» Romance » Who am I?, Anonymous Anonymous [best motivational books txt] 📗

Book online «Who am I?, Anonymous Anonymous [best motivational books txt] 📗». Author Anonymous Anonymous

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like some of the sluts at our school does.

"She was just doing her job."

"Oh, I get it, pushing your bra up and pushing your breasts in front of your customers face is how to be a waitress. Hmm that sounds like an easy and interesting job. Maybe I'll fill out an application!"

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Ridiculous? Turn around!"

"What, why?"

"I need to go fill out an application, I've been thinking about getting a job anyways. I bet I'll make such big tips."

"Can we just drop this? I think your overreacting"


He turns his head slightly towards me, making sure not to lose his focus on the road

"Aw your jealous, aren't you?

"Me, jealous? In your dreams, I'm just pointing out your not suppose to have your 'assets' hanging in front of your customers face like that. It's unprofessional!"

"You guys! Can you shut up all ready? And can you step on it Dante, there giving Shake it up and I want to watch the episodes I missed," Nash yells from the back seat.

"Yeah, I want to see Ty Blue! He's so cute," Mae says agreeing with her sister.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you know about boys being cute, Mae," asks Dante."

"Not, much. Just that if you like them, then their cute," she replies.

"You better know nothing until your like thirty. You too Nash!"

I couldn't hold in my laughter after that last comment and so I burst out laughing like Dante just told the best joke in the world. And soon after the girls joins me in laughter

I found it adorable how protective he was of his younger sisters. I almost forgot that I was suppose to be mad, as well as annoyed, with him. However I decide to let it go for the time being.

Once upon a Time?

We pull up in front of their house and the girls all, but run out of the car and wait in front of the house for Dante to come and open it for them.

As soon as he opens the door they rush in and click the t.v. on.

Dante on the other hand takes my hand and leads me to his room.

"I don't like when your mad at me, and you've been mad at me a whole lot lately," he whispers in my ear as soon as we reach his room.

"Hmm, I wonder why," I respond sarcastically.

"I apologized for my behavior, though."

"Yeah then you go and get me angry again with that waitress!"

"That wasn't my fault. If you want me to go back and tell her I do not appreciate her advances, than I will! To be honest I didn't even notice.

I roll my eyes. Maybe he's right and didn't notice. I shake my head. Ugh I know he did, but I'm going to let it go because it's not taking us anywhere.

"Fine," I say with a pout, that makes Dante automatically swoop in and imprison my lips with his.

"I love it when you pout, your so adorable. he quietly says.

"Just adorable"? Your friend, if I recall correctly, said in more or fewer words that I was sexy."

"That's because he was trying to do the hit and run, sweetheart."

"Hit and Run?"

"Yeah, so don't let it go to your head, he tells all the females that."

He thinks he's so smart. I'm just adorable huh? Lets see if he can resist adorable, little me! With that thought, I put on an innocent smile, push him on the bed, and slowly straddle him so now I'm sitting on his lower stomach. He reaches up to put his hand on my hips, but I stubbornly slap both of them away.

I lower myself so that I am now hovering besides his ear.

"Adorable just doesn't cut it".

"With that being my only warning to him, i began laying kisses on his neck as well as little 'love bites'. At times I would suck softly and gently on his neck and that would make him let out little impatient moans. Next I move to his lips giving him light pecks instead of passionate kisses, that would make him even more impatient. There were times he would try and get a hold of may waist, feel under my shirt or try to feel intimately on any parts of my body, but I would completely stop my sexual conquest, which would leave him wanting more. Dante seemed to catch on after a while, which led him to stop touching me or at least to try and stop. Deciding to take it up a notch, one of my hand slide down to Dante's shorts and into his boxers. I however don't make any movements. My hand just stays there, able to feel how excited he is.

Then all of sudden I stop. I lift myself off of him and got got the bed. As I am making my way to his door so I can walk out, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back into a hard chest.

"Where do you think your going, miss "I don't finish what I start".

"I'm pretty positive I done. And if you don't mind I have to go home now."

"I think not".

"Watch me, I say with a hint of a smirk on my face."

"Before I know it, I'm lifted off the floor and on the bed.

"My turn he says", with a devilishly handsome smile. Which puts me in panic mode.

Without waiting for a response, Dante quickly but efficiently unbuckles the belt of my shorts and tugs then tugs my shorts off. Just as the his hands were at the hem of my panties, I stop him.

"We shouldn't be doing this, I whisper nervously.

"Oh, now you want to stop?"

"Seriously the girls are upstairs, I say, trying get up and out from under him, but he holds me down in place, only allowing me to move an inch.

"Fine he says, with a frustrated sigh, but you owe and next time you better come up with a better excuse!"

I shoot him a glare.

"You brought this on yourself pretty lady"

He leans down and locks my lips onto a heart warming kiss.

"If I cook for you, will I know longer owe you? I try to proposition.

"Breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert for a week, the whole nine yards, and we got a deal"

"Three meals including desert, for a week just because I didn't want to have our little R-rated session which could definitely scar your sisters for life if they walked in on us?"

Dante confirms my question with a nod.

"That's not fair!"

"Life's not fair, babe, he says planting a light kiss on my lips, trust me I should know."

what have I gotten myself into

It's been a month since I made the deal with Dante, figures out he wasn't kidding in the least and I got stuck cooking for his whole family, though I highly doubt his parents cared who cooked the food, they just wanted to be fed. Things between has been going good, but not as good as I wish. By that I mean our relationship is going as smoothly as possible, but he still insists on dealing drugs, and that worries me.

Last week he was almost caught with drug possessions in his car, thank the heavens it was a rookie on the job and didn't ask Dante to step out of the car so he could search it. Dante didn't get off scotch free either, the officer gave him a fifty dollar ticket for running a red light.

So now here we are at the park with his little sisters, and a young man who seem to be in his early to mid twenties come up to Dante and ask him how much for an ounce of weed. What shocked me even more was that Dante got up from the bench, went to a near tree and was actually conducting illegal business with this stranger. Next thing I know he goes to his car and comes out with a small package wrapped with a brown paper bag and hand it to the man that was fidgety waiting near the tree. There is no doubt in my mind that he just sold marijuana to this man in the park where children are playing! Others in the park seem oblivious to what was happening a few feet away from them

With out a second thought I call myself a cab. Then I get up from the bench and go to where Mae and Nash were playing with three siblings.

"Girls it's time to go, I'm going to take you guys home in a cab because your brother need to handle some business".

They unhappily told their new found friends they had to go and ran toward me. Just as we took our first step Dante appeared.

"You girls ready to go", he asks.

"I called a cab, so now you can go handle that business you told me about and I'll bring the girls home so they won't have to wait for you. Or watch you get pulled over by the cops for having drugs in your car," I muttered the last bit under my breath.

"What business," he replies with confusion written all over his face. He obviously hadn't caught my last comment.

Luckily the cab pulled up and told the girls to get inside. I turned and looked to Dante.

"I can't believe you just dealt drugs in the park without caring for your surroundings or that a police officer could have been watching. What if that was a cop in disguise" I ask to him, trying to keep my voice down so no one could hear.

"That guy is a regular, and I wouldn't sell to a complete stranger unless he came to my territory and I did a background check on him."

I just stare at him disbelievingly. How can he talk nonchalantly about selling drugs and getting caught by the government?

"You have drugs in your car! Your sisters were in that car! If you were pulled over and had your car searched your sisters would be in foster homes because there would be know one to take care

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