was taller than me too. But that was just thanks to her insole. I stared at her, she stared back,  I sneakily moved backwards my right foot and trip her up. She screamed like a little girl and hit the ground with her butt.

"Moon Hae-ha!
괜찮아 gwaenchana?" The dimpled girl, Kim Pil Suk, went to her rescue. And so did the other girl. They were so funny to watch. The shorter one was trying to lift up the bondie, Moon-hae, from the ground, but was too weak because she was the thinnest among them. She tried and tried, but failed everytime. We all laughed of them.

Before the other girl could help them, I dropped down and towered on Jeon-ha. Sun Hye pushed away Kim Pil Suk and the other girl. "Back off!" She shoved them away.

While Jimin covered the sight of me and Moon Hae, to undesired people. "Are you still not scared of us?" I asked her. Already knowing the answer. But the girl surprised me once again.

"..No." She answered with a tiny voice. Convincing nobody.

I laughed, impressed by her fearless attitude. But I grasped her hair anyway, tightly enough to cause her pain. "I'm impressed, but that won't stop me from getting rid of your precious long hair. You got that?" I muttered in her face. Tears flew down her cheeks. I knew it. She was all talk and no action.

"P-p-please don't..Jebal.
잘못했어 Jalmotaesso!Jalmotaesso!"(I did/was wrong) She begged me crying and rubbing her hands against each other. "죄송합니다 jae song hamnida!" (I'm sorry)

"You know, I was about to walk away.." I held more harshly her hair, making her moan with pain. "But your good little friend said that thing and I couldn't possibly ignore it. You understand me, don't you?" I asked her and she glanced at Kim Pil Suk. The dimpled girl was crying too. How disturbing!

"Punish me, not Moon Hae-ha. She didn't do anything wrong!" She whined between sobs. "It's my fault, take me instead!"

I stared at her for a moment. I could pick on her, but I didn't want to beat someone like her. Too weak to fight back. "No, I prefer to beat up girls like this one." I said, harshly shaking once again Moon Hae's head. She moaned louder. I smirked.

"You were all bold earlier, and now look at you.." I snapped. "Begging and crying for mercy. How funny life is." I laughed while she was cried.

"She didn't do anything wrong. Leave her alone Jebal!" Kim Pil Suk begged me.

I'm not a bad person. Not at all. I was just a innocent sasaeng fan, tired of girls around my boyfriend to be Bias. I was tired mostly of miss B*tch Lick asses, better known as Lee Yun Mi. She was different from the other girls around him. She had something that even Ji Yong couldn't ignore. And since then, he never stopped to hang out with her. Too much for my taste. I knew she was into him, you could see that from space, but what I didn't like one bit was that he seemed to start liking her. Even my pals noticed that. Every f*cking sasaeng fan of south-korea noticed that.

And you bet that I wouldn't have let her, have the chance to date my, and I repeat, my Oppa. For nothing in this world, I would have let that happen. Not in a f*cking milion years. NEVER! I heard someone moaning out of pain, almost screaming. I got back to myself and saw that it was Moon Hae. I didn't let go of her hair, but loosened the grip a little bit. I didn't want to attract the attention of someone. "Thank your little friend for this." I spat in her face. "If it wasn't for her, I'll be on my way home now."

"Boss Look!" Sun Hye and Jimin suddenly called me out.

"What?" I replied irritated, but when I glanced at them, they motioned me to look at their right side. I followed their eyes and saw a Samsung's display, with a phone number appearing on it. It was the emergency number to call the police.

The other girl, the one who tried to help Moon Hae and Kim Pil Suk, was showing us the number with a challenging look on her face. "Let go of her right now, or I'm gonna call the police." She treathened me by placing her thump above the CALL button. Ready to press it.

I smirked. "Well.. What do we have here." I let go of Moon Hae's head. Then I stood up and approached the threating girl. "I completely forgot about you. You stayed silent the whole time. I should have suspected something."

"Yes, you should have." She grinned.

"You grin Eh?!" I smirked evilly. "But you know what? I can take from your f*cking weak fingers, that f*cking phone and break it in two pieces in two minutes, you know that?" I said. "But I won't." I added and stepped back. I went next to Sun Hye and motioned to Jimin to join us.

The unknown girl with the phone, slowly moved backwards, probably because she was afraid of me, and she joined her friends too. They were all trembling and shaking, all scared the hell out of us. What a chicken! When they finally succeeded in lifting their blondie friend up from the ground, they checked if she was ok, caressing possessively her head and cheeks. They even brushed away her tears for her. Aww... disturbing.

I snorted catching the eyes of Kim Pil Suk. She was complementing her friend for the brilliant idea she had, bur then she looked at us with a confused look. "W-why you let us go?" She asked curious.

To tell the truth, I didn't want to face the police, but I didn't show my fear and smirked instead. "Because you guys are too weak for us." I paused when she didn't look convince. So I tried to make a simple step towards them. They all got scared immediately. I knew it. They were all scared little lambs.

"And plus.." I kept talking. "Our real target aren't you, but miss Yumi the B*tch."

"Yumi-eoni Wae?" She asked all worried. And so they were her friends as well. That got on my nerves.

"BECAUSE SHE'S A DAMN B*TCH!" I shouted at all of them. "SHE HAS NO  RIGHT TO STAY NEAR OR F*CKING DATE JI YONG! YOU GOT THAT YOU IDIOTS?" Words couldn't described how I felt just by thinking of her.

"B-b-but she didn't do anything.." The Unknown girl with dark hair tried to defend her.

"Oh she did a lot already." Jimin replied and I thought the same thing. "But you little sh*t are too blind to see it."

"What did she do?" Moon Hae asked with a low voice. Hiding herself behind the dimpled girl. Incredible!

"She dare had the guts to talk back to me.." I begun when a twinkle appeared in their eyes.

"Then you were the one, that said that horrible thing to her?" Kim Pil suk seemed the most surprised of all of them.

"Yes." I answered and smiled. "It was me."

"Do you have a problem with that?" Sun Hye asked. "Eh?"

"She thinks she can make it against us, but I'll proof her she's f*cking wrong." I muttered. "I'll make her life so unbearable, that she'll regret ever had came to South Korea!" I finished. We then went our away, leaving Kim Pil Suk and her little stupid group of lambs behind us.

Yumi, You damn B*tch! You'll pay for your boldness.

She crossed a line that she shouldn't have never crossed. The line that divided simple friendship from love. And the incredible part was that she somehow succeeded in making fall in love Ji Yong with her. They kept saying that they weren't a couple, but their eyes talked for them. I didn't know how far I would have gone to put in her, but certainly, I wouldn't have let her in peace even a sec. "As soon as Ji Yong leaves the country, we'll f*cking bombard her. No breaks allowed." I ordered to Sun Hye and Jimin. They nodded.

Dear Yumi, I hate you.

I hate you more than you can imagine. You want to challenge us?
Well.. You better start praying the dear God to help you, Because we won't have mercy for you!

Sincerely, You're worst enemy.


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