» Romance » A Match Made In Heaven, Brea isome [find a book to read TXT] 📗

Book online «A Match Made In Heaven, Brea isome [find a book to read TXT] 📗». Author Brea isome

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A Match Made In Heaven

Chapter one


I've always thought how sick it was that someone would name a strip club after a place so pure and meant to be un-tainted. Heaven . Who the fuck would do such thing you might ask. His name was Aj. Not Aj as in standing for anything longer but, just Aj. His father's name was Aaron Jackson, his name was Aj. Of course he was the very item that girls drempt about at night but not me. . . Nope. I thought I was different. I steered clear of his fine chocolate ass and kept my behind in school . As hard as he tried , he never got me to talk to him or even respond to any of his calls. I had my head on straight and my mind already decided on college at the tender age of 12 . My mother always told me to shoot high so that's exactly what I was doing when I set my little heart on Harvard Law School.

I never made it, though.

I was the only child , as far as I was concerned. My mother haad a son before me but he got sent away to prison when I was just 11 , he , Darius, was 15 . Got put away on a murder charge. Thing was though, he only got 5 years. They couldn't exactly prove he did it but they could prove he was there which was enough for them to give him a maximum of 5 years.

So I was really all alone.

While I was at school working hard my mother was cleaning motel rooms for less than minimum wage. And while I was sleeping soundlessly in my bedroom at night she was having sex with men for money. I never judged my mother. She was a good mother to me, she kept it real with me from day one. She always put food in my mouth and a roof over my head. We weren't paid but we had enough money to where I had what I needed. My father walked out on us before i was born but we were fine all alone. Then when I was 15 , my mother got diagnosed with breast cancer , she didn even have a chance. Before she could even look into treaatment, which she knew we couldn't afford, she died. It wasn't exactly a sad time for me. I didn't have time to be sad about it . I was basically tossed awayy like another statistic by the state. They didn't really care where I went but for other people who were watching they put me in a foster home. That had to be the worst experirence in my young life. The woman who was supposed to be my" foster mother" , she was sweet . But she cared too much about the lil check she got a month to really carte about anything else too much. she bought me things from time to time but it was more her buying herself and her husband things who by the way she was cheating on with his brother.

There were other teens there but I didn't make friends with any of them. They were all worse than I thought they would be ; with attitudes so stank I couldn't deal with 'em . And if it wasn't their attitudess then it was their personalities. Id went to school with people like them, the ones who skipped class and hung around on the block doing nothing legal, but I never thought id have to live with people like them. Not to mention they tried to make fun of me every chance they got, even though there was nothingg to talk about. So I always ended up fighting them because they thought they could get over with fucking with me.

Im a mix of alot of things.

My best friend Jas calls me a mix-breed .

My mother was asian and black while my father was white, black and a bit of irish. So that makes me. . . . A unknown race. I hate when I have to fill out any kind of forms because they always ask my race and when I check other and turn the form back in they make me explain.

Marking other should be enough.

So im the" Mix-Breed" . I got the light skin of a mixed girl, the hazel eyes of a white girl, the thick curves of a black girl, and the eye shape and long jet black hair of an asian girl.

Not the im bragging or anythingg because im definitely not that kind of person. Im aware of my looks. . . Who cares? I sure didn't care until after my 16th birthday. . . That was when AJ found me.

Me and Jas had to be having too much fun.

We went to a house party somewhere deep in the hood. I still can't remember where to this day.

But we were wasted. . . Well, I was was at least because it was my birthday. And it was my first and last time drinking. I couldn't hold my liquor to save my damn life. I was dancing randomly aagainst people which isn't the smartedt thing to do in a house filled with sex starved niggas but I was doing it anyway.

And before I knew it AJ had slid behind me with his hands gripping my waist and we were dancing. We had our thing going, sound after song and I couldn't believe I was dancing with him out of all people.

Oh, I knew who he was, everyone did.

It wasn't a shock to see him in the hood but it was more of a shock to see him in that party . I tried not to think of it though and just enjoy myself. And I did.

When the party was over I went searching for Jas but found AJ instead. He offered me a ride but ofcourse I turned that shit down. I was drunk, not stupid. He gave me his number anyway, slid the piece of paper right into my bra. I continued looking for Jas and eventually found her completely sober dancing on some guy.

I rushed her out and we went back to her house and crashed.

The next morning wwhen both Jas and I were woke I told her about AJ and the damn girl rushed me to call him. She was more excited than I was . So I called , he invited us to his club to check it out. Before that I had never even known that he was the one to own Heaven. But he was.

I saw Heaven as an oppurtunity to get the he'll out of that foster home and that's what it was. My foster mother let me leave as long as I gave her my cell phone number so she could call when the social worker came by. I moved in with Jas and started working at Heaven.

Don't take this as a good girl gone bad kind of thing because its not. I still had my heart set on Harvard and I was still gonna go to school. But I needed the money too because with out it there was no way I would even haave a chance to make it.

But that was a week ago. . .

Chapter 2


I lifted my head from the pillow at the sound of the alarm clock. I had half a mind to ignore it but then decided against it. School was on my again for this Friday morning. If I had a choice I would get home schooled or something of that sort to accommodate my job at Heaven. But that wasn't even an option. I was gonna get up and go to school everyday until I got my diploma and then I was gonna get up and go to school everday until I got that little piece of paper calling me a lawyer. At least those were my dreams . . .

So I sat up.

Jas groaned and rolled over" turn that shit off! "

Jas, unlike me, had already graduated high school . She was 18 , living with her grandma and enjoying life. She didn't have plans for the future. She was still holding onto her teenage years which was okay I guess . Everyone goes through life their own way .

I had mines and she had her's .

I smacked the alarm clock and went to get myself ready. After a quick shower I sweeped my hair into a loose ponytail in the middle of my head. I dressed in a pair of blue jean shorts and a plain white t-shirt with white flip flops showing off my freshly manicures toes. I had a thing about keeping myself up. . . . AJ didn't deal with shit like unkempt hair and nails looking any kind of way. I tried to keep the pampering to a minimum. I was really a blue jean and sneaker kinds of girl but that would have to change.

I found myself over the past week wondering why the he'll I gave up my rule to not talk to AJ. It must have been the party. . . I was drunk and I definitely wasn't thinking about pushing him away . And then Jas forced me to call him. . . He told me about Heaven and I guess it was like I really had no choice but to give in ; all for the money.

In a way I felt dirty about showing my body night after night . It didn't feel right. I felt like I should have been covered head to toe . But instead I was butt-ass naked, shaking it for any fool who could throw throw a dollar.

What a shame.

I grabbed my book bag and my cell phone and was out. I loved the feeling of the sun soothing my skin. One of the good qualities of living in the south , for me , was the sun. I couldn't imagine having to bundle up for 4 months straight because of snow and cold weather. That would be hell.

" yo, yo, yo , ma' ! "

I ignored it.

if a boy couldn't talk to me properly, he wasn't worth my time.

End of story.


I waved AJ off as I wiped down another table" I can't believe im helping yo' ass clean man. What the fuck happened to the person you hired to do this. "

" well, " a grin broke out across his face" we fucked, she thought I was about to wife her and I said he'll naw. Shorty feelings got hurt and she quit on me. "

" I told you to stop fucking with these broads emotions. "

" oh, like you don't? "

I laughed" that's different though. "

" oh yeah? How so? "

" well, I make sure I don't fuck with a girl who getting her feelings involved if all im looking for is some ass. . . Or head in a quick case. Me and my girl gotta have a unberstanding. And two, because i don't do dumb shit like you. If im Goon cheat on my girl its Goon be with some outta town chick so she can't fuck with my business. "

" what about MeMe? "

" what about her ass? " I slung the rag over my shoulder and plopped onto the edge of the table" me and her was together. It just so happened that I was dating her sister. "

We both laughed.

The thing

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