» Romance » He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, Danielle Phillips [little readers .txt] 📗

Book online «He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, Danielle Phillips [little readers .txt] 📗». Author Danielle Phillips

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Chase pulls me into him close and Jay flips. He jumps up and goes over to Kelsey who is talking to a group of girls. He walks up behind her putting her back against his chest and whispers in her ear. I can see her laugh and then take his hand. He leads her over to where everyone else is dancing. Seeing him and her feels like pulling a band aid off all over again. Once the dance is over I thank Chase and tell him I will see him around. I go to find Sam and Becca to tell them goodnight so I can leave.

After twenty minutes of walking around like a lost child I find the girls. They are all cuddled up with their boyfriends hugging and kissing. I cough to get their attention.

“Oh hey what’s up Zoey?” Becca asked getting off Tyler’s lap.

“Nothing I am tired so I think I am going to head home I just wanted to say good night.” I said smiling the best fake smile I could muster.

“Are you sure it’s still early it’s only ten?” Sam said checking her phone.

“Yeah I am beat guys I’m sorry.” I said hugging them both before leaving.

After our good byes I started back to the dorms. It was a peaceful walk through campus. No one was around the lights where dime and all around me I could hear nature. There was a light breeze and the crickets where having a blast playing their little tunes. I walked slow to enjoy this peace and quiet. I finally got back to the dorm and just as I shut the door and locked it behind me my phone was going off.

[Jay text] where are you? Are you ok?

[my reply] I am fine I told you I wasn’t going to stay long. Night have fun.

[Jay text] why didn’t you tell me I would have at least walked you back home.

[My reply] no worries I made it ok. Thanks though

[Jay text] can I come and see you before you go to sleep

[My reply] maybe tomorrow I am really tired it’s been a long week. Sorry

Just as I open the fridge door there is a knock at the door. I roll my eyes and go to open the door.

“You know you should at least as who it is Zoey.” Jay scolded me.

“I figured it was you.” I said and walked back to the fridge.

As I was bent over looking for something good to eat his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me up. I spun around and he pushed me into the fridge door pinning me. With his hands on either side of my head he pressed his body to mine. I started to breath heavy and get nervous. I could feel his warmth and smell his body spray. His smell and closeness made me shiver.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he lowered his head.

“Noth..” was all I could get out before his lips landed on mine.

My arms snaked around his neck and my hands where in his hair. He lifted me up and carried me to my bedroom. I sat down putting me on his lap and we continued to kiss. He leaned back and our lips never left each other. What felt like a few minutes of kissing must have been hours, I heard the front door open followed by laughing and hushes from Sam and Becca. I bolted up right jumped off of Jay’s lap. He sat up looking at me confused.

“Zoey what’s wrong?” Jay asked.

“I can’t do this with you Jay please just go.” I said looking down trying to hold back the tears.

“Please don’t push me away I love you, what do I have to do to prove that to you?” he pleaded walking over to me.

“You can’t so just drop it and move on.” I said walking to the bed to lie down.

I kicked me shoes off and wrapped myself up in my blanket hoping he would get the hint and leave. Boy was I wrong. After a few minutes I calmed down and he was crawling in the bed behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Zoey I love you and I am not going anywhere without you, and if this is about Kelsey kissing me and me dancing with her tonight then I will go and tell her in front of everyone that I love you with all my heart and that she needs to stay as far away from me as possible.” He whispered in my ear. He paused, waiting for my response and when he didn’t get one he continued on.

“Baby I am in love with you and only you please give me a real chance?” he asked.

I had no idea what to say or if I could talk with our crying so I just lifted the blanket giving him access to scoot closer to me and hold me. Once we both got comfortable he kissed the back of my head and I fell into a deep sleep. I woke up to a pounding on the door. I jumped up and looked down to Jay rolling over looking at the door. I went to get off the bed and open the door but Jay put his arm out and got up and opened the door. Kelsey was standing on the other side.

She walked in yelling “What the hell are you doing Zoey this is my boyfriend, what a whore.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Jay asked.

“Us baby I am talking about us, please stop cheating on me I love you Jay.” She pleaded wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Look if you two want to have a love fest get out of my room.” I scowled

“Zoey stop I told you last night you are the only girl for me and I truly meant every word, so Kelsey get the fuck out and leave us alone. I am in love with this girl and nothing you say or do will change that now leave us alone.” He said coming over to the bed and wrapping me in his arms.

Kelsey’s mouth dropped and she stormed out of my room. I looked at Jay and smiled then started to lie back down. Just as I got comfortable my phone started to ring. The coach had texted me.

[Coach text]I am sorry to inform you that we had to make some more cut backs to the team this year and the people cut are Zoey, Sam, and Becca.

I read the text and the water works started. Jay wrapped me in his arms to comfort me and read the text. The threw the phone on the bed and rocked me back and forth trying to soothe me. I heard footsteps and Sam and Becca came into the room. I looked up to see them coming to the bed.

“I am so sorry guys this is all my fault.” I cried.

“Shh no it’s not, this is the doings of that skank, but hey it’s ok we can still play for fun with the boys.” Sam said hugging me

“Yeah it’s not like any of us wanted to do this for a scholarship so who cares.” Becca smiled hugging us.

I smiled through the tears and hugged them back. Once we all calmed down they went back to bed. I looked at Jay and he just laughed.

As my tears started again, “Why are you laughing at me, I’m crying?”

“I’m sorry honey, I swear I’m not laughing at you I am laughing at myself.” He said kissing my head.

“What are you talking about?” I asked wiping my tears away.

“I laughed because I realized that I think you are beautiful when you cry, sleep, run, yell at me, and any thing you do is adorable. I love you Zoey.” He said compassionately then kissing my nose.

"You have issues." I said laughing through my tears.

We laid back down and slept for another two hours before getting up to start our day. When we got up everyone else was already in the living room watching T.V and eating breakfast. Sam must have known that I was feeling really down since she made all my favorites. The kitchen was filled with chocolate chip pancakes, hash browns, dippy eggs, peanut butter toast, sausage links. My eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas and Jay laughed at me.

"Why you laughing now?" I asked confused.

Wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck "you are the cutest thing in the universe that is why."

"What did I do now?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"The excitement in your eyes, the fact that you can be so happy with something as simple as pancakes." He laughed picking up a pancake.

"This is not just a pancake it is a chocolate chip pancake thank you very much." I gasped grabbing the pancake from his hand and eating it.

Shaking his head he just chuckled and handed me a plate so we could finally eat. Once our plates where as full as possible, we headed to the living room with the others and sat down. They were watching Scooby-doo the movie. The couch was crowded so Jay and I cuddled up on the floor to eat and watch movies. Around noon the mean girl’s doors opened and they came out with their suitors. The guys all came straight to the living room to say hi and in unison the girls just rolled their eyes and went to the kitchen.

"No wonder you guys got cut from the team you’re too fat to play" Kelsey said holding up a pancake.

"Jump off a bridge." Becca said with a smile.3

"Whatever loser." Kelsey said rolling her eyes and walking away.

"So what do you want to do today my love?" Jay leaned into my shoulder and asked me.

"Well we should study we do have a big test on Monday and then maybe a jog, after that I am not sure we can figure that out when we come to that bridge though." I said kissing him and getting up to get ready.

Jay stood up and following me to put our dishes in the sink then on to my bedroom. He closed the door behind him as I opened my book bag to get my biology book out. As I go to turn around I run right into his chest and my cheeks get hot.

"Hey what you up to?" I asked shyly.

"Oh nothing just thinking about maybe kissing my beautiful, smart, funny, sexy girlfriend." He said as he pulled me into his arms.

"Just thinking about it?" I asked sarcastically.

He laughed then pulled me into him and kissed me. His kisses started soft and sweet then in a matter of minutes turned to hunger and lust. One hand went into my hair and the other snaked around my lower back pulling me into him.

"Ouch!" I squealed.

Jay jumped back wide eyed letting me go completely and said "What, What did I do?"

"The corner of the damn book went into my ribs." I said laughing at him.

Relief and irritation was in his eyes as he shook his head at me. Then he said, "Why the hell would you do that I thought I really hurt you somehow."

I wrapped my arms around his waste and softly kissed his cheek as i laughed.

"I love how much you care." I said smiling up at him.


Chapter 5
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