» Romance » Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗

Book online «Talking Eyes, Mia Lafreve Pedretti [beach read book .txt] 📗». Author Mia Lafreve Pedretti

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purpose and started to walk ahead of them. While we were walking, the two singers started to chat. I wanted and didn't want at the same time to eavesdrop their conversation. In the end the curiosity won and I eavesdropped.

"You shouldn't have come here." Yumi said to him. It was like she was scolding him. Noo..It can't be possible..

"You didn't answer to my call, I had to come." G-dragon replied. "I've never been hung up before." He sounded a little angry.

"I had to hang up." She defended herself. "There were fans everywhere, and paps too. Someone would have see my display and figured out that it was you."

"How would they knew that? You didn't use my name do you?" He asked back.

"Of course not. I'm not that stupid." She sounded a little offended.

"Then why you look so worried?"

"It's..Just that.." She didn't know how to continue. "Here, it's better if you see it for yourself." She said. Then I heard some noise. I believed she was showing her phone to him. But wait, the only one who called her, has been..Her boyfriend. Don't tell me that..

"Hm..I don't think someone thought that it was me." G-Dragon said after a moment of silence.

"Just don't use this nickname..Is too obvious. Use another one." He proposed.

"Like what?"

"Like something in Italian, that no one can understand." He said. "No one, but us." He added. Us?

"Nothing comes to my mind now." She said. "I'll think about it later."

Unfortunatly they stopped chatting when we reached the door. I didn't understand if he has been him that called her earlier or not.  "Here we are.." I said turning my head to face them. They were more close to each other than I thought. His shoulder was possessively rubbing against her shoulders and I noticed from the corner of my eye, their hands rubbing against each other too. Could it be that..He was really him calling before?

"Thanks for all your help Oppa." Yumi thanked me again.

"Ah you're welcome Yumi." I replied smiling.

"I'd like to thank you too." G-Dragon thanked me too. "If it hasn't been for you, she would have been swallowed by the crowd."

"Don't even mention it!" I waved my hands.

"But I'd like to add something too." He said with a serious and grave voice. That made me feel uncomfortable, but I didn't show it. Real guy never show their fear. I heard it somewhere.

"What?" I asked in the same manner.

"The paps will stay around your store for a couple of weeks. They're gonna ask you this and that about what we said. You can whether answer to their questions or don't answer at all."

"I won't ever.." I begun but he cut me off.

"Let me finish." He gently said and I closed my mouth. "They might pay you... with a lot of cash, just to have their f*cking scoops."

"Oppa.." Yumi scolded him for his bad language.

"As I was saying..You can whether answer to their question or not. It depends on you." He kept talking as if she didn't speak. "They're gonna try everything that it is in their power to make you split everything out. And I mean everything."

"That doesn't sounds so good." I was a little worried.

"And it is not good." He said. "My advice for you, is to not answer. To any question. Because if you say something, just because they bugs you and you want to make them go away, your life will be displayed on every front page of every magazine all over South Korea. And the life of your entire family will become complicated and unbearable." He revealed.

That frightened me a lot. "All over South Korea?"

"All over South Korea." He nodded, not so happy about it. Neither I was happy. "It's all up to you Dae Hoon-shi. I hope you'll make the right decision."

I wondered for a couple of minutes, before answering back. "I'll make the right decision. I promise you G-Dragon-shi."

"I hope so." He said back. "Anyway, Thanks again for helping Yumi-ha. I appreciate that. Oh and let me know if our beloved fans destroyed something in your store." He added and I nodded. After had said that, one of his bodyguard went ahead of him and opened the door for him. What I meant is, that he checked if the road was free. Unfortunately there were some fans and paps too, but they weren't as much as the crowd inside the store. "Goodbye Dae Hoon-shi." He greeted me shaking hands with me for the last time.

"Goodbye to you G-Dragon-shi." I greeted him back.

"See ya the next time Oppa." Yumi greeted me too. Her smile contaged me and I ended up smiling too.

"Sure Yumi."

They stepped out of the store and walked towards a car that was waiting for them. G-Dragon-shi sat in the front, next to..Choi Seunghyun-shi, known as TOP, his band mate. While Yumi-ha sat in the back with Taeyang and Park Bom of 2NE1. All of those stars, in just one car. Incredible! I watched them, driving all the way to..wherever they were going. Paps tried to follow them, but TOP drove too fast for them. I kept asking myself, whether it has been G-Dragon that called Yumi earlier or not. And if it really has been him, that meant that he was the mysterious boyfriend and that..I hadn't even a chance with the girl with green eyes. I sighed. Why the hottest one are always taken?





12. Trust me more




I love cars..It was pity though that those damn paps never left our backs since we left the comixbook store. The Speed target on Choi Seunghyun's car, said that we were driving at 60 km per hour, but for me it was like we were driving much more slower. The traffic-lights weren't helping either. They were red all the time. Just like the one in front of us. As soon as it became green though, I hurried up Choi Seunghyun. "Come on! They're still behind us." I knew it was rude of me, but I couldn't help myself, I was too tired of them.

He briefly glanced at me. "I'm driving as fast as I can Ji Yong. Stop to whimper, I'm tired too you know." He compained. "They're really getting on my nerves now.." He glared at them, looking through the wing mirror at his right side. We all knew the reason why they were so insistent.

"You tell me!" Yongbae-ha said. He was sitting on the seat behind mine. Next to him there was my love, Yumi, and next to her there was Bom noona. Sat right behind Choi Seunghyun. She took advantage and tried to calm him down.

"Just ignore them babe. Ignore them and drive." She said and profited to caress his shoulders, to get rid of the stress. An attitude that I thought I would have never seen if hyun wouldn't have confessed to her. And yesterday he did it.

Finally! It was since our trainee period that he was in love with her and finally he confessed to her. I knew they were perfect for each other since I first saw them. They were and are so perfect for each other. Just like my love and I. I glanced back at her, Her eyes were lost in the view out of the window. I don't know if she felt observed, but she turned her head in my direction and she met my eyes, possessively staring at her. She instantly smiled at me, I smiled back and she blushed. How cute she can be sometimes. We smiled at each other like stupid lovers, till my phone rang and interrupted our moment. What a breaking balls.. Luckily It was just the president. "Agnon President. What's up?" I greeted him first.

"Agnon to you too." He greeted me back. He sounds angry. Not the mood I was expecting. "How the show was?"

"Good. Smooth."

"And may I ask, why you and that Double Idiot of your Hyun, are in his car driving all the way to ...where exactly are you going?" He asked raising his voice. I should have known that he would have come to know. We were followed by the paps after all. I bet they were even filming us, and airing the thing on the web right this instant.

"To my" I said a little shy and scared.

"Didn't we project that you would had came here at YG building before going to the interviews on your schedule?" He asked rhetoric.

"Y-yeah. But I was tired and..I wanted to relax at my place." I mumbed scared.

He sighed, but not as if he has calm down. On the contrary..."Ok. Ok. May I at least know why YUMI IS IN THE CAR TOO?" The volume of his voice raised more and more. And now..What do I say?

"Hem..Well.." I mumbled unable to find the right word. The point wasn't what to say, but how to say it. And...I knew he wouldn't have liked what I would have said anyway. I looked briefly at my hyun, he looked briefly back at me. He noticed my I'm-doomed-expression and an interrogatif point appeared on his face. He didn't speak, but I knew what he wanted to ask, so I covered with the palm of my hand the phone and whispered "He's f*cking full of rage."

"Why?" He asked with the same tone of voice.

"Because I'm here and not at YG like we have planned beforehand." I explained.

"Ah. I can understand that. I don't understand though why he shouted at you." He said frowning.

"He shouted mostly because of.." I motioned at Yumi behind him.

"Aah." He nodded understanding.

"Otoke Hyun? What do I say now?" I asked in panic.

"I don't know! You should know the reason for her for being here." He replied. 

I sighed frustrated. I took off my hand on the cellphone and deal with him. "Well.." I awkwardly begun.

"So.." He said less angry, so I profited and split everything out.

"I was tired president. So I decided to go to my place instead of going to YG." I said avoiding on purpose to mention Yumi's name. But he wasn't stupid.

"I get that." He said."What I don't get..Is why Yumi is there too? Do you perhaps forget what we discussed the last time?"

"No, I didn't forget it..."


"It's not what you think president.." I tried to calm him down, but it was no use. He continued as if he didn't hear me or like he didn't care about what I had to say.

"It's not what I think? THEN HOW THE HELL THINGS ARE LIKE? PLEASE EXPLAIN THAT TO ME.. AND DON'T FORGET TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOUR FANS TOO!  Remember that they won't understand it. Whatever insane thing you have to say. THEY WON'T UNDERSTAND IT. Even if it's the truth or not, they won't understand it Ji Yong. THE ONLY THING THAT WILL STAY IN THEIR MIND, IT'S YOU AND YUMI TOGETHER IN YOUR APARTMENT. And what do you think they're gonna do about it? EH? You promised me that you wouldn't have cause me any trouble. IT THAT HOW YOU KEEP YOUR PROMISES? IT'S LIKE THAT YOU DON'T CAUSE TROUBLES? Do you want to lose all your fans? Certainly not all of them will leave you, BUT I KNOW FOR SURE THAT MOST

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