» Romance » Who am I?, Anonymous Anonymous [best motivational books txt] 📗

Book online «Who am I?, Anonymous Anonymous [best motivational books txt] 📗». Author Anonymous Anonymous

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painting of him and sisters. It was a pretty good painting too.

"They are pretty good artists", I say admiringly.
Is this really Happening?

He gets up from his bed, came over to where I was admiring his his graffiti walls, took my hand and led me to the bed. He sits down and pulls me onto his lap.

"What do you want to do", he asks before kissing me lightly.

I slowly turn, put my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He in return put his arms around my waist.

A soft moan escapes my lips. He tightens his hold on my waist pulling me closer to him. I can feel his erection poking me through his shorts. His kiss start to lose momentum until he finally pulls back. seconds after ending our kiss he lays sweet body warming kisses on my neck. Before I knew it we were lying down and I was on top and he was tugging at my shirt. Not having any luck what so ever with my shirt I decide to help him out. Rolling us over so that he was now on top, Dante starts to lay kisses all over my chest. His right hand was busy was busy caressing my breasts oh so softly. Deciding that my bra was in his way he pushed it up then decided to just unhook it completely, the action was easy enough since my bra had front clasps.

Dante gets up and quickly removes his shirt, shorts than boxer. My eyes went wide at how thick he was. There was no way in hell was he going to go inside me. That thing of his could be used as a weapon! He however was oblivious to my stare. He came back to the bed and started to softly lay tiny kisses all over me while unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down.

OMG, I screamed in my head, am I really going to go all the way? "Your not ready said a small voice and I knew that it was right. The feeling of his hand pulling at my pantie brought me back to reality. He ended up tearing them off me at several attempts of getting them off. Looking up at me sheepishly he mumbles sorry. This is it I thought to myself, I will finally lose my virginity.

"Stop him", the voice in my head yelled. I want him so bad, but I will not do it my first time with someone I do not love.

"No", I whisper when I see him position himself and ready to enter me.

"Huh", he asks.

"No, I'm not ready", I say much louder.

Annoyance, frustration and regret was written all over his face. With a sigh he got off the bed and walked over to his dresser and opened the first drawer and pulled out two towels. He wraps himself with one and threw the other one at me, which I caught. Then he opened another dresser and got a boxer out and threw that at me also. At first I wondered why, but then I remembered what he did to my pantie. Dante's cell rang and he stepped out to answer the call. After I got dresses, I opened his door to leave, but ended bumping into him instead.

"Going somewhere", he asks placing both hands on my hips.

"Yeah, home" I reply , avoiding his gaze.

"What? You said you were going to chill with me.

"That was after, our little episode and I thought you wanted me to go, I say still avoiding his eyes.

"I never said I wanted you to leave. Come on lets go to the fair".

"Fair", I repeat.

"Yeah I'll buy you cotton candy and win you a stuff animal, lets go".

Before I knew it we were at the fair and he did buy cotton candy, however he never did win me a stuffed animal. All the games he tried, he lost, so he ended up buying my the biggest bear that he could find.

"Oh my gosh, you lost at all those games", I say, laughing so mush tears were starting to form in my eyes.

"It's all your fault, he responds pouting. Making him look even more hotter than he already is!

"Oh really? How is it my fault?

"You make my nervous, sweetheart"' he whispers in my ear. I begin to feel a presence on my waist which just happened to be his arms.

"I make you nervous?" I tried to play it off like it was a joke, but I was quite touched.

Laying a kiss on my cheek he says,"yeah, I get nervous around you".

I couldn't help, but lean into him. Remembering we were in a parking lot I pull away from him, he wouldn't let me go though. He held me for five minutes longer then turned me to face him and asked, "your not the type of girl waiting for marriage to sleep with a guy, right?

This time I did get out of his embraced and as soon as I walked away from him as quickly as possible.

"Kierra, come on, what did I say? Come back here, let me take you home!"

"Leave me alone, your such a jerk", I say shaking my head at him and at myself for being so stupid.

He caught up to me and tried to touch me, but I wouldn't allow him to.

"I'm sorry, for whatever I did or said, just forgive me", he pleaded.

"Take me home please", I reply.

"Do you forgive me?"

"You either take me home or I catch a ride."

"Are you crazy, your not catching a ride from anyone, but me, lets go."

"Kierra, someone whispers, wake up, your home.

I open my eyes and look out the window toward my house than I look back at Dante.

"Thanks", I muttered without looking back.

The next morning I got woken up by the doorbell.

"What are you doing here", I ask Dante sleepily.

It was 8:23 in the morning, It was my first official day of suspension, so I planned to sleep in.

"Brought you breakfast", he said holding a Dunkin Donuts bag in one hand and a coffee in the other.

"I hate coffee"

"You don't have to drink it. Can I come in, Please?"

With a sigh I opened the door farther and let him come in.

"Nice place you got here, he says with a low whistle.

"Thank you, mum decorated the whole place."

I walk to the kitchen not bothering to tell him to follow me or another word. He got the memo though and followed me.

I took the bag from him emptied its contents on a plat which lay on the table. The only thing of that interested me was the jelly donut. I take it turn to Dante and say Bon appetit, then strut back to my room.

I hear a knock at my door which I decide to ignore for about a minute, but than got annoyed by the sound.

"What is it that you want from me", I ask in a frustrated tone.

"You, I only want you".

Kierra was shocked. She starts to believe he meant it, but her heart wouldn't let her.

"You want me alright, but like I had told you yesterday, I will not give myself to you."

"Can we just talk? I just want to talk to you"

"Fine, I say giving in.

I unlock my door than I go back to my bed and sit crisscross on it. He slowly comes in as in fear I will suddenly attack him. When he is sure he is safe he comes and sit besides me. Dante lightly touches my shoulders and I flinch which makes him pull away his hand.

"Why did you tell me to bring you home so early yesterday? It was obvious you were having fun."

With that question I lost control.

"What if I'm never ready? Will you go to girls like Brittney and get what you want? We wouldn't be even talking right now if you didn't need help in school," I scream hysterically.

I'm about to get up from my bed ready to continue on with my rant, but Dante pulls me back to sit on his lap. I squirm and squirm but he holds me tightly.

"Stop moving your making things harder."

I felt something pocking my inner thigh and that's when I realized that his words had double meaning. I turn slightly to look in his eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me," I mutter.

"I'm still here aren't I? I've been waiting three months, and I'm not trying to pressure you or anything. I can wait and I will wait, ok babe?

Wait does that mean we're a couple now? Are we going to be like this all the time or just when we're together and not around his friends? This is so confusing, I think to myself.

"Whatever you say", I say with a sigh.

Without any warning he dips his head and captures my mouth in a kiss that gets my heart beating as if I had ran a mile. His tongue slowly enters my mouth and begins teasing mine. He gently pushes me off his lap and has me lying on my back on the bed. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull his head down closer to me. We say like this for about 5 minutes until he broke the kiss and took his shirt off revealing that sexy ab of his.

"Nothing you are not ready for is going to happen he tells me a little breathlessly and with lust in his eyes."

I shake my head ok.

We go back to our make out session when a feel his hand tugging at me tank. Without even thinking about it I let him take it off. He's on top of me without a shirt and I'm without a bra.I can feel his hand itching up my shorts, but a little hesitant to actually get under the material. Next thing I know he's pulling away, with a little bit of fear and regret in his eyes.

"You got any movies?"

"You honestly want to watch a movie right now?"

"Yeah it'll keep me from attacking you again," he says as he lets his eyes roam my body.

I let out a little laugh and got up from the bed to check out what movies I had.

"Can we watch the Blind Side, pretty please," I ask him. I have seen this like a million times, but I still love it, I'ts like my favorite movie besides Love and Basketball.

"The Blind Side? Isn't that the one with Sandra Bullock?"

"Yeah," I respond excitedly.

"Then put it on, she got a tight body."

"She's mine so, umm, you can go somewhere else with that comment," I tease.

"Oh really, she's yours? Said who?

"Said moi, I saw her first. And plus she wouldn't want a bighead like you!"

He looks at me than starts cracking up.

"Come here, Smarty Pants."

I finish putting the DVD in and than got back n the bed with the remote in my hand.

Dante pulls me to his side and I move closer to him wanting to feel his warm body against mine. As I'm about to rest my head on his chest I realize he still doesn't have a shirt on and neither do I.

Oh whatever

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