» Romance » Happy little accident, ME! [good non fiction books to read txt] 📗

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I’m guessing by the scream that came from Charlotte, it wasn't so good for her. Then I saw Jamie, he was looking at my with the most sympathetic look in his eyes I've ever seen. I ran out of the room, tears were streaming down my face, Katie tried to grab me but I shook her off. When I got out of the house, I felt another hand n my arm, it was tighter this time, I knew it was Jamie.
“Would you get off me!” I spun round and pushed him away. “ How could you do this to me! Who tells someone that they like them, and then gets in bed with another girl, WHO DOES THAT!” I was so mad at him. It felt like someone had just ripped out my heart and stomped all over it.
“Bug! You don’t understand, she came over to me and told me that you left with Liam! I knew I shouldn't have believed her but I felt so crushed after I told you how I felt, it seemed like you didn't care! Bug I’m so sorry, please listen to me!” He tried grabbing my hands but I pushed him away. I noticed he was crying.
“If I really meant that much to you Jamie, you would never have gone with her, you would have come to find! I’m done trying to get you to notice me, you know I bought this dress to impress you? Yeah turns out I just made a total joke out of myself right, cause you don’t even seem to notice me! You can make the effort with me now, I’m sick of trying. When you've made your mind up please let me know.” It felt good to get that off my chest, I just let me emotions flow right in front of him and I didn't even care. I didn't want to hear what he had to say, I just walked away. I walked until I got home.
When I got home, I just slumped to the floor, my emotions over come me, I couldn't breathe, it was like Charlotte has sucked all the air out of me. I couldn't contain my tears, my chest felt like it was about to cave in. How could he do this? Why would he do this? The voice popped in my head again. ‘Grace, stop. Your stronger than this, get up and get a shower, just forget about tonight. Forget about everyone. Go on, get up.’ The little voice was right, my heart was intent on not letting me get up but I pushed myself up and got into the shower. The hot water hitting me was so relaxing, it was like rain but warm. I did forget about the nights in tales, only for a minute but it felt so great! For some reason, I put on Jamie's t-shirt that he let me borrowed the night of the dinner. It still smelt of him. I pushed away the tear and swallowed the lump in my throat, as much as it hurt, I smiled. When I was drying my hair my phone began to ring, it was Katie.
“Gracie oh, are you okay? I heard what happened, Charlotte’ a little leach and she was jealous . You can’t blame Jamie, he was hurt cause he thought you didn't care. Just after you left he kicked everyone out, he looked like he’d been crying.” I heard a knock at my door, weird, why would Katie call and the knock on my door?
“Look I have to go, but I’m fine. Talk to you later.” I hung up on her again, I couldn't stand to hear her defend him. I ran down the stairs, all I had on was Jamie’s t-shirt and some bed shorts. I opened the door to find Jamie stood there. His eyes were sadder than before, but he gave me a sweet little smile. Despite it all, it still made my heart flutter like I was seeing him for the first time. I tried to block it out, so I slammed his door in his face, but he managed to push back.
“Bug! I’m sorry please let me in. Let explain. Please?” He looked like he was going to cry, he was the first boy I’ve ever seen cry over a girl. So I let him in, I never said a word just moved aside, leaving a little gap for him to see through. He banged him head on the on the door, I couldn't help but laugh at him. “ Aw see I knew you couldn't stay mad at me bug.” He gave me a cheeky wink, so I elbowed him in the ribs. He moved closer so he was looking down on me, he was at least 6’2 and I was only 5’6. He placed both hands gently on my face, I tried to pull back but he wasn't going to let me go. “ You know bug, if you like someone for longer than four months without losing any feeling just gaining more, it means you love that person. And guess what? I've liked you so much longer than 4 months so I guess that means I love you bug.” The oxygen left my body once again, but for good reasons this time. I was speechless, all that came out of my mouth was babble. He laughed and put his finger over my mouth. “ Don’t say anything bug, I know you feel the same its obvious. Nice shirt by the way.” He winked at me. I was about to protest but I felt his lips touch mine gently. I pulled away out of shock, but it felt so nice. I caught his gaze, his eyes had gone from being so said, to glowing within 4 seconds. This time I leaned in for the kiss, not just a peck, a proper kiss. It gave me Goosebumps just being this close to him. I was kissing him! It felt magical, like something had taken over my body. Before I knew it Jamie picked me up and he was carrying me upstairs, to my room. Oh god it was going to happen, again! This time it was different though, it meant something, it was special. I think I was having a panic attack, oh please not now, nothing is going to ruin this. “Do you wanna do this bug?” He asked as he laid me down on my bed, I nodded. He kissed me again, then took off his shirt. His body was like a god! Like it had been chiseled by angels. I tried my best not to stare but it was too perfect not to. He then took my shirt off and leaned down to kiss my neck. I won’t go into detail, but the night was perfect, magical even. I did not expect my night to end like this, but I’m glad it did.

Chapter Four

I forced my eyes open the next morning, I hoped it wasn't a dream. I prayed even. My eyes wouldn't fully open, so I used my hands to see if anyone was there. I felt nothing at first, my heart sank a little. Then I felt something warm touch my arm, my eyes had fully open now, and I saw him looking at me, smiling. He was so perfect, it almost took my breath away. The way he looked at me made me feel like I was the only person in the world that mattered. Made me feel special. His eyes glistened brighter than I've ever seen them go, for the first time in a while he looked happy.
“Good morning bug, you look like you slept well.” He winked at me, as a huge smile spread across his face.
“No I didn't, had some great lump hogging the bed all night.” I returned the wink. I could tell by the smile on his face he knew I was lying. My sleep was amazing, cuddling Jamie made me feel safe and secure; I could feel his muscles in his arms tense every time I moved. It was weird being with Jamie like this because we've never been this close; well except for the first time, but we never cuddle, straight after we were playing COD. I laughed at the memory. “ You remember the first time we did it? You were so nervous, straight after you were like ‘ So, you wanna play COD?’ I could hear your voice shaking. Aw you were so cute, what happened?” He gave me a cheeky nudge.
“I got experience Bug, that's what happened. I was only nervous because I’d liked you for so long and I didn't think you liked it, you don’t know what it’s like, you’re not a boy! But when I was with other girls, I wasn't as bothered because I didn't care, can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but I wanted to get better, to impress you.” He went shy all of a sudden and tried covering his face when he saw me laughing.
“Oh no, I wasn't laughing at you.” I tried to pull his hands from his face, but he was so strong. I decided to switch tactics and just tickle him, that soon did the trick. “ I wasn't laughing at you, I was just laughing at the fact you were trying to impress me. Sex doesn't matter to me, I mean it was amazing don’t get me wrong, but I could live without it. You can’t use me as an excuse for you to be a slut either.” I gave him my cheekiest smile just so he’d no I was messing with him.
“And you think I need it too live? Thanks bug. And I am not a slut, just very popular.” His face looked pretty hurt by what I said, it made me feel bad. He noticed that the smile had gone from my face. He grabbed my chin gently and pulled my head up so my nose was touching his. He kissed me, it was better than the first time. He was so gentle with every touch, you wouldn't have thought he was a football player! I could feel him smile as we kissed, it was the best feeling to know that he thought it was just as good as I did. “I know it’s too soon but, I love you bug, I really do.”
I hesitated before I replied “ I-I love you too” I hope it sounded real, because I meant it. I smile of relief spread across his face, made my heart flutter. “ I hate to ruin the moment, but I have to ask. Um, did you like Charlotte? Crazy I know but when she was around it was like you were trying to make her jealous. I- I don’t know, just me being stupid I guess.” I tried to turn away, but he held on tight.
“I was trying to make her jealous.” Wow. I wish I never asked. My chest felt like it was caving again, but I tried not to show it hurt. “But not in the way you think. It was horrible of me I know, I just know how she treated you and I knew she liked me

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