» Romance » An Unspoken Truth, Danielle Phillips [most read books .TXT] 📗

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touch her again.” Charles yells as he throws me over his shoulder.

“Hey where are we going put me down now Charles Williams” I yell while hitting his back.

He just keeps walking towards the woods till we are just far enough into the forest that we can’t see the cook out and then he flips out.

“Why the hell are you letting other guys touch you like that! What is wrong with you” Charles yells as he paces back and forth

“Really at least I don’t have my tongue shoved down their god damn throats you piece of shit” I cry as I try and walk away.

His eyes get huge and he grabs my arm “ baby I am sorry I swear I didn’t do anything wrong she came in while I was asleep and kissed me I woke up just as you walked in, please I love you. You are my soul mate.” He pleads with tears in his eyes

My mind is telling me to slap him and walk away, but my inner wolf says he is telling the truth I can tell we can trust him.

I rush into his harms needing to feel his warm skin and smell his cologne and peppermint smell as the tears spill over my cheeks. My emotions are all seeping out at once and I am all of the sudden tired.

“Can we please go lay down I am so tired all of the sudden” I ask with tears in my eyes still.

“Sure of course we can” he says with concern as he kisses my forehead and takes me to the cabin to rest.

Chapter 8


Chapter 8

I am in the kitchen with Zoey cleaning up the dishes from lunch when someone grabs me from behind.

“Hey babe lets go out and get something to eat then go see a movie” Charley said as he wraps his arm around my waist.

As I smile and turn around with soapy hands “well I would love to go on a date with you” and I plant a wet kiss on his lips.

I turn around still smiling and finished up the dishes with his arms still wrapped around my waist. I dried my hands and Charles helped me and Zoey put the dishes away. As the last plate was put away, David and Joe walked through the door holding tuna sandwiches and bags of Doritos.  The door shut behind them and the smell of tuna filled the kitchen and my stomach was doing flips. With my hands over my mouth I pulled out of Charley’s arms and darted for the bathroom. As I was throwing up my lunch I heard a soft knock on the door.

Charles P.O.V

“Man I’m getting worried about her Dave” I said we walked to the bathroom.

I could hear her puking and I felt my stomach drop. Next thing I know I am knocking on the door.

“Baby are you ok, what happened?” I asked hoping she would answer.

“Dude I think she’s pregnant” David said with big eyes and a smile.

I go to knock one more time, but then the door slowly opens and she’s looking down at her feet like a small child who just did something wrong.

“y-you think I am um, pregnant?” Fraya said looking up at David then to me.

“Well that’s what it looks like, but it could be the flu or your hormones I don’t know I ain’t no doctor.” He said nervously with his hands up in surrender.

I pull her in my arms and hold her close. I can see she is scared and I am too but, I don’t know how to console her.

Fraya P.O.V

Charles takes me to the couch and sits me down on his lap. I lean my head on his chest and instantly fall asleep. Next thing I know I am floating off to another world and watching my life.

“Fraya, I am home where are you?” yelled Charles from the front door.

He walks into the kitchen to find a small woman with long blonde hair feeding a little girl in a high chair. She has the most beautiful greenish blue eyes and dirty blonde bouncing curls. She has carrots all over her face and in her mommy’s hair. Both girls turn to look and look at Charles with huge smiles and bright eyes. They look like a picture perfect family. As I am watching the love radiate from this family my family I feel the weird sensation that I am being watched. I feel a hand spread out on my stomach and I fly up with lightning speed and pin a tall broad man up against the nearest wall and begin to growl. I then realized with shame that I had pinned Nike the Alpha up against the wall and was growling at him. I quickly retreated and put my head down.

“Nike I am so sorry I don’t know what happened I was sleeping and you touched me and I just got scared I am sorry” I said with tears streaming down my face.

As I look up I can see a smile on his face as he walks up to me slowly and says “its ok I have something for you follow me.”

We walk to the bathroom and he hands me a pregnancy test. Within fifteen minutes the living room is howling, clapping, and congratulating Charley and Nike. I guess that means I am pregnant. I mean I knew a week ago when I missed my period and started to get sick but, now I really know. God I need some food I’m starving. I find some left over cheese burgers and fries and started to make some food. Just as I go to take a huge bite out of my sloppy burger they all walk in with huge smiles.

“Congrats momma” they said in unison

“Umm thanks” I said then went back to my food

My stomach started to twist and turn and I knew I needed food now. I picked my burger back up and took a huge bit and followed it by another till the plate was clean. I was still hungry though so I went back to the fridge and held it open with my hip as I taste tested all the left overs before deciding nothing in here was what I wanted. I walked to the cabinet and got out some noodles, mashed potato mix, and unopened banana peppers. After made the noodles and the potatoes I mixed it all together and ate it with some steak, and was so happy to finally be rid of this hunger.  After two huge bites I look up to see everyone staring at me in amusement.

“What are you all looking at?’ I asked concerned.

Chapter 9


Chapter 9

The past two days everyone seems to be staring me down and avoiding me. I hate that no one talks to me or will even sit in the same room as me anymore since they found out I was pregnant. Am I being shunned because of the baby, do they hate me now, is it because of my age, what is it! I think to myself. Hey relax it is because of how defensive we are. They can’t touch us, or say somethings to us without us getting mad or upset in some way. My wolf chirped

“Hey babe how are you feeling, I got you some cheese cake and steak” Charley said with a smile.

With tears running down my face “why won’t anyone come around me or talk to me anymore what did I do?”

His eyes got big and he sat on the couch next to me “babe nothing is wrong with you, it’s just that you seem to be moody and when they say or do something that you don’t like you become angry and violent.”

Sniffling “what do you mean Charley?” I cried looking up at him.

I could see he was nervous by the way he kept running his hand through his hair then he said “well remember when my dad and David were talking where to have the baby and who should all be there?”

“Yeah” I said

“Well you flipped out about how it’s none of their business and then when David approached you, well you broke his wrist Fraya. So yeah people are a little afraid of you.” He said

“I don’t know why I am like this I am so sorry I have never been violent before I don’t know what is wrong with me” I said with tears beginning all over again.

As I grabbed Charley to begin crying all over again there was a faint knock at the door. I looked up to see the alpha standing in the door way with a small grin on his face.

“Well kids I think I can help you with this somewhat. “The alpha said

We didn’t say anything just looked at him.

“Well Fraya you are a wolf and you are a hormonal teenage soon to be mother. This is natural I promise it’s not common but it is natural. You have my grandson or granddaughter in there and I am an Alpha and Charley here is next in line so this was bound to happen plus you are also the daughter of a strong alpha. This is common with blood lines that are united with two alpha off springs.” He said with a pause “look I am just saying that you will be fine and we all still love you” he said as he started to turn away.

I jumped up and ran to Nike and hugged him. “Thank you Nike”

He seemed surprised by the affection but after a few moments he relaxed and hugged me back. We held this embrace for what felt like a long time till there was another noise at the door.

“Umm I hope I am not interrupting anything but we have a slight big problem” Joe said as he rocked side to side and looked at Nike with fear in his eyes.

“What’s wrong Joe and do not fucking lie to me!” I yelled while Nike held me back.

Joe looked to the alpha and was granted permission to speak “ there is a pack of at least thirty headed this way right now and well I think it’s Jonathan’s pack.” Then he ran down stairs.

“What does that mean who is he?” I said worried

“Well Fraya he is your father.” Alpha said worried

“What? Then why didn’t you send me to him when I was a baby!” I yelled as I pushed away from him.

“Fraya you have to understand he killed all of the girls that your mother

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