» Romance » Happy little accident, ME! [good non fiction books to read txt] 📗

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coming to the mall and then staying at mine? After school of course.” she asked with a face full of popcorn.
“I can’t! I’m sorry, I’m going to my dad’s till Monday.” I felt bad because we hadn't hung out in a while. All of a sudden she spat out the popcorn that was in her mouth. In my face.
“Wait your dads? What! I’m so confused dude.” She wiped the popcorn from my hair. “Oops, sorry about that!”
“I haven’t had chance to tell you this yet. But um my dad, he’s um- um he’s dying.“ I focused on the TV. I will not cry.
“Gracie are you serious! Oh my god!” She grabbed my head and pulled me close to her for a hug. “You should have come to me sooner, I would have been here for you, you know that right! Aw Gracie I’m sorry.” She sounded like she was going to cry for me, but for once I wasn't going to cry. I didn't feel like I had to.
“Sorry I didn't tell you, I was kinda in shock for a couple days, but at least I get to spend time with him, Louie and of course Michelle, who by the way is pregnant with my new baby sister and is about to pop anytime soon!” I was finally going to have a baby sister. I was praying that Michelle would go into labor the weekend I was there because then I would have to wait to meet her.
“Aw, that's adorable! I wanna meet her when she’s her too!” She sounded enthusiastic. Katie had also gotten along with my dad because she was always here when we were younger. On the subject of pregnancy, we decided to watch Juno. It was one of mine and my mom’s favorite films, she says that it ‘resembled’ what she went through minus the adoption part. As we were watching it, I realized Jamie hadn't text me in a while. I decided I should text him; ‘Hey Jamie, hope you got there safe! Missing you already baby! I love you J xxx’ I slid my phone away from me so I wouldn't be frantically sat staring at it until he replies- If he replies. We watched the end of Juno, and decided to talk about what would happen if either of us got pregnant, I wonder how that came about.
“Dude, if I ever got pregnant I don’t think I’d live to see another day, wait actually I think they’d make me go through the pain of labor and then they’d kill me. And screw up the baby, and repeat the same procedure.” She grabbed a cushion and shoved it under her top to make it look like a perfect baby bump. “ Yeah, I don’t think I’d look right if I had a bun in the oven, I’d hate to get fat!”
“I don’t know what I’d do if I got pregnant, my mom wouldn't be pleased but she wouldn't be able to say anything because it would make her a hypocrite. I don’t think abortion is right. You know on ‘My sisters keeper’ at the beginning? When she says that she was a little piece of blue sky? That's exactly what I think, why would you abort something like that?” Katie was looking at me like I was a mad person, for 2 reasons; one was because I've seen My sisters keeper too many times, and two because she’s probably worried that I'm going to end up with 10 kids.
“What about when people are in like bad situations?” She sounded angry by what I said.
“No of course in bad situations I guess it’s useful, but I wouldn't say it was good personally, I wouldn't do it.” I tried to defend myself, which I kinda did, it also calmed her down. All of a sudden Katie shoved the cushion up my top , smoothing round the edges. It almost looked like a real bump. There was a photo on the mantelpiece of my mom pregnant. I looked back at the mirror, then to the photo. It was like spot the difference, it scared the crap out of me. I immediately removed the cushion from my t-shirt. I felt sick at the thought of me being like that, I mean I wouldn't hate it but it scared me. “Can we please change the subject?” It annoyed me a little that it scared me. I never thought about getting pregnant before, it only put pressure on things that didn't need to have pressure on them.
“Do you think Jamie would still be a slut if you weren't with him?” What. Did she really just ask me that?! I have no idea why I'm getting annoyed because he was a slut before I was with him, and he probably would still be one if I weren't with him.
“Um yeah I guess, but I'm with him so he’s not.” I snapped back.
“ Okay, jeeze I was just asking, I mean all the girls he had before and the girls that were lining up for him. I’m not saying anything bad, I just worry cause what if you guy’s ever, god forbid, split up, he’ll just flaunt all these girls in your face.” She sounded concerned and I understood where she was coming from and as much as I didn't want to think about us not being together, she was right.
“ I suppose your right.” I mumbled, I didn't like giving people the satisfactions that they were right.
“Of course I'm right, I'm a fricking genius.” She was sat upside on the sofa, her legs were hanging over the back and her head was hanging over the front. It looked fun, so I joined her. The rest of the night was spent telling each other we hadn't had chance to tell them, like the argument with Charlotte; she was too busy sucking face with Jake. And she told me how her and Jake's relationship is getting more serious, I felt like she was about to tell me they were running away together and starting a new life in Alabama. She wouldn't last five minutes without her mom and dad, the relied on them for everything; They gave her everything she ever wanted and they loved her unconditionally, they would never let her go. Then we watched a few more movies; Nemo, My sisters keeper(of course), dirty dancing and I am number 4.
It was 11 pm before we decided to go to bed, we had school in the morning after all. After all these years of being in high school and the school system in general, I begun to hate it. Don't get me wrong the education was great, it was the people in my school. For most of the arrogant popular kids and jocks; like Charlotte and Max , they don’t realize that high school is going to be the best times of their lives. Once you leave, society doesn't care about how popular you were in high school, how many boys or girls you've slept with, or how many bears you can chug in a minute. When you leave, it’s the time were you grow up and forget about what you were and start thinking about what you’re going to be. But as far as I can tell, that's going to be hard from the majority of students.
I had the worst night sleep ever, I felt nauseated all night, I had a horrible taste in my mouth and to top it off Katie snores like a pig. I also heard my mom stumble in at god knows what time, laughing her head off. The next morning I woke up with the worst head ached ever, I could barely walk straight because I was so dizzy. My mom had baked my favorite pancakes, but the sight and smell of them made me want to hurl.
“Mom, I think I'm coming down with something.” I sat sluggishly on the chair next to where she was. She looked at me with concern and interest. She also looked very annoyed all of a sudden, but must have noticed that I recognized this because she put her sad face on.
“Aw sweetie, go on back to bed and I call the school. You look green and clammy.” Katie looked at me with a worried look in her eye. I just nodded to my mom and dragged myself up the stairs. My mom was going to drop Katie off at school, so that was one less worry. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out of it. My dream was so weird and it scared the life out of me.
I was in the hospital, it was one of those dreams were you think it’s real. All I could here was little screams and cries of freshly born babies, and mothers screaming in pain. All of a sudden Katie walked in the stall I was in dress in a nurses outfit, what the hell was going on. Her smile was unnatural, it was too big for her face and she had too many teeth in her mouth. Someone touched my hand, it was Jamie. He had a huge smile too and blue tears in his eyes, then I heard it; the cry of a new born baby. It was coming from the bundle of blankets Katie was holding in her arms. She handed me the bundle and left the room, I looked inside the blanket and my face on a baby’s body appeared.

I woke up screaming, wow that was creepy. The talk of pregnancy really did freak me out. I totally forgot about Jamie, then my dream reminded me. I checked my phone, and a new message arrived just as I did so. ‘Hey bug, sorry I haven’t text, I was getting my room sorted and stuff. I wanna come home! I miss you so much I can’t wait for this 2 months to be over and I can cuddle my baby! My signals crap down here so sorry if I reply slow! I love you!xxx’ I instantly felt better, knowing he was okay and safe put my mind at ease.
My stomach was grumbling, I threw myself out of bed and managed to roll down the stairs. I wasn't going to throw up but my stomach made me feel like I was. It was horrible, but I was hungry. When I got in the kitchen, the smell of pancakes made me feel worse. That's a no to pancakes then. I grabbed a banana and managed to keep it down. When I’d finished, I grabbed a blanket and laid on the sofa. My mom left a note saying she was at woke and would be home by 4 pm. I hope I'm well enough to go tonight. I did feel better than I did this morning, I thought I’d have another sleep. Hopefully no scary dream.
I didn't have any dream, it was like I was floating through the sky. It was so relaxing and it made me feel so refreshed. Up until someone woke me. It felt like I hit the sofa with a thud, but I hadn't moved an inch.
“Gracie sweetie, I didn't mean to startle you. You feeling any better? I can call your dad if you’re not?” She was sat right in my face and stroking my face.
“No no, I feel better, just let me wake up first and I’ll get my stuff ready. I really could do with some food though.” I sat up wafting her hands away. I was still half asleep when she walked away to answer the phone. I heard her trying to whisper but she sucked at it. I caught on it was my grandma and the only other thing I heard was, ‘Good idea mom, if she’s like me it will make her throw up. That's how you know about me anyways. I can’t believe it.” That was one

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