He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, Danielle Phillips [little readers .txt] 📗

- Author: Danielle Phillips
Book online «He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, Danielle Phillips [little readers .txt] 📗». Author Danielle Phillips
It has been two weeks since the girls and I have been kicked off of the softball team. They lost their last two games and Queen Bitch was not happy.
"Hey Zoey how did you do on you midterms?" Becca asked pulling her graded papers out.
"i dont know i am to scared to open the envelopes." i said looking at the scarriest thing in the school.
Knock, Knock.
"Door is open." Sam yelled pulling each graded test out and looking it over.
"So how did everyone do?" Jay asked as he walked in with the guys behind him.
"Well i did pretty good nothing under a B-." Becca said.
"Same here." Sam said with a grin.
"And what about you my love?" Jay asked while wrapping his arms around my waist.
"i dont have the guts to open them." i said looking at the envelopes as if they would kill me.
Jays eyebrows rise and he looks to the girls for an answer. They shrug their shoulders and take the envelopes and open them for me. Sam's eyes get wide as she opens the first one.
"Oh my God Zoey i am so sorry." Sam said looking at me sympathetically.
"What why what does it say?" i eagerly cry.
"D+" was all Sam could say.
My eyes widened and i snatched the papers from her. In big red writing all the papers said A+ or A++.
My heart slowed back down and my muscles relaxed as i laughed and said "you are pure evil Sam."
We all started to laugh as i eased back into Jays arms.
"Well that was fun who wants to go get some food?" Tim asked pointing to the door.
We all agree in unison and get up to head to the cafateria. I was starving for some reason even though I had just eaten a bowel of cerel less than an hour ago. We walked in silence enjoying the weather when suddenly i was so dizzy i had to lean on Jay to stay up.
"Zoey are you ok?" Jay asked grabbing my shoulders to balance me.
"Yeah I think so I just got so dizzy all of the sudden." I said trying to gain my balance.
"Have you eaten at all today?" Jay asked.
"She has been eating almost every thirty minutes and dowing water and apple juice for the past two days" Sam said worried.
"Guys i am fine lets just go and get some food please" I begged.
"Fine but after we eat we go straight back to the dorms and you are going to lay down" Jay said in a worried tone.
"Bed sounds amazing right now" i agreed feeling very drained.
After a few minutes the dizzy spell was gone and i was back to being just hungry and tired. We got to the cafeteria and all the smells made me slightly nauseated. I tried to ignore it as best I could and walked straight to the one place that was making my mouth water. The pizza place. Once I was surrounded by the smell of pizza my upset stomach settled and the hunger rose up agian. i ordered a whole pizza with banana pepers, olives, chicken, and onions. Jay looked at me like I was crazy and I just stared down the food till it was done. Once we all had what we wanted we went out side and found a nice little table under a tree to eat in peace. Jay sat next to me eating his pizza and the others got some sort of subs. I took a bite of the pizza and it was good but it was still missing something. Then the bell lite up, mustard, i was missing mustard.
"Eww what the hell are you doing?" Becca screeched at me as i started to dip the pizza into the mustard and eat it.
"What it tastes amazing you have to try it before you say its nasty." i said offering her a bite.
"No Not going to happen that is just not right." she said with a twisted face.
"That should be illegal to do to pizza." Sam laughed.
They girls made fun of me but Jay just stared at me with a questioning look. I wonder what is going through his mind. I hope he doesn't get mad cause of this i know it's weird but for some reason i really want it. We finish eating and head back to the dorms.
"Hey you guys want to watch some movies and relax since we all worked so hard on our tests?" Sam asked.
"Sure we can relax today and tomorrow and then raise hell the next ten days till we start classes again" Tim chuckled.
Jay and I walked side by side behind everyone else silently. I could tell he was distracted and thinking about something but for some reason i was scared to ask what. As we walked I looked up at him to see his eyes shifting from me, to the others, then to any where but in my direction. Every time he looked away from me i could feel my heart sink and my stomach turn. Something was really bothering him and i needed to know what it was before i had a mental break down. I decided to wait till after i took my nap so i was well rested and prepared for the wost. We got back to the dorms and the girls had some frieds over and they were in the kitchen burning something. I ignored them and just walked into the bedroom to change and lay down. once i was in some baggy shorts and a loose T-shirt i jumped into bed and signaled for Jay to join me. He sat on the edge on the bed and ran his hand through my hair.
"Baby are you sure you are ok?" He asked with a worried tone.
"Yes it's probably just stress or im about to start my period or something." i said drifting into sleep.
I woke up around dinner time and the dorm was quiet. I stretched and got up to see if anyone else was home. I walked to my door and found a note from the girls saying they went to get food and they would be back soon with dinner. With a smile on my face i opened the door to go to the kitchen and seen someone laying on the couch. I was hoping it was Jay so i could talk to him.
"Jay is that you?" i whispered as i walked to the couch.
i could see slight movements and heavy breathing. In my mind i knew it was someone messing around but i kept walking forward. I walked to the lamp and turned it on to find Jay and some girl i have never met before on the couch naked having sex surrounded by empty bottles of liquore. Jay looked at me in anger as if he was about to yell at me to get out till he seen my face and he froze. The girl on the other hand thought she was a cowgirl at the rodeo and kept on going and in a few minutes while still looking me in the eyes he came.
"What the hell is this?" i yelled at jay.
"This is me having sex with my new best friend who are you?" The girl asked.
"so how long have you two been freinds?" i asked still staring at Jay who is frozen like a deer in the head lights.
"Oh i dont know about a week now." She said smiling and giving him a kiss on the neck as she dismounted.
"Jay get your clothes on and get the fuck out of my dorm and never come back." i said as i handed him his clothes and slapped him across the face.
"Zoey no wait please." he slurred as he tried to get up. Just as i got to the bathroom and slammed the door i heard the front door open and the girls came home.
"Jay what the hell are you doing?" Sam yelled.
"What I was just drunk and went to sleep on the couch and then i woke up in the dark and i didnt pay attnetion to who was on top of me i jsut started going, Fuck" Jay yelled punching something.
"Guys i think you should all leave for the night." Becca said handing the boys their half of the food.
"Good going Dick" Tim said pushing Jay out the door.
"Im sorry man i dont know what happened where is Zoey?" Jay asked as he is being pushed to his dorm.
After a few minutes i dont hear anything any more so i open the bathroom door to find Sam and Becca waiting for me with food and open arms. I couldnt help but smile and kind of chuckle at them for already knowing me so well. I instantly started to ball my eyes out and went into their arms for comfort. We went to the living room once i calmed down and we started to eat and watch cartoons. After i finished eating and was not even three episodes into spongebob i was out cold again. I am not sure why i am feeling so off the past week but i hope it goes away soon. The next moring i am woke up by a knock at the front door. As i open my eyes i see the girls on the couch sleeping and i was in the chair. i rubbed my eyes and got up to open the door. As i reached for the door knob i hoped it wouldn't be Jay yet i sort of hoped that it would be him.
"Zoey can we talk please?" Jay pleaded as he reached for my hand and i backed away.
"What do you want say"? I asked in a low voice as my head fell andi staired at he ground.
"im sorry, i love you, it was a mistake, dont leave me?" Jay said as he stepped closer to me.
"Jay I love you with all of my heart, but how can i be with someone who got drunk in my dorm and had sex with some random girl on my couch. And to add insult to injury i caught you in the middle of it and you didnt even try and stop when i caught you. you just kept going till you busted and then wanted something to do with me. So no we are not together any more. I will always be here as your friend and lab partner but nothing else." i said through tears and i closed the door.
A few days have gone by and i am still feeling sick and now i am puking almost every morning when i wake up. Sam and Becca went to lunch with the guys and Jay so i decided to stay back and go to the school nurse.
"Hello Mrs. Newman I am not feeling well can you take a look at me please?" i asked when i seen the nurse at the desk.
"Well of course honey lets get you into a room and you can tell me what has been going on." The little old lady says ushering me to an empty room.
"Well for the past ten days i have been getting dizzy, puking, hungry, cramping, tired, and more emotional than usual" i said recalling everything that i might have done or had an issue with.
"Hmm when was your last period dear?" she asked looking me oddly.
"I get it between the sixth and the twelveth of overy month, why?" i asked.
"did you get it at that time last month?" She asked.
"yes" i replied wondering what my period had to do with it.
"Well today is the twentyth, so have you getten it this month?" she asked raising her eye brows.
i paused thinking back and no i hadn't "NO i dont think i did." i said.
"Are you sexually active?" said Mrs. Newman
"um yes" i said nervously.
She smile and said "It will be ok Honey we will just run some tests and you will be out of here before you finish you math homework on a good day." and she left the room.
A few minutes later
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