» Romance » Who am I?, Anonymous Anonymous [best motivational books txt] 📗

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of them and I could also have gotten in trouble if you got caught," I said furiously.

Without waiting for his reply, I walk around him and got into the cab and told the driver the girls's grandmother's address,(not wanting to leave them alone) than mine. I didn't forget to tip the cab driver, for he waited at least five minutes for me and Dante to stop arguing and didn't even rush or impatiently told me to hurry up.

I got home and went straight to my room and crawled into bed and fell asleep. What a frustrating day this was. Getting involved with a man who does illegal activities for a living, what have I gotten myself into?

Is He Worth It?


Ignoring Dante wasn’t going to solve the problem of him doing illegal business, so I didn’t. However  I did make up my mind about staying away from him for the time bieng. We both have the dream for moving on from our city, but for completely different reasons. Maybe staying with him would just bring me down. Our relationship most likely won’t make it out of highschool and by any chance it did, we would have to face the reality that we wanted different things in different places. What if he never stops dealing and gets caught and locked up? Do I really want to be there when it happens? Do I really want to have to visit him in jail, write letters and be one of those girls that when asked where there boyfriends are their response "is in jail?" So many questions that only the future can answer, but the one million dollar question is if I want to stick around and find out the answers to my never ending, life changing questions.

Dante refuse to leave me alone and grant my wish of being without him making glad yet so frustrated. How can I still want to be with him when I and most importantly the law disagrees with how he makes money?

The door  bell rings, breaking of my chain of questions. I already know who it was. It’s the same man that refuses to leave me alone, the same one that apologizes constantly, to the point I think he’s forgotten what he’s sorry for. He’s the one that I’m falling for. A criminal. My criminal. He was Dante.

I debated whether or not to answer, or just ignore it, but I knew he wouldn’t go away. Even if he was to stop and leave, he would still try to contact me, after all there are many ways to get a hold of someone these days.

With an audible sigh, I get up and walk to the front door, open the door and stand face to face with him. Riding my face of any emotion, but annoyance, I ask him what he wants.

“Babe, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I was so use to having just me or boys in the car that I didn't think about how you would feel being in the same areas as those drugs. It was not my intent of selling that day or even having them in my car to sell. I am sorry for not sending him on his way and having drugs in the car.”

He seems really sincere, but I refuse to give in. Forgiving him wouldn’t count as giving in would it? Making up my mind I decide to say, “ I forgive you, but you need to apologize to your sisters.”

He immediately begins to smile. He leans in for a kiss but I firmly push my hand up agaist his chest to prevent him from doing so.

He looks into my eyes, confusion written all over his face.

“Just because I forgive you doesn’t mean I’m going back on my word of needing space,” I say.

“But,” was his only reply.

I have something to do, so you can be on your way now, I say dismissing him. Without waiting for a reply I softly close the door.

I wanted to hug him and kiss him. Tell him that it’s useless for me to try to stay away, but I won’t.

After a whole day of watching re-runs of One Tree Hill, I decide to take a shower and go out. I wasn’t until I was standing infront of my open closet that I realized that I had no where to go really. Determinded as I was however, I racked my brain for any activities worth while. There was a party being thrown by some Junior and I recall. I didn’t know where the party was being held but I knew all I had to do was go on facebook and I would get the address.This would be my first party that did not involve people saying and singing Happy Birthday and blowing out candle. Sad, I know.

After minutes of wondering what I should wear, I desided on some black  high-waisted shorts, white tube top and a red blazer and some black vans. I don’t bother with make-up In my mind, chapstick is the only make up I need, and face lotion is the only cover up my face needs. I hope I don’t get puked on, for that would make my day even worst and ruin my cute but casual attire.

I take out my phone and send a text to both my parents telling them I’m sleeping over a friends house. They respond telling me to be careful. I knew they weren’t giving me any trouble because they didn’t want me to feel alone at home.

Even though I don’t want to take a cab I do anyways, because buses won’t be running at the time the party is over.

  I arrive at the party at 10:38  and the party is really going. Damn these kids really must have wanted to party. I spotted a guy up front that seemed ready to puke his heart out. He either is a light weight or came to the party intoxicated. I step inside the house after going through the already open door and the smell of sweat sweeps into my nose. Many are in the living room grinding on each other, some to the point of it looking as if they are having sex and making out, and talking. Others are scattered around the house doing who knows what. I try to locate the kitchen and after five minutes of searching I find it. I search the fridge for some non alcoholic beverage and I discover a sprite, the only soda I like.

After about twenty minutes of hiding off in the kitchen and sipping on the soda a cutie, with some beautiful eyes and a body that any women or man would love to feel asked me to came dance with him.

“Don’t you mean grind with you”

“Aren’t they the same thing,?” Was his response.

“No, dancing is beautiful and inspirational while grinding is, not.”

With a smile he says,“well then come grind with me pretty lady.”

I take his hand and lead him to the “dance floor.” I wasn’t the best grinder, for I only learned to grind by videos seen online,  but Mr. Pretty Smile behind me didn’t seem to be dissapointed. After a while of “dancing”  I began to get tired, but my companion doesn’t seem to let me go for he pushes me tighter aginst him and has a firm grip on my hips. So I decide to just go for a while longer, but someone had something else in mind for  my dance partner got pulled away from my behind and I got yanked outside. I had no clue who  had a hold of my arm, but whoever it was, was strong and had warm rough hands.


“What the hell are you doing here.”

I look up and come face to face with an angry Dante

“ What does it look like I’m doing? I was dacing and having a nice time, before you came along,” I scream.

“The fuck you were, he was ready to take you right there on the floor.”

“You are over exaggerating, we were fully clothed and just dancing.”

“Whatever, I don’t care. Just get into the god damn car.”

“You’re not my father so I don’yt have to listen to you.”

“He doesn’t even know you’re here so if you want to keep it that way, get your ass in the car, now!”

I don’t budge, I stay there staring at him. If only looks could kill.

I guess he got tired of my not moving and glaring at him, He takes a hold of my arm again and forces me into his car. The whole ride is quiet, even when we reach his house he doesn’t say a word to me. He only gets out and heads toward his door unlocking it and entering, leaving me sitting in the dark. A couple minutes into just sitting there, my phone buzzes. The message reads, “ you can just sleep in the car where there is a chance of it getting broken into and you getting hurt or you can come inside, either way I’m not taking you home.”

With a sigh I open the car door and head inside to his house. As I’m closing the door he comes upstaires from his room. Without saying anything he takes my hand into his, gently tugs me closer to him and kisses me.

You're mine

 "That kiss didn't change a thing", I tell him

"Why do you have to be so stubborn? I said I was sorry, I apologized to you and my sisters. What do you want from me?"

"A little thing called space, I practically scream. You are everywhere and that simple fact is not going to make me want to be with you."

"Oh so now we're over? One freaking mistake and that's the end of us?

"It was a pretty big mistake."

"I don't even have to put up with this bullshit. You don't want to be with me,  that's fine. I'll just call Britney, she happens to have no problem with my line of work."

I stare at him in disbelief, did he really just imply  that he was going to get withh Britney? That nightmare of a person, just to spite me? I can't be suprised, they do run in the same social circle and I have heard of rumors of her doing the hard stuff. However he does know how much I don't like her yet he stiill finds the need to bring her name up.

As I get ready to leave, he grabs my hand to keep me in place.

"Stop running, babe. No matter

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