» Romance » Welcome To Crete, Regreece [book recommendations based on other books .txt] 📗

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with a glass of milk and a bible reading?"
"Well, I wouldn't go that far," she giggled.
"I must admit, I had planned on coming to live here to slow down my pace of life but it's turned out to be almost as hectic so far." He gave up on the TV and threw the remote control onto the coffee table.
She paused for a moment as a question entered her head. "Adam."
"I know it's the kind of question that everyone asks but I'm actually quite intrigued now, why did you move out here?" There was a short silence and she relented. "I'm sorry. It's none of my business, I'm just being nosy."
"No, I'm only trying to think of how to explain it. What I said was true, my life was getting too hectic but in quite a bad way and I guess I just woke up one day and wanted out," he explained.
"Well I hope that you haven't jumped from the frying pan into the fire," she replied.
"No, not at all. I was just joking. I'm actually loving every minute of it," he said genuinely.
"Good, I'm glad."
"So how about you? Do you ever miss England Fay?" he queried.
"Not really... occasionally I guess."
"Don't you have family you miss?" he asked with surprise. "Oh hang on. Hold that thought, I think the food is here," he said, moving to answer the door.

She waited for a while, considering how to answer his last question. Then he came back to the phone.
"Right, yes, I was asking if you missed your family," he reminded her.
"Well I guess I should keep in touch with them more. There's just my sister and my mother but my sister and I are quite different, come to think of it so are my mother and I. After speaking with her over the phone I usually feel quite fed up. I always get the feeling that she disagrees with my lifestyle so I tend to make excuses not to phone her." She had a guilty look on her face.
"So there's no dad in the picture then," he enquired.
"No, my parents got divorced when I was young and I think he kept in touch for a bit but then he moved away and now we have lost touch."
"Do you think you will ever get in touch again?" he asked.
She paused. "Maybe, isn't your food getting cold anyway? I should leave you to enjoy it," she said, changing the subject.
"No, it's okay for a bit. It's nice to talk, it's important for staff relations," he added.
"Oh I see, so does Ann get the late night phone calls too then?" she laughed.
"No, I think her husband might complain if..."

She suddenly looked towards the lounge with a startled expression as the doorbell rang.
"Good god, there's someone at the door," she interrupted him.
"Well you had better go and answer it then, I'll wait," he replied.

She jumped up and grabbed her dressing gown, slipping it on as she made for the lounge. Peeping through the eyehole she looked bewildered when she saw a delivery boy holding takeaway bags. An explanation entered her head but then she dismissed it and opened the door to find out more. The boy simply handed her the bags and went to leave.
"Wait a minute, I didn't order anything," she shouted after him.
He turned briefly, shrugged and then disappeared down the stairs.

He wouldn't have, would he?

She looked in one of the bags and grinned when she saw a box containing 'Minos's' famous chef's chicken. Then she turned her attention to the other bag with curiosity and pulled out a bottle of white wine and a large bar of chocolate. She held them in her hands, looking from one to the other with amazement. Her face broke out into a huge smile as she realized what Adam had done.

Oh my god! Oh my god, that was so sweet of him! And how on earth did he get them to deliver chocolate?

She quickly transferred the meal onto a plate and opened the bottle of wine. Then she grabbed a wine glass, the bottle and the chocolate and went back into her bedroom. After placing the objects on her bedside table, she jumped into bed and picked up the telephone receiver.
"Okay, I have two questions for you. One, how did you know my favorite meal or was it just a coincidence? And two, I'm pretty sure that 'Minos' doesn't sell chocolate so where did that come from?"
He grinned. "Well I guessed that you had ordered from there before and they knew you so I asked what you usually order, and I managed to persuade the delivery guy to make a quick stop at the kiosk on the way."
"You did?" she sounded amazed. "Adam I'm speechless. Thank you so much."
"It's a pleasure. Actually I did it for selfish reasons really."
"Is that right?" She poured herself a glass of wine with a smile.
"Yes, I hate eating alone."

She laughed and reached for the plate of food, placing it on her lap and beginning to eat.
"So what did you order then?" she asked, keeping the receiver by her ear with her shoulder.
"I've got the same; I figured that you'd know the best food in there. You know everything else there is to know about this place," he pointed out.
"Well I don't know everything," she said modestly.
"Pretty much," he laughed.

They continued to eat and Fay made a few attempts at getting him to hang up the phone, but without success.

It was so bizarre. Nice though. She was glad he didn't hang up.

She finished the meal and put the plate to one side, picking up the chocolate and opening it on her lap.

She would just have a bit or she'd end up the size of a house!

"I'm eating the chocolate now, just thought I'd let you know. If I end up fat it will be your fault," she added.
"Don't be ridiculous, you've got a fabulous body! Probably too fabulous for my peace of mind," he said, trying to picture her in bed eating the chocolate.
She giggled, popping another piece of chocolate into her mouth and placing the rest of the bar back on her bedside table with determination not to eat any more.
"You know Adam, you are quite a romantic guy I think," she grinned.
" about you Fay? Do you like a bit of romance?" he asked.
"Err...haven't really thought about it," she lied.
He laughed. "I find that hard to believe. Okay, I'll tell you if you are romantic, what is your favorite film?"
She grimaced.Pretty Woman was one but her real favourite was even more embarrassing. She searched her brain for an alternative film to quote him.
"Can't remember," she finally spurted out, covering her face with her hands.
"Really? Now I know you're lying. Come on, out with it," he pushed.
"No," she said rebelliously, "You don't get to know everything."
"Oh yes I do," he countered, picking up his mobile phone, typing in a message and sending it.
"That's the good thing about being on the phone," she said smugly, "there's nothing you can do if I don't want to tell." She pictured him tickling her half to death.
"Hmm, we'll see," he said mysteriously.

What was he up to? She'd not tell him whatever he did!

Moments later Adam's phone beeped with a message from Sal and he read it, howling with laughter.
"What? What are you up to Adam Ford?" she asked suspiciously.
"And you intimated that you weren't romantic," he laughed, "Gone With The Wind! You couldn't get any more romantic if you tried!"
She screamed and pulled the bedclothes over her head in embarrassment.
"Fay," he called with a teasing tone. "Fay, come back on the phone or I'll do my Rhett Butler impression and have you swooning," he chuckled.
"I hate you Adam Ford! So who told you then?" she said with an angry expression.
"If I tell you, you have to promise not to do her any bodily harm Fay."
"Let me guess, Sal," she growled.
"Now, now, in truth she didn't know it was a secret of yours," he said with amusement. "Who would have thought it? Fay, the closet romantic!" he teased.
"Shut up!"
"Okay," he relented, "I'll not tease you any more if it's a touchy subject. There's just one other little thing I want to say though..."
She narrowed her eyes.
"Frankly my dear, I couldn't give a damn!" he howled. "Sorry sweetheart, I just couldn't resist!"
"You're evil!" she shouted, but then giggled despite herself.
"You're extremely entertaining Fay," he smiled.
She sighed, "Well I guess we should be getting some sleep now, it's getting late."
He paused. "I guess so."
She suddenly felt reluctant to hang up but couldn't think of a way to delay it.
"Well, goodnight then," she said reluctantly.
"Hold on," he said suddenly. "What about my goodnight kiss?"
She looked bewildered. "I think that even you would find that a bit difficult."
"And you are supposed to be the romantic one," he scolded. "So you are in bed then; I have to picture you so what are you wearing?"
She looked awkward and reluctantly answered him. "A night dress."
"Don't tell me it comes up to your chin and down to your toes."
"No," she said indignantly.
"So? Describe it then," he urged.

Okay, this was weird.

"It's deep blue, silky, strappy thing. You know the kind of thing," she finished awkwardly.
He grinned, building up an image in his mind. "Okay, so I sit on your bed next to you and reach out to hold your face in my hands. Now to make it realistic you probably do a little nervous, unsure thing with your eyes round about now but I say something reassuring like, 'don't worry, it's just a kiss. I'm not going to push it.'"
She smiled slowly.
"Then I stroke your lips with my fingers and your eyes go deeper blue. You start to blush too which means that, although you are trying your hardest to not react, you really want me to kiss you already."
She listened with fascination as he spoke.
"Then I lean closer, watching your face until I cover those gorgeous lips with mine." He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "Then, because I don't want to frighten you off and I know I'm going to want to do a hell of a lot more, with great willpower I move my mouth to your ear and whisper, 'goodnight sweetheart.'"

Oh god, don't go! She wanted him to kiss her now.

"Adam," she suddenly said on impulse, "you missed a bit out."
"I did," he said with surprise.
"Yes, the bit where, because I've had such a wonderful evening, I put my hand on your face when you kiss me and I hold you there for a bit longer," she said quietly, not believing her own words.
His face lit up with amazement at her words.
"Goodnight Adam," she said.
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