» Romance » Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗». Author Regreece

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things would have turned out fantastically," she warned. "Come on, let's find you something to wear. He knows that we are going out tonight and he usually turns up."

Sal moved into Fay's bedroom and flung open the wardrobe doors.

"I think you should wear something really romantic tonight, give him the right vibes eh," she winked, searching through Fay's clothes. "Hey, I haven't seen this before," she said holding up a dress, "wow, it's lovely, it's so feminine and it would suit you really well. Try it on."

It was a pale blue chiffon, knee length dress with delicate black lace detail on it. The silk straps formed a cross over at the back and the v-neck dipped enticingly at the front.

She put the dress on and looked to Sal for approval. "What do you think? Is it too dressy?"

"No," Sal dismissed with a wave of her hand, "it's getting really hot now and it's a great summer dress. Besides we are going down town tonight..." she frowned at Fay's expression, " haven't been into town with me since I arrived so we are going to make a night of it and no arguing."

"Okay, okay. Besides, we have to find you someone too Sal," Fay smiled.

When Fay and Sal emerged from the apartment that evening they noticed loud music coming from down the hill.

"That sounds like there's something going on at the lake, let's check it out," Fay suggested.

"Good idea," Sal agreed, linking arms with Fay.

At the lake they were confronted with a bustling atmosphere as many groups of people had turned out to sit in the tavernas and enjoy the entertainment. Sal and Fay stopped on the path at the edge of the lake and watched the commotion. There was a myriad of yellow and white lights surrounding the waters. Some were on their level from the tavernas which ran around the corner and could be seen to their left, and some were from the hotels and buildings that sat on top of the rocky cliff in front of them. The music was coming from a group of local musicians who were visible from a platform that jutted out into the water.

"Hey look, there's Ruth," Sal said as Ruth rounded the corner and spotted Sal and Fay.

"Hello," Fay said with surprise, "is the bar closed tonight?"

"No, I've just got a few hours of freedom. Bill has offered to hold fort for a bit tonight," she explained. "I have come to see what's happening down here, they are quite good don't you think?" Ruth gestured to the musicians.

"Yes, it's nice here tonight. Shall we stay for a bit?" Fay asked Sal.

Ruth interrupted before Sal could answer. "By the way, I dragged Adam and that Tom guy down here too. They were in the bar but I thought that Tom should see the lake entertainment. They are over there somewhere in the crowds." She pointed in the direction from which she had come.

"We should find a seat and invite them over," Sal suggested, searching amongst the people for them.

"Quick, grab that table before it gets taken." Fay spotted a free table and rushed towards it, glancing back for Sal and Ruth.

"Listen love, I'd like to stop but I've got to get back. I'll see you later, have fun." Ruth waved and disappeared into the crowds again.

Where had Sal gone now?

Fay stopped a passing waiter to order some wine, predicting that it could take some time before they would be able to find a waiter again due to the numbers of people.

"Found them!" Sal said appearing again with Tom and Adam in tow. Fay smiled as they approached and then dived onto one of the chairs with her arms as a woman was about to make off with it.

"Sorry, it's taken," she said. The woman frowned but moved away as Tom, Adam and Sal sat down. "That was close. We're lucky to get this table considering the numbers of people who have turned out," Fay said, glancing back at the woman as she began to speak loudly in Greek to a waiter behind them. "Well, we got here first anyway," she said, turning back around swiftly when she suspected that the woman might have heard and understood her. "So, are you enjoying the show?" she said, to Tom and Adam. They sat grinning at the altercation between Fay and the woman.

"I don't know, I was quite enjoying your show. I thought there was going to be a cat fight there for a minute," Tom laughed.

Fay bit her lip and blushed slightly; perhaps she had been a little confrontational. She diverted the conversation. "By the way, I've ordered some wine. Sorry, I didn't know what you two wanted but I thought I'd better get in before the waiter disappeared. Anyway, he'll be back soon so you can pin him down then if you want anything else."

"Very organized Fay, now you can see why I'm lost without her at the office." Adam directed his comment to Tom. "This one here is like a survival handbook to Crete."

"Looks like you fell on your feet then Adam," Tom said observing both of them sitting next to each other in front of him.

The waiter came then and Adam ordered some beer for Tom and himself while Sal poured out the wine.

"Is it your first time here then Tom?" Sal enquired. Tom's reply was drowned out by the sound of the next group of musicians who began to play. Fay turned sideways to gaze out onto the lake and enjoy the atmosphere while Adam put his arm over the back of her chair. They sat for some time in silence as Tom and Sal chatted away until Adam suddenly spoke on impulse, "You know I'm really getting to love this place."

Fay turned to him in surprise. "You are?"

"I am," he confirmed, watching the reflections on the lake. She studied him with a smile and his eyes turned to hers.

She liked that. He was glad that she liked that.

He moved his arm to her shoulder and turned her slightly away from Sal and Tom to whisper, "Have I told you how beautiful I think you are Fay?"

She looked and felt taken aback for a moment, feeling flattered but a little embarrassed and uncertain of how to respond in a way that didn't make her seem like a giddy school girl. She resorted to a cool and somewhat sarcastic reply. "If you keep showering me with complements like that I'm going to get big headed Adam."

Adam wasn't to be put off. "It wasn't a complement, it was a statement of fact," he said shrugging and turning his attention back to the view. She watched him for a while and then turned to the lake again. He pulled her closer and she smiled, resting her head on his shoulder instinctively.

"You know it feels like I've known this place all my life now." He sounded surprised at his own statement.

"Yes, it has that effect on some people. You either love it or you hate it."

"I can't imagine why someone would hate it." He looked down at her with surprise.

"Some people prefer the busier, chaotic resorts but those who like it here tend to return again and again."

"That's good for us then." He put his head next to hers.

They sat for some time, enjoying the view and the atmosphere. Sal and Tom continued with their conversation, although Tom noted the interaction between Adam and Fay with interest. Adam reached for their drinks and refilled their glasses when they became empty, enjoying the closeness with Fay and the semi private niche they had created for themselves.

After a while the music finished so they paid their bill and decided to find a bar to move to. They walked around the lake, past the harbour and a row of music cafes to a bar looking out onto the sea. Inside Sal sat at a high table on a bar stool and Fay joined her while the men went to the bar to order drinks.

"You seem to be getting on well with Tom," Fay observed.

"Yeah, he seems okay. What about you two? You were in your own little world for a bit back there," Sal replied.

"Oh, we were just enjoying the music," Fay replied casually.

"Hmm." Sal observed Fay thoughtfully until the men appeared with more drinks.

"Have you two known each other for a long time?" Tom enquired, glancing at Fay and Sal.

"Yes, since school actually," Sal said proudly. "Fay was a few years above me and she caught some boys calling me names so she came to my rescue and we've been friends ever since."

Adam laughed, remembering their first encounter. "Yes, I can imagine that."

Tom looked from one to the other. "I'm trying to imagine you two at school. Got any pictures?" he grinned.

Adam shook his head at Tom. "Don't show him anything, he's not to be trusted." He thought for a moment though and then added, "But if you do have any pictures I can always look after them for you... for safe keeping," he assured them.

Fay tutted and shook her head at them. "We don't have any pictures and even if we did, you two certainly wouldn't get to see any of them."

"Ah, I bet you looked cute at school Fay," Adam grinned. "Did you have little blonde pony tails?"

"It's a pity you'll never get to know," she replied.

The bar soon began to fill up with holidaymakers and there was a bustling atmosphere as the music was turned up and people began to dance. In the holiday spirit Tom insisted on buying Fay and Sal a cocktail each and Fay looked amused as Tom approached their table with two ridiculously over decorated glasses.

"You're looking very touristy there with those Tom," Fay laughed as he placed them on the table. "Thanks very much," she said picking up the glass and taking a sip. "I'll sit here and pretend that I'm a tourist for a bit."

"You're lucky, you can do that all year round," Tom pointed out.

"Yes, but then the locals would make fun of me," she grinned.

"Well I don't care if I do look like a tourist, I'm making the most of my time off. It's probably raining and bleak in England right now." Tom sat back on his stool and glanced out of the window. "Think I'll go to the beach tomorrow, know of any good beaches Fay?" he asked.

She considered his question. "Within walking distance for you the best one is probably Amoudi beach, left out of your hotel. But I prefer Alymiros, which is on the road out of the town." She picked off some of the silver steamers and fruit pieces from her cocktail in order to drink it more easily.

"Yes but where is that other beach you sometimes go to Fay?" Sal asked, wondering if she would answer.
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