» Romance » He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, Danielle Phillips [little readers .txt] 📗

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

            High school can be a very scary place for someone like me. I have never been the popular girl or a girl who is even visible but at least it’s my last year. I walk down the halls of my new school for the first time and get to see what the rest of this year will be like. My parents got divorced and moved to totally different states so I had to move too. I am now living with my father in the city and unfortunately going to a private school. All of the kids have on uniforms that look almost identical to mine and snobby looks that irritate me.

            At my old school I would have been able to wear whatever I wanted. I never played physical sports, but my friends and I used to go swimming a lot and sometimes we would go horseback riding. I was never popular but I had two really good friends who I miss so much. We said we would write but who knows. . .

            Orientation was two days ago. I got to meet all of the new students and transfers from all grades as well as get my class schedule and a walk through of the campus. The campus is beautiful and huge. It was like being in college with how huge the campus was and there was even dorms for students to live here. how horrible would it be to be stuck at school all day everyday. eww. My father loaded up the truck with a bunch of bags we hopped in and went on our way for my first day of school.

“Hey dad thanks for driving me today but what is with all of the bags and clothes are we moving again?” I asked worried.

“No well yes sort of, Zoey this school is going to be great for you and you will learn a lot, but with my work schedule I won’t be home much so you will be boarding at the school.” Dad said as he glanced at me nervously while manuvering the busy streets.

“What so you’re telling me that you moved me here then you send me to some school to live? Why the hell didn’t you just leave me with mom?” I yelled

“Well your mother and I talked and we both decided this would be the best solution since we both work a lot and its just all around better education wise and socially. Honey we love you and just want what is best for you.” He said as we pulled up to the school.

“So you think that moving me out of my home and away from my friends and family to a strange school where i am alone is best? I hate you both. You have ruined my life!” I yelled as I jumped out of the truck and took my bags.

Once all my bags are out of the truck dad kisses the top of my head tells me he loves me and then leaves me standing alone. I watch him drive away and my heart sinks. Just as my thoughts are about to start spinning and my eyes start to burn a deep husky voice pulls me back to reality.

“Hey you must be new here what year are you?” the strange guy asked from behind me.

I turned around to see a tall slender sandy haired brown eyed hunk smiling down at me.

“Well do you talk?” he asked as he chuckled.

“Oh um sorry I am a transfer this is my senior year” I said as I looked down and tucked my long blond hair behind my ear.

“Well this is going to make for one interesting year then” he said with the cutest smirk on his face.

“Umm sure."I said as I started to pick my bags up

“Well what dorm are you in?” He asked

I pulled out my papers and read “Barack’s Hall”

“Well don’t this just keep getting better” he laughed and picked up the remaining two bags.

We walked for what seemed like forever and he just kept glancing at me any chance he could. He led the way to a tall stone building that looked more like a castle than a dorm.

“Well what is your room number or do you want me to guess?” he asked laughing at me again.

“You don’t have to be a dick about it and my room number is 102” I said sarcastically.

“Really now have you got the chance to meet your roommates?” he asked smiling

“I just got here so no apparently not” I said in a sarcastic tone.

Just as we reach my room door i go to unlock it with my key. As the latch clicks over i can feel the handsome but strange guy behind me pressing to my back and whisper softly.

“You know I like a girl with some kick to her” he whispered in my ear as he opened my dorm door and he chuckled.

I walked in to a large living space with a flat screen T.V and a couch connected to a small kitchen with a fridge, stove sink and toaster. There was a long hallway with three doors on one side and four doors on the other. Each door had a dry erase board with names on it. The last door on the left had my name so I walked into the room. It was a small room with a dresser, night stand and lamp, and a bed. The walls where a pastel pink in the bed rooms and the bath room was a light yellow. The other girls where not in their rooms so I dropped my bags and turned to run into Mr. Husky voice who was right on my heels.

“Well slow down there Zoey is it?” he said seductively as he looked at the dry erase board for my name.

“So you know my name now what’s yours?” I asked sheepishly.

“Jay” he whispered in my ear.

Chapter 2


Chapter 2

            As the days went on I got to meet the other girls. There are six of us living in this dorm. I have become close friends with Becca and Sam but the other girls are called the mean girls. In the first week of school I have found out that I love playing softball, Jay’s dorm is right next to mine, we have almost all of the same classes, and I room with the meanest girls in school.

“Hey we should all try out for softball together it would be fun.” Becca said as we study for our first test.

“That would be a great idea, but we should practice for try outs they are in two weeks you know.” Same said

“Guys I have never played a sport in my life until gym class this past week.” I said laughing.

“Well then the sooner we get this homework and studying done the sooner we can get you ready for try outs” Becca said as she nudged my shoulder

Within half an hour we are running up and down the softball field “conditioning” as they call it before we can actually practice. We run back and forth at a full run ten times before we take a water break and the real work begins. They get me a glove and we throw the ball back and forth harder and harder.

“Hey I think she has the catching thing down why don’t we try batting and pitching?” Becca yelled from across the field

“Sure can I bat first?” I yelled as i was getting more excited about the sport.

“Hell yeah but you better knock this out of the park.” Sam yelled.

“You ask for miracles i swear” I said with a smile.

Sam when up to the pitcher’s mound and got ready. I picked a bat and practiced my swing a few times like the girls had shown me and then went to the plate. She threw the first pitch, I swung, and missed. Then the second pitch came, I swung and I heard the crack of the ball hitting the bat and then it was gone. Before I could even drop the bat I heard yelling and cheering from behind me. Jay was standing by the fence there with some of his friends. As soon as I seen him smile at me my cheeks lit up bright red and I turned and walked to Sam.

“Hey can I try to pitch?” I asked

“Sure just watch me one more time then you try ok?” Sam said with a smile.

I watched as she took her stance and then in one swift motion pushed the ball across the plate and Becca knocked it straight into left field.

“Ok now it’s your turn” Sam said and tossed me a ball from the huge bucket of softballs.

I took a similar stance to what Sam had made and then forced the ball over the plate. Becca swung and missed. I quickly turned to Sam to see her staring at me with her mouth open.

“Are you sure that you have never played softball before?” Sam said in disbelief.

“No I have never done any of this before why did I do something wrong?” I asked worried and kind of scared.

Just as Sam was about to say something I was lifted off the ground by a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I screamed and started to kick until I was thrown on the ground and something hard landed on top of me pinning me to the ground.

“Well hello princess have you missed me?” Jay said pinning me to the ground with a huge smile.

“Princess really?” I said kind of irritated.

“I haven’t seen you in two days and we are neighbors so I think you are avoiding me.” Jay said leaning down.

“Hey lover boy we are trying to practice get off our new pitcher.” Becca yelled.

Jay laughed and then got to his feet helping me up. Everyone ran over to us and the plotting began. Since it was Friday night we didn’t have to be back to the dorms until 11:00pm so we decided to have a little mini game.

Becca and Jay were captains and began the horrible choosing process. When Becca called my name first I was so shocked I forgot to walk over to her at first. Once the teams were done we all went to our positions. Jay and his team batted first and we took the field with me as the pitcher. I got a few practice throws in before the real fun begins.

“Ok baby take it slow and just throw it right over the plate I promise to go easy on you.” Jay shouts swinging his bat.

He called me baby and my heart did flips and my stomach was filled with butterflies.

With a devilish grin I wind up and throw the ball goes right over the home plate and Jay swings.

“Strike one lover boy” Becca says laughing and throwing me the ball.

“Strike two”

This is the last throw I put all my force into it trying to strike him out but he swings and “crack” the ball is flying over my head and into the outfield. Jay hit a home run and was so proud. He

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