» Romance » Happy little accident, ME! [good non fiction books to read txt] 📗

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closer to her.
“I do not think I'm perfect. The only reason Jamie went with you was because you manipulated him. You’re just a jealous bitch that needs to get over herself. And it wasn't a lucky shot, stop trying to compensate for me hitting you. This, whatever is going on between us is over. I don’t even want to argue with you anymore, this doesn't mean I want us to be friends. This means you don’t even exist to me at all, get over yourself and move on.” She was about to protest but I shoved her arm back towards her side. “ It’s over Charlotte.” I turned and pushed my way through the crowd, that had seemingly got bigger. For some reason, this time I didn't want to hit her, I was happy that I just walked away. Proud even. I heard Jamie's voice calling me, so I stopped and sat on one of the empty tables in the cafeteria.
“What just happened? You didn't hit Charlotte again did you? Cause if I missed it I will be pissed.” He laughed and sat down, he’d bought me chili Doritos and a Dr Pepper. “ Here I got you these because I know there your favorite; I know you can’t eat me during school hours, so I’m your desert for later.” He wink at me and leaned in for a cheeky kiss. I leaned in and stole it.
“Mm I’m looked forward to this desert.” I bit my lip and winked at him to tease him. He scowled cheekily at me. “ With me and Charlotte, I was just telling her that she no longer exists to me and that she needs to get over herself blah blah blah.”
“Aw that's my little Viking! Remind me, never get on your bad side.” He squeezed my arms and pulling faces as he did. We were interrupted by Miss Magee.
“Gracie dear, your Dad’s here to pick you up. We've notified you teachers, so that's all dealt with. You better hurry, he’s been waiting 10 minutes already!” She even spoke quickly. As much as I didn't want to do this, I had to say goodbye to Jamie, I know it was only for an hour but it was hard. I kissed him 5 times before I managed to pull myself away because I knew I had to face my dad sooner or later. When I walked to the front of the school, I saw my dad leaning against his white land rover. I hesitated before walking over, I needed time to think what I was going to say; what would you say if you hadn't seen your dad in a year and you just found out he had cancer and he was dying? Difficult huh?. I saw his wife in the driver’s seat of the car, this was going to get more awkward. I wonder if my brother was in the car, I couldn't see that far. My dad had seen me stood there like a stalker just watching them. I edged my way towards him. As I got closer, I saw how ill he actually was, he’d lost a lot of weight; I know it’s been a year but my dad was actually handsome, he was only 32. He didn't actually look like he had long left. It didn't seem fair that he was so young and he was dying. When I had been with my dad he understood me more than my mom, I like being around him. For a year I thought he never wanted to see me but it was my mom stopping him, she was jealous of our relationship; even though we were really close. I couldn't contain my tears, they just flooded out of my eyes. I didn't want him to leave me again. My dad hugged me tightly. I wasn't the same as before, his arms had lost all of their muscle, I felt like I was the one squashing him for once. I didn't feel protected when he hugged me anymore.
“My little girl. I've missed you so much. I’m sorry I didn't try hard enough for you. I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you.” He kissed my forehead then cupped my face in his hands. “But I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere for a while.” He smiled then opened the door of the car, Michelle and Louie greeted me, and I returned the hellos. My dad understood why I wasn't talking, so he didn't try and make conversation. I had noticed Michelle’s belly, at first I thought she was fat but turns out she’s pregnant and it’s a girl; another thing my mom was keeping from me. My little brother Louie was sat beside me, he was 13 and he was the reason my dad left my mom and me. I guess I should be hurt, but my dad tried for me, he just couldn't stay with my mom to do so. Louie and I were very close considering we didn't see each other very often; he was my little brother and I would always look out for him. The journey to my house was awkward and silent, no one said a word and the only sound there was, was from Louie’s Nintendo. When we eventually got to my house, my dad kissed Michelle and Louie bye, and told them he’d see them later for dinner. Apparently so was I. I jumped out of the huge car and waited for my dad, didn't want to face this on my own.
“You ready for this dad?” I gave him a sly smile. We both knew what was going to be waiting behind that door. When I opened it I was surprised to see my mom stood there with the most friendliest smile I've seen on her face.
“Hey guys. Kane how are you?” There was something not right about this situation. What was my mother up too. “Gracie sweetie, take your dad through to the living room and I’ll be in with drinks.”
“Oh mom cut the crap. Stop acting all gracious, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and your stupid games.” It got me so angry when she did this and pretended like nothing was wrong, when t was and it was all her fault.
“Gracie Sophia Taylor that is no way to speak to your mother.” My grandma came round the corner. She hated being called grandma because she was so ‘young’. She did have my mom when she was 16 too, it must run in the family or it’s just a curse. Hopefully, I was going to break free of the curse. My birthday was a month away and I was turning 17. “Now I know she’s no saint, and this is mainly her fault but she is your mother and you treat her with respect. You got that?” What would she know, she obviously screw up my mom so she was like this and the exact same thing was going to happen to me. I sat down on the sofa and my dad sat next to me. My grandma sat opposite and my mom next to her.
“Wow, I forgot how much you look each other.” My mom said with astonishment on her face.
“Oh now I know why you resent me so much, because I remind you of dad and what you lost, right?” I replied sarcastically. My mom’s face dropped. A stabbing pain hit my stomach, I felt bad for how I treated her. “I- I’m sorry mom. I didn't mean that.” I put my face down in shame. “Can I ask though? Why did you keep my dad away for a year? I needed him, I needed you both. And you kept him away from me. You even knew he had cancer but you never told me, that's the worst thing you could ever do and I will never forgive you for that.” I was crying uncontrollably and my dad had his arm around me. My mom was crying too.
“Grace I don’t resent you! I’m sorry I kept things from you and I never would expect you to forgive me because I wouldn't forgive me either. What I did was out of spite towards your dad, and I was jealous. When your dad came round or called you always got so excited to see him, I felt like you forgot about me. So I stopped him from seeing you and told you that he didn't want to see you. I’m so sorry. To the both of you.” My mom cried in to her hands. I just looked at my dad, looking for guidance but he just stared at the floor. Then he raised his head and looked directly at my mom with pain in his eyes.
“ What you did was more than spiteful. Your 32 years old, neither of us is 16 again. You need to start making adult decisions and put what we had behind you. If Gracie wants she can come see me on weekends and some day’s if she wants too.” He looked at me with eagerness in his eyes.
“Um yeah, I’d love to. Get to spend time with you, Michelle and Louie.” I smiled at him sweetly. My mom was just watching us, with hurt in her eyes.
“So that's sorted then. Is Jamie coming round?” My mom asked.
“Jamie Baker? Wow I didn't know you too were still so close.” I felt my face redden with embarrassment.
“Um yeah, but he’s my boyfriend now.” I turned away so I didn't have to look at my dad in the face. He was still very protective over me, this dinner was going to be awkward.
“ Oh well, I’d love to see him. I might just wait until he gets here.” His fist clenched when I told him he was already on the way. I went upstairs to get changed. I heard the front door go and my dad greeting Jamie, then Jamie walking up the stairs.
“ Dude, your dad has got one strong handshake!” He said staring at his hand, inspecting it to see if anything was badly damaged. “ I think he dislocated my pinkie.” He pulled a sad puppy dog face and held his little finger out for me to kiss it. I yanked his finger then kissed it better. “Mm, my lips are hurting too, I think you should kiss those better?” He looked at me cheekily and puckered up his lips. I covered his mouth with my hand and kissed my hand.
“You Mr can stay here and wait for that kiss while I go say bye to my dad. Unless I’ll get him to come up here?” I could see he was scared of my dad, so I teased him about it. He sat patiently on my bed and told me to hurry up. “ I’ll see you on the weekend dad!” I was genuinely excited to spend the weekend with him. I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him goodbye. I stood at the door and waved him, Michelle and Louie off.
“Gracie, I’m going out with Mia and I'm getting ready there.. I’m guessing Jamie’s staying the night. I won’t be home too late. Your Grandma’s dropping me off and then she’s going home so say bye.” I turned round to my Grandma and kissed her good bye and she told me she’d be back soon. Then my mom cupped my face in her hands and kissed me on the nose. “Baby, I’m sorry. I’ll see you tomorrow. No hankie pankie!” Then she left. I wasn't going to promise her anything. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. When I got back to my room, Jamie was sat in the same place. I walked over and stood in front of him, he put his hands on my thighs. I kissed his nose. “ My dad said bye.” I winked at him and pulled my tongue out.
“Great turn off Gracie. But can we not
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