» Romance » Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗

Book online «Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗». Author Mia Lafreve Pedretti

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his chest. "If I'm so tempting, then the next time I'll put the Burka on."

"Noo.." He quickly replied and he hugged me. "I was just kidding. Don't ever put that thing on." He gave me a quick peck on my left cheek.

"Well, I wasn't." I replied and turned my head to the side. No wanting to surrender to his kisses. "You really pissed me off."

He moved away my hair and started to kiss my neck. "I'm.." (Kiss.) "Really.." (Kiss.) "Sorry.." (Kiss Kiss.) All of them placed on different part of my neck. I felt chills flowing down my spine. I softly sighed. "Am I forgiven?" He asked. His breath near my ear.

"Yes." I looked at him and surrendered.

He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and smiled. I smiled too. "Oh Kiopciò! You're so cute!" Yun Baek Kee exclaimed next to us.

I blushed and tried to lead away the attentions. "Ok Okay. Now that we had shot the pictures and..the kissing one too. Let's move on!" I said to all of them. And so we did. We went to the table where Yang Suk Ki and Choi Seunghyun were. Me and Ji Yong sat next to each other, while Yun Baek Kee and Kim Min Hae grabbed the chairs too and sat down. They started to check up all the pictures. I was too curious and i asked them to show them to me too. I smiled while watching them.

Then it really is true. I'm not dreaming. I sighed in relief.


Aish! That Pabo! Why he didn't tell me what he wanted to tell me!

I was lying on my bed, still awake. The other girls were already sleeping. We had a very busy day, so we were all tired. Mentally and physically. I was tired too, but insisting thoughts were keeping me awake. Thoughts about a certain person called Choi Seung Hyun. In fact, Earlier this afternoon, he wanted to tell me something, but made up instead an excuse, the same Ji Yong used before he left us, and ran away. Leaving me in the corridors, while the suspense was still killing me.

"If you have something to say, just say it!" I said out loud, but then covered my mouth, remembering that the girls were sleeping.

I didn't know why, but I felt like it was something important. Very important. I didn't know the reason why I was so sure of it though. I tried to shook them off my mind, but it was no use. They kept flowing in my head like water. There was even an odd feeling that made my heart beat twice as fast. I knew that feeling, but I ignored it, because It couldn't be true.

"What he wanted to say?"  "Was it really important or I just imagined the whole thing?"

"What's gonna happen If I don't ask him what he wanted to say?"   

You're not gonna sleep in peace! My logical brain replied. So get up and go ask him for yourself!  I followed his advice. I have to settle this matter, before I go mental. I was determinate to find out what the hell he wanted to tell me. And if he doesn't talk again...He'll see what I'm made of. I harshly took off me the bed sheets and got off the bed. I put my fluffy pink slippers on and headed out of the room. Without making any noise, I closed the door behind me and headed to Choi Seunghyun's Dorm.

I walked through the corridors, faster as I could. Luckily there wasn't anyone around, or I would have lost all my determination. I arrived in front of his door’s dorm and I quickly knocked on it. I heard footsteps of someone coming towards the door. My courage shattered a little, but I didn't run away and stayed there to confront him. Unfortunately he hasn't been him that opened the door. He has been Yongbae-ha. "Oh.noona..Agnon haseyo!" He looked a little surprised when he greeted me.

"Agnon haseyo Yongbae-ha!" I greeted him back. "I'm looking for Choi Seunghyun, Is he in there?" I quickly asked him, to not lose my determination.

"Oh sorry, but hyun went to Yumi's dorm with Ji Yong." He said with an apologetic look.

"Oh." I frowned. Why he went there for?

Yongbae-ha might have read in my mind because he replied. "They always go there since Ji Yong got a crush on Yumi-chan."

"But why Choi Seunghyun went too?"

"Well, I think to be in his company and also to fool around with the girls as always. You know how he is.."

"Yeah, I know." I nodded understanding. "Then I'll go to Yumi's dormitory. See ya!" I smiled and greeted him again. He greeted me back and closed the door, while I was going on my way to Yumi's dorm. I hope he's really there, because I'm losing my energy..


Ji Yong and Yumi were still watching the pictures they had just shot. They were sitting on different chairs, but that didn't mean they weren't close. Ji Yong had closened his chair to her chair, And He was embracing her from the back, by placing his arm around her shoulders. Yumi in the other hand, had comfortably curled her head under his chin. They looked so lovely.

I wasn't jealous of them, neither annoyed by their continuous flirt. I felt something else watching them.."Aah.. I'm so envious!" I said out loud and brushed my hair out of frustration.

Everyone looked at me. While the girls were surprised, by my sudden outburst, Ji Yong wasn't surprised at all. "If you're so envious, why don't you get yourself a girlfriend?" He said with an accomplished look. I know who it was talking about.

Yang Suk Ki agreed with him. "Did you already have someone in your heart Oppa?" She asked me, with the same accomplished look. The others girls started asked me tons of question. Yumi included.

"Well.." I mumbled a little embarrassed.

"He sure have someone in his heart! Look how he's blushing!" Kim Min Hae pointed her fingers at my face and everyone stared at me.

"Waa.." Yun Baek Ki was all trilled out. "Is she a dancer?"

"Is she famous?" Her pal asked me. "Maybe a singer too?"

"Do we know her?" Yang Suk Ki asked too. "Is she from YG too?"

"Is she Bom-eoni by chance?" My eyes popped out, when Yumi asked it.

"Bom-eoni?" The girls shouted. They looked at her and then at me. "Bom-eoni? Cincia?" They asked me. All their eyes pointed at me. Waiting for an answer. Ji Yong was amused, he didn't obviously show it openly, but I was sure he was. His eyes had a sparkle inside of them.

Luckily someone knocked at the door. Saved by the bell! "You better go check, who is it." I said to Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae who looked anticipating too much, for my taste. They were debating whether go check the door or stay still and continue with their questions. Luckily Yumi came to my rescue. "Palliwa!" She hurried them with a firm voice, when the mysterious person knocked for the second time. They instantly hurried towards the door. "Who could it be at this hour?" She asked mostly to herself than to us.

I was thinking the same thing while Kim Min Hae was asking who it was. All eyes grew wide when we recognized the voice, or should I say Her voice. Bom's voice. What..what.. is she doing here? "Eoni." Kim Min Hae stammed several times before saying her name.

"Agnon haseyo Mine-ha!" She greeted politely Kim Min Hae.

"Oh..Eh..Agnon haseyo eoni!" The girl bowed to her and so Yun Baek Kee.

"I was looking for Choi Seunghyun, is he in there?" Me. Why.Me? I was confused. I looked at Ji Yong and he had the same expression.

"Ah..Yes. Yes, he's here with us." Kim Min Hae said. "I'll call him." She turned her head to me and I could see a wide grin on her face. She must have figured it out. "Oppa!" She called me and giggled like a little girl. Well, she is indeed a little girl.

I looked at Ji Yong with a need of help look, but he just winked at me and replied. "Fighting Hyun!" Yumi joined him too.

I snorted, but stood up and went towards Bomi-ha though. Don't be a chicken..Don't run away again..And mostly be a man, not a chicken! My manly-side ordered to me, while I was walking towards her. I hoped to succeed for real this time too. Be a man! Be a man! Be a man! I kept repeating to myself. "Hey..What's up?" I asked with nonchalance. Good beginning..My manly-side said. But I couldn't tell if he was making fun of me or he was sincere. I didn't have the time to have a chat with him, I mean myself.

She looked a bit nervous, but then she took a deep breath and talk again. "Can we talk.." She glanced at Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Kee, who were enjoying the scene. "In private?" She added.

"Oh..Sure." I pushed gently, the girls's persistent heads inside the room, and finally closed the door. "So..what you wanted to talk about?" I asked innocently, even if my heart was beating really fast.

She had an instant of hesitation. That made me frowned. "I.i." She begun a little uncertain. I could tell, because she kept avoiding my eyes. "I CAN'T SLEEP!" She suddenly shouted. Her eyes popped out realizing that we were in the corridors, at night (23:40pm to be exact.), when everyone were probably already sleeping. "Oh sorry..I didn't mean to shout so loud." She excused herself.

"Hem..No, It doesn't matter." I was still shocked by the powerness of her voice. "W-why can't you sleep?" I asked at low voice.

"Well.." She was visibly nervous and I didn't know why. "You!" She pointed her big brown eyes on me.


"You..Wanted to tell me something earlier." Oh crap! "I want to know what it was. And I want to know it now. I..i can't sleep because of it. So you have to tell me Choi Seung-ha. Right Now!" She pretended to know.

Now, you have no choice! That damn voice said. It's time to let everything out. I felt the chicken-side getting slowly, but constantly approach me. "It..It was nothing..Just.." I tried to say, but the manly-side of me threatened me Don't you dare run away again Mr! I did wanted to not run away again, but..

"NO!" She spat angry. Woo..what a voice! "I know for sure that it was something. Something very important! So, stop being So CHIKEN and say it already!"

She even noticed it too that you're just a chicken. Waa..The voice mocked me. I couldn't take it any longer his attitude, so I say what I wanted to say, since I was a trainee. Since my eyes laid on her figure. The need to confess my feeling towards her, never have been so unsustainable. Back then, I could control my emotions, but since three months ago, everything chance. And I think that my precious wall, broke down, letting flowing out everything. Not only my body was claiming all of her figure, but also my mental's sanity. Because I was sure, I would go insane, if I had delay further more this moment. So, are you really a chicken or..a fearless man? The voice asked me. I could even picture his expression. A challenging on for sure. F*ck off, I'm a real man! I answered back. I took a deep breath and finally confessed everything. "I wanted to say..I Like You Park Bom." I wanted to say that I loved her, but I thought it would be too much. Better start with something not too serious.

Her eyes widened. "W-wh-what?"

"I..I said I like you. I'm in love with you Bom." When I repeated it again, She stayed at loss of word. I was surprised too, by my courage. But I was also very very relieved to have finally confessed my love to her. Finally!

I heard some annoying noise behind the closed door. Those meddlers were certainly eavesdropping our conversation. I tried to ignore them and concentrate on the woman in front of me. She covered her mouth in disbelief. She looked also a little

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