» Romance » An Unspoken Truth, Danielle Phillips [most read books .TXT] 📗

Book online «An Unspoken Truth, Danielle Phillips [most read books .TXT] 📗». Author Danielle Phillips

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Authors note

I have never written an book that I have published, but I love to read and write so I hope you enjoy. Also please dont mind the grammer I hated english when it came to all the rules. LOL

Chapter 1


My name is Fraya Jones and I am a werewolf and adopted. I did not find this out until my eighteenth birthday when I found myself in the woods and my parents had to explain what the hell happened. This is the beginning of the rest of my life…

I woke up cold and could feel something wet but soft below me, it was grass. As I stand up to look around I am in the woods. How did I get to the woods and where are my clothes. I am so lost and confused I have never been one to sleep walk, was I kidnapped and dumped, was I drugged and raped? What the hell happened to me? I guess I should start walking before I freeze to death since I’m naked in the woods in the middle of March.

After what felt like forever I found a dirt path in the woods that looked like it was used a lot, so I followed it to a little wood cabin with a barn next to it in the middle of the woods. It looked familiar, but I have no idea why. I could see blankets just inside the barn door so I made a run for it. I got the blanket and wrapped it around my body and walked to the cabin. I knocked a few times, but there was no answer. I checked to see if the door was unlocked. Score! I hurried in and said hello but there was still no answer. The cabin was dark but felt warm and smelled of fire. I walked in just a little farther then found the blazing fire I ran to it to warm up hoping I could get out of here before who ever owned the place came back. But of course as soon as I sat down the damn door opens.

All I could smell was cologne, peppermint, and something I did not recognize, but god it smelled amazing. My stomach got butterflies and something inside of me just was going crazy it was something I had felt before but never this strong, weird.

Charles P.O.V

I was just coming back from getting fire wood when I noticed a strange strawberry candy like smell coming from inside the cabin and my inner wolf going a wall. Get inside now we have to meet this person Jase my inner wolf yelled. I just rolled my eyes and walked in the door to find a girl  with big blue eyes and long blonde hair in nothing but a blanket staring at me wide eyed in front of my fire place. I froze where I was unsure of what to do since she looked scared as hell and it’s the full moon so I didn’t want her to wolf out on me. Mate she is your mate dumb ass talk to her my inner wolf yelled. I could not bring myself to talk.

Fraya P.OV

A tall guy with short kinda messy brown hair and the most amazing light green eyes walked in to the door. I was so worried he would yell at me and kick me out or worse till some little voice in my head started yelling at me. Oh my GOD he is our mate and cute said the weird voice in my head.

“well can you close the door I’m freezing” I said in annoyance

“oh ya sorry” he said as he kicked the door closed with his foot.

He walked over by the fire place and set the wood down then looked back at me and said

“Umm why are you in my cabin and naked?”

“I was well I am, I don’t know. I woke up in the woods naked and then found this place I knocked, but apparently you were not here so I came in and sat by the fire. I was only here a minute before you walked in and I didn’t touch anything I’m sorry I was just so cold.” I stammered.

God Fraya get it together I told myself as my nerves started to get worse. Then I looked back up and he was just smirking at me then walked away into another room.

“I know I am a lot taller than you but these will have to do” he said as he threw me a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt. I stood up and walked into the room he had come from with the clothes and noticed it was a bed room with a single queen bed and a long dresser. This must be a hunting cabin or something because it’s so plan and dull.

“Umm so were exactly am I” I yelled from the room.

“We are in the mountains near route 666” he said back.

“Are we in Hickory Township or are we closer to Endeavor?” I asked as I pulled the blanket back on.

“Hickory” was all he said

As I walked out he was sitting at a table in a connected room next to I assume the living room. In front of him were two bowls of something that smelled amazing but looked awful.

I sat down across from him but not in front of the bowl and asked “ are you expecting company?” looking towards the bowl. He laughed and shook his head.

“No its for you since I assume you are hungry from your run last night and since you did show up here naked” he said laughing and shaking his head.

“what run what are you talking about?” I asked confused.

“Well last night was the first night of the full moon today it will be at its fullest.” He said looking at me confused.

“sure” I said as I took a spoon full of mush in my mouth.

As he sat back and looked at me he asked “do you even know what you are?”


Chapter 2

Chapter two

Charles P.O.V

As she walked out of my bed room in my clothes all I could think is God she is so beautiful. Thank god she is my mate she looks like an angle and has the sweetest softest voice, I wonder what she sounds like when she moans. She sat down across from me and my heart fluttered.  Then she looked at the food next to her and asked “ are you expecting company?” looking towards the bowl. I laughed and shook his head.

“No its for you since I assume you are hungry from your run last night and since you did show up here naked” I said laughing and shaking my head.

“what run what are you talking about?” She asked confused.

Hmm I wonder why she is playing dumb doesn’t she sense I am a wolf too?

“Well last night was the first night of the full moon today it will be at its fullest.” I said looking at her confused.

“sure” she said in a sarcastic vice as she took a spoon full of food in her mouth.

As I sat back and looked at her I asked “do you even know what you are?”

She looked at me in confusion then anger as she said “ well of course I know I’m not fucking stupid I’m a girl who is tired and wants to go home.”

Well I guess she has no clue. Wait I don’t even know her name and she hasn’t asked for mine either.

“Do you know my name?” I asked her

With that pissed of look she said “ no I don’t know your name if I did I would have walked in with out knocking”

With a smile on my face “well then why haven’t you asked for my name or asked about me at all then? Do you always just walk into strangers cabins naked?”

Fraya P.O.V

He did not just say that to me! What a total ass hole.

“NO I don’t and if I do its none of your business. “ I angrily said to him.

He just sat there and laughed while shoveling his face with whatever this soupy chunky crap was. He ignored me for a while to I just sat quietly and started to eat again.

Out of nowhere he said “you’re a werewolf and your my mate.” With a smile on his face.

“Well thank you for the food and clothes I’ll be going now since you are officially crazy.” I said as I stood up to walk out the door. Then before I knew what was going on he started to bend a light up like an alien and then in the blink of an eye a huge dark brown wolf was standing next to where the guy was just sitting. My eyes felt like they were popping out of my head and I heard a scream. Then I realized it was my scream. I turned on my heels dropped the blanket and made a B line for the door. I was too slow I didn’t even get close to the door before the wolf was in front of it and turning back to the guy that had just been sitting across the table from me.

“It’s ok I am a wolf too calm down” he said soothingly

I don’t know why, but the sound of his voice was so soothing that I just wanted to relax and jump into his arms and fall asleep. Then of course my crazy had to start talking. See you are fine now tell him you are his mate and to teach you everything you need to know. He will take care of us Said my creepy little voice.

“How, why, and me this is not real I was never bitten or scratched or anything so how is this possible?” I said freaking out.

“You watch too much t.v.” he said laughing as he guided me to the couch.

I looked at him with the deadliest stare I could.

“Ok down girl. You were born into it. So that means your mom and dad are werewolves too. Here let’s start over” he said as he smiled at me.

I took a deep breath and stuck my hand out “ Hello my name is Fraya Jones and you?”

He took my hand and said “ well hello Ms. Fraya Jones I am Charles Williams

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