» Romance » Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗». Author Regreece

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moved back to his computer and began frowning again as he fiddled with the settings on it. "Nick, can you help me out here again." He appealed to Nick who was standing next to Sal around the other side of the desk.

Nick edged past Sal, taking her by the arms as he moved between her and the corner of the desks.
"Awch! Awch! Awch! Sunburn mister," she exclaimed, cringing and blowing on her glowing skin. He glanced back at her with surprise and watched as she inspected the skin of her arms, shoulders and back.
"You'll have to get used to using sun tan lotion you know Sal or you'll end up frazzled," Fay warned.
"Hey, I did use it but I still got burnt," she sulked.
"What factor did you use?"
Sal looked slightly guilty. "Okay I admit it wasn't a very high factor but I want a golden tan to drive all the men at the airport wild," she laughed. "Mind you, I'm beginning to regret it now." She winced as she patted her burnt skin and glanced around for her beach bag. She found it by Fay's desk and delved into the bottom to pull out a bottle of after sun lotion. "Always be prepared, that's what I say," she looked at Fay proudly and handed her the lotion, pointing to her burnt back and indicating for Fay to apply some.

Nick elbowed Adam and they both watched with excited, boyish anticipation. Sal narrowed her eyes at them, sighed and snatched the lotion off Fay, moving back towards the men with her arms crossed.
"I can't imagine what you two are grinning at," she said sarcastically.
They shrugged and she gave them an exasperated look. "Bloody men! Here I am in agony and all you two can think about is...well never mind, you do it then," she said, passing the bottle to Nick who looked astounded.

Sal stood with her back to him and moved her long, auburn hair aside. "And be gentle, it hurts like hell," she added.
Nick shrugged at Adam and Adam grinned back at him as he watched Nick pour some lotion onto the back of Sal's shoulders and begin to rub it in.
She turned and watched him. "You don't think it will all peel off do you?"
"No, I'm sure you will drive all the men wild," Nick laughed.
She looked satisfied and took the bottle back off him, turning and holding out a hand. "I'm Sal, looks like we will be at the airport together then."
He wiped the greasy residue from the lotion onto his jeans and shook her hand.
"Should be fun," he smiled.
"Right, I'm going back to sleep before my celebratory drinks tonight," Sal said decisively, grabbing her beach bag. "What time do you want me here tomorrow Adam?"
"It's a night flight but I've got to talk to the coach drivers yet so I'll phone you tomorrow," he informed her.
"No problem, see you all later, bye." She waved over her shoulder as she left the office.

Fay eventually finished her work at around four thirty; an hour after Ann had to leave to pick up her daughter. She saved the documents on her computer with a satisfied smile.
"I've finally finished Adam," she called across the room, "in fact it didn't take as long as I'd imagined."
He got out of his seat and moved over to her, leaning back against the edge of her desk. "That's because you haven't stopped for a break since you got here this morning."
She dismissed his comment, "I just wanted to get it done."
"Well you have and I appreciate it Fay, thank you for all your hard work sweetheart." He watched as she stood and tidied up her desk. "Listen I've taken into account all your extra work and the help that you have been to me and I have given you a raise in wages. I'll have it ready at the end of the week."
She stopped and looked up at him with surprise, unsure of how to respond. "Gosh thanks. It's nice to be appreciated," she smiled.
"What, your last employer didn't appreciate you then?"
"Well he wasn't one for rises anyway. Oh but I shouldn't be telling you that or you'll take it back," she bantered.
"No, I wouldn't do that. Just don't go leaving me to work for another company will you Fay or I'll have to hunt you down and drag you back here."
She laughed. "No, I'm happy here...for now," she added.

Adam reluctantly acknowledged to himself then that there was actually a possibility of conflict between Fay as his employee and Fay as a possible lover. She was doing a fantastic job and her background knowledge and contacts were invaluable to him at that time. However, should any developing relationship between them go wrong at any point would she leave the job? And how would he feel about a failed relationship with her? No, she seemed different though. A little hard to figure out at times, but different from any of the other women he had ever had relationships with.

She reached for her bag and prepared to leave. He watched her thoughtfully.

How was he going to get to see her tonight? Would she go out with Sal?

She put her phone in her bag and looked up.
"Well, see you tomorrow," she said, glancing at his face and pausing at the expression she saw. His eyes held hers like a magnet and the atmosphere abruptly changed. She suddenly had a vision of them in the storeroom with him unfastening her dress and she turned her face away as she felt her cheeks begin to redden.
"Bye," she said quickly and he leaned over, intending to kiss her on her cheek. She moved awkwardly to look back into his face however and her lips skimmed his accidentally. She gave a small laugh and pulled back, throwing him a flustered look of confusion.

Hell, if she wanted him to kiss her properly he'd be more than happy to oblige!

Suddenly her mind had gone blank and her eyes searched his face as she waited for him to say or do something, unsure of what exactly.

Should he kiss her? Did she want him to? God, he'd love to kiss her, to taste her, to feel her tongue and lips.

"Will you phone me tomorrow?" she asked out of the blue. He was thrown by her sudden question. "To tell me when to come in," she finished.
"Oh, yes," he said, shaking his head abruptly and watching with disappointment as she finally moved to the door and left.

Damn! Not so much thinking next time and lots more doing!

Chapter 33

Sal was already searching for clothes to wear that evening when Fay arrived home.

"Well I've pretty much packed everything up, not that I've got a lot anyway. You are coming out tonight aren't you? It will be our last night out with me staying here," Sal pointed out.

"I guess so." Fay put her arm around Sal. "I will miss you you know."

"And I'll miss you too but we can still get ready together before we go out and you will have to come over to my new place," Sal enthused.

"Of course I will. I can't wait to see it." Fay sat on the bed in her spare room with a forlorn expression.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look sad; you're not allowed to look sad. Tell agony aunt Sal what's up," Sal said, sitting next to Fay and holding her hand.

"Oh I don't know," Fay sighed, "everything seems strange. So much has changed in the last couple of days and I kind of feel...unsettled."

"But why?" Sal frowned, "Things are going great. You have a great new job, your best friend is living just down the road, and a gorgeous, sexy man is lusting after you," she added with a grin. Fay sighed again and looked to the floor. "Oh, so that's it." Sal said, reading Fay's mood. "It's Adam who's getting to you then."

Fay looked up suddenly and turned to Sal. "It's just that if I give in to him how can I continue working there afterwards? It would be so awkward. And even if it lasted for a while when we did eventually split up it would be just as bad, or worse," she added.

"Hey, why all the doom and gloom? You never know how things will pan out and if the worst comes to the worst you can always find another job. It's not as though you are completely reliant on working there," Sal reassured her.

"I guess...but you know I don't think I'm ready for a relationship of any kind with him. The problem is that he doesn't seem to want to take no for an answer and when we get close...I don't know, it all gets very heated very quickly." She looked guiltily at Sal but Sal looked thrilled at her admission.

"So he has kissed you then?" she said with excitement.

Fay gave a small smile. "Well he tried to a few days back but it all went a bit wrong. That was the night he slept with Jen."

"Oh. I always wondered what went wrong that night. What on earth did you say to him because he was distraught after you left?"

"Well he was being extremely pushy," she said defensively, "so I kind of told him that there was no way I was ever going to sleep with him."

"Ever? You said that you were never going to sleep with him?" Sal asked in disbelief.

"Look, I hardly knew the guy, I still don't really." She fiddled with the handle of the open suitcase that was lying on the bed.

"Yes but you must have some idea by now if he's a decent guy, you have spent enough time with him," Sal reasoned.

"He seems like a nice guy Sal but for heaven sake, considering my track record so far I'm not sure I can be trusted to judge!" she exclaimed.

"Well I can, and I say that he's lovely. And for the record I also think that he likes you more than you realize Fay."

"Do you?" she said hesitantly. "I'm sure he was going to kiss me earlier, just before I left the office," she admitted.

"There you go." Sal patted Fay's arm. "Just be a little bit more open to something developing between you two or he'll give up and you'll never know then if

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