» Romance » Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗». Author Regreece

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"You're running away from me again Fay."
She turned again but continued to edge backwards. "Don't be silly, I just want a different view."
He moved towards her with narrowed eyes. "I'll come and see the different view too then."
She gave a small laugh and held out a hand between them, "No, you can look at the view from there."
He grinned at her. "Yes but I've got no chance of following up on that kiss of ours if I'm stuck over here."
She continued to back away. "Adam...that was done in a very underhanded way, now behave yourself!"

He pursued her and she suddenly turned and ran down the boat, he bolted after her. She darted around the front of the boat and headed for the steps to the lower deck which were midway along the other side.
He followed, shouting after her, "I've chased a few women in my time but his is getting ridiculous!"
"Well stop chasing then!" she shouted back.

He caught her by the arm before she made it to the steps and turned her around, trapping her between himself and the railing at the edge of the boat. He leant towards her but she leant backwards as far as she could against the railing.
"You're a very troublesome woman you know," he pointed out.
"Yes I know, I have a mind of my own," she replied sarcastically.
"Stubborn beyond reason," he added.
"Strong willed," she corrected.
"Insubordinate," he challenged.
"Steadfast," she came back.
"Hmm," he looked unsure, "wavering at times."

He watched her for a while and then slipped his hand under her jacket and onto her lower back, urging her forward. She tensed and he gave an exasperated look, linking both of his hands behind her back but allowing some space between them.
"Happy?" he asked wryly, "no major bodily parts touching, see." His eyes made a leisurely assessment of her face and she frowned.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to work you out," he replied, contemplating her.
"Are you getting anywhere?"
He sighed. "Slowly...but I'm having fun along the way." He smiled, kissed her on the nose and then let her go, moving to the railing at the side of her. A few minutes later Nikos reappeared.

"The sea, she is getting a bit," he indicated rough waves with his hand, "we must go back."
"No problem," Fay smiled, "thank you very much for taking us out Nikos."
"For you, anything Fay." He ruffled her hair and moved back down the stairs again.

Fay sat down on one of the seats opposite Adam and pulled her jacket further around her as the wind got stronger.
"You know it's just occurred to me how much we have to do yet before the tourists start arriving," Adam pointed out.
"Yes, it won't be long. You'll need to find more staff too, guides et cetera." She thought for a moment. "How about Sal? She'll be wanting to find work soon."
He looked unsure, "Has she done any work like that before?"
"Well no," Fay admitted, "but I could train her. She'd just need a few pointers if she was going to guide."
"Okay, I trust your judgement." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Fay, am I paying you enough?"
Her eyes widened in surprise at his question. "You're paying the going rate."
"Yes but it turns out that you have endless talents that I hadn't foreseen." He laughed as she put a hand to her face in mock modesty.
"Good grief, carry on like that and you'll have me blushing Mr Ford," she chuckled, "if you're going to offer me a raise though I'll not refuse it."
"Okay, but we'll talk about it tomorrow," he smiled.

The boat reached the harbour again and they thanked Nikos once more, waving goodbye and heading for the car. By this time it was beginning to get dark so they drove back to Agios Nikolaos and Adam dropped Fay outside her apartment.
"Thanks, what's on the agenda for tomorrow then?" she asked, reaching for her bag.
"As you said, we need to sort out staff and organise transport, paperwork and finish off the details of the trips," he said with growing realisation of the tasks ahead.
"I'll come in early then." She looked slightly anxious.
"Thanks Fay, I do appreciate your support," he said, kissing her on the cheek.
"No problem," she smiled, and got out of the car.

Fay's apartment was in darkness when she let herself in and a note on the counter informed her that Sal had gone out for the evening. Sal had invited her along but she had already made the decision to have a night in. She had to get up early tomorrow, and besides she had been out an awful lot lately, a nice relaxing night in would be a welcome change. She opened the fridge, hoping to see something inspirational to cook but alas, she hadn't been shopping for a few days and both the fridge and the cupboards looked pitifully bare.

Never mind, she could be inventive with the ingredients that she did have.

She put them out on the kitchen counter and assessed them.

Okay, what had she got? Ham, that provided the meat. Chickpeas... that had to be soaked over night.

She pushed them to one side.

Tin of tomatoes, always handy. Oxo cubes, hmm. Lemon juice, bit of a mixture. Pita bread, must be able to do something with that. Lentils, two sausages and a banana. Hmm. This may be a bit of a challenge even for someone of her creative talents.

Later that evening she sat on the sofa, having eaten half a plate of an incredibly odd concoction, and flicked channels with a sigh.

Bloody Greek television! She may as well go to bed. She could watch a DVD though and maybe she would eventually nod off.

She changed into her night slip and searched her DVD collection.

Seen it recently, seen it a million times, didn't like it anyway...Got it. Okay so she'd seen it a million times too but it should cheer her up.

She picked up 'Pretty Woman' and put it in the DVD player, jumping into bed and pressing start on the remote control. She was only fifteen minutes into the film when the telephone by the side of her bed rang and she looked at it with surprise.

If it was Sal she was not going out. She could do one night in for goodness sake.

She turned the volume down on the television and picked up the receiver.
"Hello Fay, it's your boss here."
She looked at the receiver with puzzlement. "Oh hello, is everything okay?" she asked, wondering why he was phoning her.
"Yes fine. I was just phoning to ask if you have discovered something of yours missing," he said with amusement in his voice.
"Missing?" A thought occurred to her then which she didn't like so she pushed it aside.
"Yes, something you may have left behind this morning at my apartment."
"Left behind," she stalled.
"Hmm, an item of clothing," he added.
She contemplated denial. "I don't think so, I left wearing all my clothes remember?" She bit her lip. "Perhaps it's your cleaner's," she suggested.
He howled with laughter. "No, I really can't imagine my cleaner wearing this particular style of clothing. She is in her mid sixties and it is a little too small to fit her I would imagine."

She looked down at herself with a frown. She wasn't that small!
"Well I don't know then. Where did you find it anyway...just out of interest?" she added.
"In my wardrobe, on the floor," he chuckled.
She cringed.

Why didn't she look there?

"So aren't you going out tonight?" she asked, hastily changing the subject as an image of him finding her bra popped disconcertingly into her head.

Swift change of subject there; he'd get her to admit it later.

"No, got a busy day tomorrow. I take it that you are staying in too then or you'd be out with Sal by now eh."
"Yes, Sal's out now though. I don't know how she does it, I'm shattered."
"I didn't wake you did I?" he asked, glancing at the clock.
"No, I'm not asleep yet. Think my body is used to staying up late now after the last couple of days."
"I know what you mean, I'm not tired now either. What are you up to then?" he asked.
"I'm just watching TV in bed, hoping I'll eventually fall asleep," she said, stopping the DVD. "Why, what are you doing?"
"I'm on the sofa doing the same. What are you watching? I can't seem to find anything decent on," he said, searching the channels.
"Err, I'm not really watching anything specific."

She wasn't going to tell him she was watching 'Pretty Woman', he'd laugh.

"I was thinking of ordering a takeaway, where would you recommend Fay?"
She thought for a moment. "It depends on what you want but actually your best bet is probably 'Minos' as it delivers anything off the menu and they do pretty much all types of food. Just ask for what you want and if they don't do it they'll suggest the nearest alternative. Hold on a sec." She reached for her mobile phone, looked up the number in the phone book and read it out to him.
"Thanks. I guess you have already eaten," he said.
She laughed. "If you can call it that. I was trying to be inventive with what was left in my cupboards but it didn't work too well."
"Oh, I see," he said with amusement, "So what did you end up putting together then?"
"You really don't want to know," she replied.
"Yes I do, I'm intrigued now," he insisted.
"Okay, well pita bread was the main ingredient as it was the only filling thing I had in the cupboard. Then I kind of cooked tinned tomatoes with a bit of sausage, ham and...lentils thrown in for good measure," she finished quickly.
He laughed. "Mmmm, tasty."
"No it wasn't actually, I gave up half way through," she admitted.
"Hold on a sec, I'm just going to quickly order the food. Don't go anywhere; I want to hear more entertaining tales of your evening."

The phone went quiet and she looked at it startled but then smiled, sitting up in bed with her arms wrapped around her knees.
"Are you still there?" he asked on the other end after a few minutes.
She put the receiver to her ear. "Yes, did you order then?"
"I did, thanks for that," he replied.

They spent the next fifteen or so minutes making small talk but surprisingly Fay found herself feeling quite relaxed simply chatting to Adam over the phone.
"It's a shame that you aren't here to share the take away and the bottle of wine I have in front of me," he said suggestively.
"You have wine too, that's not fair! But actually no, I made up my mind I'm going to get used to a sensible routine again. Nights in and bed at a reasonable time," she said firmly.
He laughed. "What,
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