» Romance » A Match Made In Heaven, Brea isome [find a book to read TXT] 📗

Book online «A Match Made In Heaven, Brea isome [find a book to read TXT] 📗». Author Brea isome

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I was doing. It would be too much for me too handle. School, a job, and a man all at the same time.

I was sure he was a man, not a boy. Anyone who saw him would have the same thoughts as I did.

I reached the building and entered. There was a door to the left that read office so i knocked on the door and got a answer soon after.

A black lady in her mid-fourties , maybe older, wwitht thinning brown hair and a jogging suit answered the door .

She smiled at me a little.

" yes? "

" im here to see the apartment. "

" oh, you'll have to fill this out and come back tomorrow ." She handed me a piece of paper from her desk.

I skimmed it over and the first thing that caught my eyes was D.O.B. ; date of birth.

The second thing was a credit card number.

" do you really need my credit card number? "

" yes, its to confirm you are over 18 years of age."

" you know what, " I handed her the paper back" thanks anyway. " and left.

My spirits were crushed.

Of course I would have to be over 18 ! What the he'll was I thinking. Trying to get a apartement at under 18 would be like trying to find Waldo. Eventually I would find it but I needed it quicker than eventually.

I felt like I had overstayed my welcome at Jas's house. It had only been 2 weeks but that was long enough. I wasn't trying to be a bother. And we were best friends but I was sure she wanted her space back. And her grandmother had to want to stop cooking for 3 .

I sighed. It wasn't like I had manyy choices. It was either Jas's house, homeless, or back to the foster home. Those were my only choices. They weren't exactly choices if you asked me. They weren't options. Catching Feelings


I shovled more chinese food into my mouth as I listened to AJ speak across the table to me . We were sitting inside in Cho's, a small chinese joint always packed to capacity. It was a hood spot that everybody went to. Their food was always banging.

" so did you enjoy your dance the other night ? "

I chewed and swallowed before I spoke. " shorty was on point, I mean like, damn. How old is she? "

" she's. . . . " he smiled a little. " old enough. "

" how old is old enough? " I asked skeptically.

" 16 ."

" 16 ?!"

" yeah man. But trust when I say she's mature for her age. "

" well any man could see that. "

He rolled his eyes" im not not talking about on the outside, Ashton, although she got a nice ass body. Im talking about on the inside. If you just have one conversation with her I gurantee you it will change the way you think about her. "

I shook my head" fuck that! I can't get over her age man. Im not no fuckin' pedophile, g. I don't get down like that. "

" you already had a lap dance from her! Might as well get to know her. "

I smiled at his twisted ass mind.

I wasn't sure about getting to know her or nothing like that but another lap dance wouldn't hurt.

" she work tomorrow? "

" yup, every day except Sunday. "

So Monday morning I woke up thinking about the lap dance I would be receiving from her. I still wasn't sure about her name but was it important. I would figure it out eventually.

But the name and a lap dance was as far as I was gonna go with it.

She was still only 16 .

After a quick shower and change of clothes I grabbed my car keys and phone and went to go check on my clothing store. I hadn't done that in a while.


I walked into Kinglsly high feeling better then I thought I would.

I was a bit late so the halllways were quieter than if I would have arrived on time.

I was slightly discouraged by the problems I had the previous day but I tried not to let it get me down. I did need my own space but there was nothing I could do about it yet . I wasn't 18 . Jas was but I wanted my own place in my own name, not in someone elses.

2 whole years id have to wait.

Speaking of homes, my foster mom hadn't called so I guessed that that was good . It took a load off of me.

I entered my first bell class which was math.

The class didn't stop a thing for my entrance. They were still rowdy as could be, some people screaming, others fighting around.

I walked up to the teachers desk as I did every day to get my work and page numbers.

Her name was Ms.Bauberry but she told us to call her by her first name, Mariah. She said Ms.Bauberry made her feel old when she actuaally looked very young.

I could tell she hated teaching people who didn't want to learn but when she saw me her face lit up.

I was the only 10th grader actually willing to learn in her class.

" good morning, Ashley. "

" what's up , Saphire? Ready to learn? "

" of course. "

I felt bad for Ashley . She was so damn young. She should have been out enjoying her life rather than trying to teach some bad ass kids who ddidnt want to listen anyway.

We went up to the board, just us two, and she began to teach me a little basic Trigonometry.

"Unch came around and I ate with the usual person, this girl. Her name was Macey. She was the saame as me in some ways but just about the opposite.

She wanted to fit in so bad that it was unbelievable while I just stayed to the side. I could have been friends with anybody if I wanted but I was more low-key . Macey had lived her whole life in the shadows, doing nothing. She was short, scrawny , and dark as hell but she had a nice personality.

That's all that mattered.

" so, how was your weekend? "

" okay. " I told her as I stuffed a few Moore fries into my mouth. " work and then I went looking for a apartment ."

" did you get it? "

" no. I have to be 18 , of course. I forgot about that shit. ."

Macey had no clue about my job or my life and I planned on keeping it that way. She wasn't my best friend, she was barely even a friend in my book. We sppoke from time to time but when it really came down to it I knew I couldn't trust her like that. She was too caught up in wanting to someone else to keep a secret.

So thats how my day went : morning and uneventful but it was too be expected.

I was just ready to go to work and go home and get a good night sleep so that I could wake up and start it all over again.

I sometimes wonderedwould my life change because i was already getting sick of the strip club business. I wanted my life back, the one where my mother was still alive. She would be pushing me and having me strive to be the best of my abilities.

Maybe I could find a job at a clothing store or restraunt. Its be better then showing my body.

But who was I kidding, stripping paid the best.

Just like ever day previous to the current, after school I went home and aafter a quick shower a took a nap.

Then it was off to the club .

Same as always I changed in some skimpy outfit. This time it was a pair of pink boyshorts and a tank top that was a few sizes too small so it rose a little high showing my belly button and pushed my titties up and out.

It was the tipical.

I pulled my hair this time into a hgh bun instead of the usual down and that was all.

When i finished it was exactlyy 9 o'clock so I walked to the main room and waas immediately being pulled left and right. The room was filled with men all ready to get their hands on something and I was the only girl working so far. The other girls were still prepping .

I picked the first guy I saw.

He was waving a 10 dollar will around.

I snatched it from his grimmy hands and began to dance to the song.

He tried to touch my ass and I pushed his hands away. For ten dollars he couldn't even get me to look him in his eyes.

His hands felt like they were leaving scum all on my body.

It felt disgusting.

It didn't feel like when HE did it. . . When Ashton did it.

It felt like his name and face always popped into my mind at the wrong moments.

It felt like HE , himself , would always pop at the wrong moments.

As I continued to roll my body as seductive as I possibly could , I watched Ashton walk into the club.

He looked just as the first day I had met him : fine ass hell.

He wore a green collared shirt, with black jeans, and a green and shoes on his feet. His out fit was fresh, hair was freshly cut.

Our gazes locked and for a moment we didn't drop it. He had this confuseed look on his face like he couldn't figure something out, like something was botheringg him. But it quickly passed.

His friends that were walking behind him and he all went to the bar and ordered their drinks, all as I watched.

I wanted to speak, to say thank you for the money, or just to say anything to him.

Bu I didn't.

What was there for me to say anyway? ' hey I think you're really cute and I don't know you but I like you'?


That wouldn't fly.

I didn't a better plan.

Or i needed him to come to me.

Instead he headed to the vip room and one of his friends came to me instead.

I was working on my third lapp dance when he approached me finally.

" yo, Ma' , my man want a dance. "

I felt irritated that he'd sent his friends over.

Why couldn't he have spoken to me himself?

" well im busy, " I collected a few more bills from the guy I had been giving a dance to and I moved on to the next. " i'll give him a dance when I can ."

"Im sayin' though, I think he want that dance now. "

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